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Putin is about to win a shocking victory

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posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Thats just it.. Not once have I seen western media cover the shenanigans of Russian media. The stuff I come across are by third parties (like the speak the truth videos posted in the Ukraine update thread).

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Youve never seen the western media cover russias propaganda arm?

Im not sure im understanding your statement.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Ive never seen Russian state media covered by western media aside from the obvious (propaganda). It is discussed in passing if that makes sense.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Yea, ok gotcha. Knee jerk reaction is because its common sense that communist propaganda is obvious. Be it russia, NK or the CCP.

I know that in left leaning circles, Xinua (Sp) News, ccp state sponsored propoganda is common. Perhaps much the same as RT as they have journos who live in Europe and the US.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 10:45 AM
The RT comments section is almost full of anti-American propaganda, I've also seen some comments questioning "Russia" but those comments section usually gets deleted. I was wondering how Russian was Russia after Lenin, then a Russian triggers the Jews by saying that Hitler had Jewish descendance and soon after another one says that what Ukraine is doing is actually a Bolshevik thing.

So I guess that Russia is still Russian but I don't know how Russian their leader is because there's a law that started over there, spread into most of Europe and the truth doesn't fear a fair investigation. I watched how it all started and developed on a web that got "item-fixed".

Always wondered why Russia didn't intervene in a faster way, like they did with Georgia. It looks like the target was the people who only wanted to live in better conditions because the "peace loving" news reporters suddenly stopped talking about something and then started to be interested in Ukraine.

posted on Jun, 4 2022 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Did I miss the shocking victory by Russia who’s military is a whole order of magnitude larger than the Ukrainian military?

posted on Jun, 4 2022 @ 10:47 AM

"The situation is very difficult," he continued. "We're losing 60-100 soldiers per day as killed in action and something around 500 people as wounded in action."

So, according to Zelenskyy...Ukraine is losing an average of 80 soldiers per day.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: dava6711

originally posted by: Godabove09

originally posted by: dava6711

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: dava6711

They do?

I do.

Most ‘normal’ British don’t actually care what happens over there, as long as it stays over there. Personally, I really couldn’t give a damn about what happens in Ukraine. Who’s actually bothered to help the British in recent history, only the Polish that I can think of?

Quite possibly Poland would be next on Russia's hit-list should they be allowed to invade and take Ukraine, so there is that.

I care about what happens in the UK, I don’t care about a war thousands of miles away. You speak as though the British are innocent, having fought in two wars for the UK, let me assure you we’re far from innocent.

Well if it was the last two thats was for the bankers and under false pretense where WMD were concerned, but thank you for your service.

No need to thank me Andy, it was simply my job. I’m not an a*****e who demands respect for serving, I wasn’t drafted, it was my choice. I joined for selfish reasons, I wanted to test myself in combat, to see what kind of man I was under fire (I was terrified a several times lol).

I actually don’t know, even to this day WTF Afghanistan was about, why did we invade, what did we achieve?

I just can’t see Russian invading Poland? Russia and Ukraine have had a complicated history (Chernobyl for one).

It’s simply a matter of time before Russia takes all of her objectives in Ukraine, it was only Russia who was able to stop the power of the Third Reich, when all of Europe and the UK were absolutely hammered by them. Afterwards, all of the weapons and munitions the UK and US gifted to Ukraine will be in Russian hands.

Errr, Britain wasn't hammered by the Nazis, as the battle of Britain denied Germany the air superiority it absolutely had to have before an invasion was possible.

It's another slightly distorted view of the reality as it was at the time.

Just like the Americans saved Western Europe from the Nazis when, in fact, it really saved it from decades of Soviet Communist rule as Germany couldn't have defeated the Allies even if the Soviets had been left alone and never entered the war.

The U.S was too powerful by then.

The UK absolutely was (well kind of). We were spared the final crushing defeat by Hitler himself. His top ranking generals implored him to finish us off, but he believed “we’d come to our senses and join him as allies”. Off the to of my head it was Dunkirk, the bulk of the British army was stranded and cut off, if Hitler had given it the green light, the British would have been all but annihilated.

Destroying the Expeditionary Force in France still doesn't give them air superiority, or neuter the Royal Navy in the channel, and it doesn't suddenly stop the millions of highly motivated, able bodied, young men who would have signed up immediately from being mobilised across southern England in preparation for a German invasion.

You are conflating defeat (in a battle) at Dunkirk with losing the war.
edit on 5-6-2022 by Godabove09 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
This may be an extremely unpopular opinion, but I think we've made this war much worse than it needed to be by giving billions to Ukraine. As I said months ago, it was very obvious Russia had more military power, and the only reason Ukraine has lasted this long is because the west has given them billions of dollars.

Obviously I think it's a bad thing when any nation decides to invade another nation and take territory from them, but it seems pretty obvious most of Eastern Ukraine is pro-Russian anyway.

It isn't any more. The Russian speakers are very angry at Russia, who did far worse than Ukrainian government did. Russia bombed and destroyed their cities and did.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: mbkennel

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
This may be an extremely unpopular opinion, but I think we've made this war much worse than it needed to be by giving billions to Ukraine. As I said months ago, it was very obvious Russia had more military power, and the only reason Ukraine has lasted this long is because the west has given them billions of dollars.

Obviously I think it's a bad thing when any nation decides to invade another nation and take territory from them, but it seems pretty obvious most of Eastern Ukraine is pro-Russian anyway.

It isn't any more. The Russian speakers are very angry at Russia, who did far worse than Ukrainian government did. Russia bombed and destroyed their cities and did.

Who is making that claim? Russian speakers living there or some government entity?

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Try Russian state news -

Another blow to Putin, not only because Russian speaking Ukrainians from / in Donbas are fighting against Russia but also because Russian state media is reporting on it.

Putin's State-Run Media Admits Russian-Speaking Ukrainians Fighting Back

Pundits on the Kremlin's state-run television admitted that Russian-speaking Ukrainians are fighting back against Moscow's aggression, despite Russian President Vladimir Putin and other top officials claiming they were invading Ukraine to liberate that segment of the Eastern European nation's population.

Putin launched the full-scale invasion on February 24, drawing swift international backlash. Although Russian leaders reportedly believed that they would quickly take control and be welcomed with open arms by Russian-speakers in the country, they have faced fierce resistance. Russia has been forced to substantially walk-back its goal of toppling the government in Kyiv, instead focusing its military operations on the eastern Donbas region.

To justify the internationally condemned invasion, Putin has bizarrely claimed that his forces are working to liberate native Russian speakers from "Nazi" leaders. In reality, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish and had family members who died in the Holocaust genocide perpetuated by the German Nazis during World War II. Zelensky is also a native Russian speaker, who was mocked by his critics for his inability to speak Ukrainian without mistakes during his presidential campaign.

Andrei Sidorchik, a journalist speaking on the country's state-run Russia-1, pointed out that "the main backbone of [Ukrainian] fighters" in the Donbas region "is comprised of Russian speakers and residents of Ukraine's Russian-speaking regions." He expressed surprise, saying "this is a very interesting paradox."

Just how out of touch are Putin, his minions and the talking heads on Russian tv?

Sidorchik went on to argue that Russia would only be able to accomplish its goals by "erasing [Ukraine's] history of the last 30 years," claiming that the Eastern European country needs "de-Nazification," repeating the Kremlin talking point.

Television host Olga Skabeeva later asserted that, "There should be one Ukraine—ours in its entirety."

click link for article

The actions above are just one of the excuses Russia used to justify their invasion of Ukraine and now Russia is attempting to do the very thing they bitched about.

the irony...

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Of course they are fighting against them. They are conscripted. Do you think they have a choice? You need to think about what you are being told instead of just blindly accepting their spin.

There are also reports that the Russian conscripts are used as cannon fodder.

Have you not watched the multiple videos of Russian-speaking POWs? Probably not because it would go against the narrative.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Try again and this time make an effort to make sense instead of deflecting.

You wanted to know who was claiming Russians speaking Ukrainians were fighting Russia. So you try to dismiss the info by claiming they were not happy about being conscripted... smh

Had you watched the pow interviews (Russians) they confirm they dont know why the are in Ukraine as their commanders lied to them. They have no idea on where the so called Nazis are because they were lied about that as well. Being they are located in Ukraine they are subject to conscription. People is one of the fake ""republics" are being forced against their will and there are videos of conscripted people (the fake Republics) complaining to Putin about what going on.

So yes, the fake Republics and Russia are into the warm body syndrome ie using untrained and non equipped conscripts to plug the holes in their slipshod efforts to take territory from Ukraine.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

You wanted to know who was claiming Russians speaking Ukrainians were fighting Russia.

No, I wanted to know who is claiming that Russian speakers are very angry. It is beyond obvious that Russian speakers are fighting against Russia. I have posted several dozen videos on this site of Russian speaking POWS that fought against Russia.

Maybe next time you will ask for clarification on what is being asked.

Had you watched the pow interviews (Russians) they confirm they don't know why they are in Ukraine as their commanders lied to them.

There is only one video I know of that was made by CNN back in March of captured pilots. Then there a half a dozen or more videos of Ukrainians torturing and executing Russian POWs which were posted by Ukrainians.

Are you talking about that one video interview by CNN? Are there more? I would love to see something more current. At the very least some videos of Russian POWs that show they are not being tortured.

Add video

edit on 5-6-2022 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 11:42 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: PatriotGames4u


They will need to learn to swim first.

That's what America said about the Islamic threat for many years too

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

This comment is dripping with ignorance... You do reliase that the press in the UK is a free press.. and further to that, around half of the papers here definitely DO NOT support the government... Please do some research...


posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

your patriotism for a country engaging in murder is pretty disgusting
i love my country probably more than any other scotsman Ive met
yet I wouldnt support Scotland murdering people in another country.

Its pretty gross, your flag waving is like someone from the DPRK

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Oooh speaking of inept scientists how about yer man Anatoli Bugorski

least our scientists dont stick their #ing heads inside particle accelerators.

But aye gonnae tell us more about inadequate british scientists ?

do you want me to start rhyming off all the science contributions Scotland alone has given to the world , mair than yer russian boys thats for sure

edit on 6-6-2022 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 07:13 AM

originally posted by: PerfectAnomoly
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

This comment is dripping with ignorance... You do reliase that the press in the UK is a free press.. and further to that, around half of the papers here definitely DO NOT support the government... Please do some research...


Blackouts are ordered against the British press all the time. Prince Williams affair is one big one that comes to mind.

British press is British propaganda, just like every other country's press.

Deny ignorance.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

That's the Royal Family, not the Government... You said, and I quote,

"its a joke and just a mouthpiece of the government, propaganda."

The British Press have free speech and freedom of press..

Some papers are affiliated with the Government due to donations, some are partisan to Labour, some to the Liberals..

But there is no such thing as "A mouthpiece of the Government" like we see in Russia... They simply do not have that level of control over the press..


Deny ignorance indeed...

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