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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Report back on Hy-Brazil, Cavv, please?

Hi Rel,

A island west of Ireland that has been reported as existing a few times since, IIRC, the 1300s. It was on maps until the 1800s according to what I read. Stories mention it being covered in mist and that the mist parts rarely, allowing access to the island.

edit on 20-9-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel
No it does not make any sense. I can see how they were tricked if they were asked where would you like to go but then again we knew the left were going to have a herking jerking fit over this. I am sure DeSantis and Abbott knew it too. I saw an interview with Abbot where he said I've worked in the law profession my whole life and he named the positions that he had worked in then stated that everything they have done was according to the law. (that is not verbatim) I hope it is a trap that DeSantis and Abbot have set for the left.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
I've never heard of HyBrasil! This is a very interesting story and intriguing theory that you have!

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Thank you for the informative post!

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 12:50 PM
I've never seen this before. Talk about censoring. I can't access any site that refers to "Breaking: U.S. Senators finally receive critical evidence to indict Anthony Fauci and intel agencies are involved." Has something to do with Renz-law providing critical court ready evidence.

I had someone else try to access them and no luck., SGT Report and any other that brings this up. Something must be up if this is being censored this hard.
What about Telegram? I'm not on that.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Maybe this act from Congress yielded some behind the scenes results?

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

XtMN, remember our digs on the CORINTHIA HOTEL in London?

I think we concluded that Lisa Page, Peter Stzok, Comey et al. went for a meeting there before the Q post pics of their walk down the Embankment were taken?

Our digs showed that the hotel had a bunker and tunnels lo various UK establishment buildings and had been used as spy central since WWII.

Well, as this BBC article shows... someone made an MSM error in revealing that Justin Trudeau stayed there on Saturday 17th, before the queen's funeral!!!

Justin Trudeau's team defends singing Bohemian Rhapsody before Queen's funeral

Justin Trudeau's office has defended the Canadian PM, after he was filmed singing by a piano in a London hotel, two days before the Queen's funeral.

In a video shared on social media, the prime minister can be seen singing Bohemian Rhapsody by the British rock band, Queen.

The Queen was Canada's head of state, and Mr Trudeau designated 19 September a national day of mourning in Canada.

Critics accused the PM of a lack of respect - but others defended him.

The video has been shared on social media, but while a spokesperson for the prime minister confirmed it was genuine, it is not clear who filmed it.

It was taken at the Corinthia, where the Canadian delegation was staying, on the evening of Saturday 17 September.

In the same article is a tweet from Brian Lilley, trying to make out this happened at The Savoy! I know it's NOT the Savoy piano bar because I've stayed there and drunk in it!!!

I actually love a good piano bar. Haven’t gone to one since before COVID, this reminds me I should check one out near me.
PM at the Savoy in London last night singing a little Queen….for the Queen…

So why the lying tweet? To leave a false trail that Trudeau WASNT at The Corinthia?

Next question... considering the hotel tunnels supposedly go to gov buildings, who did he go meet and why was it clandestine? Why was it then pushed into the MSM with this "outrageous" story? PM's No 10 is nearby as is Admiralty Arch and Soho?

Here's the revolving door bar entrance to the Corinthis on Northumberland Avenue - proving that's where he was:
Gugglemaps.c om

ETA - Tweet replies imply the video was taken in June during jubilee celebrations - still doesn't explain why he was at spy-central hotel or who he met, or why someone decided to trash his reputation the day of the Queen's funeral! Or why the BBC report it as happening on Sept 17th!!!

Here's Brian Lilley's wiki

Yep, I remember. Here's the same vid from your tweet link:

This article states it was the Savoy hotel.🙃

Drama queen blunder boy sure has stirred alot of theater on the media waves. Any vid that goes viral by the msm means it's all theater and often a cover story to distract and/or create more division.

The Guardian quoted Brian Lilley's tweet and I got chuckle from another comment:

Political commentator David Moscrop tweeted: “*asteroid hurtles towards earth, leaving humankind with months to live. Only a last ditch collective effort will save the planet – and the species* Canada Twitter: let’s do a forensic analysis of when precisely the prime minister sang a janky rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody.”
The Guardian

From Lilley's wiki page he appears to be alt-right, critical commentator of Trudeau, so that may explain the lie/misdirection.?

Something perhaps more important is where Trudeau is now...

I had just posted a few days ago on this "Food security" about a simulation held in 2015.

Global Food Security Summit - September 20, 2022 from 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. in New York City.

In response to this growing global crisis, the United States, the European Union, the African Union, and Spain will co-chair the Global Food Security Summit on September 20 on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Additional co-hosts include Germany, Colombia, Nigeria, the European Commission, and Indonesia.

The Summit livestream and additional background information can be found below.

Trudeau's itinerary; Sec Blinken is one of the speakers.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: carewemust

We have a link to "Q clearance" and Project Looking Glass!

New book> The Premonition, A Pandemic Story by Michael Lewis. < Who wrote the Book "Alice in Wonderland"?

I need to read the book more thoroughly but just a couple of points.
This involves Bob Glass, a highly gifted modeler from Sandia National Laboratories and his involvement in modeling of disease control, with an emphasis on social distancing and keeping children out of schools.
He was a scientist that came under the "highest security clearance in the federal government, called "Q Clearance" and they were prohibited from revealing their work without first seeking permission. page 80

A key player Carter Mechher.
A critical meeting was held on December 11-12th trying to hammer out a strategy for disease control.
Carter infiltrated the CDC and wrote the CDC policy. He went undercover and was responsible for the Community Mitigation Guidance strategy.

Lisa Koonin had some serious thoughts on this. "He was from the Whitehouse. And people forgot that he did not work here. [CDC] I have never seen that. I have never seen an outsider get himself so on the inside of the development of some CDC policy."
"After he'd left people seemed to forget he'd ever been there. By February 2007, when the CDC published the new strategy, if you asked anyone inside the place who had written it, they'd give you the name of a man inside the CDC."

What did she do? Evidence> On the cover of the CDC's official publication she stenciled in the letters TLC in print so small that it had to be magnified many times before it became visible. TLC was the codename for their strategy "Targeted Layered Containment". Social distancing and keeping children out of schools.
More evidence> She saved all of Carter's e-mails. Pages 107-110

The three people involved in making this the formal strategy of the CDC was Lisa Koonon, Richard Hatchett and Carter Mecher. Three people who believed that their idea was the one and only one that would be effective in the event of a pandemic and they took it upon themselves to ensure that it indeed became CDC policy, one way or another supported by the modeling developed by Bob Glass.

There were problems with the modeling. "And there was every day fresh evidence that the models inside the minds of experts could be seriously flawed." Their models had assumptions that were built in that were invisible, less explicit and much more difficult to check than computers. page 85
The entire issue that led to this TLC was that the disease's reproductive rate had to be driven below 1 and the only way that could be achieved was through social distancing and closing schools. page 86

Well that explains why the orders for social distancing and school closings took place. Right from the get go the assumptions in the modeling were off because of one significant omission> virus mutations.

I need to really go through this book in more detail but I think this one is a page turner.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Report back on Hy-Brazil, Cavv, please?

Hi Rel,

A island west of Ireland that has been reported as existing a few times since, IIRC, the 1300s. It was on maps until the 1800s according to what I read. Stories mention it being covered in mist and that the mist parts rarely, allowing access to the island.


When I read that concerning phantom island (Atlantis?) shrouded in fog/mist it gave me a flashback to the King Kong (1976) movie.

Short article posted at Library of Congress with charts/maps: Hy-Brasil: The Supernatural Island (Don't skip the comments 😉 #23 by Dash)

Another article w/vid: Hy-Brasil: The "Phantom Island" That Hasn't Been Seen Since 1872

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

No doubt Gates will be there to promote the illusion of his modified crops like corn and fast growing rice which will produce less yield. But the marketing...The crops will look more plentiful and be drought resistant. All an illusion.
Meanwhile the gang don't want people to use fertilizer.
Just a little rant but if Gates cared so much he could assist with the soil erosion issues and helping people to enhance the quality of the soil. Beware of strangers baring gifts.
Instead it is to deny but not provide an alternative.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 02:48 PM
They are getting desperate. So now apparently thousands of people are getting their very first Covid jab.
They claim that the 7 day moving average has between 15,000 and 18,000 a day of the newly jabbed.

This is a stretch of the imagination and requires some creativity.
Where did they pull these #'s from? Taking data from the CDC is concerning but "The data can overestimate first-shot recipients, because there are times where the agency can't link follow-up shots, including boosters, to people who received an initial series. The same effect can lead to an undercount of booster shots, according to the CDC."

Trust the Science. We are what, 2.75 years into this and suddenly people are enlightened and volunteering to take something that they have refused despite lock downs, threats and job loss?

I went back and checked two Test and Treat sites. Still no one there. More signs, flags and the areas are deserted. But wait people are rushing to get their first Covid shot.

Propaganda curtesy of the Wall Street Journal "Holdouts Are Getting First Covid Shot" by Jared S. Hopkins. It appears to have been scrubbed so Page A6 September 20, 2022.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Ah, good'ole Mr. Sandia Lab Glass. I know you're going to find this difficult to believe, but I was one of the volunteer attendee's at that science fair in 2006 that his daughter had entered; though I had no idea who Bob Glass was at the time. Small world. These Dr. Strangelove computer modeling simulations are the bane of humanity. Garbage in/garbage out. The I/O, one's & zero's are all were are to the mastermind architects in white lab coats. I'm sure they mean well.🙄

Here's the story: What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns (Corbett Report from Nov 2020)

Thanks for the book recommendation, I'll have to check it out.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

You just hit the nail on the head with the first part of your 'in jest' potential incomings.

Sleep lightly.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Cavv adding a bit of possible reality here... re Hy-Brazil:

A few years back I posted in the thread about a theory that there had been the equivalent of California San Andreas fault breaking off off of Ireland's West Coast - which appears to be cooroborated by maps of the ocean to West of Ireland.

Now IF there is still a fault line there, with associated dormant undersea volcanos or caldera...
THEN the broken off bit might rise due to caldera every 525 years? ...and maybe undersea volcanos wake up causing STEAM in the area rather than Fog?

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Consider also the similarity between:

Hy-Brasil and Hibernia


is the Classical Latin name for Ireland. The name Hibernia was taken from Greek geographical accounts. During his exploration of northwest Europe (c. 320 BCE), Pytheas of Massalia called the island Iérnē (written Ἰέρνη). In his book Geographia (c. 150 CE), Claudius Ptolemaeus ("Ptolemy") called the island Iouerníā (written Ἰουερνία, where "ου"/ou stands for w). The Roman historian Tacitus, in his book Agricola (c. 98 CE), uses the name Hibernia.

Ἰουερνία Iouerníā was a Greek rendering of the Q-Celtic name *Īweriū, from which eventually arose the Irish names Ériu and Éire. The name was altered in Latin (influenced by the word hībernus) as though it meant "land of winter", although the word for winter began with a long 'i'.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Justoneman
How can this be criminal when they had the immigrants sign a statement of where they would like to go?

The ONLY way is if we are actually living in a Banana Republic now. This is clearly 3rd world tactics. If we don't have white hats we are likely screwed, blued, and tattooed. This stuff is so upside down that now I get the scripture that said woe to those who call good bad and bad good. Woe indeed, you are messed up in the head if you are doing that.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Ah, good'ole Mr. Sandia Lab Glass. I know you're going to find this difficult to believe, but I was one of the volunteer attendee's at that science fair in 2006 that his daughter had entered; though I had no idea who Bob Glass was at the time. Small world. These Dr. Strangelove computer modeling simulations are the bane of humanity. Garbage in/garbage out. The I/O, one's & zero's are all were are to the mastermind architects in white lab coats. I'm sure they mean well.🙄

Here's the story: What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns (Corbett Report from Nov 2020)

Thanks for the book recommendation, I'll have to check it out.

I want to 2nd your Garbage in Garbage out observation on the models they make. In my line of work, we can get the models down tighter for a few hours at a time, but there is no way models prove good past a few days in Earths very dynamic atmosphere. We can predict where pollution will go roughly based on the same models they are using for the atmosphere. The big difference being the regional verses local situations are normally unique when there is a feature like a Mtn range nearby.

Those models are subsets of the bigger models and are easier to analyze. Say Alaska weather when a cold front is moving in is one they got. Predicting a storm front is easy. Predicting that it will sit and spin like a Hurricane inland is very hard.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 05:47 PM

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 06:02 PM
Plane full of migrants are about to land in Delaware near Bidens residence......

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

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