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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Hey my brother.

Do I have a rabbit hole for you.

Odyssey Study Group

A Manhattan cult that preys upon wealthy New Yorkers is expanding upstate, and putting new recruits to work on round-the-clock renovations and landscaping, according to public records and a source close to the group.
On June 29, 2021, a private company linked to members of Odyssey Study Group bought a sprawling compound on 100 wooded acres in the outskirts of Margaretville, a village of 700 nestled in the Catskill Mountains. The property was purchased six months after the death of OSG’s longtime leader, Sharon Gans Horn, an erstwhile actor who had a small part in the 1972 film “Slaughterhouse-Five.”

"The Fourth Way"

Horn and Gans ran the Theatre of All Possibilities until 1978 when the San Francisco Chronicle and San Francisco Progress ran a series of articles accusing the couple of running a cult which abused children, bilked members, and physically abused and verbally abused members. Thereafter, Horn and Gans both left San Francisco and continued to run their groups in New York and Boston, the latter until his death in 2007.[

They were operating out of San Francisco at the same time and place as many MKOFTEN projects were being launched.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence
edit on 7 25 2022 by dashen because: Q

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Of course you are better off knowing everything from bait to plate if fishing and cooking means you get to eat more often than counting on others to do it all for you.

But isn't someone else doing it all for you implied by the claim that Q and his army of white-hats are handling things behind the scenes every time someone brings up the fact that nothing seems to be happening or that things are taking too long?

Without any doubts whatsoever Trump won in 2016 by WH military flipping the voting machines back to Trump by intercepting the satellite feeds.
And that would be clandestine and they could NEVER admit interfering with that election. NEVER.

The same goes for them using the repeal of Smith-Mundt against the lefts own playbook running crisis actor events.
They are never going to be able to admit which players are actually actors.
Both Hunter and Joe are actors.
Plain to see.
This Joe has black/brown eyes.
That Joe had blue eyes.
This Joe is left handed and has a totally different signature than that of blue eyed Joe.
All the masks.
So many actors.
All for propaganda.

Some believe Joe is Obama's 3rd term.
I believe actor Joe is DJT's 2nd term

Dask I believe the finish line is January 2023 when the QFS, USMCA and the global trade agreements and treaties kick in.
The counterstrike has begun.
No way anyone is going to allow the traitors to get any credit for the boon to come.

edit on 25-7-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 02:04 AM
Hillary's German Cousin

Mishandling classified information must run in the extended family

German magazine Spiegel criticised the Chancellor and his wife “apparently have a relaxed relationship with confidential documents”.

Meanwhile, Bild, a tabloid said: “In the Scholz house, they don’t take it very seriously when it comes to waste separation – and certainly not when it comes to keeping secrets.”

Q correct once again. These people are stupid.


posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 02:07 AM

Kamala in 2022/3/4!?

Remind you of anyone in Congress?

Mom layed out my outfit for the Manhattan speaking event at Trump Tower on 11.11.22.

Crazy times demands crazy outfits. Mom knows best.

🎶 I remember when
I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place
Even your emotions have an echo in so much space
And when you're out there without care
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy 🎶

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

camp wakonda is built on top of a top secret govt installation

Weird huh?
edit on 7 25 2022 by dashen because: Wakanda 4E

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Your examples would still be someone else doing it and not the population doing it because Q woke them up.

From what I have read USMCA has already been in effect for 2 years, I don't know what other global trade agreements and treaties you are talking about and QFS sounds a bit like vaporware, but January 2023 isn't that far off, at least we won't have to wait too long to see how your prediction pans out.

edit on 25-7-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 07:00 AM
I for one could give a damn about Q existing or not. I am about following the truth wherever it leads us. Q discussion is merely data to me, but it also has proven to be more than data. It is truly something neat even if it was all just a Sun Tzu exercise that was in our face with full twists and turns. Any tidbits we can hold onto are not to be thrown away because Q is _____!?!? whatever you think. Fluff has to be in the mix guys. BS has to be a major part of this. Then the enemy has to decide if it is all BS like you're doing. or if there really is something to post # X or not because it is all BS. It really is that simple to complicate the data for the enemies of us all who breath to protect the innocent and live in a fair world where justice is evenly distributed based on consequences for certain actions.

a reply to: daskakik

edit on 25-7-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: nowayreally

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: pianopraze
It is Driven by sick evil globalist bastards we need to get rid of now.

But you are not going to get rid of them, the whithats are doing that behind the scenes, so it doesn't matter if the normies know or not.

I mean, that is the Q storyline, isn't it?

ETA: Also, info on things like MK-Ultra is out there and has been for a long time. I don't get why people think Q is the movement that brought it into the mainstream when the history channel had a segment on it back in 2010.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

You hit the nail on the head. Great comment and excellent quote to share. Simply put, our struggle is with evil if you like innocent children at all. Children are their target and often a silent victim of society. That is one thing this Q thing has brought to the table for the sleepy citizens of planet Earth. Truly and inspirational post

edit on 25-7-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
0bama 2024

That they said this about Michelle: "She is immune to criticism" is total BS. She is only immune like Biden and Clinton. They are immune in the Marxist media. That won't change. The people however, are another story. Her quotes that prove she hates America will knock her butt around on the campaign trail. Plus, she might be a man. For me I think she is a woman but IDK? The far right wingers and anyone with a brain who already thinks it is true just won't let that one slide in a million years. I am open to it being not true or true. I have seen the vid's they could be photo shopped and I have never thought I saw an Adam's apple at anytime on that unit during a live session.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Never understood this one though.🤦‍🙃

Photos from the WSJ article.

Interesting to note Musk's outfit is the inversion of a Catholic Priest.

The event is the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute gala. Is what he's wearing significant?

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 10:43 AM
Q "Armor of..."

Because m.A.L.I.C.E's meltdowns are funny...

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Your examples would still be someone else doing it and not the population doing it because Q woke them up.

From what I have read USMCA has already been in effect for 2 years, I don't know what other global trade agreements and treaties you are talking about and QFS sounds a bit like vaporware, but January 2023 isn't that far off, at least we won't have to wait too long to see how your prediction pans out.

To me it is all obvious.
2 factions fighting it out for control.
Golden dawn vs. phoenix order

I feel you know this and are playing the dialectic in this forum and that is a bummer as this thread has more layers of truth found than any place on the net.

You seem to cauterize me in choosing a side when I do not want to. Q, maga, kek, and all the mysteries are playing out like a Dan Brown novel. Not to uncover truth but to introduce you to solving mysteries in order to introduce you into the mystery religions. Once hidden but now revealed.
But revealed by them for purpose.
I am in pursuit of Truth and do not want to be part of either team.
But here I am aligning with a noble cause that that looks like light but is probably black. Like how some colors like green can either absorb light or reflect light depending on the shade.
Lots and lots of posers in the light seeking world and discernment is the greatest gift next to love.
My point
I willingly align with those that are destroying the pedophile/pedovore cannibals that traffic humans as currency.
I choose this place to take a stand.
Life is not worth a world that supports this.
The choice between which faction should not be our only choice but in this case it seems inevitable.
It should be as simple as pursuing truth. Right or wrong.
But it isn't. It is the dialectic being played out to it's fullest.
We do not get to choose truth but the "other". Because the other is the side that championed an important truth.
The intentional torturing of the innocent.
The reason so many are here now.
So I resent you in that you push only the dialectic and our champion in this 1 cause is Q and Trump.
But my problem is that when this fight is over we then have to address the other faction that most assuredly empowers the man of sin. The greatest humanitarian.
And evil to it's core.
It will look like righteousness but rather than reflect the Light it will absorb it.
And once again it will be about the children.
But for now.
We must address the massive industrial underground torture and sacrifice of the most innocent.
Dask I almost signed up to you mocking this when you mocked this as "Satanic panic".
I saw this as a tell.
Most are too young to know what you addressed.
Satanic panic was the coverup narrative.
The media and the pseudo-science of psychology covered this up.
I knew Ted Gunderson.
Evidence of tunnels under the McMartin daycare were found and verified.
Those children told the truth initially and were forced to endure continued torture by being manipulated by psychologists with a coverup agenda.
You should be ashamed of yourself as I have to assume you what was the source of the term "Satanic panic" i.e. cover-up.
Otherwise why bring it up now? How old are you? Old enough to know about those events or did you read about it and chose an author's opinion.
Are you aware of what is going on in Utah at this moment with many coming forward with eyewitness testimony in support of new investigations by sherrifs departments of these same satanic activities dating back to the 80's and 90's?
The same time period of the McMartin day care case and the cover-up known as "satanic panic"

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Who's mom laid out that whacky outfit destined to get someone in prison for many years if they show up to a Trump or Biden rally wearing that? If someone tries this, they will be lucky to live past 15 seconds.

edit on 25-7-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 11:49 AM
Seems the Dems have made their choice. Monkey pox it is. Hardly obvious that 50 Dems have started the ball rolling with exactly the same set-up as Operation Warp Speed.

I was just thinking of a name for it. How about Operation Slack-Up?

Since they can't help themselves...the U.S. Government License # is 2096 which equals you know.

50 House Democrats Urge Biden to Declare Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
I have had such a dilemma over your post about the genetic manipulations using CRISPR technology. It really is a double edged sword. Those of us who have children suffering from one of these diseases that could be resolved using this technology, this would be a blessing.
In my case my daughter suffering with schizophrenia, removing it before birth would really have helped not just her but the rest of us would have benefited from not constantly trying to provide daily/ emergency help on an on-going basis. It is rather exhausting and frustrating since there simply is no really effective help available. A lot of fancy named organizations that receive funding and do nothing of consequence. Just revolving doors.

The other side of the coin is that I believe there is creativity linked with that gene. By removing it from the genetics of a family line this could impact the level of creativity moving forward. Also quite often the things they say, do or believe are closer to the truth than most of us would feel comfortable with. Like I say a double edged sword. They would need to know far more about the long term impact of any of these changes.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

The root of these problems is that there is no longer any sense of professional ethics. There was never was a time when everyone was upstanding, but it is
-really- bad now.

edit on 25-7-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Never understood this one though.🤦‍🙃

Photos from the WSJ article.

Interesting to note Musk's outfit is the inversion of a Catholic Priest.

The event is the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute gala. Is what he's wearing significant?

Some say anti-priest; I say Bond villain alter-ego masquerade stage show. At this point in our timeline we could use both.

He does have a passion for Bond villains & (artificial) gadgets.

Aside the color inversion, Musk’s white dress shirt features hidden buttons and what’s known as a “Nehru” collar. Many Bond villains have donned a Nehru collar throughout the movies.

Blofeld wears a jacket with a Nehru collar in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service and Spectre, and Dr. No, the villain in the Bond movie of the same name and a fellow S.P.E.C.T.R.E. agent, also wore a Nehru collared jacket. The look is perhaps most recognizable today from Dr. Evil’s outfit in the Austin Powers series of James Bond parodies. Musk’s pairing of the Bond-villain Nehru-collar look with the very Bondian cream-white dinner jacket is an interesting, if conflicting look, and he is almost certainly aware of the layered references to one of his favorite movie franchises.

You can tell by the expression on his face that he is extremely confident in his outfit.

He bought the Lotus Esprit submarine used in the 1977 Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me, and even claimed that he would make a functional version of the submarine Esprit for himself.

Ghislaine Maxwell was going to be his pilot. (half joking)

A 'private tunnel' beneath Tesla plant at Austin, Texas Gigafactory (June 23, 2022)

In a tour of the Tesla Gigafactory site in Reno back in July of 2016, it was discovered that an area of the factory marked off and labeled “Top Secret: Project Goldfinger” a clear reference to the 1964 blockbuster of the same name.

Ernst Stavro Blofeld-Musk head of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. organization.

Choose your Bond villain:

The modern day Howard Hughes has many tunnels (lairs?) beneath Texas & Nevada. I'm sure some belong to the MIC.

All Bond villains had a counter-part larp for misdirection & deception.

Grimes - Miss Anthropocene "4ÆM" (2020)

A loose concept album about an "anthropomorphic goddess of climate change" inspired by Roman mythology.

Grimes & i_o - Violence (2019) [Singularity]
Oracular dance qualities. There's a strange transition to all of them wearing masks and doing some crazy ritual dance moves. In the very begining of vid the book she is reading has been censored for YT bs legal reasons. The book is "The Art of War."

The music industry runs Hegelian Dialectic. She is an avid reader of Sci-fi and occult books and made it her persona, very similar to (Catholic) Lana del (Wolf) Rey (Chemtrails Over The Country Club).

"Tell me of the waters of ur homeland ["Homeworld"], Usul" > The symbol of time runs out.

Seriously, (pinned) WTF? > Enemies with benefits

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 12:56 PM
Time to take a very close look at Debra Birx's roll in the plandemic. Fun Fact: She was installed as the Coordinator of the Coronavirus Task Force February 27 = you know.

She made a very odd remark to The Wrap. She claimed that President Trump seemed to be using different data and she became convinced that there were parallel sets of data incoming to the White House. She then stated "I needed to stop that."!

Control had to be seized so that they could control the narrative. What to do? The CDC had an effective data collection system already in place that hospitals and health facilities were familiar with. This was the National Healthcare Safety Network. It was not perfect but everyone was familiar with it. Why would they suddenly change that system when the Plandemic was underway? Because.

June 2020 the CDC data collection was terminated to the dismay of the staff and given to TeleTracking, a company that had never been involved in anything like this before.

How did Birx pull this off? She demanded that hospitals provide data on a daily basis. At the best of times this was not possible but in a plandemic??? The existing system could not meet her demands so she had the perfect justification for removing this away from the CDC.
Comments: "Arbitrary and dangerous". " Anyone who knows the data supply chain in the U.S. knows that getting all of the data daily is impossible." "Either Birx isn't looking at the data, or she's looking away- because it's an absolute disaster".

Critics cued up against this contract award to TeleTracking. The award of the contract was not transparent but what stands out to me is the issue of cybersecurity concerns. If it can be hacked then the data can be manipulated.< That's the point.
Ironically TeleTracking were less efficient than the NHSN and fell to 3-4 days behind in reporting but who cares when there is a plan.
Problems were apparent with the incoming data and at some points there were reports of negative hospital beds. TeleTracking claimed that they were not responsible for negative values. So how did that data get there???
How else did Birx manipulate the data? Birx and Seema Verma, representing Medicare/Medicaid tied the funding for the treatment of Covid by the hospitals to compliance in her unrealistic data demands. "This would lead to the corruption of data to satisfy these unreasonable demands and their need to get funding."
I can't imagine how the average CDC employee must have been feeling as they watched this taking place, knowing that the data the public was receiving was anything but accurate. If there were concerns who could they go to?

Undermining the CDC
HHS Renews $10.2 Million Contract for Controversial Covid-19 Data Tracking Co.
The WrapOperation Warp Speed:

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Who's mom laid out that whacky outfit destined to get someone in prison for many years if they show up to a Trump or Biden rally wearing that? If someone tries this, they will be lucky to live past 15 seconds.

Theater Kid Ultra (TKUltra) cringe.

Not to worry. Just a sad meme joke mocking the new normal Gen Z American culture & their clown moms, i.e. Crimo’s mom.


a reply to: Thoughtful1

Yep, no doubt a double edged sword. Seems there is a Yin & yang in every new technology advancement.

Does the new technology actual work as designed? Yes/partial/No?
Is it safe? As far as we know, yes.
The R&D never ends.

Benefit humanity
Enslave, deceive
Alter humanity
Job security
Never ending ego quest for apotheosis status
Power, profit, control.

Some (that camp is growing in numbers) view the "alter humanity" through genetics as a positive goal for mankind's next evolutionary step. Makes me wonder if all this green Netzero and new medicine DNA editing narrative is about terraforming the planet to produce the next "new man" 2.0.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
The state of healthcare for those suffering from schizophrenia was really serious before the plandemic and now it has hit a record low if that is possible. In the past I could get her placed on a laughable 24 hour hold but so often she would just leave the hospital and no one cared or would even contact me to let me know.
Other parents reported the same problems with children showing up at home in winter in bare feet and hospital gowns, completely detached from reality.
These individuals are really vulnerable and I am sure the family safety nets have worn thin by now. The plandemic has just added fuel to their paranoia.

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