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Russia Ukraine Update Thread - part 2

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posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:52 PM

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 09:42 PM

[ Photo ]
There is information about the liberation of Svyatogorsk

According to reports from local residents, the allied forces of Russia and the LPR liberated the city of Svyatogorsk in the DPR. The offensive in the Slavyansk direction continues.
There is no confirmation of the liberation of Svyatogorsk in the form of photos or videos yet.

⚡️There're reports on the strikes on the Beskydy tunnel with Kalibr guided missiles. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of destroying such elements of the enemy's infrastructure.

The strike can be considered adjustment fire, since methodical work is needed to disable this communication, similar to a series of strikes on the bridge in Zatoka or the use of high-powered ammunition. Both options are justified, since breaking the logistics links in the supply chain of lethal weapons to Ukraine is a priority task at the moment.
More than 60% of transit cargo in Ukraine in the direction of Western and Central Europe are being transported through Beskydy tunnel.

[ Video ]
Video of the aftermath of the "successful" offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of Davydov Brod in Kherson region.
There's a much longer video with dozens of corpses, but some say it's from previous months, so I won't post it till further confirmation.

In AIT I trained to reload the M270 with a 6K variable reach all-terrain forklift. It was built to go out to meet up with the MLRS and do a quick swap. Setting up beforehand was the problem. A convoy would be limited by the slowest vehicle. The forklift wasn't all that slow but got dangerous at speed because it bounced like crazy and that was on a paved surface. Doing a swap without that forklift could be done but you needed the cranes from the Hemmits and that took time and finesse. Unless all the support equipment is also being shipped with the MLRS systems then I don't think they are going to be as effective as people think.
The MLRS systems they already have can be reloaded by hand. I am sure it is a pain but they require less support equipment and the ammo can be stored on trucks and kept on the move till they met up under cover.

For our MLRS you need some open area and that is going to make them easy to spot and give Russia the opportunity to call in an Iskander missile if it is spotted from a drone.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 10:10 PM

ISW- "The Ukrainian counteroffensive in Kherson Oblast has gotten the attention of Russian forces in the area, and the Russians are scrambling to secure the vital ground line of communication (GLOC) the Ukrainians have threatened"

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Does anyone believe that the information listed here are “facts”? I hope not. In fact, a couple of the posters here put disclaimers saying that the information is just what is being out out by the different governments. I hope that people are taking all the information with a grain of salt regardless of which side it comes from.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 11:32 PM
* - So Russia's idea of "peace negotiations" is they get all the land they want / captured while at the same time all sanctions are to be lifted. I don't think thats gonna fly.

edit on 1-6-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 02:26 AM
1 June update

Key Takeaways

* Russian forces reportedly made incremental advances north of Slovyansk but likely have not yet been able to take control of the road into Slovyansk.

* Russian forces are attempting to advance towards Lysychansk from the south and west in order to avoid having to fight across the Siverskyi Donets River from Severodonetsk but are having limited successes so far.

* Russian troops made incremental gains north of Avdiivka.

* Russian troops reportedly destroyed Ukrainian-built bridges over the Inhulets River near Davydiv Brid in response to Ukrainian counteroffensive pressure.

More at URL above.


posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 08:54 AM

[Forwarded from Donbass Devushka (Area 52)]
[ Photo ]
Russia has limited the export of key gas for the production of semiconductors.

Until the end of the year, Russia has restricted the export of inert gases, including neon, argon, helium and others, following the resolution approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
These gases are actively used for the production of semiconductors, which, in turn, are used to manufacture microcircuits.
According to the publication, Russia supplies up to 30% of the world’s neon consumption. The document indicates that from now on gas exports will only be available by government decision, based on proposals from the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

[ Video ]
‼️💥 Footage of a strike on the NATO arms supply route: a missile hit a strategic bridge near Odessa

Local sources publish a video of the moment of one of the strikes on the bridge in Zatoka, through which weapons and fuel are supplied from the West.

[ Video ]
🇺🇦🇬🇧"Even guys with experience from Afghanistan and Iraq were not ready for what is happening in Ukraine."

A British officer who fought against Russia told about the failures of foreign mercenaries in an interview with Channel 4.

There were many soldiers from the UK in Ukraine: marines, special forces, pilots, but all of them were powerless before the negligence of the Ukrainian leadership.

"Absolute lack of preparation before being sent to the front and chaos in the ranks of the Ukrainian army"

Also, 20-year-old guys who "played enough computer games" and decided to "try themselves in the war" came to the conflict zone, but the same thing was waiting for them.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine has halved in a month — some of them were destroyed, others decided to flee.

[ Photo ]
The offensive of the Russian Armed Forces near Kharkov
There're reports that Russian Armed Forces today liberated Fedorovka and Shestakovo, thereby cutting off Stary Saltov from the rest of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
It will probably be its turn tomorrow. That is, the initiative in this direction has completely passed into the hands of the Russian army.

A batch of American howitzers M777 was destroyed in Nikolayev region

Russian army strikes on enemy positions in Zhovtnevoye destroyed up to ten M777 howitzers. The loss of Nazi manpower is 80 dead, and more than 50 wounded.

[ Photo ]
The Ukrainian army has begun building fortifications around Kiev in case of a second Russian offensive.

For now they are digging trenches, dugouts and equipping long-term firing points.


[ Album ]
💢 Ukraine established a fake OSCE

Documents by the SBU contain details about an entity which is identical to the OSCE International Mission and was established and officially registered in Ukraine back in 2015 as a public organization called the "International Diplomatic Mission "Organization for Security of the European Community" Public Organization, which was detected by the SBU officers in November 2021. According to the document, an SBU officer reports that this public organization's representatives, claiming to be the actual OSCE mission officials, have been engaged in illegal activities in cooperation with local authorities. The document also says that the information on the existence of this organization must be prevented from leaking to the mass media, as this would tarnish the country's image and Ukraine would permanently lose its credibility with the European community.

The organization is still functioning.


posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 09:20 AM
"Russia is winning the economic war - and Putin is no closer to withdrawing troops"

"It is now three months since the west launched its economic war against Russia, and it is not going according to plan. On the contrary, things are going very badly indeed."

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 09:26 AM
The rest of the world needs to step up more and I hope they do.

Bullys can not be allowed to win.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 09:34 AM
"Arms sent to Ukraine will end up in criminal hands, says Interpol chief"

"Weapons sent to Ukraine after Russia’s invasion in February will end up in the global hidden economy and in the hands of criminals, the head of Interpol has said.

Jürgen Stock says once the conflict ends, a wave of guns and heavy arms will flood the international market and he urged Interpol’s member states, especially those supplying weapons, to cooperate on arms tracing.

“Once the guns fall silent [in Ukraine], the illegal weapons will come. We know this from many other theatres of conflict. The criminals are even now, as we speak, focusing on them"

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

The sanctions on Russia are going to kill multiple times more people worldwide from famine than all the people on both sides of the Ukraine war die from bullets and bombs.

Yet, some want the world to step up and suffer more to teach Putin a lesson.

Clown world.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

It is a clown world Grimpachi
while the elites are safely hidden away to play their games.

We now have the whole of eastern Europe flooded with arms. Look what's happened to the south of Africa after flooding that area with massive amounts of arms. Total carnage guns on the market and ten a penny. Looks like the same to happen in Europe thanks to the elites war games

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
Russia has limited the export of key gas for the production of semiconductors.

Alternate supplies are being secured and Russia is still banned from obtaining chips and other hitech computer items so their tantrum doesnt hurt anyone.

originally posted by: Grimpachi
‼️💥 Footage of a strike on the NATO arms supply route: a missile hit a strategic bridge near Odessa

The arms were not damaged and the bridge sustained minor damage.

originally posted by: Grimpachi
"Absolute lack of preparation before being sent to the front and chaos in the ranks of the Ukrainian army"

Also, 20-year-old guys who "played enough computer games" and decided to "try themselves in the war" came to the conflict zone, but the same thing was waiting for them.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine has halved in a month — some of them were destroyed, others decided to flee.

Yeah they added their own bull# to the transcript, like total chaos in the Ukrainian forces, which is not in the video. The comments above this are also not contained in the video.

Because of that your posts using telegram accounts need to be scrutinized as they are Russian propaganda and nothing more.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 12:58 PM
German leader says Russian economy is collapsing; Putin fires 5 more generals: Live Ukraine updates

Putin fires 5 more generals
Russian President Vladimir Putin has fired five generals and a police colonel in what state-run media outlet Pravda described as "a standard employee reshuffle procedure." All six had been assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is responsible for law enforcement across the nation of 145 million people.

Putin has fired several high-ranking military members amid the mixed results his troops have seen. Lt. Gen. Serhiy Kisel, a leader of the Russian Army’s failed effort to capture the northeastern city of Kharkiv was dismissed, as was Vice Adm. Igor Osipov, who led Russia’s Black Sea fleet when Ukrainian forces sank its flagship, the Moskva.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:07 PM
Hundreds of Russian soldiers have deserted or refused to fight in Ukraine, compounding major losses in the war, report says

Hundreds of Russian soldiers have refused to fight or fled their posts since the war in Ukraine began, according to report published Wednesday by The Wall Street Journal.

"So many people don't want to fight," Russian lawyer Mikhail Benyash told the outlet. Benyash is representing a dozen service members of Russia's National Guard, which typically stamps out protests in Russia, who were dismissed after refusing to take part in the invasion of Ukraine.

The Guardian reported last week that at least 115 Russian national guardsmen said they were fired for refusing to fight. The lawsuit they brought challenging their dismissals was rejected by a Russian court when the judge found their firings justified for "refusing to perform an official assignment."

Benyash told The Journal soldiers who refuse to fight have been dismissed but not criminally charged because Russia has not formally declared war against Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin has instead described the invasion as a "special military operation."

Benyash also said he received requests for legal help from more than 1,000 service members and employees of the Russian agency that oversees domestic policing. He said many had either refused to fight in Ukraine or quell protests in occupied towns.

Agora, a Russian human rights group, also told The Journal upwards of 700 Russian service members contacted the group for legal assistance in relation to refusing orders.

The desertions and refusals to fight have compounded the heavy losses Russian troops have experienced in Ukraine and a shortage of boots on the ground. The UK's defense ministry said last month Russia had likely lost one-third of its its invading ground combat forces in Ukraine since February.

Reports have also emerged of low morale among Russian troops, including going to desperate lengths to get sent home from the war. One Russian soldier said his commander shot himself in the leg just so he could leave, according to intercepted audio published by Ukraine officials.

Read the original article on Business Insider

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Also sounds like Dvornikov (sp?), supposedly the general who would unify Russian efforts, hasn't been seen in a while.

Seems Mad Vlad has the Urge to Purge.


posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:22 PM
Apparently when you have the Russian army staffed by thugs and criminals stuff like this happens.

In Chernobyl’s delicate nuclear labs, Russians looted safety systems

CHERNOBYL, Ukraine — Six hundred ninety-eight computers. 344 vehicles. 1,500 radiation dosimeters. Irreplaceable software. Almost every piece of firefighting equipment.

The list of what Russia’s occupying forces stole, blew up or riddled with bullets in and around Chernobyl’s laboratories is still being compiled.

While the catastrophe that many feared has been avoided — war unleashing radiation across the region from the site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster in 1986 — officials at the Chernobyl plant are taking stock of Russia’s capricious and chaotic month here, in which nine of their colleagues were killed and five were kidnapped.

“I cannot say that they have caused damage to mankind, but certainly great economic damage to Ukraine,” said Mykola Bespaly, 58, director of the site’s Central Analytical Laboratory, sitting in a lecture hall defaced by Russian graffiti.

The enormous nuclear station in Chernobyl no longer produces power, but before the invasion nearly 6,000 workers still monitored the lasting effects of the disastrous meltdown more than three decades ago, as well as processing spent nuclear fuel from other plants in Ukraine and Europe.

Located just a few miles from the Belarusian border, Chernobyl was one of the first places occupied by Russian troops. Yevhen Kramarenko, the director of the “exclusion zone” — a thousand-square-mile area where radiation levels remain high and public access is limited — said that on the first day of the invasion, a Russian general presented himself as the new leader of the station, and introduced employees from Rosatom, Russia’s state nuclear agency.
click link for article

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:24 PM
Kremlin confirms Reuters report that Yeltsin son-in-law quit as Putin advisor

(Reuters) - The Kremlin on Thursday confirmed a Reuters report that Valentin Yumashev, the son-in-law of former Russian leader Boris Yeltsin, had quit his role as an unpaid advisor to President Vladimir Putin.

"I can confirm that about a month ago he stopped being an advisor on a voluntary basis", Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Yumashev did not play a major role in decision-making as a Putin advisor, but he represented one of the few remaining links in Putin's administration to Yeltsin's rule, a period of liberal reforms and an opening-up of Russia towards the West.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I saw this report.. He has not been seen for the last 2 weeks. One of the things he did was to force the Army and Air Force to work together inside Ukraine.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

What a mess. The Russian state knows better, but willingly allowed fools to destroy that monitoring station. I wonder what they expect to do with that specialized software. It is not something generically useful like a PC operating system.


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