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What a terrible day - 21 dead most are children

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posted on May, 26 2022 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
Forgive me for this

The most horrible and tearjerking story about all of this is a little girl who tried to call 911 and was cut down


I think NEVER

until its too late

When the police first entered building, they called out to the children hiding, asking them to call out "HELP" so they could find them and rescue them. A little girl cried out "HELP!", and the gunman shot and killed her.

This story just keeps getting more and more effed up!

edit on 26-5-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2022 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
Forgive me for this

The most horrible and tearjerking story about all of this is a little girl who tried to call 911 and was cut down


I think NEVER

until its too late

What exactly are you talking about?...
You want one or two more laws out of the 20,000 state and Federal gun control laws that already exist and which CRIMINALS ignore?...

For over two decades now left-wing policies which aimed at "gun control" have proven to do the opposite of what you anti-gun crowd claim they do.

How many military bases inside the U.S. had mass shooters and how often these violent attacks occurred when soldiers were allowed access to firearms inside the bases? Since Bill Clinton banned firearms inside U.S. military bases attacks by radicals in military bases only increased and became worse.

"Gun free zones"... How many "gun free zones" have democrats passed as law and NOT ONE OF THEM has been able to stop criminals from going inside schools to murder kids...

Your gun control policies DON'T WORK because CRIMINALS don't care for laws...

edit on 26-5-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on May, 26 2022 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

When the police first entered, they called out to the children hiding, asking them to call out "HELP" so they could find them and rescue them. A little girl cried out "HELP!", and the gunman shot and killed her.

This story just keeps getting more and more effed up!

Now we know that for about 1 hour the police stood down and did not send officers in for some strange reason. But when parents started to tell police officers "what are you doing, go inside and help them" and still officers stayed behind. I wonder who gave them the order to stand down, and why... Several parents who saw the police doing NOTHING attempted to go in to get to their kids and were arrested...

What's more, the murderer was stopped by a school security staff before the murderer started shooting so why did the school security allow him inside more so when there were several reports already on file of the scumbag's threats and other issues which should have been a red flag?

edit on 26-5-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on May, 26 2022 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

What's more, the murderer was stopped by a school security staff before the murderer started shooting so why did the school security allow him inside more so when there were several reports already on file of the scumbag's threats and other issues which should have been a reh flag?

There was no school security personnel on site. First they said there was, and he "engaged the shooter". Then they said he was actually in his car at the time, then they said there was no school security officer.

Several parents who saw the police doing NOTHING attempted to go in to get to their kids and were arrested...

They would have had to tackle and handcuff me too, if I had been a parent there, listening to gun shots in the school where my kid was!

posted on May, 26 2022 @ 10:57 PM
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this latest shooting.

As an Australian (who agrees with our gun laws) there is no comparison with our counties, and I cant see it as a workable solution for the US. However I cant understand how an 18 year old can go buy two AR-15's with such ease and not raise any alarms.

Anyway, I think everyone should demand a full and open inquest on the events in every detail. I cant believe the LE stood around for 40 minutes while shots were fired, they are not cowards, so it must have been ordered imo, but why?
So many questions need to be answered about how it went down.

I understand it's not easy, but surely more accountability needs to be had, it shouldn't be so easy for an 18yr to purchase such weapons (in any state)

Who was the Facebook message sent to? why was the door unlocked even after hearing shots outside?

There is no way to stop a nut going postal, but there should be ways to make it harder, and to at least protect the schools better, as a start.

An 18 year old enters gun store (or dealer) asks to buy an AR-15 (or similar assault rifle) shows ID, and that's it?
Why not have to perform a police check, take a weekend course, pass a psychological and background test? I have to for some jobs i have applied for.
Now if Im an owner and sell, or loose my Ar-15, or I'm a dealer who didn't follow the full check list, and the weapon is used for murder, I should face heavy consequences.

I see two separate problems, the gun crimes, and school shootings (they should not really be the one point) How many school shootings are the result of young male outcasts who felt bullied or didn't fit in? I think most are, even Bryant was. Taking law abiding citizens gun rights wont fix this problem imo. These nuts want notoriety and publicity, they want to remembered, and don't want to continue life.

There is no quick solution, but more should be done to protect schools for a start. Then look at culpability, parenting, education, fine tuning laws, media, identifying and treatment for mental illness, and political correctness bs.

The USA is not alone, without the same mass shootings here, the root of this breakdown is the same.

This rant was all over the place with no real point or solution, I'm just rocked by the loss of those beautiful young lives and the horror they faced.

posted on May, 26 2022 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: kangawoo

Ironically these sorts of crimes increased after "certain values" were banned from schools and after God was banned from schools.

These days kids to young adults are bombarded with claims of "too many people on Earth will destroy the environment/Earth..."

A few years back I posted a video about some British kids who were part of a green agenda ad. The teacher asked the kids who believed in climate change and who didn't. Those who raised their hands to say they didn't believe in climate change had their heads explode..." Later they interviewed these kids and the normal answer you would get from them was "I would give up my life to defend the Earth..."

The last several mass shooters, ALL OF THEM LEFTISTS, stated they believed in Climate Change or rather that humans are the cause of climate change and that something must be done because too many people were reproducing, and the people reproducing the most are "minorities." Is it a wonder why so many mass murderers whom have been brainwashed into devaluing innocent human life go on killing sprees?...

If you are a kid and you scour the internet about "climate change" or "how to save the Earth" etc most of the answers from far leftist lunatics who have degrees is that there must be not just population control, but depopulation. Many left-wing professors and philosophers openly call for releasing viruses to kill billions of humans...

What do you think many of the kids who get brainwashed by these lies from leftists would do?...

They are taught to devalue human life.
They are taught that "the environment and Earth are more important than humans."
They are taught that " giving your life up for the environment and Earth is the best thing anyone can do..." I am paraphrasing here.

So, in general when beliefs that give value to innocent human life are banned from children's schools and instead "beliefs that claim that nature and Earth are more important than human lives" what did you think would happen?...

Instead of blaming tools like firearms, people should learn to blame the IDEAS/BELIEFS that caused lunatics to mass murder/murder...

From the last mass murderer's own "manifesto"

Jewish people and Capitalists are "exploiting the Earth" according to this mass murderer... Claims that even many DEMOCRATS themselves make...

I made threads about various of these mass murderers and what they wrote they believe/believed, including the one from New Zealand, the Walmart mass murderer, etc and THEY ALL believed that humans are reproducing too much and "something must be done about it."
THEY ALL devalued human life and believed/believe that the environment and Earth are more important than human lives. THEY ALL had far left beliefs and are/were far leftists...

It is time to blame what is really the major cause for these mass shootings. It isn't "guns" many of these far leftists were/are also gun control freaks.

Let's not forget the latest claims from the far left lunatics like AOC"

In 12 (9 now) years "the Earth will be destroyed by human induced Climate Change..."

Add the facts up...

Devaluing human life in favor for "the environment/Earth..."
Claiming human activities will destroy the Earth in x time"

And remember, which is the belief that has caused the most suffering and death to innocent human beings in the 19-21st century, not counting soldiers killed in battle?..."


...In sum the communist probably have murdered something like 110,000,000, or near two-thirds of all those killed by all governments, quasi-governments, and guerrillas from 1900 to 1987. Of course, the world total itself it shocking. It is several times the 38,000,000 battle-dead that have been killed in all this century's international and domestic wars. Yet the probable number of murders by the Soviet Union alone--one communist country-- well surpasses this cost of war. And those murders of communist China almost equal it.


And communists/socialists haven't stopped murdering people since 1987.

edit on 27-5-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add comments, excerpt and link.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 12:45 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

There was no school security personnel on site. First they said there was, and he "engaged the shooter". Then they said he was actually in his car at the time, then they said there was no school security officer.

Texas Shooter Had Confrontation With School Guard, Sent Messages About Plans on Facebook

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

I honestly don't know how much that may play a part, maybe a little or a lot in some cases. It's not something I had considered.
I would think it's a part of a whole, all the gloom, fear and death in the media, could not be healthy for anyone, yet alone a young person.

This is also why I wanted to separate these school incidents from general gun crimes. It goes deeper and while there may be ways to make accessing the guns harder, its not the root (or a complete solution) of this problem.

If you combine loneness, and bullying, then add the endless fear and depression in the worlds media, add some pc madness (they think they are owed something) a person like this will have spent years festering hate against everything and everyone for the way they feel. It's possible that what you say may give them some extra intention or personal righteousness for their actions, but deep down they just want their idea of revenge. They want others to suffer like they think they have. And they want people to know.

Sadly, many young people experience this, but they don't act, most that do just take them selves out (and that is also a problem we could all work on) Media and social media has played a role in the increase of this I believe. So add all this together, with poor parenting , on rare occasions you end up with one doing something horrendous.

This guy was said to have been bullied about his speech impediment and dropped out of school early. My thoughts are he spent years playing out his fantasy until he could do it for real.

Better understanding of how all this might fit together would be the first step for a longer term solution, not just political gun debate.
I would assume young suicide actually kills far more than school shootings has.

Better understanding + education + resources, before they get to the end point may be the best place to start.

I have three children, and my biggest fear for them is social media.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 02:12 AM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
But there are already over 20,000 state and federal gun control laws in place. What makes you think CRIMINALS will be stopped adding more laws which ONLY RESTRICT LAW ABIDING AMERICANS?

Yes, which of the more than 9 million registered gun owners who DIDN'T do anything wrong are they going to take guns away from?

The Supreme Court will 'shoot down' any law that restricts the Second Amendment. They already overturned Chicago's Handgun ban. And Illinois was one of the last States to have gun restrictions.
edit on 27-5-2022 by CryHavoc because: spelling

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 04:12 AM
And so it becomes the predictable 'Its all down to those damned, devil worshipping, paedophile, commie, leftist, democrats' and 'What about me and my 2nd Amendment Rights' rather what the # is so wrong with your society that causes so many people want to shoot some innocent young kids and how the hell do you stop all those schizoid, paranoid # up's getting their hands on guns.

Stop them from getting guns first and then stopping making so many # up's.

All this obsession with partisan politics and finger pointing just adds further evidence to the rest of the world that you simply aren't capable of putting aside your petty differences and working together for a common good.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Used to be if America had problems or issues they solved them.

Now they simply seem to squabble amongst themselves.

And the division and divide means that next to nothing gets done for fear of insulting and alienating one side or another.

Proper gun control needs to be implemented and enforced so kids and loon balls don't have access to guns especially the military grade weaponry.

Its not even that hard to understand.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

There was no school security personnel on site. First they said there was, and he "engaged the shooter". Then they said he was actually in his car at the time, then they said there was no school security officer.

Texas Shooter Had Confrontation With School Guard, Sent Messages About Plans on Facebook

There were no Uvalde ISD officers on campus to stop shooter

The shooter who killed at least 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School on Tuesday walked into the school without being stopped by anyone, the Texas Department of Public safety said Thursday. It corrected a statement Wednesday by DPS Director Steven McCraw that a Uvalde ISD police officer was the first person to engage the shooter. Instead, on Thursday it said there were not Uvalde ISD police on campus.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Used to be if America had problems or issues they solved them.


originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: andy06shake

The USA does have a history of politicians making crappy laws and decisions that create a crisis that then gives them mandates from the population to allow them to legislate and limit civil liberties.

What better job security than create crisis after crisis and dupe people into thinking the political elites that created the problem are the only one’s that can save them.

And the division and divide means that next to nothing gets done for fear of insulting and alienating one side or another.

Dude. How long have the democrats been in control of the presidency, the house, and senate?

Proper gun control needs to be implemented and enforced so kids and loon balls don't have access to guns especially the military grade weaponry.

And yet in the United Sates your more likely to die in a car accident that requires a license than be murdered by a fire arm.

Save kids at any cost right…..

Or just what isn’t of value you to you.

edit on 27-5-2022 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

edit on 27-5-2022 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

edit on 27-5-2022 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

Your nation has more gun related deaths than just about anywhere else on the planet that is not a warzone.

And the reason, well that's simple, its because you have more guns in circulation, than anywhere else on earth.

This is not about politics, democrats or republicans any longer, but common sense, which is screaming don't put guns in the hands of lunatics or children.

Save kids at any cost is bang on the money.

Because there is something seriously wrong with the place when you have 27 school shootings this year and its only May.

edit on 27-5-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 10:15 AM
I remember when Donald Trump criticized the Parkland Florida police for standing around while children got slaughtered, and said if he was there, he would have rushed in to (try) and save the kids.

That's exactly what happened in Uvalde Texas, but it was Jacob Albarado who stormed the school and minimized the number of deaths by shooting the assailant.


posted on May, 27 2022 @ 10:20 AM
Grandmother was killed at home, before gunman went to the school.

First reports said she was in the car when he shot her.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I thought his Grandmother was recovering from surgery but unable to speak so far down to the fact that he shot her in the face?

"Celia Martinez Gonzales, 66, was in stable condition at a San Antonio hospital following the unspecified procedure Wednesday, her granddaughter said.

“I’m sorry I’ve been with my grandmother all day,” Shelby Celeste Salazar wrote in a message to The Post.

“She will be needing many more surgeries in the weeks to come,” added Salazar. “She won’t be home anytime soon."
edit on 27-5-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: kangawoo

If that bastard decided to murder because people were making fun of his speech impediment he would have targeted the age group of those people who bullied him. He targeted smaller kids. If his social media hadn't been bleached ala Hillary Clinton it is highly probable that he was one of those people who believe "there are too many people on Earth." But in reality we might never know the true reason for why he targeted kids.

There were real red flags that could have stopped this tragedy. What's more, the police waiting for almost an hour to get involved is also another red flag which should not have occurred. Who knows how many kids, or/and the teacher could have been saved if the police didn't wait for almost an hour before going in.

I also question every single police officer who was there and decided to heed the stand down order for almost one hour instead of doing what's right and attempt to save as many kids as possible.

In this scenario, the right thing was to ignore any stand down order and to save as many kids/people as possible.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

There was no school security personnel on site. First they said there was, and he "engaged the shooter". Then they said he was actually in his car at the time, then they said there was no school security officer.

Texas Shooter Had Confrontation With School Guard, Sent Messages About Plans on Facebook

There were no Uvalde ISD officers on campus to stop shooter

The shooter who killed at least 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School on Tuesday walked into the school without being stopped by anyone, the Texas Department of Public safety said Thursday. It corrected a statement Wednesday by DPS Director Steven McCraw that a Uvalde ISD police officer was the first person to engage the shooter. Instead, on Thursday it said there were not Uvalde ISD police on campus.

School guards are not necessarily "police officers." The fact that your article mentions in specific "there were no Uvalde ISD police on campus" just tells me exactly that. There were no police officers on campus. But there was a security guard, which is not the same as a "police officer."

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 05:22 PM
In general, murders in the US have been declining, but these mass shootings are increasing, bucking the prevailing trend. Doesn't make sense.

One wonders if these shooters are victims of MK ULTRA programming.

Frank Olson was a CIA scientist involved in the MK ULTRA program.

All we can know for sure, is Frank became very disturbed when he learned the nature of the MK ULTRA program.

Frank was later apparently assassinated by falling from a high rise hotel room.

Frank's son, Eric Olson, has spent his life bitterly trying to uncover why his father was killed.

Journalist Seymour Hersh confirmed, with an unnamed source, that Frank was killed by thugs with the CIA.

But Hersh refuses to provide his source.

I think Frank was killed because he could not accept the nature of the MK ULTRA program, as his job required.

And I think the MK ULTRA program is responsible for harvesting these mass shooters.

We should be putting pressure on Seymour Hersh to reveal his source, instead of this mental masturbation about politics.

Check out the documentary, Wormwood, for more about Frank Olson's story.
edit on 27-5-2022 by InachMarbank because: (no reason given)

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