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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 01:23 PM
This says soooooooooo much about the current reality. It is, in essence, a master class in what the world has become.

1. Read:


Three #vaccines later: “I was just following doctors orders and government mandates.”

They didn’t warn those with #autoimmune diseases that vaccines can trigger/make them worse. 🤬

Skin is the LAST system to facilitate detox. If the skin is erupting, cough monkeypox cough, it means the other organs are failing to do the job due to too much toxicity - primarily the liver.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 01:29 PM
Debra Birx is up to her neck in this along with Robert Redfield, former CDC Director.

During Operation Warp Speed Scott Atlas was not in favor of continuous testing and this posed another threat to the Plan.
By reducing testing that would reduce the number of positive Covid cases and knock out the fear porn.

What to do?
"Bob and I quietly agreed to re-write the guidance and post it to the CDC website. We would not seek approval because we were busy." 10.05 mark.
Just a little treason?
"We were committed to subverting the dangerous message that limiting testing was the right thing to do."

What about the wild Asymptomatic spreaders?
5.13 mark. According to Peter McCullough she reworked reports to fuel the false narrative of asymptomatic spread from one healthy person to another.

I have been hearing some thoughts about her book reveal "Silent Invasion" from a legal perspective. She may be trying to establish the narrative that all her actions were in the interest of the "greater public good". I will have to pick up a copy and give it a read. If it is anything like Moonshot...

Ron Paul Youtube

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 02:10 PM
emo quotient

IQ is only half the battle.
Having the capacity to process info intellectually is allegedly the easy part; how things became what they are. A light plugs in the wall, from the wall to the circuit box onto the pole finalized at the distribution plant where electricity is generated.

EQ is the capacity to process info emotionally, figuring out the why do we need this particular dilemma. A light to see in the dark places.

Processing info without the help of a peer is a lonely man on a deserted island.

Aristotle encouraged competition instead of cooperation. Had his listeners determined the sarcasm, we'd most likely be on the other end of the spectrum fighting for the lives of all children, instead of little pockets of the chosen few.

I think Q wants us to look inward and come to a consensus how we go about fighting for all children born from the womb into a world no one truly understands.

To lower the bar of understanding is to congratulate piss poor performance.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 02:31 PM
I think this is why Omicrom had rashes.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Skin is the LAST system to facilitate detox. If the skin is erupting, cough monkeypox cough, it means the other organs are failing to do the job due to too much toxicity - primarily the liver.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 02:57 PM
"Stunning AI shows how it would remove humans. w Elon Musk."

"The first stage will be to augment our hundred trillion very slow interneuronal connections with high-speed virtual connections via nanorobot communication. This will provide us with the opportunity to greatly boost our pattern-recognition abilities..."
― Ray Kurzweil (The Singularity Is Near, pg 316)

Puscifer - "A Singularity" - song from Maynard James Keenan album cover "Existential Reckoning" released Oct 30, 2020.

"Will robots inherit the earth? Yes, but they will be our children."
— Marvin Minsky, MIT, "Father of Artificial Intelligence"

This video includes several of Minsky's nerdy friends.

"Becoming immortal is now at hands reach, thanks to the latest technological innovations. Would you want to become immortal, even if that means preserving your severed head in a cryogenic tank? If aging is considered as a disease, then the cure is immortality. This is not a Black Mirror episode, this is VPRO Backlight: Becoming immortal."
Original title: De Onsterfelijken

Ben Segal - The Mentor of Tim Berners-Lee at CERN --

I think we live in a digital black cube manipulated by powerful magicians who exist outside of its influence, and the only way out is through understanding how one gets in.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: FlyingFox

Super motivational post amigo. Very q-esque.

All that is left is for us to select the host. While Chris Hansen would be very good, Mark Dice keeps popping into my head, along with the "real" Q from Star Trek. Anything is possible.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 03:16 PM

G3 News reporting on telegram at 17:24:58 GMT:

U.S. Considers Deploying Carriers to Support Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip

The US military is considering “moving aircraft carriers or sending fighter planes for close air support” as part of a potential trip by US house speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, the Washington Post reported Saturday (July 23).

The discussions about US military actions in support of Pelosi’s trip were first reported in an op-ed by Josh Rogin, who wrote,

The U.S. military is devising options for protecting Pelosi’s delegation, who—as is normal procedure for congressional delegations to Taiwan—would be flying on a military plane. The measures under consideration include moving aircraft carriers or sending fighter planes for close air support. That, in turn, could be misinterpreted by the Chinese side as an aggressive rather than a defensive measure.

The discussions took place amid warnings by Chinese officials that the scheduled trip by Pelosi could trigger a military clash between Chinese and US forces.

Source: WSWS


Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147586045 📁
Nov 2 2017 00:48:52 (EST)
Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?
Why is that relevant?

To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?
Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.
Think logically about the timing of everything happening.
Note increased military movement.
Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.
Note false flags.
Follow Huma.
Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.

The calm before the storm.

Bolded timestamp encodes today, July 25th!
edit on 25-7-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 03:24 PM

Me Yesterday HERE on the Winner fakery.

Timestamp difference?

Funny gematria Reality Winner

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Debra Birx is up to her neck in this along with Robert Redfield, former CDC Director.

During Operation Warp Speed Scott Atlas was not in favor of continuous testing and this posed another threat to the Plan.
By reducing testing that would reduce the number of positive Covid cases and knock out the fear porn.

What to do?
"Bob and I quietly agreed to re-write the guidance and post it to the CDC website. We would not seek approval because we were busy." 10.05 mark.
Just a little treason?
"We were committed to subverting the dangerous message that limiting testing was the right thing to do."

What about the wild Asymptomatic spreaders?
5.13 mark. According to Peter McCullough she reworked reports to fuel the false narrative of asymptomatic spread from one healthy person to another.

I have been hearing some thoughts about her book reveal "Silent Invasion" from a legal perspective. She may be trying to establish the narrative that all her actions were in the interest of the "greater public good". I will have to pick up a copy and give it a read. If it is anything like Moonshot...

Ron Paul Youtube

The quotes from her book seem like the Mea Culpa, as there seems to me to be no reason not to hide all of that planetary treason stuff in a puff piece like Cuomo's book.

The inclusion of Atlas' opposition instead of excluding him suggests this is all folks can expect from the "when will they admit..." battle cry. She just did, in writing, but like the 60+ official transcripts showing no collusion, no one reads and even fewer can assemble what is needed to see this "woman" likely stood against the wall already. IIRC, I posted a visual change in her at some point.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 04:32 PM
Ghislaine Maxwell is off to Florida to serve a 20-year federal prison sentence for helping cohort Jeffrey Epstein traffick & abuse underage girls — to apparently nobody, returning to the same state. So I guess that country club in Connecticut was denied but, sent to ultra posh club instead.

Maxwell’s new digs: Fla. prison known for yoga, music, abuse - Pilates & parties too? Somethin smells in spoopy Florida.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
I for one could give a damn about Q existing or not.

The rest of your post says otherwise. If there is no Q then their is no plan to take down the cabal so the enemy is not going to be fooled by fluff, they don't have to decide what is BS and this fairy tale world you describe isn't going to happen.

Seems to me you need Q to be real to keep that hope alive.
edit on 25-7-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
I'm a 50 year old atheist. I lived through the satanic panics.

I accept that some people have done horrible things to others, including children, but I don't believe in the two parties you claim are duking it out so I don't need for there to be a group of good guys working to take out the bad guys.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 05:29 PM

Pretty Lengthy List of assets Seized

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Pretty Lengthy List of assets Seized

Lil warning on "length" next time.😆

WoW - 1,898 pages! This is a Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List whose property is blocked, to assist the public in complying with the various sanctions programs. Most extensive list I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing, keeping for reference.


Susan Michie, a member of the Communist Party of Britain, has just been appointed Chair of a WHO technical advisory group. We need a Moonshot cancer program to kill the infecting expansion...

Government scientist who has advocated for more Covid controls is a member of the Communist party.

The Telegraph

Trust the science.

Fauci: We should have had 'much, much more stringent restrictions' for asymptomatic COVID at start of pandemic. Americans should wear masks in "schools, places of work," and any place "that brings people together in a closed environment."

...And 86 this swamp bureaucrat creature.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Wow. I am constantly amazed at the level of insight and thoroughness you bring to everything you examine.

Pulling together those kinds of disparate connections is one of the things I think AI will have a hard time ever matching. It requires a subtle conscious understanding and not just massive computation.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 09:27 PM
Probably gonna get flack for this one oh well someone did some homework
1776 Truth Social

Interesting pics of symbolism at link. Satanic stuff but I never claimed to be godless. More polytheistic than anything personally. Personal experiences have proven something is there. My being alive still is definitely one. My Y2k being wrong thought followed by an inner voice telling me to turn on the TV in Sept decades ago is another.


edit on 2022/7/25 by CrazyFox because: nice ad kinda funny

edit on 2022/7/25 by CrazyFox because: Symbology

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 10:41 PM
Facts care not of your beliefs.
You mocked it like it was untrue yet recent investigations then and now show the children told the truth.
Satanic panic was a disinfo tool then and it is now the same way you used it to discredit CHILDRENS testimony about crimes committed against them.
You should be ashamed of yourself throwing children under the bus to prop your own personal arguments.
Clearly the reputations of satanists or the claim it was hype is more important to you than justice for abused children who were not believed because you guys sold the world a red herring to discredit their testimonies against their abusers.
Dude I knew Ted Gunderson. You were in your teens when this happened.
You mocking children's testimony of abuse is a low point in your attempts at discrediting others.

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Nevercompromise
I'm a 50 year old atheist. I lived through the satanic panics.

I accept that some people have done horrible things to others, including children, but I don't believe in the two parties you claim are duking it out so I don't need for there to be a group of good guys working to take out the bad guys.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Facts care not of your beliefs.

Nor yours.

You mocked it like it was untrue...

No, I mocked it because it was exaggerated.

You should be ashamed of yourself throwing children under the bus to prop your own personal arguments.
Clearly the reputations of satanists or the claim it was hype is more important to you than justice for abused children who were not believed because you guys sold the world a red herring to discredit their testimonies against their abusers.
Dude I knew Ted Gunderson. You were in your teens when this happened.
You mocking children's testimony of abuse is a low point in your attempts at discrediting others.

I'm not, nor have I ever been, in a position to throw anyone under a bus for any reason.

This is just hyperbole on your part.

edit on 25-7-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: daskakik

No it is not.
I noticed you actually called it satanic panics which is not a thing.
It is known as satanic panic deriving from a single source, the McMartin preschool case that led into claims throughout the country.
But the msm claimed it was the reverse.
It was a psyop to discredit CHILDRENS testimony and blame the children and their parents instead.
You were too young then to understand and you are either just parroting something you heard but don't understand or you are complicant in denying justice to children abused by satanists.
No middle ground here.
I doubt anyone under 40 ever heard of the phrase.

edit on 25-7-2022 by Nevercompromise because: Spelling

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

It kind of leads back to here: shadols

History will show that man to be Army Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino, who in addition to being the author of virtually every shred of Pentagon doctrine regarding modern informational “fake news” warfare is also a 50-year high priest in the Church of Satan, founder of the Anton LaVey satanic offshoot denomination, Temple of Set, author of “The Satanic Bible, 50th Anniversary Revision,” and nearly a dozen other occult books.

Aquino was implicated in the 1987 child sex abuse scandal at the daycare Presidio Child Development Center in San Francisco, after six children of military families tested positive for the sexually transmitted disease, Chlamydia. After a preliminary investigation, daycare employee and ordained Southern Baptist minister, Gary Hambright was initially charged with ten counts of child sex abuse after six boys and four girls accused him of raping them. The Associated Press reported that a three-year old boy who had tested positive for the STD told officers Hambright, “Mr. Gary,” had raped him. A medical examination showed the boy had indeed been anally raped and had chlamydia sores on both his mouth and anus.

In August of 1987, San Francisco police raided Lt. Col. Michael Aquino’s home after reports that his house had been the scene of Hambright’s rape of a four-year-old girl.

Using the reference of "Satanic Panic" is very fitting given that during the 1980's that both of the "Daycare Sex Crime HOAX" and the public appearance of Aquino's "Temple of Set" became known.

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