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Saving UKRAINE is NOT Worth a War Between the USA and RUSSIA.

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posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Since the US are members of NATO they need to act just like the other members when faced with a common threat

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Picollo30
a reply to: carewemust

so we let that murderer go on a rampage?

Either kill Putin or leave him alone. If he goes beyond Ukraine, we get more involved. If not, he can have Ukraine.

Better to sacrifice them, than to Have a US vs Russia War that will sacrifice much more than a single nation.

Ukraine has more value than either America, OR Russia.

They've set up a roadmap for how a country with deep corruption can begin to recover and eventually get rid of all that corruption. Zelenski ran on an anti corruption ticket, and has numerous political allies left over from the Dignity revolt.

If Ukraine can actually achieve its goals here, that means there is hope for places like Mexico.

If Ukraine cannot, or if the world shows it will allow marching armies to prevent those kinds of changes, then places like Mexico will stay corrupt forever.

It will prove that nations that stand up for themselves will get swatted down by the people pulling their politicians' strings.

originally posted by: Picollo30
Putin must be put in his place. He is clearly testing the NATO and if he notices no one will do anything about his actions believe me when i say this: He will not stop with Ukraine!!! Poland, the Baltic states, Romania, Hungary, maybe Finland or Sweden will be next in line.

Bullies/thieves/criminals always escalate when they act out and nobody reacts.

And yes the US should stop this madman because they have the power to do it. If the US won't do it no one will.

I don't think Putin is really crazy at all.

He's promoting that image, so see if he can find a work around for Mutually Assured Destruction. Experts have been talking for decades about how the only real weakness it has is that if someone really were just plain insane, they might not care about retaliation.

But Putin is about as rational as they come. I am not fooled in the least.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

You're very intuitive!

3.15.2022 Update

The President of Finland spoke to Vladimir Putin over the weekend, and asked him point blank, what is his goal in Ukraine.

The media and experts are wrong...AGAIN.

It's NOT regime change:

This is NOT worth starting World War-3 over.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

Zelenski ran on an anti corruption ticket, and has numerous political allies left over from the Dignity revolt.

Only because Zelenski replaced corrupted petro poroshenko.
Something is weird in Ukraine.

edit on 15-3-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: xpert11

Victoria Nuland declaration of the bio labs or labs existing in Ukraine was a new one.
The fact that you have Mitt Romney attacking anyone mentioning these labs or trying to investigative or asking questions on them just rises more questions.

This whole Ukrainian affairs seems deep.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: xpert11

Victoria Nuland declaration of the bio labs or labs existing in Ukraine was a new one.
The fact that you have Mitt Romney attacking anyone mentioning these labs or trying to investigative or asking questions on them just rises more questions.

This whole Ukrainian affairs seems deep.

Mitt Romney has a son who profits (or profited) off of illegal dealings inside Ukraine.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 03:26 AM
Note the Republicans who are bashing Tulsi Gabbard tonight over her Ukraine Remarks and you'll see a pattern that is becoming more familiar.


The more Congressmen Adam Kinzinger and Mitt Romney whine, the more they incriminate themselves.

Ukraine has been THE "Playground of the Corrupt" in Business and Politics and U.S. Government, for at least the last 15 years.

Joe Biden had no hesitancy in bragging about how comfortable he was manipulating Ukraine politicians and judges.

Biden to Ukraine President in 2016: "If you don't stop investigating my son Hunter, me and Barack are NOT sending you the $1 Billion this fiscal year. Got that?"

Ukraine = Where Corruption is King for the Elites.
Epstein Island = .....Nevermind.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: vNex92

If anybody believes Russia's claims concerning biological weapons in Ukraine, I have a bridge to sell them in Florida. Putin's regime uses old age propaganda to accuse their enemy of something they did in the past. In that case, I am referring to the Soviet Union's biological weapons program.

+5 more 
posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: xpert11


Buy that Bridge..

Stay Safe


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 05:07 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Remind me, which incorruptible POTUS threatened to withhold arms to Ukraine if it didn't help him out?
edit on 15-3-2022 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Sunday, March 6, 2022

I was going to title this thread, "No Country is Worth a War Between USA and RUSSIA", but that would include USA and RUSSIA not being worth saving by war between the two, so I just chose Ukraine.

The U.S. Media, Ukraine's President Zelensky, along with aging Military Experts and Generals, are pulling out all the stops in recent days to get the United States involved in some level of combat against Russian troops, either inside or above Ukraine.

The news media is even citing mysterious polls that indicate Americans want the USA to become militarily involved.

Poll: Around 74% of Americans, including Republicans and Democrats, say the United States and its NATO Allies should impose a No-Fly Zone over Ukraine.
Source A: hould-impose-a-no-fly-zone-in-ukraine/
Source B:

Yesterday, President Zelenskyy set up a video conference to personally ask U.S. Senators to intervene militarily to save Ukraine. This morning, he spoke with President Biden for 20 minutes.

Zelenskyy Pleads with US Senators:


Regardless of how many images/interviews of crying mothers, children, and grown men are broadcast,

Regardless of how many journalists say they are witnessing "war crimes" in progress,

Regardless of how many video pleas for intervention Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy issues,

Regardless of how many "experts" predict Putin wiping Ukraine from the map and ultimately taking another country,

WE/THE USA MUST NOT involve U.S. citizens, or even U.S. military hardware in the Russia-Ukraine War, if Vladimir Putin demands that such hardware not be used, or is to be withdrawn.


If you agree, send a message to your representative(s) in Congress. After a USA-RUSSIA military conflict begins, it's probably too late to stop the certain escalation.


Satan is winning?

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 05:22 PM
Zelensky is an ACTOR.

He's the type to CRY & EXAGGERATE.

He's into DRAMAtization. DRAMA - TRAUMA. Similar word.

Drama for effect.

He's also Jew-ish. (Like Baby-ish, kidd-ish, sort of) Which means he has support of certain influential groups on that basis alone. They are making him to be a "hero." Sort of like glorifying VACCINES.

We live in a society where people who cry get inordinate attention by some.

Every time I see any stories about him talking, my sympathy for the average Ukrainian / country of Ukraine goes down.

Putin is no angel and corrupt as hell.....but I wouldn't want to associate with this ACTOR either. Kind of says something about the people when they voted this guy in. Remember Ukraine is a much smaller country and # of people then a more diverse USA.

The current and past POTUS are also a reflection of the average American. Whether directly or indirectly. A reflection of a system.

Ukraine is nearly as corrupt of a country as Russia.

True Size of UKRAINE - relative to any other nation. Ukraine is roughly the size of Texas, 10% smaller or so.!MTY0NDMzNDM.NzY1MzEyNQ*MjY4NTk1NTE(MTU4Mzc5~!UA*OTEwMzMyNA.MTQ0MDExMTc)Mw

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 05:30 PM

Ukraine President - acting as the President on TV

2019 BBC article.

edit on 16-3-2022 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 05:44 PM

25 Actors Who Became Politicians

Yes, Reagan was an actor as well...but at least he cut his teeth as a Governor. I was not of voting age when he became President.

And actors of Reagan's era, are not the same as actors of today -- like the current Ukraine President.

We don't need career politicians nor do we need DRAMAtists. But the die is cast....reap what is sown.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 07:43 PM

tale of the tape. welcome to the future, erh...past...erh...I don't know any more.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

Zelensky's election campaign was bought and paid for by Jewish mafia boss & Oligarch Igor Komoloisky,

who joined with Clinton & Biden to defraud the IMF World bank of $17.5 bn loan to Ukraine and launder stolen money through
a series of Delaware front companies controlled by Hunter Biden

President Biden wants a war in Ukraine to cover up his criminality, in hopes that the IMF will write off the loan and forget the fraud.

Biden's defrauding of IMF loan to Ukraine

Companies controlled by the Bidens which laundered stolen money:

edit on 16-3-2022 by PacificViking because: typo spelling correction

posted on Mar, 21 2022 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: carewemust

but that would include USA and RUSSIA not being worth saving by war between the two,

Are you saying either of those countries are worth saving 'by a war between the two'? (As if you are SAVING anything by destroying it, but that's the common logic these days..)

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies
Unfortunately, I agree with you.

Putin has said he is very willing to use nuclear weapons. He has always been a man of his word and I don't expect he is bluffing now.

The US getting involved would mean a nuclear war, and not just in Europe. Russia has missiles that can deliver nuclear warheads on US soil.

Nuclear war means the rapid depopulation greatly desired by TPTB. Which may be why there is a push for the US to get involved.

A nuclear war means nuclear winter in which the survivors will starve because crops can't grow during a nuclear winter, at least not enough to do anything but keep a few (the rich and powerful who want this war) from starving to death.

What TPTB haven't considered is that while they hunker down in their luxury bunkers, all the support systems for a good life will disappear and there will be no one left to keep electricity going or airplanes fixed, or their precious electric cars manufactured. For while the leftovers of technology will last, but soon die off and the earth regress to close to stone age with the "servants" of the rich abandoning them to survive on their own by scratching the ground. Leaving even the most rich and powerful families on the earth scratching the earth stone age style and barely surviving - that is if humanity doesn't go extinct entirely because the rich and powerful don't know how to live without servants.


Do you think it was a low-blow for Ukraine President Zelenskyy to tell Japan's Parliament/Congress today that he's afraid Russia will do to Ukraine what the United States did to Japan in 1945??

(Two nuclear bombs exploded...massive destruction...war crimes on steroids)

Zelenskyy addresses Japan's Parliament:

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 12:19 AM
I expect there will be a comprehensive cyber attack and it will be blamed on Russia
this is the goal of the WEF to implement their great reset.
Can't let a good crisis go to waste

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