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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 08:04 PM
Deus vult Elon.⚡

Ok, sure, why not.😀

Never understood this one though.🤦‍🙃

Photos from the WSJ article.

Elon determined to create a Deus ex machina in hopes of resolving population collapse.🙃🧙‍

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: pianopraze
It is Driven by sick evil globalist bastards we need to get rid of now.

But you are not going to get rid of them, the whithats are doing that behind the scenes, so it doesn't matter if the normies know or not.

I mean, that is the Q storyline, isn't it?

I can understand why issues arise if that's all Q is in your mind's eye.

Normies as you put it are not a homogenous group. Some are fully asleep never to waken, some need information/education, some are on the cusp of awakening, one end of the extreme to the other, lately running into more and more who realize the reality they are within is just not right.

The mission as I saw/see it is to prevent panic and chaos as events unfold that totally conflict with indoctrinated belief systems and worldviews.

One of the major being educating/awakening as many as possible without indoctrination or coercion using self- learning to understand events or change.

As I see described your understanding as quoted totally conflicts with the mission as it were and would result in chaos and panic.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: Phoenix

I get what daskakik is saying though. If the house is on fire the best way to wake someone is to just slap them. Sometimes people need that in order to wake them up. This gatekeeping by -Q- seems very unnecessary as people will take in as much information as they are comfortable with.

I've said it in the past and I will say it now, I believe that by holding onto all the information, -Q- has become corrupt with the power that holding that power brings. The people behind -Q- might be good people (We don't know who these people are, so I say might be) but their actions have become suspect due to gate keeping that information.

If -Q- was working in our or everyone's best interest, then they would have forced the information out into the public and let them decide what to do with it. Instead, they lead all kinds of clues and hints that "things" are happening (some of which can be seen and proven, and others seem only clear after the fact). -Q- seems to be skirting the laws but at the same time telling us that things have to be done lawfully. Why, if they have all the information and nothing can stop what's coming then expose it all. Don't hold back and instead trust that the people of this planet will handle it.

Sure, the information won't be kind to the people involved, but who cares at this point. If the people are guilty of subverting the worlds governments and courts, then what justice can there be other than public justice?

Maybe if -Q- just came out and dumped a bunch of information that wasn't already known, without any guessing games as to what it means, or just publicly expose a world leader for what they are, then maybe a lot more people will begin to understand the vast expanse of what's going on and will better prepare the world for what's to come.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: Phoenix
I can understand why issues arise if that's all Q is in your mind's eye.

Q isn't even that in my mind. That is what Q seems to be in the mind of those who think Q and their white-hats are taking care of business behind the scenes.

Normies as you put it are not a homogenous group. Some are fully asleep never to waken, some need information/education, some are on the cusp of awakening, one end of the extreme to the other, lately running into more and more who realize the reality they are within is just not right.

The post I was replying to called them that and I merely pointed out that info on things like MK Ultra was available from sources where the average person can access it, like the history channel besides popular ct outlets like coast to coast AM and infowars.

Q didn't popularize anything, in that sense.

The mission as I saw/see it is to prevent panic and chaos as events unfold that totally conflict with indoctrinated belief systems and worldviews.

One of the major being educating/awakening as many as possible without indoctrination or coercion using self- learning to understand events or change.

As I see described your understanding as quoted totally conflicts with the mission as it were and would result in chaos and panic.

Why, because Q said it would result in chaos and panic?

Was there chaos and panic over Epstein reaching room temp or Maxwell having the book thrown at her?

Would the world fall into chaos and panic if HRC, Soros, Gates, Fauci, or any of the other arch enemy mentioned by Q took a dirt nap? Q could have even used CV-19 as the cause in all their deaths.

They wouldn't have to show the average person what their crimes were and that would basically be the only thing that would cause shock in people.

So, once the bad actors were dealt with, don't you think the new free world order could be eased into place as not to shock people?

Instead we have all those people still doing their thing and the anons trying to convince themselves and others that "SOON" could mean 5 years down the road.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Spice it up.

Not good when the largest fund/asset manager on the planet starts worrying about food.


The Ghost in the Machine (1967) by Arthur Koestler, another top level globalist says toward the end of his book that the new alchemy would be the norm in the future. This would involve a pill that everyone takes to make them happy and adding specific chemicals to the tap water in addition to reversing and manipulating RNA and DNA. This would lead to the evolving of nature beyond the human and into the posthuman era. (pg 334-338). He says the technocratic elite are going to commandeer evolution like a religion and since the ancient world practiced cannibalism there is nothing wrong with the elite being cannibalistic in rolling out a One World government because that's just nature running it's course. Last 2 chapters are about rolling out GMOs, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines to experiment on people and to intentionally commandeer evolution to basically morph them into whatever the elite want.

Damn, if that becomes true prophecy we are in for a helluva ride. Wait, it IS the year of Soylent Green.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: pianopraze
It is Driven by sick evil globalist bastards we need to get rid of now.

But you are not going to get rid of them, the whithats are doing that behind the scenes, so it doesn't matter if the normies know or not.

I mean, that is the Q storyline, isn't it?

ETA: Also, info on things like MK-Ultra is out there and has been for a long time. I don't get why people think Q is the movement that brought it into the mainstream when the history channel had a segment on it back in 2010.

Ok, I realize your importance here and ‘we aren’t an echo chamber’ (respect nod DTOM) but dude, c’mon this so silly an argument at this juncture
But suppose if you’re still making it and we’re still here having to entertain it, you’ll have to read my own annoyingly ridiculous explanation as well …(you’re welcome)
In order to get my parents off my back and stay in their (financial) good graces I took a freshman college course where I had to write a 15 page paper on a topic most respectable students my age knew enough about they could do it in their sleep…..course I skipped or wasn’t mentally present most of high school, and for low middle class folk internet wasn’t a thing. So I had to take my degenerate ass to the library, use the dewy decimal (?) system walk the isles, find encyclopedias and books, jot down notes, understand basics, rinse & repeat then devise my thesis and do the same until I wrote my paper with all the self righteous vigor only a naive college student could …and submit it.
Cool story, what’s the point?
Point is that besides not being ‘present’ for YEARS of learning on this specific topic- unlike my peers- I had to put real work into a paper they emotionlessly & mindlessly wrote in their car in parking lot b4 class . In the end, teacher loved it so much I had my paper published in an academic journal, but more importantly, the very ‘act of’ (re) learning, physically seeking answers (not just 2 second google typing), contemplating the subject based upon the aforementioned and then formulating an argument helped solidify my knowledge and my understanding of a topic through dedication of time, intellect and informed opinion.
Guarantee you both me and t ‘Joey schmo’ my freshman peer/next door neighbor w impeccable grade school attendance could be plucked from our lives now 20+ yrs later and tested our knowledge on this subject and despite his years of coherent attendance n my uhhh, less than, I would school him on any question on the matter, say nothing about my passion and ability to apply my understanding to current events or future ideas for improvement.

My point is, of freakin course these facts have been there in front of everyone’s eyes. But until they reached the ‘ Precipice ’ (aka their own ‘fail class or eat at a shelter’ type situation) and painstaking drag through the implication of (insert topic/situation, etc), facts alone matter very little.
Be honest, How many times have you Googled something only to realize you’ve googled the very same thing 1-2xs before and already forgot?
But after all these years I’m pretty sure you know all this dask. Hence my, and many disregard of your cherry picked needling …though I applaud n thank you for honing my understanding n dedication to Qdrop enlightenment over earlier years. My post isn’t meant for you, nor do I care to reply as such- We’ve been at this far too long to feign non-combatant consciousness objectors. If you haven’t already seen why we must be dragged through the mud to ensure our grand-great grand children don’t have to endure the same, then we both oughta check out now, and anyone else on the side line should do the same …if there are no white hats then we’re damned and you can toast your glass to your superior intellect a few moments longer than the rest and lot of us. And I pray you enjoy the sweet sweet taste you enjoy the few mins you get before you’re dragged off to the same fate. Part of the problem or the solution, that’s a question I ask myself before bed each night. If you can rest easy with that then big up to you, as I’ve said you’ve done wonders to solidify belief in the goodness/the plan for many more than I but I resent you feigning ignorance in the process at this stage in the game. It merely speaks to your motivation and attempts to misdirect.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 10:06 PM
0bama 2024

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
0bama 2024

So, does this mean that Barack wants a fourth term now?

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: nowayreally
If you haven’t already seen why we must be dragged through the mud to ensure our grand-great grand children don’t have to endure the same, then we both oughta check out now, and anyone else on the side line should do the same …if there are no white hats then we’re damned and you can toast your glass to your superior intellect a few moments longer than the rest and lot of us.

Unfortunately, you totally missed the point.

First off, nobody here is being dragged through the mud and looking things up on the internet and finding info that might have been right in front of you all along isn't combat.

Second, the point was that Q didn't have to tell anyone of The Plan in order to take care of the bad actors. That is it.

Q started off by naming some people who were going to be arrested and said they were warning so that people could prepare for the turmoil that would result from those arrests but they never happened.

It seems that the Q is here so that we can learn using the Socratic method is just something someone came up with to justify Q's existence when those arrests failed to happen.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Phoenix

Would the world fall into chaos and panic if HRC, Soros, Gates, Fauci, or any of the other arch enemy mentioned by Q took a dirt nap? Q could have even used CV-19 as the cause in all their deaths.

I believe that retaliation against mankind is a limiting factor.

edit on 24-7-2022 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 10:48 PM

The next election night media coverage should be styled like a cheesy gameshow or New Year's Eve event, hosted by someone cool like me, and with a bunch of livestreams showing the cheat counts, surveillance footage, along with graphs, followed by a surprise ending with a takedown featuring airborne troops landing in the National Mall.

Would it still be enough???

ftm new lines of razor wire going up around the Capitol building....

edit on 24-7-2022 by FlyingFox because: Seriously, this time...

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
I believe that retaliation against mankind is a limiting factor.

Q going public with The Plan wouldn't change that, if it were in fact a limiting factor.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: loveguy
Sorry, I thought you meant the phrase applied to what I had pointed out about Rel's claim.

If you take a look at the exchange where the phrase was said, she wasn't refusing to testify.

Interestingly, it applies more to what I was discussing with JOM. The line of interrogation was, had the american public been kept in the dark about the situation because the movements before the attack were reported as a protest to which Hillary replied, "what difference at this point does it make".

Similarly, if Q and the whitehats are really talking back the US of A and "nothing can stop what's coming" "what difference at this point does it make" if the american public knows about it or not?

For the great Awakening to be great then participation by all is key.
Not everyone of course. Just those that matter. And most certainly matter.
For someone to learn a new skillset it is important to be trained properly because "garbage in, garbage out".
But it is much more important that you put 100 hours into actually doing whatever it is you studied for.
Like gardening,beekeeping or fishing for examples.

What difference between knowing or not is like learning how to fish by only eating fish prepared by others.
Of course you are better off knowing everything from bait to plate if fishing and cooking means you get to eat more often than counting on others to do it all for you.
And the really sad part about this analogy is you know all this and still remain cynical. If you were just skeptical you could choose another tact than just trying to pick apart OTHER people's work and input.
It seems you can never get the full context of anyone else's points yet almost every post of yours is claiming they miss your points somehow thus needing your explanations why you got it,get it and are never wrong or missing context.

You are running sprints inside a marathon unaware the participants leading the race are far out of your view and even more unaware the finish line is not subjective to like, just a matter of your opinion man(channeling"the dude").

This race requires endurance and intestinal fortitude in order to finish. A 6000 year old death cult ingrained within all countries and governments is no easy for defeated by just 1 battle. Nope.
What most people I know that have been awakened realize is that this is more than just a dialectic exercise but a fight for good over evil and our children as well as their future reality is at stake.

Dude, just the local activity in school boards shows you how important everyone has realized our involvement needs to be.

Your opinion is based on short races and sprinting for quick wins.
We are running a marathon you pretend to be unaware of but we all know you see it.
You chose.
But for me and my house, we will serve the Lord and I believe we are in a period of time that requires everyone to choose to whom they serve.
I believe we are in a jubilee only seen twice before in 6000 years.
The 1st time between the 1st two dispensations of creation-Law 4000 years ago. (Noah-Moses).
The other 2000 years ago between the 2nd and 3rd dispensation Law-Grace (Moses-Christ).
Man could do nothing to stop either the flood nor the drought when Yah withheld the prophetic for 400 years.

Now we come to an end of the dispensation of grace.
We are being prepared for something far greater
The Kingdom age.
We are going through a quickening to prepare us for what is to come.
Nothing Can Stop What is Coming

You can only imagine how frustrating that is for the powers that were

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 11:33 PM

edit on 24-7-2022 by FlyingFox because: Chris Hansen hosting???

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Of course you are better off knowing everything from bait to plate if fishing and cooking means you get to eat more often than counting on others to do it all for you.

But isn't someone else doing it all for you implied by the claim that Q and his army of white-hats are handling things behind the scenes every time someone brings up the fact that nothing seems to be happening or that things are taking too long?

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

The story about the razor wire has been proven to be false by Penguin 6.

and from this date in history (err the day of this posting)

There are some nasty anti-climbing rods on the new fences around the White House, but that could also be anti-bird pokeys though.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
0bama 2024

Joe Biden had Dementia, promised to kill most petro-related jobs, and still won the 2020 election handily. Why would he not run in 2024?

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Super motivational post amigo. Very q-esque.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 12:33 AM
Personally, and this is just my opinion, I think the whole Q op was really meant to help awaken the masses. If that is the case, it certainly has done that. Mission is ongoing, but the main idea is to expose all the corruption, so the masses wake up before all is lost. That will allow, the rest of "the plan" to unfold.
Of course there is a lot of legal battles going on in the background, and in some cases humanity is winning. Which is a positive thing.
I 've followed the Q movement since the very first post, and have enjoyed all the decodes all over the web. It's quite entertaining, but none of us would ever figure out the grand plan. None of us.
There more than likely is a grand plan for the white hats, but it would never hit the web openly.
The plan would fail if it did.
There is a good side fighting this war, but to think it would be unveiled openly is ridiculous.

The Q op in my opinion has been a success if it has helped to awaken a sound to sleep public.


edit on 25-7-2022 by Roxstar because: spelling

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 12:42 AM
Good Evening All….. 🌨

Wanted to highlight another ATS thread about weather manipulation. The OP claims that a storefront that would have brought 2-4”of rain to the northwest of USA and Mexico was purposely zapped by satellites directed by DOD ?! If true this is diabolical, caused manufactured droughts in areas growing a large portion of our Food supply !

Meanwhile Pedo Pete is trying to make climate change a National Emergency to force more BS regulations on us and other morons are talking about piping in water to CA from the Great Lakes, rather then manage our own water run off from the mountains that just run off into the sea and building desalination plants on the coast ! Ugggg “ It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature ! “ ⚡️

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