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Russia Ukraine Update Thread - part 2

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posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Yeah, it's pretty clear at this point that nothing in the soviet, I mean russian, sphere is going to alter the outcome in any significant way.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

Putin turning to North Korea and Iran, desperate to avert industrial mobilisation, is a plausible scenario. But the North Korean sourced supplies are likely a poison chalice. So the age and condition of the munitions are likely hazardous to Russian forces.

Moreover, North Korea improves their ties with Russia while unloading unwanted supplies on unsuspecting Russian soldiers.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: xpert11

It's the language problem the Russians would have in using North Korean missiles... Pressing the red button when you don't know what it does.......

핵 죽음을 시작하다

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: paraphi

Much remains unclear about the development history and capabilities of the KN-09. Confirming tests of the KN-09 is often challenging, as government and media sources frequently conflict. How and from where North Korea acquired this technology is also uncertain. Some analyses indicate that the KN-09 is based on either Russia’s BM-30 Smerch or China’s A-100 MLRS.


Russian soldiers might have a degree of familiarity with North Korean munitions. Also, I noticed how related news coverage didn't mention North Korea dispatching their indigenous MLRS to Russian forces in Ukraine. Two reasons for that omission spring to mind. First, a lack of maintenance and spare parts ensures North Korea's KN-09 units are mainly interoperable. Second, and the language barrier and cultural differences aside, North Korean paranoia is an obstacle to overcome.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 02:11 AM
Anonymous sources in English amd russian are claiming shoigu resigned in the past couple hours.

No idea if any of it is true.

Anyone have better sources?

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 02:13 AM
Has Ramzan resigned yet? I think he was just engaging in some drama.


posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 02:20 AM
6 September Update

Key Takeaways

* The International Atomic Energy Agency report released on September 6 describes Russian activities that increase the likelihood of a nuclear accident at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant while decreasing the ability of the plant’s personnel to respond to such an accident effectively.

* Ukrainian forces have launched likely opportunistic counterattacks in southern Kharkiv Oblast and retaken several settlements. Russian redeployments of forces from this area to defend against the Ukrainian counteroffensive in Kherson likely prompted and facilitated these counterattacks.

* Ukrainian forces are continuing an operational-level interdiction campaign and striking Russian logistics nodes, transportation assets, manpower and equipment concentrations, and control points across Kherson Oblast.

* Russian and Ukrainian sources discussed kinetic activity northwest of Kherson City and in western Kherson Oblast along the Inhulets River.

* Russian forces made incremental gains south of Bakhmut and continued ground attacks north, northwest, and southwest of Donetsk City.

* Russian authorities continue setting conditions to Russify Ukrainians living in Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory.

More at URL above.


posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Has Ramzan resigned yet? I think he was just engaging in some drama.


Kadyrov no longer wants to resign due to signs of "global Satanism observed in Donbas".


posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: MidnightWatcher

Yep, it was just a drama moment. He wanted to see who would react, and how.


posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 07:39 AM
Highest ranking POW, to date, in this war?

Lieutenant Colonel of the RF Armed Forces was captured in the Kharkiv direction

Video here:

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

There's been some brilliant maneuver warfare happening in the Kharkiv region for a couple days that I think you'd appreciate.

I've seen the first few details starting to show up in various tube videos in the past few hours, but there's a lot more to it.

russians can't seem to figure out what's happening to them and may lose Izyum within days (probably longer).

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 04:05 AM
7 September Update

Key Takeaways

* Ukrainian forces are skillfully exploiting Russia’s deployment of forces away from the Izyum-Kharkiv area to retake territory and threaten Russian GLOCs in the area, prompting demoralized responses from Russian milbloggers.

* Russian President Vladimir Putin attempted to deny the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) September 6 report on the situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).

* Ukrainian forces continued strikes on Russian logistics nodes, manpower and equipment concentrations, transportation networks, and command and control points in Kherson Oblast.

* Russian and Ukrainian sources reported kinetic activity in northern Kherson Oblast and in western Kherson Oblast along the Kherson-Mykolaiv border.

* Russian forces conducted ground attacks north of Kharkiv City, northwest of Slovyansk, northeast of Siversk, south and northeast of Bakhmut, and northwest of Donetsk City.

* Ukrainian forces gained 400 square kilometers of territory northwest of Izyum on September 6-7 as part of an opportunistic and highly effective counteroffensive in southeastern Kharkiv Oblast.

* Russian occupation authorities announced November 4 as the potential date for annexation referenda in occupied areas of Ukraine.

More at URL above.


posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:11 AM
This is a concern to all of us, especialy if you live near Ukrainian border as a country.
I'm not on anyone's side but Russia is right on this even tho the war is very ugly.

It's like a hand that feed you and now you bite it off like a little brat.
Russians are right, they want their lands back, because Ukraine is like a prostitute.

This is what Ucraine was.This small land that gain huge landmass in short time from Poland, Hungary, Romania and not the least Russia.
Lenin gave them land because they were starving , gave them more land to grow crops because there was not enough food to go around, then Stalin came and gave them land because there was still not enough food for them to grow even more crops. But they told them, we give you land but if you turn on us "we want it back"
Then finaly the Minsk agreement above all of this.

I'm not even pro anything, but it's cleary Russian land, and they wanted to build Nato bases to humiliate those people living there
who have been there from generation to generation and are predominant russian and speak the russian language.

Zelinksy is this guy who killed his people because he is just a Marionete.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: Afinity99

For someone who is "not on anyone's side" or "pro anything" you sure seem to have swallowed a lot of Russian propaganda unquestioningly.

With all due respect, most of that is political spin and rhetoric or simply not true.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:48 AM
Interesting... I'm not familiar with the source, but it has a blue checkmark verification, so the source appears to be legit.

Municipal deputies in St. Petersburg have put forward a proposal to the State Duma to bring treason charges against Russian President Vladimir Putin in order to remove him from office.

Photo of the document at the link.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: Freeborn
There is no propaganda, these lands were given to by the Russians to them on conditions, because they were in hunger and starving, so these lands were fertile and you could grow crops on them in abundance.

All Ucraine had to do is declare neutrality , but they sold bread on the street as a campain market when they came from "AMERICA", the bread spread on the street in the land of the grains that makes bread. If it was a revolution or a state hit it does not matter, at that point Ucraine was no longer neutral and there for broke agreements.

Now the Russians simply want their lands back.
You can humiliate a nation because your name is Biden and you have a cold war mentality.
Because this is how mister Biden grew up as a mechanical part of an administration that was living inside the cold war era at that time.

So he grew up with this metality that the Russians are out to get them today, he still believes that Russia will invade Amerkica. He gave a speech where he stated "we have to take the fight to Russia so we don't have to fight them at home" A declaration of a senile man living in the past regressive era of the cold war thinking the Russians will invade America. The Soviet Union is long gone.

So by giving this speech, he told people that they have to take the fight to Russia, but how right, you need a place for that, a geo strategical location where you can do that, and that place is called Ukraine.

It's obvious that Biden and his gang does not care about Ucrainian people , he only cares to weaken Russia.

The joke of the day would be " I will fight to the last Ukrainian"
- Signed Joe Biden. -

Like all Ucrainians belong to him, and they do because they are stupid, rash decisions , rash mentality, the rush of things. Zelinsky the "arm pit" did not think the danger he is putting his people in. Zelinsky serves other interests, he could care less for Ucrainian people, if he did he would of not of done this mascarade.

Now we are looking at our clown president "Iohanis" he is like a Muppet, he recives phone calls with instructions "weapons will come in, allow weapons inside Ukraine" yes sir yes sir.

Hungary, Bulgaria, Moldova, Slovakia all have closed the borders and weapons flow, the only countries who still let weapons flow are Romania and Poland.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: Afinity99

The joke of the day would be " I will fight to the last Ukrainian"
- Signed Joe Biden. -

Funny... Iran and North Korea are willing to fight to the last russian.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: Afinity99

So when will Russia stop getting humiliated?

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: WeDemBoyz
a reply to: Afinity99

The joke of the day would be " I will fight to the last Ukrainian"
- Signed Joe Biden. -

Funny... Iran and North Korea are willing to fight to the last russian.

Maybe true, but I don't think Russians will take the bait, Zelinsky the raging Tornado did, he is explosive and mindless of what can happen to your people if you fight for other people's interest.

It is why I wish to see Ukraine in the end netural, as a buffer zone.
I think now the ruskies are not going to back off because they are in a situation that they can't back off, they have been put into a position where they have to fight, they lost a lot in this so called operation and it's too late to back off because the looses have to compensate for other things.

Putin underestimated Ukraine's will to fight and he went in soft on them and lost a lot of things.
By no means, he can still flaten kiev like America did in Bagdad, but he thinks Russians and Ukrianians are brothers, it's where I don't agree, Because the Ukiranians are a mixed bunch of Russians with poles, lithuanians, Vlachs, Tatars and Cosak that formed later as a nation in a land called "UCRAINA" meaning the land between the borders, Or border land shortly put.

Uraine took birth as a border zone between nations at that time, simply this border zone was for trading grains and other agricultural goods between nations. There for these trading zones, with trading posts at the borders where Russians, Poles, Asiatic, Lithuanian, Vlachs different people excetara came to the border land to trade with eachother.

These people not to move and travel all the time from their home country because they lost profit decided to build hosuing near the trading zone on the border zone and there for mixed with each other forming the Ukrainian people.

So Putin by this aspect is wrong, the Ukrainian language resembles something between Russian, Polish and other slangs of the surounding area.

There is no ancient descendance of Ukrianian people, this is a fairy tale.
We are the Cosaks, We are the Kevian Rus, we are this that the Rutherians, they are none of this people and at the same time all of them, a mix of part of these people who went to trade there.

There for the name of Ukraine means "border land" Ukraine "or U Grain" Grain fro Grains the name having to do with Borders, "Granita" in latin where grain is associated with border lines because it's where grains gets traded in ancient times, trade is always on the borders.

It's just a bunch of people who gathered on the borders of the nations between poland, russia and asian areas at the time and moldova. "There is no Genesis of the Ukrainian people"

The term comes first in 12th century , the name Ukriane apears but not as a nation of people, but as an area to designate a border line, a zone between nations where different people came to trade things.
So the genesis of ucrainian people comes much later once these people start to mix there.

Putin got it wrong, he tough they would be welcomed with flowers.

edit on 8-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: Afinity99

All spin aside, Ukraine is internationally recognized as a sovereign nation, and that includes Crimea and the Donbas region. Whatever fantasy Putin holds of taking Ukraine is just that, a fantasy. He will never achieve his objectives because the world is largely against him; or, at least, not with him.

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