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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 04:58 PM

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 05:05 PM
Thank god that the wheels of justice are once again moving.

Federal agents believe they have gathered sufficient evidence to charge Hunter Biden with crimes, according to a Washington Post report. The purported offenses involve tax violations and lying about drug use on a form to buy a gun.

Oh wait false alarm;

Regardless of who is making the decision, charges may not be imminent. First, it is important to differentiate the legal bar for charges and the standards required by Justice Department policy. Legally, an indictment may be filed if a grand jury finds probable cause. (Probable cause is defined as reasonable grounds to believe that the person has committed a crime.) But the Justice Department's Principles of Federal Prosecution require more. That policy manual states that prosecutors should seek indictments only if they believe the evidence is sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction. That is a much higher standard because the burden of proof at trial is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Well, there we have it folks, even if the government has your signature on a document, you can't be charged with a crime. I mean if you're a Biden. Now I know some of you all are going to say that this is just the media handling the case, but it's being framed as a tax issue and not...NOT an illegal gun purchase by Hunter.

I guess having video evidence of child porn and Schedule 1 drug use will now be called upon as a "Tax Issue". I swear at this point Hunter could go murder someone (which for all we know he has) and will get off as a "Tax Issue".

Well, there we have it the wheels of justice are rolling once again, this time it's rolling right over anything Biden and focusing on those who talk bad about them. Hillary could make a clean break from any wrongdoing by just saying that everything she ever did was because Joey-Joe told her to do it, and that would stop any investigation into anything. Hell, if Jeffery Dahmer was still alive, he could say that him and Hunter were sitting down to eat, and "POOF" no investigations due to "Tax Issues". Gary Ridgway could just tell the courts that he and Hunter were walking along the river, and "POOF", "Tax Issue" no investigation.

If nothing happens to Joey-Joe's "Smartest Man Alive" dude, then what the living "F" -Q-?

Remember back when Hunter was a possible -Q-? Now one has to wonder.

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 05:09 PM
Good Evening All…. 😊

So there’s a Draconian Constitution that replaced outright Brutally with “ The Rule of Law “…, gee, how special ! Every time I hear that phrase used by criminal politicians, it makes everything so clear that the LAW is applied to only those that seek to make use of these rigged laws they created and have the $ to “Win”…….it’s the law after all !

IDK guys, just have to believe there is more Good than Bad in Human Nature…for those of us in a position to influence our youth especially, but really everyone, let’s put our best foot forward , lol, in my case it’s the right foot, smashed by left foot in a horse back riding accident as a crazy teen…..yucky scar, but my foot works fine now !

Yeah,Yeah, doing my best, miss Brew Tiger’s inspirational posts……and Cranky too…. But life goes on and i need to make enchilada’s for the Fam and the neighbor across the street….🌶

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Kevin McHale
Paul nope another Drunk Democrat (mayor) driving drunk

I want to apologize to the residents of Fort Wayne and my family for the poor decision I made to get behind the wheel of a vehicle after drinking at a local function. I accept full responsibility for my actions,” the statement said.


EXCLUSIVE Revealed: Judge linked to competition fixing and sexual favours for prizes scandal that is rocking world of Irish dance was also embroiled in child sex abuse investigation involving three dancers

3Million voters unidentifiable
Only in NY?

RED FLAG: New Analysis Shows New York State Has OVER 3 MILLION Registered Voters Who DO NOT HAVE Proof of Identity – How Many Other States Face the Same Issue?

Don be mad bro

Zelenskyy Upset: Nobel Committee Refuses to Award Controversial Ukraine President Peace Prize
Dead SoulAsylum

SOUL ASYLUM BASSIST Karl Mueller, 41, died Friday at his home in Minneapolis after suffering from throat cancer. Mueller had been battling cancer since May of 2004.


edit on 2022/10/9 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 07:29 PM
Don't ya just luv science...

chikungunya WHO

Chikungunya is one of more than a dozen agents researched as a potential biological weapon in the USA.

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 08:20 PM

Tyson foods joins Caterpillar and Boeing in ditching Chicago amid huge crime wave under woke Mayor Lori Lightfoot

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

One of the aspects of this Hunter Biden investigation that really rubs me wrong is the gun. Who does background checks? The FBI. So of course the DOJ wants to avoid that charge, since it go's back to the recent whistle-blowers at the FBI. The form you fill out is not the end of the sale. The FBI background check is and if the check was "expedited" for Hunter it gives a glimpse into what's wrong at the FBI.
edit on 9-10-2022 by hangedman13 because: Spelling

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

What Draco did was remove the exclusivity and power that elites enjoyed by dictating the law as they saw fit, without review.

Kind of like the FISA court.

Anyway, his list of accomplishments is staggering, especially considering there was no existing legal basis to draw upon, like we have Common Law or the Magna Carta.

Regardless, I view him as a good figure. No wonder the modern establishment reviles him so much. The "Draconian" part stems from the fact there was only one prescribed punishment for all crimes; death. That's his one blunder, not distinguishing between capital crimes and minor ones, but I think the courts were not tied up with petty thefts anyway, and focused on more serious issues. Plus, there were no prisons or other modes of punishment either (afaik).

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Could you imagine the look on Trotskyists faces when they realized that J-Walking, Capital Murder, and political acceptance of a bribe all carry the death sentence?

I think that as long as Judges can be political appointed, having a true and fare legal system will be hard. Even if an absolutionist styled system was put in place (like what Draco tried to do), it would be very hard to maintain given that a judge could be bought or extorted. In the end it would just turn into what we have now where those with means don't face justice unless the public is forced into seeing the crimes the elites committed.


those with means don't face justice unless the public is forced into seeing the crimes the elites committed

So, quit hoarding all those details, and spill the beans on to the table for all the world to see.

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 10:13 PM
It's a Twitter thing, and a little more...

edit on 9-10-2022 by FlyingFox because: Troll Level Midnight

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 10:51 PM

Screencap from Biotech: The Sorcerer's New Apprentice - Session 2 - Chuck Missler (2005)

If you're into Biblical Eschatology...

Genetic Fall of Humanity

But here is one’s Theological and Eschatological Analysis, aside from the Medical Research. As Chuck Missler stated, when asked about Lucifer being cast down from Heaven and how only 1/3 or .33 of the Angles followed him. He stated, ‘It is about Numbers’. What? So, why all the Fallen Angel DNA Manipulations since Genesis 6 or before with Enoch and Mount Hermon? What is this all about? On 1 Level, it is about Lucifer and the Fallen Angels wanting to Mimic YHVH in the Creative Powers. They cannot. They cannot Crack the Code of Humanity’s DNA. Somehow YHVH has made it Tamper Proof, to an extent.

But back to the Numbers Chuck Missler rightly alluded to. You see, after the Rapture, and once the Bride of Christ then Faces her Accuser, and is Acquitted, Lucifer will then forfeit all his Thrones and those of the Fallen Angels that he, in particular still has Judicial Rights to, i.e., Accuser of the Brethren. But as Revelation 12 states, once Lucifer is forever Banished from Heaven, he will mount-up a Counter Attack and attempt to Invade Heaven. Problem? He is outnumbered. He only has 1/3. So, he needs to fill in the Ranks, How? Super Hybrid Humans that can withstand the Transference of Dimensions in their Body. Or to be able to fight, with enhanced Super Powers of sorts, perhaps against Jesus, the Holy Angels and the Bride when they return at Armageddon.
Y-H-V-H DNA Poster

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 11:21 PM

KU V22.99 061022 to 4958 incl DECODE tools

1) I got a chance to keep the dropbox open and kept it... still need to reload old files though,
2) Spreadsheet now contains 191k posts and tweets, of which 95k are key good guys in the Main Decode Results tab,
3) All new uploaded data rolled through decode tabs.

a) We are now on LAYER 31 of dates round the QClock, 31 = financial!
b) Oct 11th, Tuesday, will be minute position 29 of layer 31; 29 = 911... but also 29+31 = 60 = full circle.
edit on 9-10-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 11:58 PM
Make Athens Great Again

edit on 10-10-2022 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 01:32 AM
This New Scientist tweet, at 21:26 UTC on Sunday, may relate to post #3584

Multiplying grids of numbers is a key task for computers, and most do it with an algorithm developed over 50 years ago. Now an AI created by DeepMind has found a faster way to multiply, which could boost computation speeds box&utm_medium=social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1665306943


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9b601a No.7352944 📁
Nov 11 2019 19:30:45 (EST)
GOOG whistleblower
Project DeepMind?
AI Manhattan Project.”📁
[Feb 18 2018]
“Project DeepDream v2[A]?” – Q
Do you believe in coincidences?

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Hi Rel,

I understand you've had a lot of RL matters to deal with lately, but have to say the thread has been diminished without your regular commentary.


posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 03:23 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I agree!

Also to consider that I feel like the Calm Before The Storm and this thread has all the same vibe.

We are waiting.

We are waiting for the sleepy heads to wake up.

Soonish I hope and pray.

In the mean time if you are feeling jaded, just read the following. Hope it helps!



posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: pheonix358
Totally my feel as well, waiting.

28 minute mark, >

1 in every 110 covid vaxxed people had died by Jan 2022 compared to 1 in every 187 unvaxxed, gov statistics , as this slowly creeps it's way into mainstream legassy and collective human mind further n further, ganna get messy and much anger, cool heads will be needed, also much compassion n empathy.

Blessings n patience etc

UK data , gov

edit on 10-10-2022 by 13Kiwi20qYes because: exceptional timing is military

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 09:20 AM

Ukraine is the Keystone

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Which did you name Draco? The dog or the dragon? I love those dogs, but we call them Heelers. My brother and I raised them for a while. I have a beautiful female right now that is as nice as she can be unless I say "skit" then she will eat your lunch.

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

Yes, he's a Blue Heeler, they are great. Still grieving from losing the last dog, 2 weeks later he appeared to us at my friend's livestock farm. Not expecting to take another dog, but it was totally organic. He fits right into the team here.

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