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There's no such thing as a family-friendly drag show

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posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

It isn't.

It's most of them.

Whole clubs full.


But that isn't most of homosexuals. What you see is only an audible minority that thinks they can represent everyone under the "umbrella". It's sick that there is support for child drag shows, that's unquestionable though. Yes. But it's not the majority.

The majority doesn't group up like that and identifies with LGBTQ #. See, labels again but there are roughly three classes of homosexuality or bisexuality for my case: The hidden, the visible and the "# it, my way or the highway payback time"-provoking type of crowd. The most audible is obviously the last one and many of the just lost themselves in that movement.

They went far beyond the realization that their sexuality is different and sold out to the movement and idea. And that's always the point, no matter the demographic, where things go south. Bubbles and echo chambers solidify the behavior and they become a kind of hive mentality.

I am bisexual, I am audible about it here in threads when it's topic but other than that, you would not notice that in real life by just looking at me. Only my landlords wife somehow got it but that's her social skills. Yes I am attracted to both genders (the only two IMHO) but that does not mean, just because of that similarity I share with other's on the planet, that they automatic share my opinion or vice versa. I am sure you know all that but it's easy to forget.

What you see is again, a minority of a minority. I, as well as many others, do not have the urge to prove anything or teach the majority "a lesson". We just want to be left alone and not shunned and that majority actually does a disservice to this cause. The cause that is actually an intrinsic behavior, I am not at fault that I can fall in love with men and women.

Believe me I stressed myself and got hate for it enough without asking for it. From that experience, there is a little understanding about how some close up and turn to those echo chambers and bubbles. It's a self feeding cycle. It isn't normal to be homosexual or bisexual, it's abnormal. Not something that makes one special but not the norm, not in the sense of nature / reproduction. That will never chance, therefor people will always be sceptic or curious (or just not interested). Therefor, people similar to me, will always be felt cast out. Some can get over it after they've grown up, some make it their whole identity and invest themselves completely.

And the last category is what you should be angry about. They are the ones subscribing to all the radical ideas and trying to destroy our youth.

My daughter for example has no idea and I keep that all away from her until she's going through puberty. She will find out on her own someday and then we can talk about how I feel about it, if she has questions. Until then, I keep all topics like that away from her because a childs innocence is holy and should be protected.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 02:09 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: projectvxn

It isn't.

It's most of them.

Whole clubs full.


But that isn't most of homosexuals. What you see is only an audible minority that thinks they can represent everyone under the "umbrella". It's sick that there is support for child drag shows, that's unquestionable though. Yes. But it's not the majority.

The majority doesn't group up like that and identifies with LGBTQ #. See, labels again but there are roughly three classes of homosexuality or bisexuality for my case: The hidden, the visible and the "# it, my way or the highway payback time"-provoking type of crowd. The most audible is obviously the last one and many of the just lost themselves in that movement.

They went far beyond the realization that their sexuality is different and sold out to the movement and idea. And that's always the point, no matter the demographic, where things go south. Bubbles and echo chambers solidify the behavior and they become a kind of hive mentality.

I am bisexual, I am audible about it here in threads when it's topic but other than that, you would not notice that in real life by just looking at me. Only my landlords wife somehow got it but that's her social skills. Yes I am attracted to both genders (the only two IMHO) but that does not mean, just because of that similarity I share with other's on the planet, that they automatic share my opinion or vice versa. I am sure you know all that but it's easy to forget.

What you see is again, a minority of a minority. I, as well as many others, do not have the urge to prove anything or teach the majority "a lesson". We just want to be left alone and not shunned and that majority actually does a disservice to this cause. The cause that is actually an intrinsic behavior, I am not at fault that I can fall in love with men and women.

Believe me I stressed myself and got hate for it enough without asking for it. From that experience, there is a little understanding about how some close up and turn to those echo chambers and bubbles. It's a self feeding cycle. It isn't normal to be homosexual or bisexual, it's abnormal. Not something that makes one special but not the norm, not in the sense of nature / reproduction. That will never chance, therefor people will always be sceptic or curious (or just not interested). Therefor, people similar to me, will always be felt cast out. Some can get over it after they've grown up, some make it their whole identity and invest themselves completely.

And the last category is what you should be angry about. They are the ones subscribing to all the radical ideas and trying to destroy our youth.

My daughter for example has no idea and I keep that all away from her until she's going through puberty. She will find out on her own someday and then we can talk about how I feel about it, if she has questions. Until then, I keep all topics like that away from her because a childs innocence is holy and should be protected.

Sensible post, but wasted breath I feel. We are child raping monsters to some people on here.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 02:17 AM
"There is no such thing as a family friendly Drag Show"


posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I think, like myself he has an issue with those who support the radical LGBTQ movement rather than people who just get on with life and treat sexuality as private and personal. I don't judge people on their sexuality however this group want a daily parade and disproportionate elevation of ideological beliefs at the expense of everyone else.

Do my kids really need bombarded with constant indoctrination by sexual deviants, i don't think they do.

It's one thing to be attracted to both sexes, it's another to flaunt that sexuality in the company of children.

What really disturbs me is that a vast majority of gay folk seem to support the LGBTQ rainbow crowd, because in reality homosexuals have very little in common with transgender, one is a sexual preference, the other is a mental illness.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 03:43 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: TDDAgain

I think, like myself he has an issue with those who support the radical LGBTQ movement rather than people who just get on with life and treat sexuality as private and personal.

It looks like everyone in this thread (like me) doesn't support this crazy sick movement. But he did openly say that in his eyes evry gay person is a sick raping paedophile until they prove otherwise.
However he did see the error of his ways and admitted that he shouldn't have used that broad brush (in the end)
He's just (very understandably) very angry and ranting.

Also think of the millions and millions and millions of gays over 50 that do not support this sick crap too. They were never taken into account either.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: infolurker

My 14 year old school-mate Brian knew then that he was meant to be a woman. He was so unhappy being male & took daily beatings & bullying after school & between class. At 15, failing to hitch a flight to Toronto using clothes & cash he stole from his mom he killed himself. He was so miserable at school he was failing, he was a social pariah & he didn't have peers within the community who could have offered him mentorship & support. He sure wouldn't find much of that at ATS.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 05:07 AM

originally posted by: ConcernedCanadian
a reply to: infolurker

My 14 year old school-mate Brian knew then that he was meant to be a woman. He was so unhappy being male & took daily beatings & bullying after school & between class. At 15, failing to hitch a flight to Toronto using clothes & cash he stole from his mom he killed himself. He was so miserable at school he was failing, he was a social pariah & he didn't have peers within the community who could have offered him mentorship & support. He sure wouldn't find much of that at ATS.

You're right, some people on here will be glad he's dead.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: Albert999
Not with vxn, he's a reasonable person from experience.

But it's easy to forget that club going homosexuals/choose your poison, are not the majority, through all the hype and media.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: Grenade

Do my kids really need bombarded with constant indoctrination by sexual deviants, i don't think they do.

No, I think that's child abuse.

It's one thing to be attracted to both sexes, it's another to flaunt that sexuality in the company of children.


What really disturbs me is that a vast majority of gay folk seem to support the LGBTQ rainbow crowd, because in reality homosexuals have very little in common with transgender, one is a sexual preference, the other is a mental illness.

"seem", you see? I am not a spokes person for anyone but that LGBTQ # is pushed to the maximum. Silent support? Maybe! I too want to see more calling it out. But how would I notice? I don't choose my peers because of their sexuality. I don't seek friendships with others just because I share a similar sexuality or love. I won't be of the same opinion just because of that similarity "just because".

And so do many other's, not. I do speak out against it but honestly, when and where? "Hey folks listen, I am bisexual and I denounce this LGBTQ #" I don't think it would change anything. If at all, it will solidify other's prejudice like "Oh look, why would we care?"

It's best IMHO to just live my life and silently prove to others in real life, that a book should not be judged by the cover or lack of thereof.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: Albert999

Oh come on, I understand the grudge but pouring oil into the fire, how does it help you or me? How is this sentence helping anyone? You're just accusing random people, you think anyone reading that from you will lend you the benefit of the doubt, when you yourself show to be so closeminded? No offense though.

Some people on here will be glad if humanity stops existing. Some people on here would be glad if humanity would stop fighting each other. It's just a statistical probability.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Grenade

I know, 4th post in a row but forgot something:

What about the woke, heterosexual people who support that radical LGBTQ # because virtue signaling or lacking a quest in life? Hopefully, too, you call them out on it and muster up the same anger towards them.

Where are the threads/outrage about those? Not calling you out on it but in general.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Based on our rapport in previous threads I think you’re a fantastic member of this forum, someones opinion that I totally respect and your sexual preference has zero bearing on that.

Keep being you, I like it.
edit on 13/6/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Group think ideologues who jump on whatever the latest and greatest virtue signalling fad that hits the media. They need to join the latest crusade because thinking for themselves is a terrifying proposition. Minions of elite brainwashing. Not a brush I would tar you with.
edit on 13/6/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 06:47 AM
No such thing as a family friendly drag show?

Never heard of pantomines? Dame Edna Everage? Monty Python? Les Dawson? The Two Ronnies?

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: Albert999

I'm not wrong.

I will still refuse to give quarter at all to anyone in the LGBTQ.

If parents like me don't stand up to the rainbow brigade then they will absolutely destroy our children.

Abuse is baked into the rainbow cake. Saying otherwise is denying reality.
edit on 6 13 2022 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: Grenade

Do my kids really need bombarded with constant indoctrination by sexual deviants, i don't think they do.

No, I think that's child abuse.

It's one thing to be attracted to both sexes, it's another to flaunt that sexuality in the company of children.


What really disturbs me is that a vast majority of gay folk seem to support the LGBTQ rainbow crowd, because in reality homosexuals have very little in common with transgender, one is a sexual preference, the other is a mental illness.

It's best IMHO to just live my life and silently prove to others in real life, that a book should not be judged by the cover or lack of thereof.


posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 08:02 AM
This drag nonsense reminds me of mentos commercials. They do all this degenerate, promiscuous and vile stuff in front of kids but the moment they show a rainbow flag (pack of mentos) everyone starts going ohhhhh...ok its fine now.

Imagine straight people dancing like strippers in front of children and taking money from them or twerking topless at a parade with kids marching along with them, people would be livid, red flags everywhere, but the moment it's a "pride" event all of a sudden morals and standards just go out the window.

This world is upside down.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Grenade
I respect your opinion too and like reading your thoughts. We might disagree at times, except for this one reply, I try not to "serial quote" because it can come over offensive / challenging, what it wasn't.

Sometimes my posts may come over like that as the words just come out unfiltered. Believe me I tried it applying filters, just makes it more awkward. I am #ssed off only when you start to see multiple ! spread over several sentenced.

Well besides that, a blush thank you for the compliment!

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: Albert999

Oh come on, I understand the grudge but pouring oil into the fire, how does it help you or me? How is this sentence helping anyone? You're just accusing random people, you think anyone reading that from you will lend you the benefit of the doubt, when you yourself show to be so closeminded? No offense though.

Some people on here will be glad if humanity stops existing. Some people on here would be glad if humanity would stop fighting each other. It's just a statistical probability.

What am I closed minded about exactly?
I agree with everyone that we need to protect our children from these sicko"s.

All I did was call out a bigoted comment, how does that make me close minded?

edit on 13-6-2022 by Albert999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: Albert999

I'm not wrong.

I will still refuse to give quarter at all to anyone in the LGBTQ.

If parents like me don't stand up to the rainbow brigade then they will absolutely destroy our children.

Abuse is baked into the rainbow cake. Saying otherwise is denying reality.

WTF are you talking about? Your still just replying nonsense to me. I'm not, AND NEVER WAS taking about the LGBYSGH mob with you. I AGREE WITH YOUR STANCE ON THAT.

All I've talked about in thus thread, is about YOU assuming that all gay people are raping child monsters. Remember that broad brush that you admitted you shouldn't have used?

You were wrong and admitted it.

You ARE wrong for using that broad brush and even admitted out to another poster.
edit on 13-6-2022 by Albert999 because: (no reason given)

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