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Reincarnation is a Trap set up by Interdimensional Reptilian Entities to keep Humans Enslaved

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posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

I only watched the first few minutes of the video, and it became clear, this lesson is not teaching you how to conquer death, but how to accept death, by lucid dreaming.

No thanks. Nice click bait.

But I would have preferred something like, Life After Death Is a Scam, Propagated By Demonic Swine and Salacious Dogs, Sucking You Off and Shaking You Silly.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: ColoradoTemplar

Before I began dating myhusband I had a relationship with someone I shall refer to as The Dark Man.

He was into some aspects of the occult and would fluctuate between positive and negative energies.

He was the very definition of a Gemini.

I don't know why I got involved with him considering all the red flags, I guess part of me wanted to help him heal from prior traumas, but they were so deep seated that he eventually became psychological abusive and I had to leave him.

I was psychially damaged from a year of negative energies from this guy, and eventually met a wonderful young man who helped heal me from the damage that had been done.

My husband came into my life again suddenly, I ran into him on a yahoo chat room and he had decided to se his real name online (which is unusual because he's notorious for being untraceable) and I felt the sudden need to drive from Seattle to Odessa, TX to visit him.

I managed to track his whereabout down and basically abducted him and took him back to Seattle with me.

We hung out and touched base, and the connection was powerful.

Things in my life were crazy back then, psychic disturbences and the onset of what they thought was Schizophrenia.

One day I heard a powerful voice commanding me to "LEAVE" and I immediately complied, packing my possessions into my vehicle and leaving without saying goodbye.

My old roomates tell me that 30 minutes after I left my husband dropped by to tell me he was returning to Texas via bus.

We both ended up in the same town within a week of one another, neither knowing about the others whereabouts.

One night I decided to go to the old diner where we met with a photo of him, and ask the cashier if she had seen anyone matching his description.

As I approched the register, photo in hand, I felt someone looking at me.

I turned around, and there he was, sitting in a booth writing in his notebook.

I sat down, we touched base, and began seeing one another formally.

Five years and ahost of weirdness and seperation later, we ended up in a small town and happily married.

It's really bizzare how the whole thing played out, and I'm leaving out the bulk of details because it would take forever to transcribe here, and we've already gone WAY off topic and I don't wish to derail the thread too much, but it's really a beautiful story and I firmly believe there are Fairy Godmothers out there making sure True Love happens.

What a long strange trip it's been.

edit on 6/6/22 by GENERAL EYES because: grammar, spelling edits for clarity

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Thank you for sharing I will tell you soon about the long strange trip its been shortly. By the way I saw The Grateful Dead all 3 nights in a row at the LA Forum back in 89 when I was just 18.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: ColoradoTemplar

I followed the Dead in 1995.

Left off after the Mountainview performance and went another direction.

Good times, great energy, good music.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

Seems like we have always been part of a hive mind.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

If I die, wouldn't my consciousness end too?

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

Every time I hear about kids remembering past lives, or mediums getting messages from dead people, I believe these to lies delivered by evil spirits, to make people more accepting of death.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 11:26 PM
Anyone ever seen this episode of "Rick and Morty"?

Where they play a video game called "Roy"?

originally posted by: SexySquirrel

In fact the "earth school" lie doesn't even make sense. If we are here to "learn lessons" then why do we have our memories wiped so we can't remember these lessons we're supposedly here to learn? This is like telling us we need to study for an exam and then right before the exam wipe our memories.

It makes no sense because it's a lie. The only way you can learn is by remembering. This is common sense.

One possibility is that there is a master "self" that remembers all of your lives.

They may have some decision in what the conditions of your next life will be, based on what they still don't understand yet.

In ancient mysticism, I think your "master self" could also be known as your "root self", or your "true name".

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: ColeYounger

thanks Cole I knew there was a name for it that they kept using

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 10:29 AM
Going to jump in real quick here because in the video it talks about a advanced city mentioned. This may be where the H.E. comes into play. The Spiritual "Wizard of Oz" where everything is reversed. ??

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: InachMarbank
a reply to: SexySquirrel

If I die, wouldn't my consciousness end too?

No. You are not your body. Your consciousness is infinite. It's what you truly are.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 01:52 PM
It's always good to see people taking the time to
get educated. But, understand just because you're
convinced it's greater truth and it resonates with
you, does not mean most people will believe it.

Quite frankly, most people will not. Not
necessarily because they're misinformed,
but unless, and until they increase their
vibrational frequency, thereby expanding
their level of consciousness, they will never
understand it.

Several occult groups have known this
information for a long time. Most of
them look at us as retards, because
we fail to understand that we are
all energy.

The very foundation for all magick is using
knowledge and the power of the mind to
manipulate and direct energy. Therefore
accepting the fact that we are nothing more
than a sort of food-source-battery to
malevolent parasitic predators is not
as far fetched as some might think.

edit on 6/7/2022 by MrBlaq because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 07:46 PM
Not wrong about the Reptilian part, even though we're nothing but mammals.

I've read an older book that brought up reincarnation an evolution, and that it mentioned that later generations would retain memories of previous ones, even though talent skips generation or generations.

Reincarnation and evolution kind of do go hand an hand, in the sci-fi sense. Where it macro evolution from a fish, humans to alien robots an god like ghosts in a TOE. Reincarnation does have it dogmas though, with the whole caste system thing.

With the Christians an Muslims, it more or less having their ego be preserved while the body dies. Where as Buddha tried explaining it being similar to relightning a candle, but nothing peculiar remains. Judaism like Hades or waiting at government building to renew a license or sticker, that would take an eternity to get.

I don't think it end, but just another step, while it not like anyone can explain where, an whole bunch hows to consciousness even though it still perplexing.

I've actually had a thought where the bad people get sent back into more crude an rigous times where good or those that deserved go into the future, an the better they are, the more futuristic it gets.

Then there Gnostics where God an everything made by God is technically evil by default, or may cause severe harm if tempting said Lord infernal, wrath.
edit on 7-6-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-6-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-6-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

As I'm thinking about how to reply to you, is that my consciousness doing the work?

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 12:18 AM
Reincarnation is real so as the karma theory.
What's not real is the belief in external entities/aliens/etc. who are controlling human being destiny.
What's disappointing is the gross materialism and forgotten knowledge of the sages/rishis of India from the world (still preserved in India) about the infinite potential of every human being.
As per the Vedas, human being is the direct replica of the universe – the microcosm is the same as macrocosm. This whole universe is called, in Vedas, Purushotam (the perfect being). Just as the universal body has trillions of stars/planets, the human body has trillions of cells. The empty space is there in both cases.
By awakening the Kundalini [0] sleeping within you, you can realize (experience) the above statement.
Then, you become free from karma and free from the shackles of the physical body.

(Some extracts from the book):
(NOte: these aren't mere words; the author has awakened it, and I'm also a practitioner with decent progress on similar lines with multiple kundalini experiences.)
> Awakening of the kundalini is reaching your innermost state of bliss and joy. This state is covered with ten layers – desire, anger, greed, attachment, ego, passion, jealousy, hatred, fear and selfconcern.
> As you elevate spiritually, you start shedding these layers. These avarana, layers, veil the true you. The real you that is beyond the duality of pain and grief, good and bad, moral and immoral.
> Awakening of the kundalini is realization of your pure abstract intelligence, the type that is not conditioned by your fears, emotions and worries. It is your pristine nature. When you are able to tap into this latent source of energy, you truly become the master of your universe. You can manifest whatever you wish in your life because your scale of consciousness is no longer limited to your body alone; it envelops the whole universe.
> Your kundalini too, as it rises, becomes more intense. From a simple cloud of latent heat at the base of your spine, it begins to transform into a beam and then becomes a more powerful one. By the time, it reaches your sahasrara, it gets united with a giant power source. Breaking free of the shackles of thoughts, desires, emotions, fears and phobias, it turns you, the practitioner, into an
adept, a siddha at whose command anything becomes possible.


posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 12:35 AM
I believe that our memories are "stored" outside of our physical bodies. We're able to remember things because our brain acts as a receiver from another realm, where memories are kept. Perhaps our memories aren't "wiped" but by reincarnating here they are able to shut off the natural conduit of our brains that would normally be able to access those memories. If we could ever escape this, we would remember everything in our past, no matter how far back and how many lives because we wouldn't be limited by our human brains any longer.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: Visiting ESB
I believe that our memories are "stored" outside of our physical bodies. We're able to remember things because our brain acts as a receiver from another realm, where memories are kept. Perhaps our memories aren't "wiped" but by reincarnating here they are able to shut off the natural conduit of our brains that would normally be able to access those memories. If we could ever escape this, we would remember everything in our past, no matter how far back and how many lives because we wouldn't be limited by our human brains any longer.

That sounds true. Because when many leave their body during NDE or died, they report seeing things they could not, if they were still in the body. Therefore, memory can not be based in the body. Only after re entering the body can they access the memory.

It might be the channel we use during life is only so large, or tuned in a way that disallows accessing previous memories. Our sub conscience may be our cloud memories, and maybe, our ability to "imagine" allows us certain access to it. I'm sure the Pineal gland is a large part of the "Antenna".

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 10:00 AM
Random thoughts if I may.

If reincarnation exists, and IF you were able retain the memories of your previous life, then you would have to think immortality exists, would you not?

The Immortality of your memories and not the physical body.

For example, the compounding of memories for each reincarnated life of memories.

Essentially you would be Immortal.

To what extent is Immortality? is it to infinity?

Yes, there are some who claim as having the lived “past lives”….. are they compounded memories or random memories?

Compounded memories are those that …….I am aware, I am the same consciousness of all my past lives. (A Immortal)

Random memories are those that……i am aware, I am different consciousness’s of other lives other than me having my own continuous past lives. (A Psychic, a Channeler…..)

An reincarnating “Immortal” would be a person that would be multi-skilled, multi-disciplined, because of the retention of the multitude of memories experiences of their past lives. A Jack of all Trades so to speak. Being a person, that when tasked to do something no matter how different and without previous experience or formal training in their present life….it comes “natural “ to them to be able to do. As if they have done it before.

I believe such people exist……and so by my thoughts expressed, in my opinion, there are what could be reincarnating Immortals among us.

Do you know someone like that?

I need some coffee now…..

edit on 8-6-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 10:26 AM
I found this post relevant. Note I did not write this:

"(Initially New age) Peggy Kane throughout her life experience changed her mind and said this reality is a prison and reincarnation is a cycle controlled by archons
Peggy Kane is a researcher, interviewer and podcast co-host (primarily from the UFO community) who had spoke to and interacted with many people in her lifetime in regards to the communities of metaphysics ,spirituality, conspiracies, etc. Around 2005 she came out in an interview claiming that she had come to a few conclusions in regards to our reality through an extensive endeavor of EVP exploration (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and analyzing the reverse speech of entities that she had interacted with through EVP.

Side note, she said that she had been apart of the new age community for awhile, she subscribed to the beliefs that this reality is for learning, that its part of our spiritual journey, that karma and reincarnation play into it, that we are in control of our reality through our intentions, thoughts, and beliefs, and that its a game of some sorts

But through her life experience, she has thrown most of those beliefs away

Her conclusions

Some of the conclusions that she had came to are:

NDE's are orchestrated and scripted by negative entities (archons/reptilians) to deliver a certain perception of the afterlife to those who experience them, so that the experiencers can then come back and share such perception with the rest of humanity through writing books, doing speeches, etc

The primary religious/financial/political structures of our societies' are guided and controlled by this interdimensional parasitic force (archons/reptilians)

This reality isn't about learning and karma, its a lock downed reality of a continuous reincarnation cycle, a prison, which is the doings of archons

Reptilians/archons need us for survival, we are their energy/food/drug

A person's belief system upon death plays a role in where they end up, that's why the archons have programmed and conditioned us with their religious institutions, such as the "belittled sinner mentality" that is propagated by orthodox Christianity

The Roman Catholic Church is "infested" with archons

Most of humans are of no threat to archons, archons view majority of humanity as stupid, foolish, ignorant, etc.

This archon force has been claiming to be our god for thousands of years and its what we have been worshipping in the Abrahamic religions all throughout history

Peggy Kane: "It is very much like the Matrix, It is the Matrix!"

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: SexySquirrel

Hebrews 9:27

And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,

Why did you post that verse? Do you even understand what it teaches? I doubt it.

You know there is a Second Death, right?

Some will never experience death. It is called the Rapture.

Some died and were brought back to life.

Some, like Enoch and Elijah, never died.

So again, why did you post that verse?

For those that are interested in a Christian perspective on why Reincarnation is Biblical, I too have prepared a video...

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