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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

Thanks for letting me know... link fixed!

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
At their website there is no info linked to any actual scientists or doctors. They want a $100 yearly membership to access quantum technology that isn't even available to the general public yet? Sounds sketchy.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:56 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
For those interested in more information on Quantum Healing and the Med Beds, this video is of a meeting call for some of the first-adopters (patients):

Vimeo video: This is the first Question and Answer with the Early Adopters, introducing the Quantum Healing System.

It's pretty SLOW GOING for the first 15 to 20 minutes but then goes on to cover Questions and Answers from the patients who will be first-adopters in the first 2 weeks of April!!!

Examples of areas of detail given:

1) Replacing a glass eye with a real one in 20 minutes,

2) Diabetes I or II both healed within a few minutes,

3) Depression,

4) What happens to metal pins, stents, pace makers currently in place?

5) Skull and brain damage,

6) Tattoo removal or retention,

7) Skin, muscles, tendons etc. will return to perfect health of a 30 yr old,

8) The schedule for each patient: 1 day questionnaires, and "pre-op" preparation, 1 day operation happens but very few will last more than an hour, 3 day assessment of results and videoing of how content individuals are.

9) Ability to heal effects of the vaccine.

Personally, this seems VERY genuine to me as real preparation for initial patients to go through healing in the med beds.

ETA - If anyone has the ability to create an MP4 copy of this vimeo video then I would be grateful for a copy.

Cool! Did they go into any details regards to your #3 & #9 ?

You can download an MP4 file from your link. Just click the down arrow at lower right.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:58 PM

edit on 22-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Yes XTheMadnessNow, #3 and #9 covered:

#3 - Fixed because the regulation of endorphins, etc. are corrected by putting the glands that generate them back into perfect state,

#9 - They say that, on top of healing cancers/Vaids etc., the scientists/doctors have identified 2 other key changes the Vaxx makes and they have built the fix for that into the Med Beds too - so yes, they're saying it'll fix vaxx effects.

...and "Doh!"... thanks for pointing out the download icon!
edit on 22-3-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
That's exactly what I had


posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 10:12 PM
IET 17 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Israel is arming the Azov neo-Nazi group in Eastern Ukraine.
Apparently, the same people who accused every Trump supporter of being a Nazi suddenly are silent when an actual Nazi group is open and active in Eastern Ukraine.
(They’re not the only group armed and funded by Israel)

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 10:17 PM
Best troll of the Year!

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Whatever your views are on @romanadidulo on telegram, please consider her COMMs in this post, at 3:21:11 UTC today:


Queen Romana's Peace and Prosperity Mobile Government Office Schedule.

March 22 and 23..

These Cities below (we will try to visit as many Cities as possible time permitting)

* Burlington✅ done
* Niagara Falls✅ done
* Windsor ✅ - we are on our way...

* Chatham✅
* London✅
* Brantford✅
* Preston✅
* Kitchener✅
* Guelph✅
* Brampton✅
* Durham ✅
* Alliston✅
* Keswick ✅
* Barrie✅

Note: Due to time we may have to meet in the between some of these Cities.

These locations seem to be communicating a strong UK/Royals message:

a) Burlington = Burlington Berty from Bow = a music hall sung at the 1981 Royal variety Performance with the added line:
"I've just had a banana with Lady Diana"

b) Niagara Falls = A Queen Elizabeth fall?

c) Windsor we are on our way = Arrest of a Royal?

d) Chatham = Chatham House, also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs

e) Preston = Rich Preston; Senior World News Reporter and Presenter, BBC World Service

f) Kitchener = General Kitchener, Secretary of State for War in the UK, at the start of World War I

g) Durham = US Special Counsel

h) Keswick = Location of Castlerigg Stone Circle in the Lake District of the UK.

i) Barrie = Barry Island, Wales (Prince of Wales), has the World's 2nd highest tidal range at 49ft = 7x7.

Rel, have you been following the insane drama around Romana? Things changed for the worse in Ottawa. She went full tilt bully on some of her convoy members and her telling sketchy stories about RVs getting hijacked, when it turns out the guy who rented it was kicked off the team so he had to take it with him to return it. Then she worked the others to the bone and was apparently racist to them and 8 of them left her in the Maritimes. They set up channels to talk about it and it seems Romana is screwing people over both financially and emotionally. Nothing is as it seems.

I had a strange feeling about her despite really liking what she was doing at the beginning with getting grocery donation pages going. Oddly, she reminded me of a homeless, pregnant german woman I took in when my kids were babies. The woman was super nice, got on great with her but I always felt slightly used. It slowly got worse until she became outright abusive and I kicked her out. With that link in mind, I took what Romana said with a grain of salt. She definitely had people on the right track with caring for each other but it just went down the toilet! Best mini drama ever!

Anyhow, her list of place did lead to some interesting things with yours and Jane's findings.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: Vikktor

Vikktor, I understand and appreciate the scepticism!

The reason I brought it to the forum is that several comments ring very true with other things I've read about them.

For example:

Refusing to say WHERE the appointments will be to undergo the Med Beds healing.

Previous inputs I've read have said that this is because the military knows that once the technology starts being rolled out there will be a clamour to use it. Therefore hospitals would get swamped with tens of thousands of people at the door demanding it.

Therefore the Med Beds are being set up in secret locations, and it is likely that an NDA will have to be signed to use them... until there are sufficient machines in circulation to deal with people on a Business As Usual level. I read that the beds are being manufactured as fast as possible in the background, possibly by Kodak but you need a lot of beds for 7 billion people!!!

I got the impression that the military will guard the sites where they are used initially - and that these are likely to be in places like military underground hospitals (like the one I mentioned in Little Rissington a page or two ago).

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

With the volatility sweeping censorship going up I think I'm going to keep black-site operating just in case

With that in mind, let me direct everyone to be prepared.......just in case....
ATS Forum Survival Thread

In case anyone is interested, I have opened that thread.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: igloo

Igloo, yes I've read some negative stuff as well, but I've heard different interpretations from people like gene decode. If I remember correctly, he stated that someone had to be in place as Queen in Canada, for them to have laws signed and a commander-in-chief, otherwise, with Queen Elizabeth dead, day to day practicalities in Canada would grind to a halt.

I'm sure others have also seen the rumours that Canada is to become a part of the United States, or whatever the new country becomes called. So from that viewpoint, this may follow the Scaramucci model or the AG Whittaker "Acting" position role.

I'm happy to monitor and just see how things roll out. It may be that these more recent feed backs indicate a planned change in "the script".

ETA - One obvious question that leads me to believe she IS part of the plan:

If bad then why has she not been stopped or arrested by the current Canadian government?

If my daughter impersonated the Queen, publicly gave orders to the government AND publicly gave commands to the Military, as Commander-in-Chief, in the UK, then I'm pretty sure she, at the very least, would be arrested for impersonating a military officer?
edit on 22-3-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 10:52 PM
I was texting with one of my buddies and we were talking about the positive covid tests today. So first was Psaki and this is her second positive test. Then Hilary and as far as I know her first positive[correct me plz if I'm wrong]. and then Schwab with a third? 2-1-3? Feels like there is more to it.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: Vikktor
Just want to add that this type of technology, if and when it becomes available, isn't going to be the ultimate miracle cure all that some might be hoping or expecting it to be. There is going to be a lot of work required on behalf of the patient before any healing can take effect. The work will involve learning how to stabilize thought patterns and emotions in order to maintain the proper chemical/hormonal balance in the body promoting health and longevity. Humanity is going to go through a process similar to the process that a drug addict or alcoholic has to go through in order to get clean. We have to 'get clean'. We have to clear our minds and bodies of the impurities and corruption that have plagued us for so many years.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358

Nice to have you back.

Question if I may, did we lose any Mods during the down time?



I don't think so, but not every mod checks in every day.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 11:04 PM

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
For those interested in more information on Quantum Healing and the Med Beds, this video is of a meeting call for some of the first-adopters (patients):

Vimeo video: This is the first Question and Answer with the Early Adopters, introducing the Quantum Healing System.

It's pretty SLOW GOING for the first 15 to 20 minutes but then goes on to cover Questions and Answers from the patients who will be first-adopters in the first 2 weeks of April!!!

Examples of areas of detail given:

1) Replacing a glass eye with a real one in 20 minutes,

2) Diabetes I or II both healed within a few minutes,

3) Depression,

4) What happens to metal pins, stents, pace makers currently in place?

5) Skull and brain damage,

6) Tattoo removal or retention,

7) Skin, muscles, tendons etc. will return to perfect health of a 30 yr old,

8) The schedule for each patient: 1 day questionnaires, and "pre-op" preparation, 1 day operation happens but very few will last more than an hour, 3 day assessment of results and videoing of how content individuals are.

9) Ability to heal effects of the vaccine.

Personally, this seems VERY genuine to me as real preparation for initial patients to go through healing in the med beds.

ETA - If anyone has the ability to create an MP4 copy of this vimeo video then I would be grateful for a copy.

I'm going to hard pass on that one my friend.

Very bad spokesperson, we're talking VERY serious tech here with the prospect of doing serious damage, these are the not serious spokespeople.

Is it real? Mostly. It isn't terrestrial in nature, by definition. For non terrestrial tech to be let out into the pewblick it has to fit very strict requirements, these folks are not going to get into the lobby of the secret base, let alone the meetings. Not a true healer among them, let alone one who is articulate enough to sales pitch Paypal monthly memberships.

BTW, I can tell you from personal experience, that would be a total effing nightmare, everytime X sneezed they'd be at the door with "oh, I don't feel well, can I get on the medbed, I think I have cancer." Trust me on that.

"Eye shot out with a BB gun when he was a kid" should be the first clue. That's a childhood fear mongering myth and sure seems to be brought to life to access create a bond in those of a certain age.

I like Whip, but like so many their desire exceeds their actual understanding of human nature. Billions took the jab out of panic and fear, what's it going to look like when there are 56 medbeds in the entire world? I'd not count on it, for now, and look to the myriad of things that work exceedingly well.

Fun fact. Most people whose vibration is in fact high enough for a medbed to be effective would struggle with it working initially. For those with low vibrations, or those who totally overestimate theirs, it would not help them, as they cannot match the healing levels needed. It won't be like StarTrek at all, the medbed doesn't do things "to" or "for" people, but with.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 11:12 PM
Three new Mr Pool posts:

#1 at 9:41pm EST on Twitter, 02:01:48 UTC on Telegram:


#2 at 9:01pm EST on Twitter, 02:03:05 UTC

A 34 second EBS Test... #34 is the EBS post

Video says:
This is not a test
Los Angeles,
New York,
San Francisco,
San Diego,
Washington D.C.

#3 at 11:01pm EST on Twitter, not yet on Telegram

I think that is the mask used in "THE PURGE" movies?

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Worth stirring the conversation on them from time to time.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

Well if it were triggered underwater it would be very difficult to ascertain it's origin from trace materials and isotope signature.

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