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Russia Ukraine Update Thread - part 2

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posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Cutepants

When Putin sees that they are not Russians, but Ice Cream Mix with coco jumbo.
Putin too lives in a fantasy of his own making I think.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: WeDemBoyz
a reply to: Afinity99

All spin aside, Ukraine is internationally recognized as a sovereign nation, and that includes Crimea and the Donbas region. Whatever fantasy Putin holds of taking Ukraine is just that, a fantasy. He will never achieve his objectives because the world is largely against him; or, at least, not with him.

It does not matter because it broke agreements, and agreements are more important than borders.
It's what happens, borders fall down and army cross them when agreements do the same.

edit on 8-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: Afinity99

Maybe, but the origin of Ukrainians is part of that fantasy too. Whether they are Russians or a made up people, it's all pointless fantasies. If and when Ukraine wins then a new Ukrainian identity will be perpetuated and a lot of Russian speakers will blend into it. And if Russia had been able to conquer Ukraine then they'd become Russian.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: WeDemBoyz
a reply to: Afinity99

All spin aside, Ukraine is internationally recognized as a sovereign nation, and that includes Crimea and the Donbas region. Whatever fantasy Putin holds of taking Ukraine is just that, a fantasy. He will never achieve his objectives because the world is largely against him; or, at least, not with him.

For example, United States had agreements with Sadam, when Sadam broke the rules and invaded Quait he broke agreements, tho Iraq was a sovereign nation it did not matter because it broke agreements made that Quait was under US friendly policy being favored as an Oil nation. Saddam paid for agreements and talks behind closed doors that he broke. This was under Bush Senior.

The other Bush is a catastophe and cannot be compared to his father, he invaded Iraq based on false pretext.
But his father, invaded Iraq on broken agreements, so Iraq did not keep it's word.

You see how borders get broken because someone breaks what has been agreed upon.
We can't expect anything from Zelinsky, because he is the explosive comedian, he is not going to stick to anything.

These agreements usually refer to lands, given lands, or do not attack that land we agree and so on.
You can't expect a comedian to stick to anything, him and the other what he is his name, JIM CARRY another brainwashed zombie that sold his soul to comedy by saying that all is one and one is all by doing repeated sessions of Magical Mushrooms and Aywaska, after that he declared there is no agreements, no self control and no free will, all is one, and "you don't exist" pfffffttttttt.

Why put a comedian in charge of a country, makes no sense to me.

I actually liked Jim Carry, but only prior to him selling his soul to mushrooms.

You will see how important agreements are in the near future that involve nation's land mass.

The smart thing is you don't have to agree to anything and reamain neutral. That is like best option I think so things don't turn into killer comedy.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: Cutepants
a reply to: Afinity99

Maybe, but the origin of Ukrainians is part of that fantasy too. Whether they are Russians or a made up people, it's all pointless fantasies. If and when Ukraine wins then a new Ukrainian identity will be perpetuated and a lot of Russian speakers will blend into it. And if Russia had been able to conquer Ukraine then they'd become Russian.
It's never going to happen Cutepants, because now there is a hatred between these people at least for 50 years or so, the war will go on, Ukraine can't win, it does not have the necesary force to push Russia back, the Russians don't have enough man power either to win over Ukraine.

Putin went in with the mentality of a KGB agent, not a Army General, he thought a bit here a bit there, like KGB agents do it, and it's done, it will collapse, the refined inteligence agent, when in fact when massive armies fight this is not the job of a Inteligence Agent.

Now he is paying the price for his KGB style of flash operation, like it's some kind of agent 00 what ever.
140.000 troops is not enough to capture anything in a country as big as Ukraine where Ucrainians are ultra nationalistic about their land. You need a massive army to take it down, like the Soviet army that marched on Germany.

Flash operations don't work, only in places like Iraq they work because the army will capitulate fast and then you have to deal with insurgents, and there you make commando style operations, flash opearation to take on insurgents.

But you cannot do this with a standing army that keeps on fighting no matter what and that has the means to fight, has weapons provided to it, Iraq did no have this, it's army was modest as equipmpent go's and we can say the same about the Taliban, so you can fight with them commando style, like "Operation what ever"

Neither the Ucrainians have the power to overturn Russia all the way back.

I think we will se the next phase on this war where Russia starts taking the gloves off, and Kiev becomes a target for bomers.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: Afinity99
I think we will se the next phase on this war where Russia starts taking the gloves off, and Kiev becomes a target for bomers.

I think Russia has already taken the gloves off, but they have been handed back all burned and tattered.

Russia's only means to escalate is nuclear, or to start chucking in more untrained personnel. The former is a remote possibility, and the latter already seems to be happening. While Russia works out what to do next, Ukraine is getting stronger.

edit on 8/9/2022 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 09:50 AM
Double, sorry
edit on 8/9/2022 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: Afinity99
I think we will se the next phase on this war where Russia starts taking the gloves off, and Kiev becomes a target for bomers.

I think Russia has already taken the gloves off, but they have been handed back all burned and tattered.

Russia's only means to escalate is nuclear, or to start chucking in more untrained personnel. The former is a remote possibility, and the former already seems to be happening. While Russia works out what to do next, Ukraine is getting stronger.

Nope, if they want they will level Kiev, carpet bomb it, declare general mobilisation and send 1 millon russians over the border, but Putin wants to avoid this because it will ruin his image as "refined gentelman agent"

Putin strategy is to stay put and wear out Ucrainian forces, Winter is comming and will favour Russia because the Russians will stay put and the Ucrainians have to make offensive in the winter , Russians will resuply by air with food and weapons but will not go on a offensive.

This means Ucraine is forced to attack during the winter and it's hard to get offensive during the harsh Ukrainian winter.

If Ukriane does not go on the offensive it gives the russians the oportunity to make an even bigger nest where they are and dig in a fancy style, secure everything. They are forced to attack in the winter not to let the russians resuply too much with food, troops, weapons and military infrastructure, maybe underground tunels, tranches, barikades, once they do it will be very difucult to get over them.
It gives them time to secury air defence and bring in AA and really possition anti air everywhere.

edit on 8-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: Afinity99
Nope, if they want they will level Kiev, carpet bomb it, declare general mobilisation and send 1 millon russians over the border, but Putin wants to avoid this because it will ruin his image as "refined gentelman agent"

How would Russia do this? The Russian air force so far has been impotent, and the armoury of Russian missiles is finite. In both cases, Ukrainian air defence has improved alongside the readiness and experience of their defence forces. Simply put, Russia does not have the capability or reach to "level Kyiv".

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: Afinity99
Nope, if they want they will level Kiev, carpet bomb it, declare general mobilisation and send 1 millon russians over the border, but Putin wants to avoid this because it will ruin his image as "refined gentelman agent"

How would Russia do this? The Russian air force so far has been impotent, and the armoury of Russian missiles is finite. In both cases, Ukrainian air defence has improved alongside the readiness and experience of their defence forces. Simply put, Russia does not have the capability or reach to "level Kyiv".

It barly preformed with limited operations, it showed is strengh only now when the Ucrainians launched a counter offensive on Kerson, the offesnive failed over and over due to Russian altilery and air force.

They got those white swan bomers that can carry large payloads of munitions, can fly very high and very fast, and can level entire areas.

The reasons you don't see this because it's not operation shock and storm from Bagdad where 2 weeks in the row bagdad was bombed into the stone age by F16s and other fighter gets.

So the rusians held it back, you will see things are going to change because Ukraine is getting desperate to regain teritory that the Rusians has dug in now before the winter hits to get a foot hold, a starting position in spring time, Russians will use their airforce to the limit that it protects the space they have taken and Ucrainian troops to get to places like Kerson will have to get into open fields and cross the open fields where they are easy targets for fighter gets.

I think you have been watching too much CNN news.
edit on 8-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 10:35 AM

“Russia’s planned main effort is probably an advance on Bakhmut in the Donbas, but commanders face a dilemma of whether to deploy operational reserves to support this offensive or to defend against continued Ukrainian advances in the south,” the U.K. MoD said in its latest intelligence assessment of the war. "Multiple concurrent threats spread across 500 km will test Russia’s ability to coordinate operational design and reallocate resources across multiple groupings of forces.”



posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Afinity99

Putin just doesn't have enough trained pilots for US style air war. It's a pipe dream. Time to wake up.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 10:49 AM
Not looking good for Russia:

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: Cutepants
a reply to: Afinity99

Putin just doesn't have enough trained pilots for US style air war. It's a pipe dream. Time to wake up.

It has enough pilots to do something like US has done in Bagdad, but it just does not want to hit Kiev.

For example Bagdad was hit 2 weeks in a row, infrastructure was target like city roads to cut off any type of idea of supplying arms, power plants inside the city, bridges, airport, electrical grid line, pipe line infrastructure.

The Russians could do this if they want to, they could shower Kiev, they instead do not do this.
They have enough pilots.

America started to bomb Iraq with TOMAhawks I think before the initial air raid to take out key elements like transit hubs, train stations, railways, comunication arrays, telegraph poles.

Russia only took out some Radio network in the center of Kiev and then a train station later but all of kiev center, it's infrastructure, power line gird, central roads, anything that can use to aid transport and comunications was left intact. They could of bombed Kiev into hell if they really want it to.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

"Girkin declined to comment for this article, saying he considered the western media “his enemy”."

Classic Girkin, he's a real one

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
Not looking good for Russia:

Ohh no not the guardian, that is bias news, CNN is bias all these, are bias , you must find neutral source news.

If you want news from England then this guy is pretty good.

He reports on Ukraine and is independant from Guardian, BBC and so on.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: Afinity99

I live here so I don't need news from some random Muppet on YouTube.

I suppose you prefer Russian State propaganda?

Which is famously independent and unbiased.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Afinity99

I live here so I don't need news from some random Muppet on YouTube.

I suppose you prefer Russian State propaganda?

Which is famously independent and unbiased.

I'm sorry I don't trust BBC and Guardian, nor CNN, they are propaganda and inflated numbers and factors.

I rather listen to a guy like him that at least go's into details and elaborates.

What you got there is just a propagandist article inflated by the Guardian news outlet that is bias and state oriented to the tune they want them to sing.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: xpert11

Yep, the munitions from NK are risky , i would not want sit near all day when they fire them . Kim Jong-un might be laughing now

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: Afinity99

originally posted by: Cutepants
a reply to: Afinity99

Putin just doesn't have enough trained pilots for US style air war. It's a pipe dream. Time to wake up.

It has enough pilots to do something like US has done in Bagdad, but it just does not want to hit Kiev.

For example Bagdad was hit 2 weeks in a row, infrastructure was target like city roads to cut off any type of idea of supplying arms, power plants inside the city, bridges, airport, electrical grid line, pipe line infrastructure.

The Russians could do this if they want to, they could shower Kiev, they instead do not do this.
They have enough pilots.

America started to bomb Iraq with TOMAhawks I think before the initial air raid to take out key elements like transit hubs, train stations, railways, comunication arrays, telegraph poles.

Russia only took out some Radio network in the center of Kiev and then a train station later but all of kiev center, it's infrastructure, power line gird, central roads, anything that can use to aid transport and comunications was left intact. They could of bombed Kiev into hell if they really want it to.

Im sorry but you are wrong. Russias own people do not want a declared war. I suspect the only reason Putin is still in power is because he has not pissed them off enough yet. If he declares a open war his people will revolt and he will have a war on two fronts.

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