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There's no such thing as a family-friendly drag show

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posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: Albert999
Not with vxn, he's a reasonable person from experience.

But it's easy to forget that club going homosexuals/choose your poison, are not the majority, through all the hype and media.

Yes I must admit, I hadn't thought about all the hype the media are causing etc. That certainly doesn't help and could easily make people hate all gays. Good point, but shame on them for thinking the neewpapers are accurate.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: Albert999

Sorry, I wasn't implying you were close minded about the topic. It was about this sentence I replied to:

You're right, some people on here will be glad he's dead.

And in a nutshell and explained different... Closeminded as in, why fixate on this or even point it out? It's just from my perspective so far removed from my post that I could not help thinking "WTF is that for an answer, why bring it up it helps no one and on top of it, never saw someone posting that."

So negative, you know what I mean? Don't focus on the negativity, there will always be people out there who will have joy in the death of others, for all classes, politics, races... I was ridiculed in college after I was being outed. Today I know juvenility and lack of life experience led those to do and say the things. Also group mentality.

Just imature behavior from them... can you blame a child for it's lack of experience? I see it like that, but without taking the analogy too serious, because I don't like to be looked down at, therefor, I don't look down to others. My country has one sentence in it's elementary human right laws: The dignity of any human being is untouchable. That means, everyone deserves a base respect and dignity. And I live it.

But I drift off, that happens often just a warning.

Let's not make a big deal out of it

edit on 13.6.2022 by TDDAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: Albert999
Again I don't think vxn is a blind follower but it's more like, and that's true for me of course also, the human mind works on repetition and patterns. So if you always get the input about something, it's hard to get a real picture. I am not involved myself but I did collect some experience in that topic, because it direct impacts me as, I get put in a basket with those. Just want to live my life in peace.

Also I wasn't really speaking about vxn in my last post above, so please no wrong conclusions drawn here. I became to know him as a respectful and direct person, he's smart and has morals and wouldn't go to that level.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: Albert999

Sorry, I wasn't implying you were close minded about the topic. It was about this sentence I replied to:

You're right, some people on here will be glad he's dead.

And in a nutshell and explained different... Closeminded as in, why fixate on this or even point it out? It's just from my perspective so far removed from my post that I could not help thinking "WTF is that for an answer, why bring it up it helps no one and on top of it, never saw someone posting that."

So negative, you know what I mean? Don't focus on the negativity, there will always be people out there who will have joy in the death of others, for all classes, politics, races... I was ridiculed in college after I was being outed. Today I know juvenility and lack of life experience led those to do and say the things. Also group mentality.

Just imature behavior from them... can you blame a child for it's lack of experience? I see it like that, but without taking the analogy too serious, because I don't like to be looked down at, therefor, I don't look down to others. My country has one sentence in it's elementary human right laws: The dignity of any human being is untouchable. That means, everyone deserves a base respect and dignity. And I live it.

But I drift off, that happens often just a warning.

Let's not make a big deal out of it

Lol no worries ☺️

Yes I agree the sentence was bad and I shouldn't have posted it.
Is not everyday (ever) that someone thinks I'm a child rapist, I guess I was still naturally a bit pissed.

However from experience, people who hate gay people THAT MUCH are probably are glad when a gay person dies.
Maybe not him, but all the signs are there.

edit on 13-6-2022 by Albert999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

Abuse is baked into the rainbow cake. Saying otherwise is denying reality.

Agreed, abuse on so many levels not just towards children but also towards themselves. Also the rest of your post, completely agreeing.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: Albert999

Discard these negative thoughts, they are useless. You project way too much into people, I didn't look it up twice but I can't see vxn write that all gays are child raping monsters.

And I won't spend the energy, maybe you can quote instead of going nuclear. Also try not to take things personal. This is the internet, you have no facial expressions or sound of voice, et cetera, to interpret. This isn't the mudpit, I checked because I toned down the use of cursing because of it.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: Albert999
Not with vxn, he's a reasonable person from experience.

But it's easy to forget that club going homosexuals/choose your poison, are not the majority, through all the hype and media.

I absolutely agree. Vxn is a reasonable person that's been pushed too far by an extreme group. I knew even with his first post that the broad brush was just his reaction to extremists. You and I have nothing to fear from him. If we met in person, I feel that we would have enough in common and he would recognize that.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Albert999

I think what you may be missing in all this is that vxn feels that he is under attack. He wants to protect his family and it seems impossible. Attacking him and berating him isn't helpful. We need to recognize this.

I think it may also be problematic thinking that when he says LGBTQ, he means all gays. I can't speak for him but I don't think that's what he means. I don't associate with LGBTQ, therefore I don't feel attacked by his statements. This is a problem within the gay community. Just because you are gay doesn't mean you have to support LGBTQ. LGBTQ does not represent all gays. Currently it seems to support extreme views and for that reason I do not associate myself with it.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: Khaleesi

I may have lost it in translation. Never had to fear reprisal after school because of how I am. I don't know about other's experiences though. But for some -not to say here- it may be just a reflection of their own behavior.

Like, IDK, flamboyant "in your face", is that needed... Same with sharing time with a partner in public. Making up and provoking others, intentional or not... is that needed? It's not really accepted behavior for heterosexual couples to make up in public and kiss a lot.

What doesn't mean it should be a concern to kiss my partner, if I had one, in public. Just not in ways some do it, my own observation. It doesn't help, since it's not accepted behavior with hetero couples, it's like breaking two taboo in public and it's understandable that it ruffles some feathers, for some.

Live and let live, in some way.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Exactly! The expression "get a room!" applies to hetero and homosexuals. I don't care what people do in private but I really don't want to see it in public ... from anyone.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: Khaleesi
a reply to: Albert999

I think what you may be missing in all this is that vxn feels that he is under attack. He wants to protect his family and it seems impossible. Attacking him and berating him isn't helpful. We need to recognize this.

I think it may also be problematic thinking that when he says LGBTQ, he means all gays. I can't speak for him but I don't think that's what he means. I don't associate with LGBTQ, therefore I don't feel attacked by his statements. This is a problem within the gay community. Just because you are gay doesn't mean you have to support LGBTQ. LGBTQ does not represent all gays. Currently it seems to support extreme views and for that reason I do not associate myself with it.

Yes I understood from the very beginning he was just pissed and ranting and being protective of his kids, and rightly so! So now we all understand him.

Please just try to understand me for a second

On page one or two ( I am on a phone so, cutting and posting quotes is a no.) He lumped all gays in with paedophiles, I questioned him (and gave him the chance to re word) if he really meant all gays, and he replied with something like they are all evil monsters in my eyes until they prove otherwise. (Again on a phone, so can't go back and retrieve his exact words)

That's bigotry, it's not an insult, it's a fact. I thought we denied things like bigotry and ignorance on this site? I call out bigots, always have, always with a gentle approach to give them chance to retract, if they don't, they get called out. I didn't realise bigotry was an accepted 'thing' on here?

No hard feelings to anyone from me though, i just don't think bigotry is acceptable regardless of subject, or how angry someone is about it.

Apologies for the over stayed welcome,

Albert x

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Khaleesi
Well I participated the Love Parade two years in a row, so, ash on me, but even before the tragic event that led to it's end, I quit because it turned into a flesh-fest. And children would watch because parents can't stay away and bring them, too, to the front line.

Just didn't feel right, many overdid it, drugs also and so that was ruined after all, too. Not because of the drugs, but the attitude really.

Also, for example, I met obvious no-need-to-explain homosexuals in bars that were offended by my presence. Not because female, because I wasn't "straightforward gay". Lol so ridiculous. But what gives... Smile, nod, think: "####" and turn around.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I attended a few Pride parades in my early 20's. Even then it was starting to show signs of unacceptable behaviour. A few drag queens in public ... meh. Not a big problem. Then it started getting wierd. A LOT of BDSM leather clad or even worse, almost naked. By almost naked, I mean guys with nothing but a jock strap or even less. That's not pride. That's exhibition. The extremists ruined it all.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
No such thing as a family friendly drag show?

Never heard of pantomines? Dame Edna Everage? Monty Python? Les Dawson? The Two Ronnies?

It's amazizng anyone in the UK managed to grow up straight if the 'think of the children' crowds claims are to be believed.

To be fair I'm not aware of any US comedians, entertainment shows or actors who crossdressed; in other western countries it's historically been part of family entertainment and comedy.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: bastion

We had Milton Berle. I'm assuming pantomime in the UK is along those lines. Comedy such as Harvey Korman, Milton Berle, etc. has been accepted in the US for years. What is happening today and is being discussed here, is not that.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Albert999

Just to be clear, I do understand you. I also know from seeing vxn's posts here for years that he was speaking from a point of frustration. I agree that the broad brush approach is frustrating for those of us that recognize the extremism that is happening within the LGBTQ community. I am choosing a different approach with him because I feel that he has some fair points and once he sees that there are people within the gay community that agree with him, he will recognize it. That has been proven to be true in his response to me. Vxn is not wrong. He feels his back against the wall, as do you I think. We need to bridge that gap.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: Khaleesi
a reply to: bastion

We had Milton Berle. I'm assuming pantomime in the UK is along those lines. Comedy such as Harvey Korman, Milton Berle, etc. has been accepted in the US for years. What is happening today and is being discussed here, is not that.

Ahh I wasn't familiar with those names but it looks similar to UK comedy sketch shows - pantomime is more a play/fairytale aimed directly to kids to ramp up excitement before Christmas.

The 'Dame' is a person in drag either very butch with a hairy chest and beard or over the top camp - their role is to be the butt of jokes and explain the storyline to kids or ecourage them to cheer on the main hero of the story.

I just clicked the OP's link and very much regret doing so - that kind of content is considered child porn in Europe and very disturbing indeed .

I'm confused why the guy set up a website to host/repost such content and videos (thankfully not watched but desciption alone is sickening) instead of reporting the content to authorities. I'm filling out an alert to US authorities now; that's not the kind of thing I want to see anywhere, ever and the adults behind it need jailing/shooting ASAP.
edit on 13-6-2022 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: Khaleesi
a reply to: Albert999

Just to be clear, I do understand you. I also know from seeing vxn's posts here for years that he was speaking from a point of frustration. I agree that the broad brush approach is frustrating for those of us that recognize the extremism that is happening within the LGBTQ community. I am choosing a different approach with him because I feel that he has some fair points and once he sees that there are people within the gay community that agree with him, he will recognize it. That has been proven to be true in his response to me. Vxn is not wrong. He feels his back against the wall, as do you I think. We need to bridge that gap.

I like you ☺️

Yes you are right, and I agree. I honestly have no I'll will towards him. I'll learn from this, thanks.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: bastion

Which link did you click? If it was libsoftictoc, that particular person is reposting to expose what is going on. Libsoftictoc is countering people that claim these things aren't happening or aren't that wide spread. By reposting videos and tweets she is showing just how pervasive this has gotten.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
After I saw Desmond is Amazing being cheered on by run of the mill gays in gay clubs and shoving dollar bills down the child's thong I came to an inescapable truth:

The LGBTQ is evil.

They leveraged tolerance for decades just to use that tolerance capital to groom and rape children.

I no longer have any tolerance left for those people.

Gays, lesbians, trannies. All of them.

And if you think I'm a bigot for it, too bad so sad. Stop trying to # children.

I watched Python & Benny Hill as a child & those dudes were in women’s clothing more than men’s.
Yet I do not believe that children should be at any sexualized performance of any gender or bend .

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