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Putin is about to win a shocking victory

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posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: face23785

You may not have noticed but some folk on here seem to post full time anti Ukraine/pro Russia threads and posts.

What is actually scary is the constant stream of posts simply repeating Russian state sponsored propaganda.

I have noticed.

I've also noticed a lot of false claims that any questioning of the official narrative, any insinuation that Ukraine may not be perfect is equivalent to being pro-Russia/pro-Putin.

That's ignorant as #.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: nolabel

That's what your poster boy Putin was expecting within 3 days of his invasion when he said all the Ukrainians would welcome the Russian troops by giving them flowers.

I've seen this claimed probably hundreds of times, between legacy media, social media, and here.

I've yet to see one iota of proof Putin was expecting that.

Can you provide any? I'm open to it, I'd just like to see it instead of taking ya'lls word for it (ya'll being everyone who I have seen claim this without evidence.)
edit on 1 6 22 by face23785 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

What was their role in the Ukrainian military before the war? Was Zelensky bowing and scraping to them? What was their goal before the war? Zelensky is a Jew (although not practicing) - how do they deal with that?
They must have some dependency on the government for funding. Or is it coming from elsewhere?

From the jpgs you posted, looks like there might be thousands of them.

edit on 1-6-2022 by Phantom423 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: Phantom423

Before 2015 they were a militia. I am not sure when they were nationalized. Some of their groups participated in the coup. In fact Right Sector claims most of the credit for the coup.

This interview was made on Feb 5 this year. It is with Evgeniy Karas a leader of Right Sector.

Remove the space from (h ttps)

h ttps://

From what I can tell they see Zelensky as a good cover. I have even seen them write that in their channels. Their hate is directed more at Russians. I see them say the enemy of my enemy is my ally a lot.
I managed to get on a few of the Azov Telegram Channels when this started. I lurked and upvote to keep from being locked out. I still got locked out. Most of their channels are locked down now or they shut down and changed names. From what I saw they still hate Jews, blacks, Asians, mixed races, societies that are multicultural but Russia is an actual threat to their resurgence.
There are a few Azov support channels still open.
Scroll through one if you want.
Back to the point.
Azov received a large amount of funding from Ihor Kolomoyskyi who is also Jewish and describes himself as the godfather of Zelenskys presidency. Ihor owned a large portion of the studio Zelensky worked for and they had many documented meetings as he ran for president.

That is significant because at the time Ihor was banned from Ukraine so the meetings were in different countries. Ihor would use Azov as his private military and muscle.

He is a billionaire gangster IMO that is still barred from the US.

I made a little video about a business he owned in Ukraine.

h ttps://

The "he is Jewish argument" lost its weight even before this war. As I said before even Israel has neo-Nazis. Besides, the actual Nazis were fine with using Jewish people for their skills on various projects. IMO they see Zelensky as a procurement specialist to get the weapons and funding then tap dance for support. He is an actor.

edit on 1-6-2022 by Grimpachi because: grammar

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: face23785

* - Russian state TV whistleblower: 'We were told war would be over in 2 weeks'

* - Inside Russia’s information war: State TV journalists ‘disgusted’ a month after start of Ukraine war

I'll take these two first. They link to each other and are reporting the same information. They're essentially the same piece from two different publications. So I have to ask, did you even read them? Were you aware they were basically the same article and dishonestly linked them both to make it seem like you had more sources, or did you just not read them?

All they say about the length of the war is some Russian journalists thought the war would be over in 1 week or 2 weeks, contradicting each other, and doesn't say where they got that impression.

* - Ukraine said Russian troops brought parade uniforms to Kyiv, expecting a quick triumph that never came

From that article:

Russian soldiers advancing on Kyiv brought parade uniforms with them, seeming to expect a victory in less than two days, a Ukrainian army official said on Thursday.

"We also find some parade uniforms there, so they expected to get Kyiv in two days and then have a parade here. So we can say now that we have completely destroyed their plans."

That's evidence to you? They brought their dress uniforms, so that proves they thought they would win in 2 days? That's a humongous leap of logic. What exactly about that tells you they thought they would win in 2 days?

And again, it is contradictory. Did they expect to win in 2 days? In 1 week? In 2 weeks? If these quick victory estimates came from the highest levels of the Russian government, why are they all different?

Also, bringing your dress uniform does not necessarily mean what that article says it means. Your dress uniform is used for a number of functions, not just parades. I was in the US military. We had young guys bring their dress uniform on deployments sometimes. Most of the time it was just a young person mistakenly thinking they always had to have their dress uniform with them.

Also, we've been told some Russian soldiers didn't even know they were being sent to a war. They thought it was just a training movement. Sometimes you bring your dress uniform to training movements. You might need it if you are disciplined, or for other kinds of ceremonies.

If they had captured a Russian soldier who specifically said that was why he brought that uniform, that they were told by their commanders that President Putin said they would win in 2 days, that would be much better evidence. They've captured a ton of Russian soldiers. None of them can confirm that?

* - Putin thought Russia's military could capture Kyiv in 2 days, but it still hasn't in 20

From that article:

When Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an invasion on February 24, he expected a swift and decisive victory, seeming to believe his own propaganda about the strength of his armed forces and people's willigness to fight for a country, Ukraine, that he has defined as an integral part of his own.

The article contains zero support for that assertion. It merely contains more assertions, likewise with no evidence:

CIA Director Bill Burns told lawmakers last week that Putin's strategy for the war was centered on "seizing Kyiv within the first two days of the campaign." US intelligence likewise assessed that the city could fall soon after the invasion.

So, recapping. We have the same claims being repeated in multiple locations, but no evidence. Where did Putin say it would be over in 2 days? If this is such an obvious, why can't you just send me a video or transcript of Putin saying that, or an official statement from the Russian government or military command?

It sounds more likely our intelligence was just wrong. Again.

And no, nothing in my post is supporting Putin, so before you falsely cry about that, don't bother. I can't believe that post got stars
do none of you read past the headlines?
edit on 1 6 22 by face23785 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: dava6711

They do?

I do.

Most ‘normal’ British don’t actually care what happens over there, as long as it stays over there. Personally, I really couldn’t give a damn about what happens in Ukraine. Who’s actually bothered to help the British in recent history, only the Polish that I can think of?

Quite possibly Poland would be next on Russia's hit-list should they be allowed to invade and take Ukraine, so there is that.

I care about what happens in the UK, I don’t care about a war thousands of miles away. You speak as though the British are innocent, having fought in two wars for the UK, let me assure you we’re far from innocent.

Well if it was the last two thats was for the bankers and under false pretense where WMD were concerned, but thank you for your service.

No need to thank me Andy, it was simply my job. I’m not an a*****e who demands respect for serving, I wasn’t drafted, it was my choice. I joined for selfish reasons, I wanted to test myself in combat, to see what kind of man I was under fire (I was terrified a several times lol).

I actually don’t know, even to this day WTF Afghanistan was about, why did we invade, what did we achieve?

I just can’t see Russian invading Poland? Russia and Ukraine have had a complicated history (Chernobyl for one).

It’s simply a matter of time before Russia takes all of her objectives in Ukraine, it was only Russia who was able to stop the power of the Third Reich, when all of Europe and the UK were absolutely hammered by them. Afterwards, all of the weapons and munitions the UK and US gifted to Ukraine will be in Russian hands.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Thanks for the lengthy explanation. If the Russians win, I presume these groups will be disbanded and sent to the Gulag.
The Telegram channel says the Azov supporters have no affiliation with the Azov Battalion. So this is some rogue group?

Is Kolomoyskyi in line to become president if Zelensky goes down? Is there any internal drive in the Ukraine to get rid of Zelensky?

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: dava6711

I actually don’t know, even to this day WTF Afghanistan was about, why did we invade, what did we achieve?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but are you American or Russian?

I can't tell you about Russia's war in Afghanistan, but for America's, to answer your question it depends whether you want the political answer or the military answer.

Politically we were there to change hearts and minds, help the "legitimate" government of Afghanistan get on its feet, nation-build, all kinds of nonsense.

By that measure, it was an abject failure.

Militarily, we were there to force the terrorists to fight our military instead of our civilians and deny them the use of Afghanistan as a training and planning base from which to execute additional large-scale attacks against the United States. Basically to prevent more 9/11s.

In that mission, we succeeded.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
Hello ATS!

the British press is so funny, in its degree of inadequacy it can only compete with the famous "British scientists". Here are the headlines taken from a column by Con Coughlin, Telegraph Defense Editor and Chief Foreign Affairs Columnist. Moreover, all headings can be collected from one page. You can clearly see how the thinking (if it can be called thinking) is changing in the star and ruler of the minds of ordinary Britons.

You know, when I read this, I thought that this was a fictitious imitation of the editorials of the newspapers of the times of Napoleon, taken from the book of Academician Tarle.

First news: "The Corsican monster has landed in the Bay of Juan."
The second news: "The cannibal goes to Grasse."
Third news: "The usurper entered Grenoble."
The fourth news: "Bonaparte has occupied Lyon."
Fifth news: "Napoleon is approaching Fontainebleau."
Sixth news: "His Imperial Majesty is expected today in his faithful Paris."

And I won’t be at all surprised if the following article by Con Coughlin appears: “Russian troops advance in a cowardly and panicked manner, and the valiant Ukrainian army heroically flees and bravely surrenders.”)))

Who do they take you for?

Thank you.

I'm slightly puzzled by this "inadequacy" you speak of in relation to British scientists.

Have you ever read a book or used Google?

If you had, then I'm assuming names like Newton, Darwin, Stephenson, Babbage, Whittle, Turin, Fleming, and dozens and dozens more would convince you of the almost unparalleled contribution of British scientists and thinkers.

In fact, I'm struggling to think of a single Russian scientist who changed the world through way these men did.

I'm sure there are some, but they aren't coming to mind.

Now, if your comment was some in joke, the continuation of a previous post, enlighten me.

Otherwise, think before you type out such pig ignorant tripe.

Oh, and a Russian criticising the journalists of any other nation really is verging on outright you even have Russian journalists or are they all propagandists?

I joke, of course.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: Phantom423
a reply to: Grimpachi

Thanks for the lengthy explanation. If the Russians win, I presume these groups will be disbanded and sent to the Gulag.
The Telegram channel says the Azov supporters have no affiliation with the Azov Battalion. So this is some rogue group?

Is Kolomoyskyi in line to become president if Zelensky goes down? Is there any internal drive in the Ukraine to get rid of Zelensky?

100 Azov have been removed from military prisoner status and moved to Prisoner status in the DPR to be tried for crimes over the last 8 years against the DPR.

As for the others I think they are just being treated as POWs.

I really don't know how they plan to deal with the other Nazi Battalions. As far as I know they are not planning to take all of Ukraine. The coast up to Transnistria and the Donbas area are likely. That would cut Ukraine off from the sea. I think they will stop taking territory and just fortify the border areas with permanent bases to continually fend off attacks. If Ukraine tries to rebuild military infrastructure during that time a cruise missile will probably hit the area. Defending territory is much more advantageous than taking it.

Right now NATO is pumping weapons into Ukraine as it is a fight for territory. If Russia declares its objectives met and hunkers down I don't think there will be enough public support to keep pressing and sending aid to Ukraine.

As for Kolomoyskyi, I think he is just one of many puppet-masters.

Edit to add. From what I have heard you can be put in touch with actual Azov channels through that channel. I have no idea how it works because I have never tried to contact them.
edit on 1-6-2022 by Grimpachi because: add

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: dava6711

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: dava6711

They do?

I do.

Most ‘normal’ British don’t actually care what happens over there, as long as it stays over there. Personally, I really couldn’t give a damn about what happens in Ukraine. Who’s actually bothered to help the British in recent history, only the Polish that I can think of?

Quite possibly Poland would be next on Russia's hit-list should they be allowed to invade and take Ukraine, so there is that.

I care about what happens in the UK, I don’t care about a war thousands of miles away. You speak as though the British are innocent, having fought in two wars for the UK, let me assure you we’re far from innocent.

Well if it was the last two thats was for the bankers and under false pretense where WMD were concerned, but thank you for your service.

No need to thank me Andy, it was simply my job. I’m not an a*****e who demands respect for serving, I wasn’t drafted, it was my choice. I joined for selfish reasons, I wanted to test myself in combat, to see what kind of man I was under fire (I was terrified a several times lol).

I actually don’t know, even to this day WTF Afghanistan was about, why did we invade, what did we achieve?

I just can’t see Russian invading Poland? Russia and Ukraine have had a complicated history (Chernobyl for one).

It’s simply a matter of time before Russia takes all of her objectives in Ukraine, it was only Russia who was able to stop the power of the Third Reich, when all of Europe and the UK were absolutely hammered by them. Afterwards, all of the weapons and munitions the UK and US gifted to Ukraine will be in Russian hands.

Errr, Britain wasn't hammered by the Nazis, as the battle of Britain denied Germany the air superiority it absolutely had to have before an invasion was possible.

It's another slightly distorted view of the reality as it was at the time.

Just like the Americans saved Western Europe from the Nazis when, in fact, it really saved it from decades of Soviet Communist rule as Germany couldn't have defeated the Allies even if the Soviets had been left alone and never entered the war.

The U.S was too powerful by then.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Biden approved long range missiles today - which he said he wouldn't do (no surprise there). Supposedly has a guarantee from the Ukrainians that they will only be used in country. Only a fool would believe that. But Biden is a fool.

If they start hitting Russian territory, real hell is going to break loose. Let the games begin, or continue.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Phantom423

The MLRS platform those missiles fire from are going to be high-value targets and hard to hide, unlike M777s. They also require a lot of support vehicles to be effective. I wouldn't be surprised if they get destroyed by Iskander missiles before they even get in range.

Biden is an idiot but more importantly, he is corrupt. The winner in this war is the MIC.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: Phantom423
a reply to: Grimpachi

Biden approved long range missiles today - which he said he wouldn't do (no surprise there). Supposedly has a guarantee from the Ukrainians that they will only be used in country. Only a fool would believe that. But Biden is a fool.

If they start hitting Russian territory, real hell is going to break loose. Let the games begin, or continue.

Biden knows Ukraine is losing....and he needs to escalate the war before Russia declares victory.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Wars are measured in years....

Good point they certainly are.

Yet the number 1 measurement of war is real estate acquisition.

It's all about growth. Just like any business. Growth between one point in time and the present and if this shows uplift then you are winning

On that note, since the start of the war, land occupied by Russia has increased and land occupied by Ukraine has decreased.

Spot on Face

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 03:49 PM

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: face23785

Russian soldiers advancing on Kyiv brought parade uniforms with them, seeming to expect a victory in less than two days, a Ukrainian army official said on Thursday.

You could have stopped right there.

...a Ukrainian army official said...

What kind of people make official statements for armies ?

No matter what the answer : we can be sure that we are not in the domain of any kind of facts or truthfulness.

Just like all of the previous links : they are all bogus Propaganda™ bunk.

Garbage !

Worthless !

Not worth arguing about !!

If the site is going downhill, it's because bogus arguments are allowed to use BS Propaganda™ to prop them up, and it's never called-out !

We are in desperate need of something like Deny-Ignorance-Tuesdays : where about ten of us scan every new thread, and double-triple-quadruple check any and all links, claims, and sources.

Site traffic would probably fall to 10%...

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: Phantom423
a reply to: Grimpachi

Biden approved long range missiles today - which he said he wouldn't do (no surprise there). Supposedly has a guarantee from the Ukrainians that they will only be used in country. Only a fool would believe that. But Biden is a fool.

If they start hitting Russian territory, real hell is going to break loose. Let the games begin, or continue.

Biden knows Ukraine is losing....and he needs to escalate the war before Russia declares victory.

If chief potato is getting any sliver of cash hes shipping over there, hell keep this machine a churnin.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: Phantom423

Why should Ukraine not attack targets inside Russia, especially when the targets are military related? Why does Russia think they should be immune / protected from such attacks?

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