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Russia accused of massacre, genocide over Bucha

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posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Russia’s ambassador to UN has insisted no civilians were harmed during the month-long Russian occupation of the Ukrainian town of Bucha - and accused Ukraine of fabricating evidence.

Do you really believe what this idiot says?
Do you really believe no civilians were harmed by Russian forces?
Do you really believe the Russian forces were there on a humanitarian mission?
Do you really believe the people of Ukraine want to be part of Russia?

You used to make some really good posts RT,but lately you just seem to be blindly following and promoting what your poster boy Putin says.

edit on 4-4-2022 by nolabel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: nolabel

I'm not convinced its RT posting....maybe someone using his account or if it is RT maybe he's been coerced into posting somehow?

Its not just that he's spouting Russian propaganda verbatim without any attempt at critical thought but also his posts lack the wit, biting sarcasm and honest truthfulness they used to.

I've never agreed with everything he's posted, far from it, but I learnt to respect his reasoning and the way he presented his point of view.
He came across as a genuinely nice man.
Recently his posts just seem so flat, lacking conviction and certainly not representative of the character he'd previously shown.

I could easily be wrong....I'm not entirely sure whether I want to be right or wrong?

edit on 4/4/22 by Freeborn because: grammar and clarity

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: nolabel
Recently his posts just seem so flat, lacking conviction and certainly not representative of the character he'd previously shown.

Yeah well, how much “conviction” would you dare to have if you knew everything you said was being monitored and at anytime you could find yourself being dragged out of your bed in the middle of the night and imprisoned for going against the status quo?

... lol.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 07:39 PM
Finally. Satellite images released. Bodies been there for weeks.

Here let me beat you to your excuse. They’re edited. Got it.

Y’all all claimed they wouldn’t be released because the event was staged. Now that they are released let the images being forged excuses flow!

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: dollukka

Is it fake or is it real..?

Dunno, but I would be less inclined to believe anything that comes from the side that keeps using Video Game footage and claiming it's their forces shooting down Russian

Ukraine and the Western Media have been Wagging the Dog since the very beginning of this war.

Also, those corpses look awfully fresh for 4 to 5 day old Dead people...!!

Also why were all the bodies not shown on the first video to come out of the city, when the Ukraine Special Operations Police went through the day before all this..?

They made quite an extensive, street by street video as they went and cleared the roads and there wasn't a body to be seen.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 08:01 PM
The killing of civilians happens in all wars.

Look what the U.S. did...

(Not for the squeamish)

War Crimes photos: taken-days-atomic-bomb-killed-140-000-people.html

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: dollukka

they had to do SOMETHING,......
the TORTURED RUSSIANS were starting to
and gaining SYMPATHY...

so their p.r. firm put a spin on things,
and now putins warcriminal....

REMEMBER ukraine is shooting ANYONE
not wearing blue armband... could be a SPY
haveto interrogate..

if they only put this much effort into fixing things

edit on 2022-04-04T21:09:01-05:00pmpp09America/Chicago by cappie because: add setbrence

edit on 2022-04-04T21:12:44-05:00pmpp12America/Chicago by cappie because: fixed it

edit on 2022-04-04T21:20:13-05:00pmpp20America/Chicago by cappie because: again

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: cappie

This whole blue armband, white armband being used as a conspiracy topic is insane. I highly doubt Ukraine is the sole possessor of blue armbands. Or civilian the soil possessor of white armbands. Newsflash. Russians can wear blue and white arm bands and so can Ukrainians and it’s civilians.

The whole he was wearing a blue armband and shot someone wearing a white one is idiotic. It’s an interchangeable piece of fabric.

Then all the “ Ukrainian speaking right wing military members”. For Azov being so small they sure are all over.

Get this. There are Russians that speak Ukrainian. There are Ukrainian born and raised civilians backing and fighting for Russia. There are Russian speaking Ukrainians. There are Russian born and raised backing and fighting for Ukraine.

You are comparing a Slav to a Slav.( That’s not considered a racist term huh?) People are comparing similar people with the only difference being a changeable colored fabric. It’s ridiculous.

(You is a blanket statement, not you, you)

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 12:47 AM
a reply to: nolabel
The Russian delegation to the UN, after two consecutive blockings of the Security Council meeting on Bucha by Britain (by the way, why is Britain blocking the establishment of the truth?), is convening a press conference at which it will present exhaustive evidence of the falsification of this situation by Ukraine.
The truth always wins.

Yes, I believe Putin, because I live in Russia and am not subject to Western propaganda. And yes, I am still the same RT, which brings to the members of the ATS a different point of view, different from the propaganda of the Western mainstream media. Would you be better off if I wasn't on the forum and you didn't have that kind of information?

Everything will eventually end. I sincerely hope that this situation will also pass, and I will continue to publish threads on conspiracy and mystery topics. I have accumulated a lot of material))))

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 01:01 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: nolabel

I'm not convinced its RT posting....maybe someone using his account or if it is RT maybe he's been coerced into posting somehow?

Its not just that he's spouting Russian propaganda verbatim without any attempt at critical thought but also his posts lack the wit, biting sarcasm and honest truthfulness they used to.

I've never agreed with everything he's posted, far from it, but I learnt to respect his reasoning and the way he presented his point of view.
He came across as a genuinely nice man.
Recently his posts just seem so flat, lacking conviction and certainly not representative of the character he'd previously shown.

I could easily be wrong....I'm not entirely sure whether I want to be right or wrong?

Naahh RTs the same man, you've just got yourself a bad case of "Russophobia", it's going around in the USA again, big out break, this might require mandatory ear plugs to cure 😂👌

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: PassiveSeeker
Finally. Satellite images released. Bodies been there for weeks.

Here let me beat you to your excuse. They’re edited. Got it.

Y’all all claimed they wouldn’t be released because the event was staged. Now that they are released let the images being forged excuses flow!

now do not forget to mention the information on "at least 11" were there dead since the 11th. its really cold there so they will not had decomposed hardly at all. so SOME of them were killed at different times,such as when troops withdrew.

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 02:16 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: dollukka

Another staged fake video. Before his appearance, 4 days had passed since the Russian paratroopers left Bucha. And no one found anything for these 4 days.
The video with the bodies is puzzling: here at the beginning you can clearly see how the “corpse” on the right moves its hand. Further in the rearview mirror, the "corpse" suddenly rises and sits down. The bodies in the video seem to have been deliberately laid out in order to create a more dramatic picture. This is clearly visible if you play video at a speed of 0.25 of normal.

The massive worldwide media campaign that has been raised proves the custom and staged nature of these videos. Otherwise, these videos would have appeared 4 days ago.

Nobody going to notice the name "Russian Troll?"

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: ExiledSpirit777

I, my friend, have been registered on ATS since November 2018, posted 227 threads and 2,549 comments.
You registered in May 2021. Published threads - 0, comments - 93.

So which one of us is the real troll?

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: yuppa

On April 4, the Pentagon announced that it was impossible to independently confirm information about the events in the Ukrainian city of Bucha.

“We cannot independently confirm reports of atrocities in Bucha. We see the same pictures as you. Obviously, this causes great difficulties, ”Katelin Doornbos, a journalist from the Stars and Stripes newspaper, quoted a representative of the department on her Twitter page.

The Pentagon indicated that "images coming from Bucha require further study."

Reuters also wrote about these words.

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 03:19 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Your doubts that I am the same RT are very funny.

Many on the forum know my real first and last name, know who I am by profession and what I do, know my profiles and my content in the Russian media. They know my photos, and some even know my phone number. Yes, I do not hide my identity. A lot of the videos that I post on the forum are taken from my YouTube account, you personally have seen my photo on these videos more than once.

But who knows for sure that I am the former RT is our moderators and administrators. They can see through which social network I access the forum, my IP address and my laptop and its operating system and other hardware. By the way, a month ago I changed my Lenovo to Hewlett Packard.

So your theory that I am not me, and someone has captured my account, fits perfectly into the conspiracy theme of our forum)))

edit on 5-4-2022 by RussianTroll because: correct

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 05:24 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: yuppa

On April 4, the Pentagon announced that it was impossible to independently confirm information about the events in the Ukrainian city of Bucha.

“We cannot independently confirm reports of atrocities in Bucha. We see the same pictures as you. Obviously, this causes great difficulties, ”Katelin Doornbos, a journalist from the Stars and Stripes newspaper, quoted a representative of the department on her Twitter page.

The Pentagon indicated that "images coming from Bucha require further study."

Reuters also wrote about these words.

The article…

The Pentagon said they could not prove the authenticity of reports about Bucha

“We cannot independently confirm reports of atrocities in Bucha, one of the officials said. — We see the same pictures as you.”

At the same time, the Pentagon says that this is not a reason not to believe Kiev and that “what happened” needs to be investigated.

Recall that in connection with the events in Bucha, the Russian side insists on holding a meeting at the UN level in order to…

I went to verify the statement. Who at the pentagon made the statement, “We cannot independently confirm reports of atrocities in Bucha, one of the officials said. — We see the same pictures as you.”

Her tweeter account

Exactly where is the statement made?

Do you agree with all her tweets since you gave her credibility….,.

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Ok, so you're RT.

But you lack your usual charm, wit and intellect.
We've had many exchanges in the past which I enjoyed, we had some laughs and some differences of opinions....which is as it should be.

You think you are serving Mother Russia by repeating Putin's propaganda verbatim?

You're way cleverer than that.....or at least I thought you were.

Putin is the one person who could stop this insanity in an instant, yet he persists causing untold death and destruction.
To what ends?

Certainly not for the well being and best interests of Russia and the Russian people.

But you'll ignore this and continue with your blind faith in and total acceptance of a repressive tyrant and de facto dictator whose sole goal is that of personal glory.

As always,
edit on 5/4/22 by Freeborn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: yuppa

After ten days the stomachs usually explode.

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Hello my friend. My position is just a reaction to that stream of lies and fakes on the forum against my country. I am giving you other information that is not available to you, and it is always valuable to have different information and different points of view for your own analysis of the situation and the formation of an objective opinion at least to some extent.

In the theory of political science and the old standards of journalism, there is one old rule: information is then considered reliable when there is confirmation from three independent sources. Not thousands of repetitions from one source, but three independent ones. Unfortunately, these standards of political science and journalism in the West have long been lost, only Russians remember them.

By Putin. You understand, the more you scold him, the more his support within the country. There has not been such a level of support for their leader and such a consolidation of Russian society since 1941, when Hitler stood 40 kilometers from the Kremlin. After such a consolidation, you yourself know what happened - the Russians took Berlin and a dozen other European capitals.

My friend, doesn't history teach you anything? Russians should be friends, not hostile. Then you will not find a more devoted friend anywhere. But everything must be fair and equitable. It's very simple....


posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
My friend, doesn't history teach you anything? Russians should be friends, not hostile. Then you will not find a more devoted friend anywhere. But everything must be fair and equitable. It's very simple....

If only Westerners could see this ... rather than the propaganda foisted on them by their crazy-assed leaders and lapdog media.

I have NEVER met a Russian face-to-face I didn't like. Russians are not boogeymen. They're just as good and kind as the people we all love and admire in our own neighborhoods. Yeah ... there's a few criminals who have learned to work the system ... and yeah ... there are politicians and warmongers. But, those are nothing different than the likes of the USA's own 500 or so POSs.

Keep posting, RussianTroll. You might open a few more eyes around here.

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