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Reincarnation is a Trap set up by Interdimensional Reptilian Entities to keep Humans Enslaved

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posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:49 PM
That's it. That's the only purpose of Reincarnation.
There is No Karma. There is No Karmic Debt. Earth is not a "school". No one ascends.
These are all lies to keep humans perpetually in the Reincarnation Cycle so we can continue to generate "loosh" energy for parasitic entities.

In fact the "earth school" lie doesn't even make sense. If we are here to "learn lessons" then why do we have our memories wiped so we can't remember these lessons we're supposedly here to learn? This is like telling us we need to study for an exam and then right before the exam wipe our memories.

It makes no sense because it's a lie. The only way you can learn is by remembering. This is common sense.

The only reason we're here so they can farm us just like we farm animals. The only difference is their "food" is the negative emotions we produce ( aka loosh energy). We are nothing more than cattle to them.

They enslave us on Earth and enslave us when we die to recycle us back to earth to begin the process all over again.

It's 100% a scam in every way.

Only when you realize this will you be able to stop reincarnating.

It's not letting me embed this video so here's a link. It's a guide on exactly what to do to never reincarnate back to this hell-hole again

Reincarnation is a Scam & How to Never Reincarnate Ever Again

edit on 5-6-2022 by SexySquirrel because: video embed didn't work so trying it again. not sure why it's not letting me embed i'm only putting the numbers and letters at the end. if someone could tell me what i'm doing wrong i'd appreciate it. thanks

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:58 PM
Hello friend.

Actually, Earth is just a place where I can sort out people who are capable of critical thinking from those that are not.

I determined that you are all intellectual failures by comparison in 2004, as I committed an act of causality shifting, and your US Navy military was unable to respond.

I travelled briefly into the future, saw where their F-18 vehicles were going to be positioned, and I positioned one of my own there, before moving to a new location, to see if you would follow or appear at the new location before we arrived there.

You did not. You have no mastery of causality shifting or time travel.

So now, we just separate the individuals that may be, utilizing them in a device known as a "rainbow gun" in the future.

If you would like a shortcut, and would like to bypass that utilization I suggest learning about Blue Eisenhower November.

That is the only device humanity ever constructed that was useful to us.
edit on 5-6-2022 by Archivalist because: grammatica

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

Hebrews 9:27

And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

I hate to play devils advocate here, but do you have any evidence of any of this? Id love to see it.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: SexySquirrel
That's it. That's the only purpose of Reincarnation.
There is No Karma. There is No Karmic Debt. Earth is not a "school". No one ascends.
These are all lies to keep humans perpetually in the Reincarnation Cycle so we can continue to generate "loosh" energy for parasitic entities.

In fact the "earth school" lie doesn't even make sense. If we are here to "learn lessons" then why do we have our memories wiped so we can't remember these lessons we're supposedly here to learn? This is like telling us we need to study for an exam and then right before the exam wipe our memories.

It makes no sense because it's a lie. The only way you can learn is by remembering. This is common sense.

The only reason we're here so they can farm us just like we farm animals. The only difference is their "food" is the negative emotions we produce ( aka loosh energy). We are nothing more than cattle to them.

They enslave us on Earth and enslave us when we die to recycle us back to earth to begin the process all over again.

It's 100% a scam in every way.

Only when you realize this will you be able to stop reincarnating.

It's not letting me embed this video so here's a link. It's a guide on exactly what to do to never reincarnate back to this hell-hole again

Reincarnation is a Scam & How to Never Reincarnate Ever Again

Unicorns are real too and not to be trusted

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

Its that damn magical horn of theirs I tells ya!

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: Badams
a reply to: SexySquirrel

I hate to play devils advocate here, but do you have any evidence of any of this? Id love to see it.

The video contains accounts of those who have traveled ( by leaving their physical body/astral projecting) to the Astral Afterlife ( where souls end up if they go into the Tunnel of Light) & mind expanding research from Wes Penre.

The Gnostics also speak of these parasitic entities that are masters at creating illusions and manipulating humans. The entities they described take a Reptilian form.

Also, the CIA had recruited pioneer in Astral Research/Out-of-Body-Experiences Robert Monroe to conduct experiments in Remote Viewing. In many of these experiments Reptilian beings would emerge.
Robert Monroe coined the term "loosh" and alludes to these malevolent Reptilian overlords that enslave humans. While he doesn't specifically mention them by name, it's clear to me that's what he's describing based on his descriptions and on my research.

edit on 5-6-2022 by SexySquirrel because: typo & clarification

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:19 PM
How does the expanding population come into account?

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: Badams
a reply to: Brotherman

Its that damn magical horn of theirs I tells ya!

I once had an inspirational talk with an orc about being and man and the orcs advice was “sometimes you just have to take the unicorn by the horn.” 🦄

And then the red pill wore off ☹️

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

It's not letting me embed this video so here's a link. It's a guide on exactly what to do to never reincarnate back to this hell-hole again

This one?

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: mugger
How does the expanding population come into account?

From my understanding it looks as though they're trying to kill off as many people as possible to keep the human slave population under 500 million. The mysterious Georgia Guidestones outline their nefarious plans.

The survivors will be used for the transhumanist agenda ( which they openly discuss but people still think it's a baseless conspiracy theory) where they connect humans to A.I.

This will create a hivemind and all they'll have to do is "feed" us the information they want us to know and stop any original thought. Elon Musk even said AI will be the end of humanity as we know it. Yet, he's actively trying to do this through neurolink.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:27 PM
Yes. Thank you kind Sir/Ma'am. I'm a newbie here so I appreciate it.

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: SexySquirrel

It's not letting me embed this video so here's a link. It's a guide on exactly what to do to never reincarnate back to this hell-hole again

This one?

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:29 PM
If you read the books by Val Valerian and a guy that calls himself "the author" in a series called Trufax V, they go into a lot of this subject. He mentions the Monroe Institute a lot and even talks about the cia looking into it as well.

I think you give the lizards too much credit in terms of their lock on this world. There's a reason why this sphere is quarantined from the greater reality. It was not always that way. It's more like a density bubble.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

If we're all ruled by reptilian overlords and according to yourself, the gnostics and Robert Monroe, we're farmed for our negative energy like cattle - surely life would have a little more control and efficiency? Look at how we farm our cattle, for the most part its very organized. The cattle are cared for and maintained so they produce as much yield (meat / milk etc.) as they can. Life seems very disorganized and wasteful for us to be "cattle". Seems like the reptilian overlords have no idea what they're doing, haven't heard of efficiency or organization and are clearly as bunch of half-wits. I can think of plenty of ways to more efficiently farm negative emotional energy, than letting life go on as normal...
edit on 5/6/2022 by Badams because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:47 PM

From my understanding it looks as though they're trying to kill off as many people as possible to keep the human slave population under 500 million. The mysterious Georgia Guidestones outline their nefarious plans.

Why , oh why , do folks keep repeating this .
The Georgia Guidestones were erected in the 70s .
What was the biggest fear in the 70s ?
The "Guidestones" are just that.
To guide the survivors in the post - apocalyptic times .

You have been informed .
Denying ignorance.
Why ?
Full time job with the Georgia Guidestone conspiracies .

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:47 PM
We are infinite consciousness. They can only control us through lies and manipulation. Once humans know the truth they will have no power over us. And yes, there's actually a quote from Val Valerian in the first video in which he says that it's the grey aliens who wait for the recently deceased upon death to lure them into the false light tunnel. They project images of deceased loved ones and religious figures so the person thinks they're being greeted by their dead grandpa or Jesus etc. When in reality, it's nothing more than a projection. Many are tricked by this.

originally posted by: starshift
If you read the books by Val Valerian and a guy that calls himself "the author" in a series called Trufax V, they go into a lot of this subject. He mentions the Monroe Institute a lot and even talks about the cia looking into it as well.

I think you give the lizards too much credit in terms of their lock on this world. There's a reason why this sphere is quarantined from the greater reality. It was not always that way. It's more like a density bubble.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: Archivalist
If you would like a shortcut, and would like to bypass that utilization I suggest learning about Blue Eisenhower November.

That is the only device humanity ever constructed that was useful to us.

If this is genuinely a thing, It has allegedly been scrubbed from the internet.

In fact, this is the only remnant of the phrase I have found so far: /x/ Paranormal Archive

Frankly I can't make heads or tails of it, however it seems to be from 2018, and it does mention some things seemingly related to what Mr. Archivalist is saying.

Decode key draftwork:

Delimiters - Repeating numbers are delimiters
Adding a 0 between two numbers is a packet beginning and end

IE 61...601 All content in between is relevant to the doubled delimiter encoding.

Deterministic results? Is the universe conformed to the message? Or is the message so advanced, that it was able to be shaped to approach the limit of probabilistic impossibility in terms of probability over time, at an infinitesimal rate?

Blue Eisenhower November 11

And to be perfectly clear.

No one in this thread has figured out any of the following technological advancements:

Alteration of radioactive decay rates

Time travel independent of mass or energy constraints




Cold fusion

Space-time matter manipulation independent of gravity displacement, and/or time displacement.

The universal code that is the underlying fabric of "m" theory's final format.

Cross dimensional force manipulation.

Quantum instruction set architecture with Turing level universal usage via a quantum equivalent of DeMorgan's findings.

The validation of George Boole's theories on fuzzy logic.

Kevin Gold's artificial intelligence.

Suppression of ego, acquisition of omnipotence nor omniscience.

The ability to alter fundamental forces relative to Higg's fields and/or EMF waves.

The ability to modify Higg field values.

I cloaked civilization in real life that resembles Wakanda.

If you see anyone making such claims, they are insane, and you should not believe them.

President Eisenhower did not receive a coded message dictating his actions, nor writing the transcript for the Atoms For Peace speech.

No such organization as "OPRP" exists.

No one in this thread is associated with the US Government's TIA programs, explicitly projects such as Topsail.

No one has any relation to Mossad, MI-6, MIB, Majestic, CIA, NSA, DHS, FBI, nor subcommittee's, Satoshi Nakamoto, Lycran, Acheron,. BLUE, blue 11, Cicada 3301, Google, military branches, or affiliated subcontractors.

That is almost everything. Take care on March 22nd of 2018 and September 29th of 2018. Enjoy the aftermath of March 15, 2019.

If only...

Blue Eisenhower November
Decay rates of weapons never entirely dissipate.
Yellow Neil Tyson October
Red Sagan December

edit on 5-6-2022 by AnnihilateThis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:50 PM
Who said they were to guide survivors in post-apocalyptic times? I'm not denying this wasn't said, but I'm curious to know who said this.

originally posted by: Gothmog

From my understanding it looks as though they're trying to kill off as many people as possible to keep the human slave population under 500 million. The mysterious Georgia Guidestones outline their nefarious plans.

Why , oh why , do folks keep repeating this .
The Georgia Guidestones were erected in the 70s .
What was the biggest fear in the 70s ?
The "Guidestones" are just that.
To guide the survivors in the post - apocalyptic times .

You have been informed .
Denying ignorance.
Why ?
Full time job with the Georgia Guidestone conspiracies .

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:54 PM
I have never heard of this before. What was the device for? I didn't understand from watching the video but it sounds like it has something to do with aliens & maybe squids.

originally posted by: AnnihilateThis

originally posted by: Archivalist
If you would like a shortcut, and would like to bypass that utilization I suggest learning about Blue Eisenhower November.

That is the only device humanity ever constructed that was useful to us.

If this is genuinely a thing, It has allegedly been scrubbed from the internet.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel
Then there's the flip side of the coin where others believe religion was crested to be the control mechanism, and the idea of only one death kept people from knowing there would be consequences for every ill action they commit in life.

It's always good to study all information available on a given subject- pro and con- before even thinking of investing total belief.

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