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Russia Ukraine Update Thread - part 2

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posted on May, 12 2022 @ 05:53 PM
Russians again cruise missile Ukraine's only oil refinery to hamper Ukraine's fuel supply.

Russian special forces sabotage Ukraine's railroad to hamper Ukraine's supply lines.

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 05:56 PM
Russian MOD says they shot down a drone and 3 Tochka ballistic missiles over Snake island.

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse
Russia have responded to Finlands plan to join NATO-

Russia has slammed Finland’s plans to apply to join NATO imminently, claiming it would “be forced” to retaliate if the long-neutral country joined the military alliance.
“Finland joining NATO is a radical change in the country’s foreign policy,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Thursday.
“Russia will be forced to take retaliatory steps, both of a military-technical and other nature, in order to stop threats to its national security arising.”

That sounds like potential escalation-and one that would include the UK if Finland are retaliated against,as the UK now have a fresh defence pact with the Finns.
It feels to me as though we are inching toward a wider war.

Absolutely correct. The West is edging closer to a full scale nuclear war every day.

Britain needs to stop meddling in the affairs of eatern Europe and let the Slavs sort things out between themselves.

The West (whoever that is) did not start this.

Putin needs to stay in his own country.

AGAIN -- this is ALL on Mad Man Putin.

If a nuke is used -- its ALL on Mad Man Putin. NO ONE ELSE.

For sure the West started this. Let's go back to the mid 80's when the USA puppet master forced King of Saudi to lower oil prices to next to nothing by upping the pump output effectively breaking the finances of the USSR thus leading to its break up into manageable independent states easily coaxed into NATO colonisation. That really happened you know and was the precursor to the edge of nuclear war we stand at today. Probable nuclear death and for what? Getting involved in an inter Slav brotherly disagreement that will sort itsel out and is non of anybody elses interest

It's 2022 -- not 42 years ago.

Putin can get over his butt-hurt.

But it's non of the West's business. They need to keep British and Yankee snouts out of it.

I don't see Ethiopia getting involved or Mongolia either. Oh................... I wonder why

Actually, after WWII -- a law/ruling was made that a larger country does not have the right to invade a smaller country.

Which is why the rest of the world is providing Ukraine help in equalizing this WAR -- that is 100% Putin's doing.

Actually, after WWII a realisation happened in Moscow that after losing 27,000,000 people defending your remaining population was a good idea

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

But it's non of the West's business. They need to keep British and Yankee snouts out of it.

I don't see Ethiopia getting involved or Mongolia either. Oh................... I wonder why

It isn't Russia's business either what Ukraine does.... Or what Finland does etc etc... No one wants to attack Russia, EU just wants to buy their energy, so what threat does Russia have?

and you hit the nail on the head there 100%

Russia only moved in after the western sponsored coup in 2014. THAT was non of Americas business at all yet they couldn't stop helping out creating a local 'coloured' revolution to colonise yet another piece of Planet Earth

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Yeah, I should have addressed the comment about Finns not being Slavs to another member.

But the rest of that post and the others addressed to you are very much relevant and I stick by every single word.

Your self-loathing?
Do you really want me to go into detail?
Do I have to?

Read what you've posted about your own country and then compare it to your adulation for the de facto dictator who has manufactured this whole episode in order to further his own dream of personal glory.
All the death, destruction and misery he's causing.
Yet you look for anything to blame it on your own country rather than on the one person who is solely responsible for this war.

Like I said, wtf has happened to you?

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: zTastaufen
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Orlan-10 could fly at 2 km altitude. At such altitude it doesn't generate enough heat to be targeted by heat seeking MANPADS.

That is the max altitude, Stingers are not ordinary manpads, and have already shot down at least a hundred or so in Ukraine.

Probably more than that since they've been getting several a day in recent weeks.

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse
Russia have responded to Finlands plan to join NATO-

Russia has slammed Finland’s plans to apply to join NATO imminently, claiming it would “be forced” to retaliate if the long-neutral country joined the military alliance.
“Finland joining NATO is a radical change in the country’s foreign policy,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Thursday.
“Russia will be forced to take retaliatory steps, both of a military-technical and other nature, in order to stop threats to its national security arising.”

That sounds like potential escalation-and one that would include the UK if Finland are retaliated against,as the UK now have a fresh defence pact with the Finns.
It feels to me as though we are inching toward a wider war.

Absolutely correct. The West is edging closer to a full scale nuclear war every day.

Britain needs to stop meddling in the affairs of eatern Europe and let the Slavs sort things out between themselves.

The West (whoever that is) did not start this.

Putin needs to stay in his own country.

AGAIN -- this is ALL on Mad Man Putin.

If a nuke is used -- its ALL on Mad Man Putin. NO ONE ELSE.

For sure the West started this. Let's go back to the mid 80's when the USA puppet master forced King of Saudi to lower oil prices to next to nothing by upping the pump output effectively breaking the finances of the USSR thus leading to its break up into manageable independent states easily coaxed into NATO colonisation. That really happened you know and was the precursor to the edge of nuclear war we stand at today. Probable nuclear death and for what? Getting involved in an inter Slav brotherly disagreement that will sort itsel out and is non of anybody elses interest

It's 2022 -- not 42 years ago.

Putin can get over his butt-hurt.

But it's non of the West's business. They need to keep British and Yankee snouts out of it.

I don't see Ethiopia getting involved or Mongolia either. Oh................... I wonder why

Actually, after WWII -- a law/ruling was made that a larger country does not have the right to invade a smaller country.

Which is why the rest of the world is providing Ukraine help in equalizing this WAR -- that is 100% Putin's doing.

Actually, after WWII a realisation happened in Moscow that after losing 27,000,000 people defending your remaining population was a good idea

Unfortunately, russia thought the best way to accomplish that was to violently enslave a hundred million humans behind an iron curtain.

A shameful period that will cause school children to laugh in bewilderment and disbelief in a thousand years or so.

Many already do.

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Come on FB I love my country well at least the land sheep and farm land, I just find it a little confusing the way TPTB (a group that doesn't speak for the people) that also runs our foreign policy are completely obsessed with a foreign policy of destroying rather than working with foreigners. I just don't get it. We can all have a slice of the cake, yet TPTB over here aren't exactly into sharing the cake. Love you forever, also the Ruskies, Ukranians and the orbs x

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 06:39 PM

edit on Thu May 12 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 07:08 PM
Russia Losing Ground in Ukraine as Putin's Troops Forced to Mount Defense

Russia reportedly lost more ground in Ukraine on Wednesday while failing to make any "significant advances" in its ongoing offensive in the country, according to a U.S. think tank.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), which focuses on research and analysis regarding defense and foreign affairs, and provides daily updates on the war in Ukraine, said in its May 11 assessment that Ukrainian forces took further ground northeast of Kharkiv.

"The Ukrainian counteroffensive north of Kharkiv City has forced Russian troops onto the defensive and necessitated reinforcement and replenishment efforts intended to prevent further Ukrainian advances towards the Russian border," the ISW said.

"Russian efforts along the Southern Axis and in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts remain similarly stalled, and Russian forces have not made any significant gains in the face of continued successful Ukrainian defenses."

The Russian offensive in Ukraine is currently concentrated in the eastern Donbas region, but recent reports from the ISW indicate that Russian President Vladimir Putin's troops have faced several consecutive days of either ground losses or little to no progress in gaining ground.

An ISW map with terrain control assessments shows that Russia still holds a stretch of land in the east of Ukraine as of May 11, particularly in the self-declared pro-Russia separatist states, but the Ukrainian counteroffensive is chipping away at some areas along the edge of the Russian-held territory.
click link for article

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 07:30 PM
* - Improvised Truck-Mounted Brimstone Missile Launcher Emerges In Ukraine

Avideo of Ukrainian forces firing ground-launched Brimstone missiles has begun to circulate on social media. To our knowledge, the clip is the first recorded footage of a ground-based Brimstone launch in Ukraine, as well as the first video of a Brimstone missile being fired from an improvised launcher installed in the back of a truck.
click link for article

* - Russia said Finland joining NATO is definitely a threat and warned it would retaliate as the country moves ever closer to membership

Russia again tried to warn Finland against joining NATO as the northern European state moves ever closer to joining the alliance.

Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin's spokesperson, said on Thursday that Finland joining was definitely a threat to Russia, The Guardian reported.

And Russia's foreign ministry said in a Thursday statement that "Russia will be forced to take retaliatory steps, both of a military-technical and other nature, in order to stop the threats to its national security arising in this regard."

Russia's comments come after Finland's president and prime minister said in a joint statement on Thursday that they want their country to join NATO, and that they want the application to be made as soon as possible.

Sweden is also expected to apply for membership imminently.

Rising public and political support for joining NATO in both countries has been prompted by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Russia used the possibility that NATO could expand as a justification for invading Ukraine in the first place.
click link to see Putin bitch some more

* - Medvedev: NATO's involvement in Russia-Ukraine conflict brings risk of 'full-fledged nuclear war'

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is warning Thursday that the "pumping of Ukraine by NATO countries with weapons" brings the risk of the conflict "turning into a full-fledged nuclear war." Medvedev, who now is the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, wrote in a Telegram post that such an escalation would be a "catastrophic scenario for everyone."

"The pumping of Ukraine by NATO countries with weapons, the training of its troops to use Western equipment, the dispatch of mercenaries and the conduct of exercises by the countries of the Alliance near our borders increase the likelihood of a direct and open conflict between NATO and Russia instead of their ‘war by proxy,’" he said.
click link for more desperation from Russia

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 07:32 PM
* - Russian media is reporting that Biden is demanding all of Ukraine's grain stock (which is bull#) to feed only Americans.
* - Russia is threatening to revoke Lithuania status as an independent country.
* - Russia is accusing Ukraine of shelling Belograd (casualties reported).

as always Russia is all about threatening foreign countries, invading them, leveling their cities and targeting civilians but throws an absolute temper tantrum when the exact same think happens to them.

edit on 12-5-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 07:44 PM
staff edit
edit on Thu May 12 2022 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

But it's non of the West's business. They need to keep British and Yankee snouts out of it.

I don't see Ethiopia getting involved or Mongolia either. Oh................... I wonder why

It isn't Russia's business either what Ukraine does.... Or what Finland does etc etc... No one wants to attack Russia, EU just wants to buy their energy, so what threat does Russia have?

and you hit the nail on the head there 100%

Russia only moved in after the western sponsored coup in 2014. THAT was non of Americas business at all yet they couldn't stop helping out creating a local 'coloured' revolution to colonise yet another piece of Planet Earth

They all play the positioning for power game, invasion was all new. Do you understand the president replaced was a Russian puppet? So ya they paly back and forth, but Russia did the big No No and will pay the price.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 01:50 AM
* - Pokrovsk(09:02). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - House of culture in Derhachi, that hosted humanitarian aid distribution hub, was destroyed in a Russian missile strike overnight

* - Russian army shelled Oleksandrivka, Tavriyske, Kotlyareve, Hannivka and Osokorivka at South Buh direction, - General Staff of Armed forces of Ukraine

* - Near Lyman Russian army attempts to hold area near Oleksandrivka. At Bakhmut direction Russian army assaulted Komyshuvakha and Orikhove. Russian army attempting to advance at Maryinka, - General Staff of Armed forces of Ukraine

* - Russia deploys additional artillery units in border areas of Bryansk region to shell Chernihiv region, - General Staff of Armed forces of Ukraine

* - Russian cruise missiles strikes destroyed the Grand Pettine hotel in the port city of Odesa, pictured here. A senior U.S. defense official said Monday that Russia has "no ability" to threaten Odesa with a ground attack or amphibious assault. camera:@Maxar

* - Ukrainian drone strikes destroyed Russian air defenses on Snake Island in the Black Sea, shown here in satellite image taken today. The Ukrainian drones took out Pantsir surface to air missile vehicles and destroyed several buildings on the island. camera:@Maxar

* - Russian digging of mass graves continues in Mariupol in an attempt to cover up war crimes at Starokrymske Cemetery on the west edge of the city. Mariupol officials believe 20,000 people have died in the city since Russian invasion, more than 4% of pre-war population. camera:@Maxar

* - A Ukrainian-owned Bayraktar drone strike sunk a Russian Serna-class landing craft at Snake Island in the Black Sea, per satellite photos taken today. Ukraine took out Russian air defenses and resupply vessels with the Bayraktar drones. camera:@Maxar

* - Zaporizka Oblast(05:57). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Zaporizka Oblast, Donetsk Oblast(04:55). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Kirovohradska Oblast(03:17). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Zhytomyr, Zhytomyrska Oblast(03:15). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Kyiv Oblast, Cherkaska Oblast, Vinnytska Oblast(03:04). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Kyiv(03:02). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Sumska Oblast(02:56). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Donetsk Oblast(02:53). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

As a reminder

Just so people know and understand. Information from war zones can become confusing as there will no doubt be info released from the players (on both sides) involved that might not necessarily be true.

As such take everything as a possibility and NOT as absolute truth.

The very first casualty in a war is the truth and all warfare is based on deception

Resources - Where most of the updates come from.
* - Flightradar24 - tracks flights worldwide
* - Live Ukraine control map 1 - updates on the ground
* - Ukraine Control Map 2
* - Ship radar
* - Military vessel tracker
* - Institute for the Study of War (ISW)
* - Stopfake - Countering Russian propaganda about Ukraine
* - MilitaryLand - Maps

Youtube resources -
* - Speak the Truth
* - War in Ukraine
* - Artur Rehi - Estonain soldier
* - Daily Report

Social media resources -
* - Twitter - Jomini of the West - Battlefield Maps

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 01:52 AM
* - Kharkiv, Kharkivska Oblast, Zaporizka Oblast, Chernihivska Oblast, Poltavska Oblast, Kryvyi Rih, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovska Oblast(02:51). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Russian missile hit in Cherkaske village west to Sloviansk in Donetsk region

* - Poltavska Oblast(23:41). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Kirovohradska Oblast(23:43). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Chernihivska Oblast(23:42). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Cherkaska Oblast, Kyiv Oblast, Zhytomyr, Zhytomyrska Oblast, Vinnytska Oblast(23:41). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Kyiv(23:41). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Russian troops in Pivdenne village near Rubizhne

* - Explosions reported in Zaporizhzhia

* - Heavy explosions in Mykolaiv

* - Zaporizka Oblast(21:46). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Sumska Oblast, Mykolaiv, Mykolayivska Oblast(21:45). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

* - Kirovohradska Oblast, Odeska Oblast, Kryvyi Rih, Donetsk Oblast, Kyiv Oblast(21:43). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!

As a reminder

Just so people know and understand. Information from war zones can become confusing as there will no doubt be info released from the players (on both sides) involved that might not necessarily be true.

As such take everything as a possibility and NOT as absolute truth.

The very first casualty in a war is the truth and all warfare is based on deception

Resources - Where most of the updates come from.
* - Flightradar24 - tracks flights worldwide
* - Live Ukraine control map 1 - updates on the ground
* - Ukraine Control Map 2
* - Ship radar
* - Military vessel tracker
* - Institute for the Study of War (ISW)
* - Stopfake - Countering Russian propaganda about Ukraine
* - MilitaryLand - Maps

Youtube resources -
* - Speak the Truth
* - War in Ukraine
* - Artur Rehi - Estonain soldier
* - Daily Report

Social media resources -
* - Twitter - Jomini of the West - Battlefield Maps

edit on 13-5-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 07:05 AM
staff edit
edit on Fri May 13 2022 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

But it's non of the West's business. They need to keep British and Yankee snouts out of it.

I don't see Ethiopia getting involved or Mongolia either. Oh................... I wonder why

It isn't Russia's business either what Ukraine does.... Or what Finland does etc etc... No one wants to attack Russia, EU just wants to buy their energy, so what threat does Russia have?

and you hit the nail on the head there 100%

Russia only moved in after the western sponsored coup in 2014. THAT was non of Americas business at all yet they couldn't stop helping out creating a local 'coloured' revolution to colonise yet another piece of Planet Earth

They all play the positioning for power game, invasion was all new. Do you understand the president replaced was a Russian puppet? So ya they paly back and forth, but Russia did the big No No and will pay the price.

Yes Poroshenko was a western plant to replace the Russian plant it is a big game.

But pleae note.......................

Ukraine is a red line when it comes to foreign influences taking control of it for western colonisation.

The Russians take this very seriously and their special operation is because they had their red line.

I agree they may well pay, unfortunately we all might pay in total death and destruction of planet Earth.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 08:12 AM
Once again, the sliding, distractions, and provocation on this thread inversely reflect the success, or lack thereof, of Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

XCathdra, your continuation of the original thread seems to have registered on someone's radar.


edit on 13-5-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-5-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-5-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 08:15 AM
12 May update

Key Takeaways

* Russian forces made marginal gains to the north of Severodonetsk and have likely captured Rubizhne and Voevodivka.

* Russian forces fired intensively on Ukrainian positions in northern Kharkiv to stop the ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive around Kharkiv City. The artillery focus on Ukrainian positions has likely diverted the Russian artillery that remains in range of Kharkiv to the more urgent task of stopping the Ukrainian advance.

* Russian forces are strengthening their position on Snake Island in an effort to block Ukrainian maritime communications and capabilities in the northwestern Black Sea on the approaches to Odesa.

More at URL above.


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