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Reincarnation is a Trap set up by Interdimensional Reptilian Entities to keep Humans Enslaved

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posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

These ancient gods were not mammals, but rather a aquatic semi aquatic species, that was gifted the complete DNA code with the expectation to create life forms. Intelligent reptilians are but only one of these physical creations.

You are getting close to what happened.

When God said...

"...and there was not a man to till the ground."

That is code for "There was not a Man to help God Genetically Engineer Life".

The 'Ground' is code for the Womb. That is where the Seed goes.

To 'till the ground' is code for Genetic Engineering.

The couple had failed the test, and now CONCEPTION would be the new method of producing Life...

Genesis 3:15
"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

The above is describing the Moment of Conception. The Seed entering the Ovum. Its 'head is bruised'.

Genesis 3:16
"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 02:53 PM
The Pahllus is shooting its load at the Ovum Moon...

Revelation 12:15
"And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood."

The 'Woman clothed with the Sun' is also a picture of the Moment of Conception.

Abraham (the Sun Sarah is clothed with) got there first. Dragon is MAD!

Milk vs. Meat of the Word.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: UncleMikey

A lot of elements in that artwork that’s fine and your opinion.

I was loosely trying to keep close to the thread topic “Reincarnation is a Trap set up by Interdimensional Reptilian Entities to keep Humans Enslaved” and the possible Reptilian associations with Reptilian entities I.e. the Serpent in the Garden…..keeping humans enslaved by the deceit…perhaps.

It’s your propagative to believe the Father Satan aspect……

I guess one could take that ideology and say…… well to prevent the sons and daughters of Satan and to end the unholy procreation, ….. is to then adopt full castration for the current population on earth.

Without the worlds humans genitalia, how could Satan survive?

Ending our species would give Satan no one to rule over…… extension that would also include God

Any volunteers?

Hmmmmm an interesting notion……….but not relevant or loose association to the thread topic…… imho

edit on 14-6-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

IMO..….. “Satan” is not the Serpent of the Garden of Eve. The unnamed, in part, reptilian Serpent, is merely an intelligent deceitful reptilian creature as God created.

Revelation 20:2

2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 04:01 PM
The Satanic Demiurge created nothing.

However, the talking "serpent" is very relevant. And it absolutely represents the reptilians. Note how the talking serpent is responsible for the fall of man.

This alludes from man falling from a higher dimension to a lower one.

You will find that in all cultures and all religions no matter how primitive there is some myth/story/allusion to a "serpent" being responsible for subjugating mankind.

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
Random thoughts…….

God created all manners of creatures not only on earth, but elsewhere in the universe.

The “Serpent” in Genesis is Reptilian in part, and a critical thinking, talking creature.

Genesis Chapter 3

[3:1] Now the serpent was more crafty than any other wild animal that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat from any tree in the garden'?"

The best representation in art, is a half and half upright creature:

It isn’t until after the Serpent entices Eve to eat the fruit, and when Eve confesses to God that the Serpent was responsible for her to go against God’s commandment not to eat the fruit…….that God transforms the reptilian Serpent more into a reptilian Snake.

God doesn’t mince words when God is pissed….

[3:14] The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you among all animals and among all wild creatures; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. [3:15] I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike your head, and you will strike his heel."

IF one is to believe that the reptilian Serpent in the garden was also Satan, then I submit Satanist and the like…..have the effigy of Satan all wrong.

They should be worshipping a reptilian Snake ….and not a Goat headed or horned bat winged fallen Angel creature.

By some written accounts the idea of “Satan” “Lucifer” does not show up for sometime after the Garden of Eve.

Here’s a quick summary…… The Hebrews, Satan, and the Invention of "Lucifer"

Also this bears noting….. How the Serpent in the Garden Became Satan

IMO..….. “Satan” is not the Serpent of the Garden of Eve. The unnamed, in part, reptilian Serpent, is merely an intelligent deceitful reptilian creature as God created.

One could go so far as to theorize that snake gods of ancient times and worldwide cultures was based on an intelligent reptilian Serpent Snake form….even before written into the Bible.

Reptilian Snake gods have been told, to come from the stars, the sky’s, the heavens, etc.


posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: Deetermined
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

IMO..….. “Satan” is not the Serpent of the Garden of Eve. The unnamed, in part, reptilian Serpent, is merely an intelligent deceitful reptilian creature as God created.

Revelation 20:2

2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

Where is the connection to the Garden? As you posted…..Revelation 20:2

2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,”…….

It’s an assumption that the Dragon/Serpent is connected to the Garden. Where as written, is there any reference to the Garden in that verse.

I counter with the following……

……”But curiously, although the author of Revelation describes Satan as “the ancient serpent” (Revelation 12:9; 20:2), there is no clear link anywhere in the Bible between Satan and the serpent in the garden. The ancient Near Eastern combat myth motif, exemplified in the battle between Marduk and Tiamat in Enuma Elish and Baal and Yam/Mot in ancient Canaan, typically depicted the bad guy as a serpent. The characterization of Leviathan in Isaiah 27 reflects such myths nicely:

On that day YHWH will punish
With his hard and big and strong sword
Leviathan the fleeing serpent,
Leviathan the twisted serpent,
And he will kill the dragon that is in the sea.

So the reference in Revelation 12:9 to Satan as “the ancient serpent” probably reflects mythical monsters like Leviathan rather than the clever, legged, talking creature in Eden.”……

I stand by this likely assertion.

Below is the Source I posted previously from the Biblical Archeology Society

How the Serpent in the Garden Became Satan

Consider this Revelation, the last book of the Bible distinctly describes Devil Satan as a Dragon Serpent (reptilian) ….(not from the Garden)

So…again IF one is to believe that the reptilian Serpent in the garden was also Satan, then I submit Satanist and the like…..have the effigy of Satan all wrong.

They should be worshipping a reptilian Snake ….and not a Goat headed or horned bat winged fallen Angel creature.

Where are these other two forms of creatures distinctly described in the Bible to be the form of Satan?

edit on 14-6-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 10:58 AM
Reincarnation is indeed a Trap , but not by some entity or ''Interdimensional Reptilian Entities ''. That is derived from human imagination which unfortunately will create more fear and ignorance amongst people going further away from the truth .

I mean no offence, it's a personal relief once you get to experience what lies beyond , and it's not a lizard or even a being. If i was to believe conspiracy theories this kind of stuff is excatly what the elites would invent to keep you addicted at a low vibration of fear, hence never going beyond your actual physicality and discovering the freedom which lies there(once you do, all your current pains and suffering regardless of their nature will go away).

Allow me to present an alternative. (This will be very long, bare with me please if the subject interests you)

What is the reincarnation trap then and does reincarnation happen at all? The ''trap'' was explained in a few words supposedly by ''Buddha'' around 2.500 years ago.'' It's a trap created by your own ignorance ''. (I am not a Buddhist btw, but this was an enlightened being that knew the reincarnation process of life and why i find him relevant)

To understand the ''trap'' first we need to understand our own ignorance. Everything and i mean everything that we understand right know is only to the extent of what is stored in our memory as information accumulated through sensory organs or current perception. The human intellect (or Buddhi, hence a ''Buddha'' is someone who can percieve beyond it) only works based on the information gathered there, whithout this memory we wouldn't know anything and the intellect does not function until it gets new informaton to work with(this relates to ''death'' and reincarnation, more below).

Or in other words, we can't imagine that which we have not yet experienced ourselves, hence why in our imagination we can for example only think about or speculate about things which corresponds to an actual experience stored as memory in our body/brain( i.e reptilian entitity because you have seen a reptile in real life/art of a reptile i.e paintings/video games/fantasy movies/someone talking about it and so on and now our imagination can mix and match this endlessly in all kinds of contexts and combinations(for example religous ones linking it to an evil force ''i.e satan'' or new age beliefs) so if we are not careful we might even believe it, again excluding ourselves from ever knowing and finding out the truth( which can only happen through actual experience of it, not reading a book etc).

This is bad because the definition of belief is to not know. If you know there is no need for beliefs. What is needed here is actual awereness of the situation and not imagination/speculation, unfortunately that is a massive waste of our mortal time on this planet and it will not in any way enhance our understanding of the life that we are a part of. (as the older ones know and young people do not , it's over sooner than we think each moment counts)

Thus it is extremely important to understand that our current beliefs systems(regardless of which, religion, philosophies etc) are only to the extent of our current level of awereness. What we do not know we do not know, so why even have an opinion? It's better to embrance our ignorance because only then the actual possibility to know might be there, beliefs will kill this possibility unfortunately.

Something which truly lies beyond our ability to percieve we do not know anything about. Therefore we need to aknowledge our ignorance before we're even able to learn something new, which is not derived from our stored past ideas and beliefs(Karma).

This finally leads us to Karma, most people unfortunately do not know the significance or even the meaning of Karma(not the definition, the actual impact of it) so this needs to be understood, at least at a concept level. Karma is the whole world right now, or in other worlds physical existance is karmic existance. Without karmic substance there wouldn't be any physicality at all i.e a planet/sun/galaxy.

Karma is not our enemy, it's the only reason we have an individual experience of life and why reincarnation happens in the first place.
Hence at ''Mukti'' or ''Nirvana'' as the Buddha put it the boundaries of our individuality are dissolved, in other words we are no more. This is not death, there is no death in reality and the belief of it is derived from human ignorance, i.e only ignorant people believe in death thus they must suffer the karma of fear/sorrow attached to it, not as a punishment by some evil force but their own levels of unfortunate understandings(which right now as yesterday is basically most humanity unfortunately). Karma is not a belief, it's there right now in our very DNA that our parents gave us, the shape that we take, the ideas and beliefs stored in our memory, our personalities ,the intentions behind the actions that we take, our identificaions/ego/what we defend/ and so on.

If we for example subscribe to this theory of an evil force beyond our levels of control we're automatically and unknowingly creating new Karma for ourselves which is not in the self'-interest to have leading to low vibrations of existence( the whole existence is just vibrations happening at tremendous speeds beyond the eye's ability to percieve it, it happens at severa million intervalls every second and our eye can not detect even one of these movements, it's so fast existance appears to be solid whereas in reality it's mostly empty space fooling your perception ) the same is true with any kind of fear based idelogy or religion (as it needs to be dissolved at some point, hence your're planting the seeds for future suffering, please do not ).

So why exactly does reincarion happen then? The answer to this question is very simple but because of how the life process manifests itself still paradoxically complex. It happens because all life without exception are heading towards liberation(Mukti, Nirvana, Moksha), not just humans but all life. It's the only reason we get up at the morning and feel ''hungry for life'' or are able to get depressed( when we believe it is hopeless, also a trap and self-created Karma, be cautios), do never feel sorry for yourself and develop a positive attitude towards yourself/others and your reward will come instantly at the very same moment, if you truly embrace it, i.e we become a blessed life).

The reason why our human life is so precious is because we have the cerebral capacity and the nervous system (hence why eastern traditions put great emphasize on your spine health, an erect spine is a must if you wish to enhance your perception, it's your antena to the cosmos so to speak) to actually achieve it during a few lifetimes, whilst most creatures(at least on this planet) does not and are forced to go through many cycles, unfortunately most will waste this opportunity and do not understand how precious and lucky they are to be born with this level of cerebral capacity( believing the value of their life may be how pretty their face is, popularity or success in the sense of money and so on) .... continue bellow ..

edit on 17-6-2022 by Omnik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: Omnik
The intellect(Buddhi) gives us the ability of discernment, whereas most creatures are only able to act instinctively humans have the ability to act consciously. Instinctively means we're acting based upon the information stored of the past( e.g genetics we inherit from our parents, compulsions, established tendencies, fears which leads to aggressiveness and so on). In other words Karmic(which therefore is a kind of slavery or repetition of the same cyclic pattern of the past).

Whilst we are still part of the animal kingdom(we eat, sleep, reproduce as all other creatures) the ability of discernment gives us the opportunity to transcend our physical boundaries if we strive for it(liberation, this is in reality what ''Jesus'' refered to as the second birth or spiritual birth). For an enlightened being leaving the world like this it's refered to as Mahasamadhi( meaning the highest form of samadhi) and is a very different kind of ''exit'' compared to how most humans normally exit the world.

For most humans however the process of ''death'' and ''rebirth'' is completely karmic driven and not in their control , what does that mean exactly? It means that our established tendencies will decide the next destination(not an evil being, each being including Alien/subtle dimension life that may look reptilian as we imagine it in this thread is bound to the same natural karmic law of existance as long as they have a form, if they do not it's not a being anymore but integrated and dissolved into the wholeness of life)

This is so because at ''death'' our mind is gone(hence the purpose of the brain/intellect/buddhi), but the content of the mind is still there and needs to be processed and dissolved. In-between different lifetimes due to no ability of discernement or mind the ability to process the karmic content is very limited, hence why ''the womb'' we enter wont be a counsious action but wherever your karmic substance is compatible.

In other words whatever our ''energy'' is right now(positive or negative) it will attract the same kind of energy through the karmic process of life, and will continue past this lifetime. ''The General'' when he told us through the brutal but in my opinion decent movie, '' Brothers what we do in life, echoes into eternity ''(Gladiator) is something that people in this world should consider more deeply than they currently do.

Hence why spiritual seekers have always been encouraged to develop good moral qualities and kindness, humility, it's in our own self-interest to not cause seeds of future suffering for ourselves, nobody and i mean nobody can escape the doing of their own intentions(karma is the intention behind the action, not the actual action per se, the translation from sanskrit is not understood).

As a final note, it's mostly in humans imagination that there are evil beings out there to get them and control them, this level of thinking is at the level of current human conscious evolution, some of us unfortunately behave in a compulsive destructive manner creating belief system to justify their actions and believe others are just like that but more ''advanced'', why wouldn't they be, what's stopping them, right? Because our thoughts have not evolved past it, we're still apparantly in the cradle and thus act juvenile.

Real developed beings out there and there might be many( i'm aware of some myself) understands the karmic implications of life, hence doing the things of a negative is an extreme disservice to yourself. There could of course be some elements of truth to some of the stuff being reported but the life process itself is not in the hands of any beings, what manifests this can not be grasped by the intellect no matter how much information we consume, hence why beings like the ''Buddha'' never really went to far explaining the technicallities of rebirth, he gave people what they needed to hear for their own positive development.

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: SexySquirrel

originally posted by: Badams
a reply to: SexySquirrel

I hate to play devils advocate here, but do you have any evidence of any of this? Id love to see it.

The video contains accounts of those who have traveled ( by leaving their physical body/astral projecting) to the Astral Afterlife ( where souls end up if they go into the Tunnel of Light) & mind expanding research from Wes Penre.

The Gnostics also speak of these parasitic entities that are masters at creating illusions and manipulating humans. The entities they described take a Reptilian form.

Also, the CIA had recruited pioneer in Astral Research/Out-of-Body-Experiences Robert Monroe to conduct experiments in Remote Viewing. In many of these experiments Reptilian beings would emerge.
Robert Monroe coined the term "loosh" and alludes to these malevolent Reptilian overlords that enslave humans. While he doesn't specifically mention them by name, it's clear to me that's what he's describing based on his descriptions and on my research.

which gnostic would that be?

any text you can offer to show what you're talking about?

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 08:40 PM

a reply to: SexySquirrel
The Gnostics also speak of these parasitic entities that are masters at creating illusions and manipulating humans. The entities they described take a Reptilian form.

originally posted by: Akragon
which gnostic would that be?
any text you can offer to show what you're talking about?

Yeah…..SS…what’s the reference for ……” The Gnostics also speak of these parasitic entities that are masters at creating illusions and manipulating humans. The entities they described take a Reptilian form.”……

I have a few Gnostic books….perhaps your assertion is in one of them… how about a book title, author, page …..or online link..I’d like to read what you stated.

edit on 17-6-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

The video contains accounts of those who have traveled ( by leaving their physical body/astral projecting) to the Astral Afterlife ( where souls end up if they go into the Tunnel of Light) & mind expanding research from Wes Penre.

For every such video, there are just as many who have traveled out of body, gone to heaven and seen the Akashic Records. Everything in life boils down to personal experience and what one choosesto believe.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I can’t remember which tv program I saw it on….but it was said that one’s life long “Guardian Angel”….is the records keeper of one’s life.

They are essentially Scribe’s of God.

It’s sometimes associated with seeing one’s life flash before their eye’s pending one’s death. The “flash” is one’s life record shown in review by the Guardian Angel.

edit on 18-6-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

Great post! I once saw an interview with linda moulton howe, ufologist and journalist who claims high-level access to info on the Eben, or the "grey" alien from a crash in NM. The Eben claimed they came here as Jesus. You might know the animation, Monsters, inc, the power company generates energy by making children scream - with adrenochrome info floating about, wow - in what seems a complete breakdown of protocol, it is learned that a child's laugh was much more powerful.

The Kryon have spoken of loosh, taking responsibility, doing what needs to be done and seeing the beauty in the cycle. We are here to bring light to a dark corner of the universe and it will consequently, reverberate through out the universe.

When we generate less loosh, they will release us. We are going to win...and soon.

How loosh is generated
edit on 19-6-2022 by GopiGrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: SexySquirrel

Your right about the snake so many cases, but I would add snakes were messengers, so not always reptilian. As silly as it may seem, the story of Adam and Eve could simply be that we should do what we are told by the Highest of High authorities to live in peace with God or be punished.

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 06:45 PM
I think anyone who does research comes to gnostic theses. Perhaps the era of new age anthropocentrism is over, like all other religions. Gnostic realism seems to give a more effective explanation for this reality.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 12:07 AM
a reply to: AnnihilateThis

Blue Eisenhower November refers to the Greada Treaty. References to technology or programing is most likely a diversion from the main point - Eisenhower sold us out. I say most likely because a lot of coded programs were formed during that era and basically every one thereafter.

Archivalist, were you present on/during Aquarius?

posted on Jul, 14 2022 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: Archivalist

I have heard the term Blue Eisenhower November before but could never find any follow up information.
Is there anything you could possibly point me to that would help me learn more?
John Tucker
[email protected]

posted on Jul, 14 2022 @ 11:01 PM

...Interdimensional Reptilian Entities to keep Humans Enslaved

reasoning exercise

reptile entities...with a very primitive brain... have advanced technologically to travel interdimensionally for preying on humans that have a 'Limbic' portion of a greater developed brain

Limbic brain is a primal, reptilian brain, baser emotions & fight-or-flight is the limbic operating system... not creating inter-dimensional wormholes

the persons witnessing reptilians disguised as humans is seeing humans projecting their limbic brain energy, which does attract females seeking baser/ cruder men, primitive men like Mr Hyde over Dr Jeckel (or vise-versa)
edit on th31165785789914042022 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 06:44 AM
Things not always are what they seem of look. If the new research being done at Farsight Institute is to be believed. Death traps might be true.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 02:31 PM
karma is karma even when it is spelled kamma.

EX. I can easily see Socrates dragged off to another life just to defend hemlock as having more of a use than that of his demise.

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