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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I hit reply, type my response, and copy that whole message and move to the next one and do the same.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 05:02 AM
lucdc you got sum splainin' 2 do.

CDC Data & Scientific Study suggest 1.2 million Americans may already have died due to COVID Vaccination

Getting to the point, he revealed the most likely extent of COVID-19 vaccine damage in the U.S. alone: 7.2 million hospitalisations, 1.2 million deaths, 2.3 million permanently disabilities and 2.1 million cases of myocarditis.

Time to nap b4 work.

Lodges are burning in Canada Brazil explained
edit on 2022/10/7 by CrazyFox because: Wanted

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 07:32 AM
Well, it won't be long now. The cold fronts will bring on the rains. Ian sucked a lot of moisture from the Gulf that would be heading to the full extent of the Mississippi river valley. Next week will be the beginning of moisture packages punches down into our drought.

originally posted by: RookQueen
Force majeure declarations have begun due to barges stopped in Mississippi River due to low water levels

This affects not just the grains harvest, but fertilizer applications.

A logjam of ships, tugboats and barges due to low water levels on the Mississippi River is threatening to grind trade of grains, fertilizer and other goods to a halt, Bloomberg reports. Ingram Barge Company, the largest U.S. barge operator, declared force majeure in a letter to customers due to “near-historic” low water conditions on the Mississippi River. As of Wednesday afternoon, the Coast Guard said there was a queue of 122 vessels at Stack Island and 15 vessels at Memphis. Due to increased groundings, the number of vessels in tow is being restricted. -analysis/low-water-levels-mississippi-river-threatens-shipments

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 08:34 AM
The 8th was referenced a couple days ago
Abe JULY 8th
Mar largo aug 8
Queen sept 8
Midterm nov 8

Well, October 8th is the hunters moon (peak illumination is technically 0450 on the 9th, so think night leading into that is the 8th)

Hunt for red October?

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
The 8th was referenced a couple days ago
Abe JULY 8th
Mar largo aug 8
Queen sept 8
Midterm nov 8

Well, October 8th is the hunters moon (peak illumination is technically 0450 on the 9th, so think night leading into that is the 8th)

Hunt for red October?

That's an analysis and projection even we casual Q followers can understand.


posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Love that song! Thanks for the morning wake-up-at-my-work desk song! REO was great, with "You Can Tuna A Piano, But You Can't Tuna Fish" being, IMHO, the best album they ever put out. Then, 2 albums later, they put out that suck-fest of an album - "Hi Infidelity". I know it was probably their most successful album, but it just did not rock at all.

Back on topic - I doubt it has anything to do with the AF1 non-callsign flight the other day, but Jill Biden is coming to town here in the Seattle area this afternoon. Maybe they were just moving AF1 to a different location to pick her up this morning? Honestly, I have no idea how this works, but just a thought.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 10:55 AM
I am of the opinion that all movements of AF1-type planes are just a game of "three card monte." The actual movement of AF1 is neither where, nor (and this is the most important part) when they appear to be.

originally posted by: tallcool1
a reply to: CrazyFox
Back on topic - I doubt it has anything to do with the AF1 non-callsign flight the other day, but Jill Biden is coming to town here in the Seattle area this afternoon. Maybe they were just moving AF1 to a different location to pick her up this morning? Honestly, I have no idea how this works, but just a thought.

edit on 10/7/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: PeteMitchell
I posted that thread unroll yesterday and the person who did the Pool decode believed that something might happen to King Charles 111. Maybe his will be the December 8th event. Pool did have a King of diamonds card falling.
Something else with King Charles, his coronation is scheduled for June 3, 2023. I wonder if that will be moved to the 4th.
If his coronation is moved to the 4th that will be a 17! [June is the 6th month > 6+4+7]. That fits in with his call for 17 days of mourning over his mother's death.
King Charles Coronation Date

Anyway King Charles Coronation jewelry is quite something >Coronation Jewelry

Not certain how this fits in but Queen Elizabeth had her Diamond Jubilee June 5, 2012. 10 years ago.

Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee
I do think that you are onto something with the Hunter for October 8th. Maybe they are going to try and arrest Hunter but the big question is will he be MIA? We won't have to wait long since tomorrow is the 8th. I don't know how much longer they can keep sweeping this under the rug.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 11:21 AM
Pfizer...Pfizer. Since Pfizer is deploying Marvel to promote the jabs meet Ultron.

Avengers comic book Avengers Comic Book To Promote the Jab

Just buried in the link is that Congress has not approved more $ for the endless jabs so now Pfizer is going to the private market. This might explain the huge, huge uptick in Pfizer's "take the jab" campaigns on the radio and in the super markets.

I just noticed something very odd. Albert Bourla's twitter account.
"Chairman and CEO of Pfizer. Father. Working every day for breakthroughs that change patient's lives."

What happened to his wife? The one that according to the Fact Checkers did not die after getting the jab.
Also interesting she was not at their sons graduation from college. She amazingly came down with Covid and was in quarantine. < hmmm.
Albert Bourla Twit Account

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 11:27 AM
There are also 2 large protests scheduled for October 8th in DC
The first one organized by “we want the names”

The 2nd one is the “Womens March” which claims it will have 17,000 attendees.
There’s that number again

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

This action by Disney (marvel specifically) is a bit off. Legally asking, is this considered solicitation of a minor? It seems to me at least, that if a Pharma company is paying for a comic book to push drugs, then that push is aimed at kids. Could one of the nicotine companies get away with that, what about Jonnie Walker?

What next, Captain America telling kids about the super-solider endurance they can get from "Viagra for Kids"?

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Solicitation of a minor would have to be for something illegal. Of course tobacco and alcohol companies couldn't get away with it because their products are illegal for minors.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox
Sorry about that CF. It is taking me to a different place than it took you but still not where is was supposed to lead us to.
I don't mind these pics and video that it took you to though..........things we can't forget!

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 12:00 PM
Bad Cattitude

Circling back to Albert Bourla and Ursula vonder leyen back room dealing. I hadn't really considered this "You approved these products on shoddy science, then took bribes to make us take the jab and to suppress alternatives knowing full well that they were harming not helping us." Just wondering if this is true.
That might explain why Bourla is most reluctant to testify before the EU Commission.

If this is the case where did the bribe $ come from?
What are the chances that Albert Bourla joined the board of Catalyst, a non-profit organization that has some of the world's most powerful CEO's, April 4, 2019 Preplandemic. All about women, Ursula is a women unless she has changed her mind. Anyway just some food for thought.
Catalyst Non-profit Organization
The name of the org Catalyst "person or thing that precipitates an event."

Where did the bribe $ go then? Lots of ways to circulate but Urula's husband is on the board of Orgenesis. Has Pfizer made an investment in this company?
Short and Sweet

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Your point is right on.
Seems anything goes now. Remember they used Sesame Street to get at the children earlier on, made commercials showing kids being like Superman for taking the jab. They trust Big Bird. Take the jabs.
All of this is criminal but as we can see they want the children. To me it looks like a war on children at every level.

Imagine children being encouraged to have sex change therapy and surgeries or cross dressing and the disturbing books in the classrooms.
Anything goes with no consequences.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Let us pray that you are right! Personally I'd prefer it not rain because it makes a mess out of my driveway but I can manage it inconsideration of our drought.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 12:28 PM
Blood transfusion related.>Transfusion Confusion

Last time I looked at this the Red Cross had stopped labeling the different blood supplies between Vaxed and unvaxed blood. This is a bit of a twist. So now they are claiming that the different types of blood are mixed. I'm not sure if this is true but it would make sense.
This leaves us all in a tough spot.
Hope...Artificial blood
"The FDA has been the biggest impediment to advancement of developing artificial oxygen carriers, despite many candidates.... They must get beyond demanding a product with no side effects, as all drugs have side effects, including blood."
Broken. Just so broken.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: daskakik

The issue I have is that these jabs only have EUA. They are not "approved". They have not been shown to be safe and effective.
We have never had commercials and comics promoting the use of a known experimental product on children. I would think that any product targeting children would have to go through many levels of scrutiny and yet here we have the jabs just getting a nod and a wink.

These commercials are not just targeting children. Parents leave their children unsupervised watching Sesame Street because for years the message has always been safe. Suddenly under the radar the message is going directly to the children without adult screening. That is a big deal imho. But also the parents assume since it is on Sesame Street the jabs must be safe. This is not okay.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Paralyzed man with brain chip posts ‘first direct-thought’ tweet

A 62-year-old man in Australia diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – a disease that causes paralysis – is now able to communicate thoughts with others with no muscle activity involved. On Thursday, he published a post on social media “using only direct thought,” the company that enabled him to do so, Synchron, announced.

“I created this tweet just by thinking it” – the tweet read, said to be posted by Philip O’Keefe to the account of Synchron CEO Thomas Oxley.


All part of Obama's Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) initiative.

Just a quick lookup on "ideographic cybernetics":

And searching on that Army ghost stringer "MB01SYXEDBDOMFO" also produced:


Amy Kruse - Brain-Computer Interfaces - Synchron, Neuralink, Paradromics, and HackerBCI. (Elon has some competition)

In his 1967 book 'The Ghost In The Machine' Arthur Koestler argues that the lack of natural cybernetic processes in the human organism necessitates the creation of an artificial substrate - a process he likens directly to alchemy.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 12:45 PM
Childrens Health Defence

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is heading into full battle mode. His book "The Real Anthony Fauci" is a long read of 600 pages but they are going to be releasing a documentary about it. I tried to preorder a copy but wouldn't you know it the purchase was blocked. Tried a couple of different ways but still blocked.
The movie will be free. And the book is still a best seller and of course there are the audio versions.
Not stopping there he is going to have their first summit. The train is leaving the station and nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.

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