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Putin is about to win a shocking victory

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posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: Godabove09

originally posted by: dava6711

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: dava6711

They do?

I do.

Most ‘normal’ British don’t actually care what happens over there, as long as it stays over there. Personally, I really couldn’t give a damn about what happens in Ukraine. Who’s actually bothered to help the British in recent history, only the Polish that I can think of?

Quite possibly Poland would be next on Russia's hit-list should they be allowed to invade and take Ukraine, so there is that.

I care about what happens in the UK, I don’t care about a war thousands of miles away. You speak as though the British are innocent, having fought in two wars for the UK, let me assure you we’re far from innocent.

Well if it was the last two thats was for the bankers and under false pretense where WMD were concerned, but thank you for your service.

No need to thank me Andy, it was simply my job. I’m not an a*****e who demands respect for serving, I wasn’t drafted, it was my choice. I joined for selfish reasons, I wanted to test myself in combat, to see what kind of man I was under fire (I was terrified a several times lol).

I actually don’t know, even to this day WTF Afghanistan was about, why did we invade, what did we achieve?

I just can’t see Russian invading Poland? Russia and Ukraine have had a complicated history (Chernobyl for one).

It’s simply a matter of time before Russia takes all of her objectives in Ukraine, it was only Russia who was able to stop the power of the Third Reich, when all of Europe and the UK were absolutely hammered by them. Afterwards, all of the weapons and munitions the UK and US gifted to Ukraine will be in Russian hands.

Errr, Britain wasn't hammered by the Nazis, as the battle of Britain denied Germany the air superiority it absolutely had to have before an invasion was possible.

It's another slightly distorted view of the reality as it was at the time.

Just like the Americans saved Western Europe from the Nazis when, in fact, it really saved it from decades of Soviet Communist rule as Germany couldn't have defeated the Allies even if the Soviets had been left alone and never entered the war.

The U.S was too powerful by then.

The UK absolutely was (well kind of). We were spared the final crushing defeat by Hitler himself. His top ranking generals implored him to finish us off, but he believed “we’d come to our senses and join him as allies”. Off the to of my head it was Dunkirk, the bulk of the British army was stranded and cut off, if Hitler had given it the green light, the British would have been all but annihilated.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi

Biden is an idiot but more importantly, he is corrupt.

Coming from a Brit.................. This Biden geezer is a d*ck head in stirring the pot on the other side of the world.

Biden is totally out of his depth here. Throwing fuel on a fire already getting out of control endangers us all.

This whole game Biden and your Democratic party are playing is getting really dangerous

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: dava6711

I actually don’t know, even to this day WTF Afghanistan was about, why did we invade, what did we achieve?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but are you American or Russian?

I can't tell you about Russia's war in Afghanistan, but for America's, to answer your question it depends whether you want the political answer or the military answer.

Politically we were there to change hearts and minds, help the "legitimate" government of Afghanistan get on its feet, nation-build, all kinds of nonsense.

By that measure, it was an abject failure.

Militarily, we were there to force the terrorists to fight our military instead of our civilians and deny them the use of Afghanistan as a training and planning base from which to execute additional large-scale attacks against the United States. Basically to prevent more 9/11s.

In that mission, we succeeded.

Neither, I’m English. I know the official reason of why we invaded, but the actual truth I could never figure out?

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: dava6711

You know my mum met an old man whom told a very different story, she was born in 33 so this was told to her by an old man back in the 60's whom had lived through it.

He said you will never know it was covered up but the Germans invaded and it was the old men who had fought in the trenches that were waiting for them, they wiped out the German invasion force perhaps using chemical weapons or gas but it was covered up by both sides, the set the sea on fire and burned them was one thing that was said, he said there were thousands of German soldiers buried and no one will ever know there graves were unmarked.

I may be garbling it a bit but what I remember her telling me is this old man told her that we will never know there are that many Germans buried in unmarked graves, thousands of them and they tried to invade but the OLD men who had fought in the great war were waiting for them.

There are countless story's and we won't hear about it, for the Germans the idea that a probably crack SS unit was wiped out by the English would have been a blow to there moral and so they would not have mentioned it so the official operation sea lion never went ahead though the Germans did occupy the channel islands of course.

But there were story's of German body's that were badly burned washing ashore but it was put down to an accident that happened while training for operation sea lion and the truth will never be known.

One thing to remember as well the BEF did not LOSE to the Germans, they were holding there own and even pushing the Germans back but the French lines buckled, it was to avoid and encirclement that the BEF had to retreat and since they could not bring there equipment it was a disastrous retreat at that but there are story's such as a rear guard whom fought until the lads were off the Dunkirk beaches and only then surrendered, one unit was murdered by the SS, another a single machine gunner whose loader had been killed lived out the rest of the war as a POW since he was lucky enough to have been taken captive by the German regular army despite him killing hundreds of Germans whom had repeatedly tried to cross a canal he was guarding, our machine gun unlike there's was accurate if prone to overheating and he used his very well indeed.

edit on 1-6-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: dava6711

You know my mum met an old man whom told a very different story, she was born in 33 so this was told to her by an old man back in the 60's whom had lived through it.

He said you will never know it was covered up but the Germans invaded and it was the old men who had fought in the trenches that were waiting for them, they wiped out the German invasion force perhaps using chemical weapons or gas but it was covered up by both sides, the set the sea on fire and burned them was one thing that was said, he said there were thousands of German soldiers buried and no one will ever know there graves were unmarked.

There are countless story's and we won't hear about it, for the Germans the idea that a probably crack SS unit was wiped out by the English would have been a blow to there moral and so they would not have mentioned it so the official operation sea lion never went ahead though the Germans did occupy the channel islands of course.

But there were story's of German body's that were badly burned washing ashore but it was put down to an accident that happened while training for operation sea lion and the truth will never be known.

One thing to remember as well the BEF did not LOSE to the Germans, they were holding there own and even pushing the Germans back but the French lines buckled, it was to avoid and encirclement that the BEF had to retreat and since they could not bring there equipment it was a disastrous retreat at that but there are story's such as a rear guard whom fought until the lads were off the Dunkirk beaches and only then surrendered, one unit was murdered by the SS, another a single machine gunner whose loader had been killed lived out the rest of the war as a POW since he was lucky enough to have been taken captive by the German regular army despite him killing hundreds of Germans whom had repeatedly tried to cross a canal he was guarding, our machine gun unlike there's was accurate if prone to overheating and he used his very well indeed.

That’s actually interesting, I’ve never heard that before. It would sense to deny the invasion if an elite SS unit was wiped out by a home guard unit. Machine guns can be a nightmare if manned by a competent crew. There’s so many accounts of machine guns keeping entire battalions at bay for hours/days.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: dava6711

Whatever it was that took place I think we will never know, likely if will never be released as well since in all likelihood they used chemical weapons of some sort but I am only spit balling there.

I did hear a story that two German POW's in a camp in Belfast started arguing about there failed invasion and it was a British prison guard that warned them to shut up, there are any number of reasons that both sides would want to hide something like that.

Could have rocked British Moral if the Germans had managed to achieve a beach head even for a short time, we may have broken treatise on the use of chemical weapons signed after the first world war and the Germans themselves may not have okayed the invasion it could have been a rogue unit of gung ho SS seeking there own glory the destruction of which would not be something they would want to tell the German public about.

Cover up's were routing, one that is verifiable is from toward the end of the war when a German bomber launched a guided missile (wire guided I believe) that sank a troop ship killing several thousand US soldiers, the bomber then tried to escape but the RAF shot it down, the Germans thought that there test was a failure as the Allies hid the news about the sinking and the plane never got back to base to report it's success to the Germans or that could have been a game changer for the axis.

There have been some serious attempts to prove or disprove it but it remains neither proven nor disproven but is regarded as urban legend today.


It may also have happened more than once?, though this was more like the German equivalent of our commando raid's on there top secret sight's.

edit on 1-6-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: Phantom423

Why should Ukraine not attack targets inside Russia, especially when the targets are military related? Why does Russia think they should be immune / protected from such attacks?

Sure, start bombing the Russian mainland. What could go wrong? WWIII?

It's pointless to escalate this war. The Ukrainians need to get over the Donbas and Crimea. Give it back in negotiations for a total ceasefire and an end to the conflict.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: Phantom423

Why should Ukraine not attack targets inside Russia, especially when the targets are military related? Why does Russia think they should be immune / protected from such attacks?

Although Im against the wests involvement in this conflict, i agree with you here.

If Ukraine is to rid itself of Russia from their borders, making russia recoil is a strong tactic.

Its also a gamble. Will russia see this as actual aggression from NATO? Im guessing it may not matter so much at this point in time.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: Phantom423

Why should Ukraine not attack targets inside Russia, especially when the targets are military related? Why does Russia think they should be immune / protected from such attacks?

Although Im against the wests involvement in this conflict, i agree with you here.

If Ukraine is to rid itself of Russia from their borders, making russia recoil is a strong tactic.

Its also a gamble. Will russia see this as actual aggression from NATO? Im guessing it may not matter so much at this point in time.

All you'll be doing is scratching the nose of the beast. Russia is still a very powerful country. If they decide to let all hell loose, I'd hate to witness the consequences. Zelensky needs to negotiate his way out of this - and fast.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: Phantom423

Russia doesnt want full scale, kinetic war with Nato. If it did, we wouldnt be having this conversation. Theyve done well within some ruleset that I dont even fully understand.

Still, Ukraine is fighting, and losing ground. From a purely strategic viewpoint, Ukraine has to do some outside of the box thinking here and theres still no assurance that it will work.

When the money flowing into Ukraine stops, peace talks will start

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: Phantom423

Then maybe Russia should have not invaded Ukraine. The escalation argument is bull# and nothing more.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 06:57 PM
Just wait until the Prussians get involved .. look out WW3 is here .a reply to: RussianTroll

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: JinMI

The actions of Russia and the threats they keep making towards the West and the US in particular has already ratcheted up tensions. Now that Russian media is claiming all it would take is 2 nukes on the US East coast and 2 nukes on the US West coast and we would be done is is humorous to say the least. They act like Russia is the only country to have nukes.

Then they threaten the UK with the same nuke attack and completely write off Ireland, essentially calling Ireland an acceptable loss.

Now Russia is targeting Poland with threats of invasion.

If Russia does not want its country attacked then dont attack your neighbor. The walking on eggshells bull# coming from Western countries is disturbing.

Appeasement does not work and it only cost the world more than 50+ million dead bodies to prove that fact.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
When the money flowing into Ukraine stops, peace talks will start

One would hope but I seriously doubt it. Ukrainians are going to wage a guerilla war that should make Russia think twice about what it is doing. Even if Russia takes the entire country of Ukraine, Ukrainians are not going to just accept that as the end.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Russia could end the war AND keep all the territory theyve stated as wanting by simply bombing Kyiv.

But they arent and havent. Nor does it seem like they have the will.

And again, Poland is a Nato nation, that likelyhood is ridiculously small.

Im sure russia doesnt want attacked which is why they should be.

At this point, ukraine winning is just about equal to russia deciding to go home.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

I think the vast consensus is that even if russia could take all of ukraine or even Kyiv, they could never hold it.

Does russia know that?

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Russia is still bombing Kiev as well as cities in the west part of Ukraine.

The thing that is goofy with regards to Russian state media is the audience. They act / speak like they are being watched by western audiences.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: JinMI

The west knows it but I am unsure if Russia does. Estimates on needed troop levels for Russian to control Ukraine is upwards of 600k troops on top of whats in country already.

I still believe Putin fell for his own propaganda ...

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Allow me to clarify. Flattening Kyiv.

Ive heard many theories as to why they target western Ukraine and Kyiv but cant say I believe much of them but an invasion into the city doesnt look likely.

Propaganda, by definition, is designed to...propogate lol. Id wager a guess that proliferation on western media is part of the design.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: JinMI

The west knows it but I am unsure if Russia does. Estimates on needed troop levels for Russian to control Ukraine is upwards of 600k troops on top of whats in country already.

I still believe Putin fell for his own propaganda ...

You very well could be right. Folks close or very familiar with the man have claimed that hes different. Being a dictator and the pandemic stuff could certainly harbor some serious paranoia and a small circle

Id believe that much more than him being mad and insane.

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