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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
One thing that I have been wondering about is when Homeland Security knew that Covid was going to become a real issue. Oddly I was at Whole Foods before anything had been announced and I saw one man come racing in wearing a suit and had black latex gloves so it would not stand out. No mask because that really would have telegraphed that something was going on.
He was obviously in a highly agitated state, grabbing food and getting out ASAP. It was obvious he was in some high level official capacity. I donned my tin foil hat and bought more food.
Lots of planning around all of this.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Do you know if Steve Bannon's documentary about Epstein was aired? It was called The Monsters. In the clip Epstein says he supports # Times Up!
Apparently there was 15 hours of material and that was before #Epstein didn't kill himself. Just a thought but could this be the "real" reason that they are going after him right now? To stop the reveal?
Desperate people do desperate things.

Epstein-Bannon The Monstors

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 12:48 PM
I know ONI has been around but I wonder about the new oath only for the Navy.
Is it because of the new alliance with UK and AUS?
And my query moreso related to military taking control of intelligence and ONI coming in camp as the last of the agencies to incorporate. The navy is different as enforcer of the past for U.C.C. and under Admiralty law.
I admit being foggy in this grey area as I do believe Admiralty courts and the British Accredited Registry came with the Act of 1871 and the formation of the USA Corporation.
If we lose the gold Fringe and are no longer under foreign occupation except for D.C. then to me it makes sense why the Navy is taking on new and restored allegiance.

Common Law for the win.

It would explain all the new treaties and trade agreements
Anyway just pondering.

originally posted by: Caled
That would be an incorrect assumption.

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Can I assume Navy intelligence and Space Force are the last 2 agencies added to Intelligence network? That is why they are last on the list?

Remember when France lost out on that big ship building contract that was already signed with AUS I believe?
That was when the Navy took on a new role and shortly after a new oath
edit on 12-9-2022 by Nevercompromise because: France

I believe the Crown was conquered and the U.C.C. is in it's last legs leading to Jan.1 2023.
The U.C.C. over ruled our Constitution and treaties superceded our Constitutional laws while we were a corporation.
We are closing that chapter.
edit on 12-9-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 12:51 PM
If there was any question...
More Hunter headaches> 15th Meeting with VP Biden in the Whitehouse

"Executives for Chinese energy company Waxiang secured a meeting with Vice President in the West Wing in July 2014 with just one day's notice, according to White House logs". Talk about access.

The deal signing ceremony had President XI attending, so this was a really big deal.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 01:13 PM
Can you provide the source for that info?

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
I think the fact that all active Navy had to reswear their oaths a year or so ago gives great insights to the new intelligence network.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 01:57 PM
That is not my stylea reply to: Caled

I come here to post for the best diggers to source it back for me.
I have only my phone.
I am pretty sure it was posted in these threads sourced from stormrider, maybe whiplash (more doubtable but good).
It was sourced I do remember because I asked my ex navy buddy to validate. He did not get back to me on it though.
I will ask him again.

I do have a pretty good library to draw from after years of pre internet research in libraries and used book stores.

But no sources from me usually.
Everything out of my head.
Being an INTJ I have to take days to unwrap some seemingly inocuous statements here and there but for me to store it away it was vetted.
Something I will talk on soon I almost wrote a book on.
It ties General Flynn in I believe.
Theosophy, the Universal Council of Churches, Share Int., Lucifer Trust, and Lord Maitreya.
Jiddhu Krishnamurti being their first go at it, and their first failure.

You could never understand Ben Fulford without understanding this groups ideology.
And there are no bigger players in this show we see.
This is the charming and humanitarian side of the globalist schemes and will be central in the Phoenix rising from the ashes.
Though the goals are the same

It is through this study that I came to realize there were 2 Christ's that walked the earth 2000 years ago.
The Word and Appolonius of Tyana.
I believe Appolonius is who tempted the Lamb in the wilderness.
It is said by the theosophists that Appolonius(son of Zeus/moloch) was there during the crucification and when the Christ died Appolonius assumed the "Christ consciousness" from His final breaths.
Appolonius is the Christ that travelled into India and the Himalayas according to Hindu scripts.
I feel I already have the script for what is coming.
Just not the twists and turns.

It is why I cannot venerate Trump too much because he fits too many of the roles. Including his room of gold honoring Appolo and his spiritual advisors.

But at this moment he is my champion removing the most horrible corruption the world has ever known since Moses time, same crime
edit on 12-9-2022 by Nevercompromise because: 2 Christ's

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 02:17 PM
Ok. Mass renewal of the Oath of Office would have generated a lot of attention. The Oath of Office is not something that changes or needs to be renewed. It is renewed during (some) promotions.

I think some of your other ideas are in the ballpark though.

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
That is not my style.
a reply to: Caled

I come here to post for the best diggers to source it back for me.
I have only my phone.
I am pretty sure it was posted in these threads sourced from stormrider, maybe whiplash (more doubtable but good).
It was sourced I do remember because I asked my ex navy buddy to validate. He did not get back to me on it though.
I will ask him again.


edit on Mon Sep 12 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: Trim Those Quotes

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
I can't understand a thick Cajun dialect myself. I was in the waiting room with one not to long ago who was on the phone,
sounded like a business call, I didn't understand a word he said.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 02:46 PM
Office of Naval Intelligence

On Resisting Social Influence, 1979, Philip G. Zimbardo, Office of Naval Research, MKULTRA, Stanford.

Navy Will Make All Sailors Reaffirm Oath to the Constitution in Extremism Stand-Down (22 Feb 2021)

When the Navy holds its daylong stand-downs to address the extremist ideologies that leaders say have infiltrated the military ranks, sailors across the fleet will be required to reaffirm the oath they took to the U.S. Constitution.

All Navy personnel -- uniformed and civilian -- will have to repeat the oath of enlistment or office and discuss what actions betray that promise during the virtual or in-person learning sessions that must be held by April 6. The stand-downs will focus on the "damaging effects of extremism" and how to eliminate it, Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell wrote in a service-wide message.

Adm. John Aquilino, the head of U.S. Pacific Fleet, held one of the service's first stand-downs with members of a West Coast carrier strike group on Feb. 8, after hate symbols were found aboard two of the group's ships in a matter of weeks.
That surname gives off some vibes. LOL.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 03:51 PM
I stand corrected.

That being said...I don't believe this guidance was fully adhered to.

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
All Navy personnel -- uniformed and civilian -- will have to repeat the oath of enlistment or office and discuss what actions betray that promise during the virtual or in-person learning sessions that must be held by April 6. The stand-downs will focus on the "damaging effects of extremism" and how to eliminate it, Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell wrote in a service-wide message.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
My Son Hunter movie is out. Link to full movie> My Son Hunter

I haven't watched it yet. Getting popcorn.

Here is a link to download the mp4 for anyone that wants to.
My Son Hunter (direct link to download)

This is my share folder that has this movie and a bunch of other stuff

edit on 9/12/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: clarity

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 05:05 PM
Someone pulled down your file with the Producer of Hunger Games talking. But thanks for the rest!

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
My Son Hunter movie is out. Link to full movie> My Son Hunter

I haven't watched it yet. Getting popcorn.

Here is a link to download the mp4 for anyone that wants to.
My Son Hunter (direct link to download)

This is my share folder that has this movie and a bunch of other stuff

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 05:06 PM

I am ready to see that happen. I am ready to take the rest of those proverbial Hopium Beers off my wall and finish the song.
80 Bottles of beer on the wall. 80 bottles of beer.
Take one down pass it around 79 bottles of Hopium beer on the wall!

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
I know ONI has been around but I wonder about the new oath only for the Navy.
Is it because of the new alliance with UK and AUS?
And my query moreso related to military taking control of intelligence and ONI coming in camp as the last of the agencies to incorporate. The navy is different as enforcer of the past for U.C.C. and under Admiralty law.
I admit being foggy in this grey area as I do believe Admiralty courts and the British Accredited Registry came with the Act of 1871 and the formation of the USA Corporation.
If we lose the gold Fringe and are no longer under foreign occupation except for D.C. then to me it makes sense why the Navy is taking on new and restored allegiance.

Common Law for the win.

It would explain all the new treaties and trade agreements
Anyway just pondering.

originally posted by: Caled
That would be an incorrect assumption.

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Can I assume Navy intelligence and Space Force are the last 2 agencies added to Intelligence network? That is why they are last on the list?

Remember when France lost out on that big ship building contract that was already signed with AUS I believe?
That was when the Navy took on a new role and shortly after a new oath

I believe the Crown was conquered and the U.C.C. is in it's last legs leading to Jan.1 2023.
The U.C.C. over ruled our Constitution and treaties superceded our Constitutional laws while we were a corporation.
We are closing that chapter.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Justoneman
I can't understand a thick Cajun dialect myself. I was in the waiting room with one not to long ago who was on the phone,
sounded like a business call, I didn't understand a word he said.

My pop had an employee who was Cajun. I got a jump on it. It belies a big problem we have here. People don't understand each other for more than just the dialect. A lot of our issues are from having our heads in our electronics. We are losing the art of the conversation. THAT I believe is playing into the negative and aiding the perps.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 06:12 PM
Symbolism will be their downfall??

Dressed in purple robes, with the words “Close Encounters of the New Kind” illuminated on the wall behind her she handed out what appear to be gifts to her close confidants. Hillary was adorned with littleral lasers and pyrotechnics in a high-tech birthday celebration.

After further investigation the woman Hillary identified as “Anne Drake” appears to be a former classmate – the annual ritual – celebrating Anne’s birthday.

The event took place at an undisclosed location in Lake Geneva Wisconsin on September 3rd 20 days before the pagan holiday of Mabon celebrating the autumnal equinox. The name Mabon is after the Welsh god who was the son of the earth mother goddess.  

Who is Anne Drake you may ask?

she is ceo of one of Americans largest logistics and supply chain companies

She owns many many many warehouses......

See where I'm going with this?......

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 07:05 PM
My Son Hunter
Eyes On lol

Stuns Viewers...

Flashback ... Felt it was right

edit on 9122022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 07:37 PM
9/11 > Covid-911

Cheney’s powerful chief of staff, was physically placed in NIAID headquarters in Washington as “a kind of political commissar” from the vice president’s office. This gave Fauci unparalleled access to not just Cheney, but President Bush, to whom he had an open channel.”

Fauci now had a virtual carte blanche to not merely approve but design and run the kind of research projects he sought — and could do so with no oversight structure above him. Biodefence projects that formerly would have fallen under the authority of military or intelligence agencies were now under his direct supervision.
How Dick Cheney created Anthony Fauci

Why did Biden invoke the term “Dark Winter” for the Covid virus... Dark Winter was the specific name of the bio-weapons attack simulation run by John’s Hopkins back in June 2001. Why would he do that?

Six days before the 9/11 attacks, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee convened a hearing on “The Threat of Bioterrorism and the Spread of Infectious Diseases” (link). The hearing was led by Joe Biden, then chair of the committee.

"Our globalized world is a perfect breeding ground for the spread of disease, whether from natural epidemics or bioterrorism."
- Sen. Joe Biden, Sept 9, 2001

Foreign Policy mag

The eye of Horus

"Well, I don't want no Jesus freak to
Tell me what it's all about
No black magician telling me
To cast my soul out
Don't believe in violence
I don't even believe in peace
I've opened the door
Now my mind has been released..."
Under the Sun / Every Day Comes and Goes (Black Sabbath)

Dan is your man...🙃🤔

Get Ready-Armenian-American Madness influencer

9/11 Serpent premieres...the day QEII is taken to Edinburgh.
The Serpent Queen

It’s current iteration expresses itself as an MMO/ARG re-enactment LARP of the Battle of Thermopylae.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 07:41 PM
Apologies for not having more time to detail this but:


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 No.885319 📁
Apr 3 2018 20:11:01 (EST)

Where do roads lead?
Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west.
Table 29.
D-Room H
D-Room R
D-Room C
Pure EVIL.

I think this post just came into effect?

Today all 4 of Queen Elizabeth's children stood vigil at compass points around her coffin in St Giles Cathedral near Holyrood Castle in Edinburgh:
a) The coffin was draped with The Royal Standard flag (Scottish version) but it was unevenly draped and wrinkled, signifyng a dishonorable death like GHW Bush and No Name!

BBC link has video of the VIGIL OF THE PRINCES.

My ma also tells me there was TV footage of Prince Andrew being arrested by police this afternoon - but he was at the aforementioned VIGIl a few hours later???

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Well as my username may hint, the Hangedman tarot card is my Forte. It also is endurance and sacrifice. Problem is all cards depend on the type of deck used. I read using a Crowley Thoth deck and it is notably different than most. A few extra cards are in it. Including a Magus and Magician (which are the same card).

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Note also that the traditional soldiers guarding the coffin are the The Royal Company of Archers.

If you look closely you'll see that each of the four archers arpund the coffin have different colored arrows on their backs... I think this links to #4772

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 97a923 No.10787262 📁
Sep 25 2020 15:20:31 (EST)
Never bring an arrow [in a quiver] to a LOSBR missile fight.

May also link to the picture of Nancy Pelosi with a quiver of arrows from #4837!

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