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Russia Ukraine Update Thread - part 2

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posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Our friend does like to post links from " The New Atlas " website.

The New Atlas is a known propoganda site run by Brian Berletic. It has connections to another site called " New Eastern Outlook " which is based in Moscow.

Here is Berlectic on New Easter Outlook.

And here is the info.

New Eastern Outlook is a pseudo-academic publication of the Russian Academy of Science’s Institute of Oriental Studies that promotes disinformation and propaganda focused primarily on the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

It combines pro-Kremlin views of Russian academics with antiU.S. views of Western fringe voices and conspiracy theorists. New Eastern Outlook’s Englishlanguage website does not clearly state that it is a product of the Institute.

The site appears to want to benefit from the veneer of respectability offered by the Russian academics it features, while also obscuring its links to state-funded institutions.


And Brian Berletic on his New Atlas Website.

Berletic is nothing more than a agent for Russian Propoganda.

edit on 7-6-2022 by alldaylong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 04:20 AM
Former president Dmitry Medvedev vows to exterminate "bastards and freaks" on his telegram channel.

Not sure if he's talking about Ukrainians, Polacks or who. This guy has been coming unhinged the past few months.

I am often asked why my Telegram posts are so harsh.
The answer is I hate them. They are bastards and geeks. They want death for us, Russia. And while I'm alive, I will do everything to make them disappear.

Меня часто спрашивают, почему мои посты в Телеграм такие резкие.
Отвечаю – я их ненавижу. Они ублюдки и выродки. Они хотят смерти нам, России. И пока я жив, я буду делать всё, чтобы они исчезли.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: Cutepants

Trying to talk his way into a more important position with Putin's government, sounds like.

Of course, he conflates the welfare of all of Russia with the West's desire to see the end of Putin's rule. Not one and the same, Dmitry.


posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra


That's the annual RIMPAC exercise off the California coast

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

This platform is augmenting/replacing the Air Force's E-8 JSTARS mission. ARTEMIS will be incorporated into the new Air Battle Management System (ABMS), a concept of replacing the AWACS and JSTARS missions, supporting the warfighter with widely dispersed sensor systems as opposed in a single stand alone system.


posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 06:55 AM
Bit more on Macron and why his initiatives continue to fail.

Despite all of his talk of 'Europe' (by which he means a Franco-German dominated EU), Macron is maneuvering to enhance France's diplomatic weight on the international scene.

But he faces an insurmountable obstacle.

The Russian state sees only the USA, and possibly China, as global peers. For Putin's Russia to negotiate with Macron, Putin would be openly stating that Russia is merely a regional power like France. That is something that the Russian state, Putin or not, will NOT do.

I doubt Macron perceives that obstacle. He may understand it intellectually but does not accept it emotionally.

Regardless, Macron's attempts only serve to weaken western unity; in that regard, they are of some use to Putin and his regime.


posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 08:33 AM

[ Album ]
+++⚡️Video: Russian Defense Ministry confirms complete liberation of the holy city of Sviatogorsk and its historic monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church.The Russian army is now on both banks of the Seversky Donets Riverand is now 30 km from Slaviansk and Kramatorsk.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Did we go back in time? Wasn't this like a week ago?

Just so you know the Russians was in Slaviansk already

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 10:35 AM

Russia attacked military assets of the AFU near Vrubovka with high-precision missiles

Russia attacked military assets of the AFU near Yakovlevka with high-precision missiles

On June 6, 170 AFU members were killed and 20 armored vehicles were destroyed by the Russian Armed Forces, according to the Russian MOD

Russian air defense systems shot down 12 Ukrainian drones near Liptsy, Streleche, Dement’evka, Borodoyarskoe, Mar’ino, Petrovskoe, Grakovo, Malye Prokhody in the Kharkov region and Vasil’ievka in the Nikolaev region

Russian forces claimed control over the town of Davidov Brod

Russian forces took control over the town of Svyatogorsk.

Russian forces claimed control of the village of Ozerne

Russian forces claimed control of the village of Sviatohirsk

Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the Azot plant and nearby districts in Severodonetsk city

Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in Zolote

Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue along the Bakhmut-Lisichansk road

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

HEY,you seem to forget to read Xcaths end on this updates,because if you did you would not be so offensive in your rhetoric.

"Just so people know and understand. Information from war zones can become confusing as there will no doubt be info released from the players (on both sides) involved that might not necessarily be true.
As such take everything as a possibility and NOT as absolute truth.

The very first casualty in a war is the truth and all warfare is based on deception"

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 12:35 PM
I found some out of the ordinary footage of alleged Russians firing of a salvo of TOS/thermobaric rockets,I think in Donbass region.

Look how close these rockets are striking the ground-the closest can't be more than 2-3 hundred metres from launch-you can see the launcher and the explosion without the camera even moving,its only 2 fields away!

Whats puzzling me is it looks as though the rockets only fire for a tiny time-watch the orange rocket fire go out before they even cross the first field.

So are these special mega short range rocket motors,as I didn't think you could switch off a rocket engine once its kicking?
Or are they possibly just using the primary mini rocket motor usually used only for the first part of the rockets flight?

Danger close!
Maybe a panicked launch after the enemy was detected at the last moment in that field?

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: yuppa

I find it extremely offensive when someone is trying to gatekeep. I expect that type of thing on other sites but not here.

His disclaimer is nice but it doesn't excuse being a total hypocrite. I don't put a disclaimer. My expectations may be considered high but I expect people to have some common sense about it.

If I was going to add it, it would be this.

In war, truth is the first casualty.
Greek writer/poet Aeschylus 525BC - 456BC
edit on 7-6-2022 by Grimpachi because: grammar

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: Grimpachi

Did we go back in time? Wasn't this like a week ago?

Just so you know the Russians was in Slaviansk already

I know the names of places can get confusing but I suggest you check a map.

Better yet. Here is a progression map from last month. If you disagree I am sure you can point out what day you think they were in Slaviansk. I have the other maps of the month as well.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Hard to say. The original rocket model used by the TOS-1 only had a range of 2.5 kilometers or so. Not sure how long the rocket motor fired. The other bit is exterior ballistics. The launch angle looks shallow and that could cut the range quite a bit.


posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

The range is deceptive. It is much further than 300 meters. The length of TOS is almost 10 meters. The minimum range on them is 400m. They may be firing as far away as a kilometer.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 04:08 PM

[ Photo ]
The situation in the Izyum-Slavyansk theatre of the conflict.

The Russian forces:

1—have taken Svyatogorsk and are in the process of mopping up the local forests;
2—emerged on the outskirts of the village of Bogorodichnoye;
3—are engaged in fighting in the area of Krasnopolye and Dolina;
4—are mopping up the forests from the remnants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces north of Krasnopolye;
5—there are 20 km left to Slavyangrad.

Starshe Eddy places the distance to Slavyansk from the Izyum direction at less than 20km, but that is largely of no consequence. It’s very close now.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 04:26 PM
Excellent 2 min read by Senior Fellow Chris Dougherty on the strategy of this war and current stalemate. Clear, concise, correct. Not babble like the posts above.

From 1941-43, forces in this area pushed front lines 100s of miles in a battle. As noted by
@RitaKonaev below, today's fight looks more like WWI's Western Front, Mosul 2016-17, or late-stage Korean War: heavy casualties w/o much gained or lost. Why?

3 factors account for this change:

1) the size & makeup of Ukr. & Rus. forces can't support large-scale maneuver. The German 6th Army that fought heavily in Ukraine & Stalingrad was roughly the same size as today's Russian army, & it was 1 of many armies in the Wehrmacht.

The 2nd factor is the amount of ISR in the theater. Western intel support, along w/ Bayraktars & other drones, gives Ukraine a great picture of Russian forces, making maneuvers like river crossings even more dangerous.

The 3rd factor is changes in terrain since 1943. I haven't done a terrain walk in Ukraine, but it's a safe bet that it's more urbanized than it was 80 years ago. Russian forces have been road/rail-bound, & the roads, rails, & bridges run through cities like Severodonetsk.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Sthrndream

Russian logistics has been better now that they can rely on rails instead of just roads. It's a pity the long range assets are becoming available so slowly, Western powers don't want to destabilize Russia too much it seems. They just want to make the war unwinnable. But I think everyone would ultimately be better off with a more aggressive strategy from the West.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Cutepants

I wouldn't attempt to speak for NATO, however, I believe they have discovered a huge flaw in the Combined Arms of the Russian Federation and are attempting to bleed their conventional forces dry at the expense of Ukraine.

The National Security Strategy, published annually by the National Security Council, lists China & Russia as threats to the United States. If Russia weakens conventionally, or is in economic and social turmoil, it frees up USA to focus on the Chinese threat and allocate resources in that domain.

Russia still has nuclear weapons, however, if it comes to that, there wont be a winner after war.


posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 06:21 PM
Zelensky just made a 180 if the translation is correct.

"For us to go on the offensive—I expect that you know this very well—we would need no less than 10 times the [military] equipment, and no less than 10 times the people.

Even though we have more will [to win], we still have less equipment. We cannot do a strong forward advance.

This is very important. This is the way out of an end. Out of a dead-end, if you will.

Until we have this, it would be difficult for us to do. We would suffer great losses. People are my priority."

"People are my priority..." ??!

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