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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Roxstar

Is it just me or does that watch say 4:49?

And the date is bang on.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

So, it seems likely that King Charles III will be mainly remembered for presiding over the collapse of the Commonwealth.

If you gaze at history, Queen Elizabeth reigned during the collapse of the British Empire. She did so with grace and calmness. Charles will likely just cry and have a few tantrums.


edit on 19/9/2022 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 11:12 PM
Fun to learn that the US military was using fake social media accounts (wut, say it isn't so 🤡) to combat the idea that Covid originated at Ft. Detrick and instead "amplify truthful information from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the virus origination in China."

Centcom has not commented on whether these accounts were created by its personnel or contractors. If the organ-harvesting tweet is shown to be Centcom’s, one defense official said, it would “absolutely be a violation of doctrine and training practices.”

Pentagon policy and doctrine discourage the military from peddling falsehoods, but there are no specific rules mandating the use of truthful information for psychological operations. For instance, the military sometimes employs fiction and satire for persuasion purposes, but generally the messages are supposed to stick to facts, officials said.

...Congress in late 2019 passed a law affirming that the military could conduct operations in the “information environment” to defend the United States and to push back against foreign disinformation aimed at undermining its interests. The measure, known as Section 1631, allows the military to carry out clandestine psychological operations without crossing what the CIA has claimed as its covert authority, alleviating some of the friction that had hindered such operations previously.

“Combatant commanders got really excited,” recalled the first defense official. “They were very eager to utilize these new authorities. The defense contractors were equally eager to land lucrative classified contracts to enable clandestine influence operations.”
Agranovich also spoke to officials at the Pentagon. His message was: “We know what DOD is doing. It violates our policies. We will enforce our policies” and so “DOD should knock it off,” said a U.S. official briefed on the matter.

In response to White House concerns, Kahl ordered a review of Military Information Support Operations, or MISO, the Pentagon’s moniker for psychological operations. A draft concluded that policies, training and oversight all needed tightening, and that coordination with other agencies, such as the State Department and the CIA, needed strengthening, according to officials.

The review also found that while there were cases in which fictitious information was pushed by the military, they were the result of inadequate oversight of contractors and personnel training — not systemic problems, officials said.
WaPo | Archived

Phew. What a relief! Greater đź‘ŹPentagon/State Dept./CIA đź‘Źpsyop đź‘Źcoordination.

It's a really good thing the Pentagon got all this new cyberspace psyop stuff straightened out in the NDAA just before Covid! Imagine if we hadn't appointed a Principal Information Operations Advisor to the Secretary of Defense in time!

NDAA 2020 [PDF] - Dec 9, 2019; Pages 592-594 (546-548) of 1,794 pages.


The Guardidan

The sublime aspect of memes

That Newsweek story from last year on the Pentagon's clandestine Army is now more interesting.

Exclusive: Inside the Military's Secret Undercover Army

The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction." The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Joe just called it.
The plandemic is over!!!

60 minutes from last night.
Biden Declares P;andemic Over!

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Joe just called it.
The plandemic is over!!!

60 minutes from last night.
Biden Declares P;andemic Over!

Yeah, Dark Winter was the “simulation” , can you believe they actually used the exact same term !

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
Here's a link for you regarding the Commonwealth. It lists the member states, shows which left and subsequently re-joined.
Two countries Gabon and Togo joined just this year and I believe there are others on the 'waiting list'. Most of these countries now are not 'remnants' of the old 'British Empire'.
The Commonwealth has grown under QEII.
Anyway, here's some info for you and others to understand the how, why and what of it.
I'm sure there might be one or two who will make noises, and one or two will leave, but there are more who are applying to join.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: pheonix358
I find it interesting to note that when Harri and Meghan got married she had every flower f the Commonwealth embroidered on her veil. Clearly signalling, in my view, the long term intention of the Monarchy to make Harri head of the Commonwealth when William ascends to the throne. Perfect in my view.
But of course.... if that was their long term plan, they've (Harri & Meghan) piddled all over that now. No wonder the Queen gave them a year 'cooling off' period.

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Off to read about Hy-Brazil.


posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Meghan can't grasp that she isn't the one to rewrite the rules of the monarchy. That's a task for the monarch.


posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 08:59 AM
There is now a criminal investigation into Desantis for sending migrants to Martha vineyard.

You can’t make this # up anymore folks.

Enjoy the show!

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: PurpleFox
There is now a criminal investigation into Desantis for sending migrants to Martha vineyard.

You can’t make this # up anymore folks.

Enjoy the show!

He could make a similar request of the DOJ about some dumbass move the Cali gov makes. He makes those almost daily we read. What a world where the crooks tell the cops what to do?

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
We have action. Biden stepping in it yesterday has resulted in the NIH scrambling to keep the plandemic going.
Who do they drag out but Eric Topol, founder and director of Scripps Research Translational Institute. I hesitate to use the word Dr. for any of these people at this point.

So what does Topol announce? "It's completely off base. It's an illusion. We have millions of people with long Covid and no vaccine that blocks transmission."
What has long Covid have to do with the continued jab campaign. The jabs don't do anything for them. He even admits that the jabs don't block transmission. Right it is all an illusion.

There is something much bigger here. Once again bringing out the book "The Real Anthony Fauci", a gift that keeps on giving.

In the section on the Origins of Covid and the lab connection.

Kristian Anderson, employed by Scripps Research Institute as a PI [professional investigator] built his entire career around receiving grants from the NIAID. He e-mailed Fauci and informed him that there was a strong possibility that the virus had originated from a lab.
A meeting was held in secret and then surprise, Anderson submitted a letter [ secretly edited by Fauci] that rejected this explanation.
He had 4 of his other buddy PI's sign it as well.
What happened? A few months later Scripps Research Institute received $78 million! Out of the 5 signees on the letter they received $155 million by the end of 2020. page 298
Another favor from Scripps, proclaiming the plandemic is not over. I wonder how much they will get this time?
paywall Biden's Pandemic Claims Criticized

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 11:09 AM
XtMN, remember our digs on the CORINTHIA HOTEL in London?

I think we concluded that Lisa Page, Peter Stzok, Comey et al. went for a meeting there before the Q post pics of their walk down the Embankment were taken?

Our digs showed that the hotel had a bunker and tunnels lo various UK establishment buildings and had been used as spy central since WWII.

Well, as this BBC article shows... someone made an MSM error in revealing that Justin Trudeau stayed there on Saturday 17th, before the queen's funeral!!!

Justin Trudeau's team defends singing Bohemian Rhapsody before Queen's funeral

Justin Trudeau's office has defended the Canadian PM, after he was filmed singing by a piano in a London hotel, two days before the Queen's funeral.

In a video shared on social media, the prime minister can be seen singing Bohemian Rhapsody by the British rock band, Queen.

The Queen was Canada's head of state, and Mr Trudeau designated 19 September a national day of mourning in Canada.

Critics accused the PM of a lack of respect - but others defended him.

The video has been shared on social media, but while a spokesperson for the prime minister confirmed it was genuine, it is not clear who filmed it.

It was taken at the Corinthia, where the Canadian delegation was staying, on the evening of Saturday 17 September.

In the same article is a tweet from Brian Lilley, trying to make out this happened at The Savoy! I know it's NOT the Savoy piano bar because I've stayed there and drunk in it!!!

I actually love a good piano bar. Haven’t gone to one since before COVID, this reminds me I should check one out near me.
PM at the Savoy in London last night singing a little Queen….for the Queen…

So why the lying tweet? To leave a false trail that Trudeau WASNT at The Corinthia?

Next question... considering the hotel tunnels supposedly go to gov buildings, who did he go meet and why was it clandestine? Why was it then pushed into the MSM with this "outrageous" story? PM's No 10 is nearby as is Admiralty Arch and Soho?

Here's the revolving door bar entrance to the Corinthis on Northumberland Avenue - proving that's where he was:
Gugglemaps.c om

ETA - Tweet replies imply the video was taken in June during jubilee celebrations - still doesn't explain why he was at spy-central hotel or who he met, or why someone decided to trash his reputation the day of the Queen's funeral! Or why the BBC report it as happening on Sept 17th!!!

Here's Brian Lilley's wiki

edit on 20-9-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Report back on Hy-Brazil, Cavv, please?

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Fox was reporting this morning that the big guy is in trouble for saying that and a couple of other things.....the idiot!

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

You guys dodged a bullet with the Queen getting her out! IMO.....Now if we can figure out a way to get her to leave the U.S........

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: PurpleFox
Is this it or is there another article stating that there is an investigation? Either way here is a link for ya.

MSNBC figures, Democrats call for DeSantis, Abbott to be prosecuted over 'human trafficking' claims

It is the fifth one down... /msnbc-figures-democrats-call-desantis-abbott-prosecuted-over-human-trafficking-claims

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
How can this be criminal when they had the immigrants sign a statement of where they would like to go?

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 12:06 PM
According to the activist lawyers sent in, some of the immigrants were mislead and their court dates sabotaged. Does that really make any sense ?

But it might explain the weird stop of the government planes, what if immigrants were switched out for ones who would make false claims to make DeSantis look bad and justify an investigation ?

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