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There's no such thing as a family-friendly drag show

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posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: Albert999

I'm not asking for your "help."

Don't need it.

So long as the LGBTQ is cheering on the sexualization of children and continue to force their grooming agenda on everyone else, I will not be moved.

I wasn't offering help, that's just a saying and you know it.
Also I am NOT asking you anything to do with LGBTQ and the pervs and you KNOW it.

If you think every gay person is part of the sick pedo lot, then YOU are the sick one.

From experience, I've found that people this bigoted usuallyhave skeletons of their own.

I'll state exactly where I stand for last time, as you seem to be purposely avoiding it.

I am not Pro the LGBTQ lot pushing sick pedo 5hit. I am pointing out that you are the lowest of the low bigot (usually with something to hide) to link every homosexual with sick pedo' s, you sick POS

Is that clear enough for you? Now you can take your homophobic broad brush and kindly stick it where it belongs.

You are the weakest link.


posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: Albert999

Go cry elsewhere.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: Albert999

Go cry elsewhere.

😂😂😂 ok closet boy

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: Albert999

You have no leg to stand on so you resort to personal insults.

The footage is there, the behavior is obvious, and the LGBTQ are advocating for it.

Nothing will change my mind until the above is no longer true.

What you don't understand is that I can't afford to be wrong around those people even ONCE. No parent can.

I refuse to contribute to this social contagion by accepting the rot that the LGBTQ has foisted on society. I will fight against it because I was lied to.

My tolerance was leveraged and my advocacy was taken advantage of to push this disgusting agenda and it was done with the blessing of the vast majority of the LGBTQ.

There's another thread here of an LGBTQ parade where a naked man twerks in front of children and the police do nothing. This isn't a one off thing. Society has deemed this disgusting # acceptable. I have not.

I will rage against it because it is the right thing to do no matter how much you scream bigot at me.

edit on 6 12 2022 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 10:18 AM
Oh look, it just keeps happening

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Albert999

Look. It's very simple.

This is very much like wondering where the good Muslims are every time there is an atrocious act of Muslim violence carried out in terroristic fashion and we all get lectured about good Muslims and not hating. Where are the good Muslims who will publicly stand up and speak out against the violence denouncing it?

The problem is that you don't stand up against your activists. Oh sure, you come in here and you "stand up" against them to us because you can then deliver backhanded insults against our bigotry and you know that your activists aren't here or you know they know you are one of them so it won't matter. You aren't standing up, not really, so you're safe from all the hatred they dish out. You aren't being brave.

If you really disagreed, you'd say so. You'd take the insults and hatred and face worse like some of us do to state it plain.

Sexualizing children is wrong, not education, not family friendly.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

You my friend....are lost on interpretation. I wore stage makeup at 10, my Aunt was in Burlesque.

To each there own. In short of telling you as you told me I " make you sick"....I respect you enuff...not to.

Oh...and aunt was a white father wore blackface in the theatres. It is the very history of entertainment itself.

Roman men dressed as women....

It appears you take this as what you visually see...and not as was written.

You should try to comprehend others ideas, metaphors, experience...yet insult not me....but history itself.

Small minds, small ideas...just re read what I wrote. My family and I....entertaining since 1924...I am the last....of my family.

See how you took this? God my friend...wants love, tolerance, understanding and acceptance.

Otherwise? We can't change things....or even know...if we should.

God bless you anyway...

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: Khaleesi
a reply to: projectvxn

I don't know what to say. Yes, I've seen the videos. It's disgusting. I don't know any gays that think this is okay, but I don't disagree with what you're saying. Maybe I'm just from the older generation of gays that simply want to be left alone. Children are off limits.

I doubt that any of these gay people who attend these child drag/strip shows and stuff dollar bills in kids underwear as a reward and that uses slogans "it wont lick itself" will openly admit and talk about the fact that they attend and participate in this will talk about this to their neighbours, and that would be for the very same reason why Twitter does not want this to be reposted for everyone to see.

Have you ever considered this?

edit on America/ChicagovAmerica/ChicagoSun, 12 Jun 2022 10:49:50 -05002220226America/Chicago by everyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Grenade

For something to be entertaining it needs people who have those desires.

I don't know about that. I remember in high school, the jocks dressing up as female and parading around the stage. It was a funny goof and entertaining at the time. They had fun and the audience had fun. It was kind of a tradition it had been so much fun for generations at that school. So I don't think that everyone or even most or even more than one or two there had that inclination.

So with this kid doing drag. Doesn't mean mean all those adults in the audience are closet pedos .
Personally I don't find it entertaining at all.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: Albert999

You have no leg to stand on so you resort to personal insults.

The footage is there, the behavior is obvious, and the LGBTQ are advocating for it.

Nothing will change my mind until the above is no longer true.

What you don't understand is that I can't afford to be wrong around those people even ONCE. No parent can.

I refuse to contribute to this social contagion by accepting the rot that the LGBTQ has foisted on society. I will fight against it because I was lied to.

My tolerance was leveraged and my advocacy was taken advantage of to push this disgusting agenda and it was done with the blessing of the vast majority of the LGBTQ.

There's another thread here of an LGBTQ parade where a naked man twerks in front of children and the police do nothing. This isn't a one off thing. Society has deemed this disgusting # acceptable. I have not.

I will rage against it because it is the right thing to do no matter how much you scream bigot at me.

Why are you even replying to me????? You're not even having a conversation., you sound like a crazy lefty.
You haven't listened to a single word I've said. You just keep parroting the same crap over and over, so OK, I get it.You think all gay people are sick evil paedophiles. got it 👍🏼

And people like you do warrent insults. To openly say that every gay person is a paedophile is DISGUSTING BEHAVIOUR, and the people starring your posts should be ashamed too.

Now go ahead and start raging about the same thing that we actually both agree about, and continue your ignorance and bigotry you are so proud of. Bet your mother is proud. 👍🏼

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Albert999

Look. It's very simple.

This is very much like wondering where the good Muslims are every time there is an atrocious act of Muslim violence carried out in terroristic fashion and we all get lectured about good Muslims and not hating. Where are the good Muslims who will publicly stand up and speak out against the violence denouncing it?

The problem is that you don't stand up against your activists. Oh sure, you come in here and you "stand up" against them to us because you can then deliver backhanded insults against our bigotry and you know that your activists aren't here or you know they know you are one of them so it won't matter. You aren't standing up, not really, so you're safe from all the hatred they dish out. You aren't being brave.

If you really disagreed, you'd say so. You'd take the insults and hatred and face worse like some of us do to state it plain.

Sexualizing children is wrong, not education, not family friendly.

Omg I give up.


I'm just NOT going to standby and let an ignorant bigot say ALL GAY PEOPLE ARE PEDOPHILES.

I I'll agree WITH EVERYTHING else, but you ain't getting away with that BS without it getting called out.

And Muslims.... Please 🙄

Using your logic (and his) , that would mean every single Muslim on the planet is a suicide bomber. It's this what you believe as well? All gays are child raping monsters and all Muslims are suicide bombers????
LISTEN TO YOURSELVES It's ridiculous, and it's getting called out every time.
edit on 12-6-2022 by Albert999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: Khaleesi
a reply to: projectvxn

I don't know what to say. Yes, I've seen the videos. It's disgusting. I don't know any gays that think this is okay, but I don't disagree with what you're saying. Maybe I'm just from the older generation of gays that simply want to be left alone. Children are off limits.

I doubt that any of these gay people who attend these child drag/strip shows and stuff dollar bills in kids underwear as a reward and that uses slogans "it wont lick itself" will openly admit and talk about the fact that they attend and participate in this will talk about this to their neighbours, and that would be for the very same reason why Twitter does not want this to be reposted for everyone to see.

Have you ever considered this?

I think the very fact that people have no problem being seen in these videos on social media disproves what you are saying. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you are saying.

In my younger days I attended Pride parades and went to the local gay bar on a semi regular basis. I went to drag shows and even lived with a couple of drag queens. I can tell you from personal experience, times have changed and I stopped going to those events when I saw the change happening.

Projectvxn is not wrong. I may not like the broad brush he's using but I definitely understand his position and I will not attack him for protecting his children.

LGBTQ needs to back up and return to the times of "We just want to live in peace and quiet and not be attacked." The gay community has pushed beyond 'consenting adults' and has entered dangerous territory. Unfortunately, those of us that don't agree with this will suffer the backlash from both sides.
edit on 12-6-2022 by Khaleesi because: Typo

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Khaleesi

Projectvxn is not wrong. I may not like the broad brush he's using but I definitely understand his position and I will not attack him for protecting his children.

I take people at an individual basis.

The broad brush is based on the collective behavior of entirely too many people.

I don't know which arrow will get through so I have to try for all of them regardless of what happens to me, what names I am called, or offense I might cause. They are all risks I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about whereas I believe my detractors have not given the issue equal consideration.

It is wrong of me to paint with such a broad brush. But when surrounded by this cultural rot the only choice is broadness. Taking chances just isn't something I can do.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

I understand. I don't have any problems with your position. I am just sad and angry that the LGBTQ community has pushed beyond the boundaries into dangerous territory.

My wife and I do not associate with that community anymore because of the extremism that has taken over.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: Khaleesi

Projectvxn is not wrong. I may not like the broad brush he's using but I definitely understand his position and I will not attack him for protecting his children.

It is wrong of me to paint with such a broad brush. But when surrounded by this cultural rot the only choice is broadness. Taking chances just isn't something I can do.

This is all you had to say to me at the beginning. I appreciate this even though you weren't wiring it to me.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: Albert999

I owe you nothing.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: Albert999

I owe you nothing.

Did I say you did?

I knew you were wrong from the beginning, and I appreciated you owning up.

Now get over yourself.

edit on 12-6-2022 by Albert999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: Khaleesi

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: Khaleesi
a reply to: projectvxn

I don't know what to say. Yes, I've seen the videos. It's disgusting. I don't know any gays that think this is okay, but I don't disagree with what you're saying. Maybe I'm just from the older generation of gays that simply want to be left alone. Children are off limits.

I doubt that any of these gay people who attend these child drag/strip shows and stuff dollar bills in kids underwear as a reward and that uses slogans "it wont lick itself" will openly admit and talk about the fact that they attend and participate in this will talk about this to their neighbours, and that would be for the very same reason why Twitter does not want this to be reposted for everyone to see.

Have you ever considered this?

I think the very fact that people have no problem being seen in these videos on social media disproves what you are saying. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you are saying.

In my younger days I attended Pride parades and went to the local gay bar on a semi regular basis. I went to drag shows and even lived with a couple of drag queens. I can tell you from personal experience, times have changed and I stopped going to those events when I saw the change happening.

Projectvxn is not wrong. I may not like the broad brush he's using but I definitely understand his position and I will not attack him for protecting his children.

LGBTQ needs to back up and return to the times of "We just want to live in peace and quiet and not be attacked." The gay community has pushed beyond 'consenting adults' and has entered dangerous territory. Unfortunately, those of us that don't agree with this will suffer the backlash from both sides.

I agree with you.

My adoptive parents was a gay couple. 1 dutch and 1 muslim from malaysia (myself being 50/50 black white) i called many gay/bi/trans people my aunt or uncle and felt the savest in my adoptive parents household. Cant get more diverse than that.

They where not officially my adoptive parents but they where the best friends of my mother from before i was even born and they raised me and my 2 sister for a huge part of our youth and life.

With that disclaimer out of the way. Those adoptive parents never, ever liked the gay parade events, They always said that the way gays present themselves on there was very demeaning to them and most of their friends agreed. Things like their overtly flamboyance, running around half naked with pink boa's around their neck in thongs outside on the street and talking about nothing else about sex all day and every day.

This is what the one i call my real father figure in life (who is thus gay) told me when i was quite young still and i agree with him. The man has been saying this since the very first gay parades in europe so thats a long time ago. he was right. That behaviour is now spilling over and being pushed onto kids as young as toddlers already.

Also this. having events like this and accepting them or even just being careful not to criticize them at all or not to much or giving them the benefit of the doubt is the danger.

Having events like this will make all the creeps come out of the woodwork and become more and more open about it as it is noticed that it is accepted and acceptable. It also creates creeps/pedo's as the latest generations are already indoctrinated to find this behaviour normal as it is in fact already been normalized in a very large part. too large already.

Believe me when i say that the next generation when they have kids and one of them comes up to them and says uncle or aunty X touched them there that that generation of parents will laugh a little and tell then not to worry so much about it. It will be that normalized by then if we keep allowing this to be accepted.

until entire clubs like this are shut down and its attendants are not arrested on the spot or after this is where things are going.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: Khaleesi
a reply to: projectvxn

I understand. I don't have any problems with your position. I am just sad and angry that the LGBTQ community has pushed beyond the boundaries into dangerous territory.

BREAKING: Nancy's Commission EDITED The Video Evidence To Support Her Claims! EVIL.

I learned something about you today and i am sad to hear that but considering current affairs i am more glad to see you say this. It's show a healthy, rational mind and a good heart.

I do feel bad for you to have to distance yourself from a community of which you once could say you where a part of. Your morale outweighs it. That speaks to your character if you ask me. Painful as it must be.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 12:20 AM
It's unsettling to know what will be normal around children over the next couple of generations.

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