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There's no such thing as a family-friendly drag show

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posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

We are wayyy passed goofy dudes wearing dresses in Monty Python as part of a joke.

I can't believe the things I've seen. I'm not an old guy. I'm 37. No one was doing # like this when I was a kid. Americans were not like this when I came here. Society has changed so fast so as to be unrecognizable. The evils people openly enjoy today is beyond anything I thought would be permissible when I became an adult.

Hell none of this # was on my radar until the last 7-8 years; with every year getting progressively worse. Now grown adults are openly shoving bills down a child's thong and this is called "family friendly."

Something went horribly wrong in America and we need to right the ship now.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: Khaleesi

I don't want to shove anyone into a wall I want people to leave kids the hell alone and leave what belongs inside the gay clubs (or straight ones for that matter) or the bedroom where they belong. Not out in public, not in children's spaces, not being taught to them in schools.

Certainly not cheered on and defended.

I need far more from the mainstream LGBTQ right now. The overall message is supportive of this # and the incidents just keep piling up with little to no resistance and even #ing police protection. Meaning that no arrests are made for exposing oneself to children or forcing children into these obviously wrong situations.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

I agree. I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with you. 35 years ago when I was in my early 20's LGBT before the Q + etc started being thrown into the mix, we seemed to be about living in peace. Now it's about being in your face and demanding access to children. It's disgusting and I want no part of it.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Khaleesi

Why aren't more speaking out? How can people get caught up in this? Because it isn't just the LGBTQ community. There is a market outside of the community who was ready to consume as well. Those are the parents but not just the parents...

How did it get so prevalent in schools? How did this gain so much traction that there is operational cover for these people at the highest echelons of society? Why is this the hill to die on for LGBTQ political organizations like GLAAD? Why is this being foisted upon certain areas of society by force of law?

It seems to me that a very small minority is exercising an immense amount of political power against the rest of society and it is noticeably supported by a plurality. How did that happen?

Why did it happen?

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

I don't know. I'm at a loss to explain any of it. As I said, 35 years ago when I was in my early 20's adult activity was contained to the bar scene. Children were not allowed. Anyone that showed any interest in children were shunned in my experience. The last few years have been just as shocking for me as they have been for you.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: Albert999

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: projectvxn

It isn't.

It's most of them.

Whole clubs full.


But that isn't most of homosexuals. What you see is only an audible minority that thinks they can represent everyone under the "umbrella". It's sick that there is support for child drag shows, that's unquestionable though. Yes. But it's not the majority.

The majority doesn't group up like that and identifies with LGBTQ #. See, labels again but there are roughly three classes of homosexuality or bisexuality for my case: The hidden, the visible and the "# it, my way or the highway payback time"-provoking type of crowd. The most audible is obviously the last one and many of the just lost themselves in that movement.

They went far beyond the realization that their sexuality is different and sold out to the movement and idea. And that's always the point, no matter the demographic, where things go south. Bubbles and echo chambers solidify the behavior and they become a kind of hive mentality.

I am bisexual, I am audible about it here in threads when it's topic but other than that, you would not notice that in real life by just looking at me. Only my landlords wife somehow got it but that's her social skills. Yes I am attracted to both genders (the only two IMHO) but that does not mean, just because of that similarity I share with other's on the planet, that they automatic share my opinion or vice versa. I am sure you know all that but it's easy to forget.

What you see is again, a minority of a minority. I, as well as many others, do not have the urge to prove anything or teach the majority "a lesson". We just want to be left alone and not shunned and that majority actually does a disservice to this cause. The cause that is actually an intrinsic behavior, I am not at fault that I can fall in love with men and women.

Believe me I stressed myself and got hate for it enough without asking for it. From that experience, there is a little understanding about how some close up and turn to those echo chambers and bubbles. It's a self feeding cycle. It isn't normal to be homosexual or bisexual, it's abnormal. Not something that makes one special but not the norm, not in the sense of nature / reproduction. That will never chance, therefor people will always be sceptic or curious (or just not interested). Therefor, people similar to me, will always be felt cast out. Some can get over it after they've grown up, some make it their whole identity and invest themselves completely.

And the last category is what you should be angry about. They are the ones subscribing to all the radical ideas and trying to destroy our youth.

My daughter for example has no idea and I keep that all away from her until she's going through puberty. She will find out on her own someday and then we can talk about how I feel about it, if she has questions. Until then, I keep all topics like that away from her because a childs innocence is holy and should be protected.

Sensible post, but wasted breath I feel. We are child raping monsters to some people on here.

By now the meaning "LGBTQ" has a whole meaning and identity of itself. Much like being left. If you are not left enough, AKA extremist then they don't want you there. So by now people are either LGBTQ which means you support all insanity that they push or you are just a Trump loving gay/queer/trans person, if they will even acknowledge that.

If this perspective does not immediately resonate with you then just think of how they treat any black person who does not align with their ideology and who suffer the exact same fate as i just described.

Think of Larry elders and others like him and how they have been treated by the left, Or the fact that the sitting president of the united states shamelessly said on TV "If you voted for Trump then you ain't black.

Lets face the reality of it here, think of how this LGBTQ organization is behaving. It is 1:1.

You dont have to be a part of that. If you disagree in full with this behaviour, you are not a part of that. You can support gay/queer and trans people without using the "LGBTQ" branding which it is by now and choose your own way.

edit on America/ChicagovAmerica/ChicagoMon, 13 Jun 2022 21:18:33 -05002220226America/Chicago by everyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Well , Nancy Might Not Agree...........

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: Albert999

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: projectvxn

It isn't.

It's most of them.

Whole clubs full.


But that isn't most of homosexuals. What you see is only an audible minority that thinks they can represent everyone under the "umbrella". It's sick that there is support for child drag shows, that's unquestionable though. Yes. But it's not the majority.

The majority doesn't group up like that and identifies with LGBTQ #. See, labels again but there are roughly three classes of homosexuality or bisexuality for my case: The hidden, the visible and the "# it, my way or the highway payback time"-provoking type of crowd. The most audible is obviously the last one and many of the just lost themselves in that movement.

They went far beyond the realization that their sexuality is different and sold out to the movement and idea. And that's always the point, no matter the demographic, where things go south. Bubbles and echo chambers solidify the behavior and they become a kind of hive mentality.

I am bisexual, I am audible about it here in threads when it's topic but other than that, you would not notice that in real life by just looking at me. Only my landlords wife somehow got it but that's her social skills. Yes I am attracted to both genders (the only two IMHO) but that does not mean, just because of that similarity I share with other's on the planet, that they automatic share my opinion or vice versa. I am sure you know all that but it's easy to forget.

What you see is again, a minority of a minority. I, as well as many others, do not have the urge to prove anything or teach the majority "a lesson". We just want to be left alone and not shunned and that majority actually does a disservice to this cause. The cause that is actually an intrinsic behavior, I am not at fault that I can fall in love with men and women.

Believe me I stressed myself and got hate for it enough without asking for it. From that experience, there is a little understanding about how some close up and turn to those echo chambers and bubbles. It's a self feeding cycle. It isn't normal to be homosexual or bisexual, it's abnormal. Not something that makes one special but not the norm, not in the sense of nature / reproduction. That will never chance, therefor people will always be sceptic or curious (or just not interested). Therefor, people similar to me, will always be felt cast out. Some can get over it after they've grown up, some make it their whole identity and invest themselves completely.

And the last category is what you should be angry about. They are the ones subscribing to all the radical ideas and trying to destroy our youth.

My daughter for example has no idea and I keep that all away from her until she's going through puberty. She will find out on her own someday and then we can talk about how I feel about it, if she has questions. Until then, I keep all topics like that away from her because a childs innocence is holy and should be protected.

Sensible post, but wasted breath I feel. We are child raping monsters to some people on here.

By now the meaning "LGBTQ" has a whole meaning and identity of itself. Much like being left. If you are not left enough, AKA extremist then they don't want you there. So by now people are either LGBTQ which means you support all insanity that they push or you are just a Trump loving gay/queer/trans person, if they will even acknowledge that.

If this perspective does not immediately resonate with you then just think of how they treat any black person who does not align with their ideology and who suffer the exact same fate as i just described.

Think of Larry elders and others like him and how they have been treated by the left, Or the fact that the sitting president of the united states shamelessly said on TV "If you voted for Trump then you ain't black.

Lets face the reality of it here, think of how this LGBTQ organization is behaving. It is 1:1.

You dont have to be a part of that. If you disagree in full with this behaviour, you are not a part of that. You can support gay/queer and trans people without using the "LGBTQ" branding which it is by now and choose your own way.

Yes I undeestamd. I was just calling out a single bigoted comment, nothing else.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Albert999

I understand my friend. I understand your frustration and after having read the past 2 pages of the thread i can also vouch for what Kahleesi said about vxn. When he says all of them he specifically means the current day LGBTQ brand. I talk like that often as well and the people who know me know who i mean by that.

What you need is more gay or w/e people that publicly denounce this LGBTQ brand as it is tarnished beyond repair but when most dont even if they wanted to but out of fear do not then this will remain a problem for you and people who think like you and not these politically and sexually insane people driving the LBTQ brand.

more people need to denounce them. If not then others who do will simply not trust anyone who refuses to denounce them and that is fair if you ask me considering what we are seeing happening here.

I told you about my back ground but i will in no way leave a child in the care of someone wearing and promoting rainbow logo's.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: everyone

There are some that vocally denounce what is going on. Problem is, they receive a lot of hate, attempts to 'cancel' them etc. The average person will wither under those conditions. If you speak up you need to be prepared stand your ground and have a backbone. Look at someone like Blaire White. Trans woman, conservative. You may or may not like her but you have to admire her backbone. She is hated by the left but remains very vocal in her opposition to what is happening in LGBTQ land.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Wow, you guys are really in your feelings about your assumptions about other people’s lifestyles.

It’s amazing how these aggrieved people must accuse whole groups of people of being pedos, seems dangerous.

We might as well talk about all of the christian pedophiles while we are at it.

I’d be willing to bet that christians make up the majority of pedophiles in the US.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: Khaleesi
a reply to: everyone

There are some that vocally denounce what is going on. Problem is, they receive a lot of hate, attempts to 'cancel' them etc. The average person will wither under those conditions. If you speak up you need to be prepared stand your ground and have a backbone. Look at someone like Blaire White. Trans woman, conservative. You may or may not like her but you have to admire her backbone. She is hated by the left but remains very vocal in her opposition to what is happening in LGBTQ land.

Exactly. And i said litteraly just said that in my other post in this page of which i am quoting yours. Any Gay or w/e person will be cast out and publicly shamed and canceled, losing their jobs and be harassed online and doxed. That behaviour alone points to the fact that we must have these people from that community and otherwise to do exactly that, oust them and denounce them AND arrest them.

Blair white is one of those and she has been and still is a target of that behaviour. I remember a few years ago she made a video telling the story of when she was sharing a house with some of her fellow students and LGBTQ's and how after they found out she does not align with their extreme ideas she could one day hear that they wanted to kill her and heard them talk about grabbing a knife just to do that. When she then heard them come up the stairs she called 911, then these people banged on her door.

The police who we are now defunding because of this leftist extremist doctrine saved her from that faith.
I would link the video or maybe you know it already but it was some years ago and it would take some time to find it on her channel but i will if you want to see and hear het tell that story for yourself and not just take my word for it. I would gladly take that trouble. In case you have seen that video of her then you already know of course but i will find it for you if need be, no problem.

On a side note. The majority of these younger LGBTQ branded kids and young adults are not true LGBTQ's if you ask me. I call them Trend-genders. I refuse to refer to these people as Her when they are obviously men or little boys but i have no problem calling people like blaire a woman. not at all.

This has become Pray-To-Become-Gay-Today. Indoctrination.

EDIT: Isn't it also interesting how they only seem to convert boys to be girls and bring to these events?
edit on America/ChicagovAmerica/ChicagoTue, 14 Jun 2022 13:38:42 -05002220226America/Chicago by everyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 02:00 PM
Some on twitter were suggesting that they are bringing children/youth to these pride parades to encourage them to fight homophobic.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:24 PM
I took my family to many drag shows … the top fuel cars are our favorites

posted on Jun, 15 2022 @ 02:34 AM
I was starting to think the Drag Queen stuff would be Ok as long as the Straight People get to be in the Fashion Show. Otherwise, it's discrimination.

But if these people are taking Students without their Parents' Permission, whoever did that should be fired. Our Parents had to sign a permission slip just so we got to go on a Field Trip to the Zoo.

I'm hearing way too much about Teachers doing stuff wrong and then I see a shooting on the news. And then I wonder if the kid needed help of some sort. That they obviously didn't get.

posted on Jun, 15 2022 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: infolurker

" DeSantis Threatens CPS Investigations Into Parents Bringing Children To Drag Shows "

Governor DeSantis Agrees . Beware Pervs in Fla. , he ain't Kidding !

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 03:09 PM
I have no problem with grown adults living as they please, but once they start pushing their views/ lifestyles on children- that's where a line is crossed. Let kids be kids and stop sexualizing children!

posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 07:24 AM

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posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 11:39 AM

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posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 03:18 PM

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