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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 12:29 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
For those interested in more information on Quantum Healing and the Med Beds, this video is of a meeting call for some of the first-adopters (patients):

Vimeo video: This is the first Question and Answer with the Early Adopters, introducing the Quantum Healing System.

It's pretty SLOW GOING for the first 15 to 20 minutes but then goes on to cover Questions and Answers from the patients who will be first-adopters in the first 2 weeks of April!!!

Examples of areas of detail given:

1) Replacing a glass eye with a real one in 20 minutes,

2) Diabetes I or II both healed within a few minutes,

3) Depression,

4) What happens to metal pins, stents, pace makers currently in place?

5) Skull and brain damage,

6) Tattoo removal or retention,

7) Skin, muscles, tendons etc. will return to perfect health of a 30 yr old,

8) The schedule for each patient: 1 day questionnaires, and "pre-op" preparation, 1 day operation happens but very few will last more than an hour, 3 day assessment of results and videoing of how content individuals are.

9) Ability to heal effects of the vaccine.

Personally, this seems VERY genuine to me as real preparation for initial patients to go through healing in the med beds.

ETA - If anyone has the ability to create an MP4 copy of this vimeo video then I would be grateful for a copy.

I'm going to hard pass on that one my friend.

Very bad spokesperson, we're talking VERY serious tech here with the prospect of doing serious damage, these are the not serious spokespeople.

Is it real? Mostly. It isn't terrestrial in nature, by definition. For non terrestrial tech to be let out into the pewblick it has to fit very strict requirements, these folks are not going to get into the lobby of the secret base, let alone the meetings. Not a true healer among them, let alone one who is articulate enough to sales pitch Paypal monthly memberships.

BTW, I can tell you from personal experience, that would be a total effing nightmare, everytime X sneezed they'd be at the door with "oh, I don't feel well, can I get on the medbed, I think I have cancer." Trust me on that.

"Eye shot out with a BB gun when he was a kid" should be the first clue. That's a childhood fear mongering myth and sure seems to be brought to life to access create a bond in those of a certain age.

I like Whip, but like so many their desire exceeds their actual understanding of human nature. Billions took the jab out of panic and fear, what's it going to look like when there are 56 medbeds in the entire world? I'd not count on it, for now, and look to the myriad of things that work exceedingly well.

Fun fact. Most people whose vibration is in fact high enough for a medbed to be effective would struggle with it working initially. For those with low vibrations, or those who totally overestimate theirs, it would not help them, as they cannot match the healing levels needed. It won't be like StarTrek at all, the medbed doesn't do things "to" or "for" people, but with.

It seems like the annoying team leader is winging it on occasion when answering the more annoying questioners. She reminds me of those corporate trainers who come in and try to indoctrinate people in the social virtue du jour. She has the same obnoxious gush and projects the same sense that she crammed for the final but doesn't really know the subject matter. The part about metal pins being transformed into bone rather than being encapsulated requires transmutation of elements. Stainless steel going to calcium phosphate by RF doesn't seem reasonable from the standpoint of binding energy differences of nuclei.
When this concept first came up, it was said that all would be treated without cost. Who is making money on this and is that just to cover the costs of group administration? How were the early patients enlisted? Why wouldn't they take those folks in dire straits first?

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 12:33 AM
On Company Business...

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 01:20 AM
You can tell wo your friends are...

Belarus granted refugee status to Capitol riot defendant Evan Neumann, according to Belarusian state-run media, which circulated a photo of him apparently holding country documents.

“US citizen Evan Newman received refugee status in Belarus. The document was handed to him in the Department of Citizenship and Migration of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Brest Regional Executive Committee on March 22, 2022,” the Belarusian Telegraph Agency reported on Twitter.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: srb2001

Is this a "Kaboom" for those of use who have been following the laptop saga since October 2020?

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 03:50 AM

originally posted by: Vikktor
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
At their website there is no info linked to any actual scientists or doctors. They want a $100 yearly membership to access quantum technology that isn't even available to the general public yet? Sounds sketchy.

This place is new to me so I looked into them. It seemed there had to be something missing.

From the TOS you agree to if you sign up:

Additionally, we make no claim, representation, warranty and/or guarantee as to the truthfulness, accuracy, validity, legitimacy, legality, or authority as to any Documents, Content, or information viewed or utilized via the Services or by the Association and that each member is receiving and/or being provided such Documents, Content, or information “as is” and that the Association shall not be made liable in any way whatsoever, including, without limitation, for any guarantee of success, improvement, results, lack of results and/or financial, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual challenges and difficulties of any kind and to any degree.

They can't verify that the material you gain access to is legal and won't even claim any of it's true.

They're taking advantage of people that are sick, disabled, or trying to find help for a loved one. I hope the perpetrators suffer the full legal and social consequences of their actions.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 06:38 AM
Q) The Storm Rider

Many HIGH profile cases are taken place currently through the U.S. EU CANADA connected to human trafficking, sex trafficking . These hidden courts and prosecution are not be Reported ( like the hunter Biden trial in Delaware )))) // white HATS are making sure the details of the cases are kept hidden due to the facts the MSM , and other Elite ENTITIES keep creating chaos/misinformation/ around the trials.> [They] try to get to the jury and purge them.. Taint the trails<
As Q told us . ONLY 20% of the operation will be visible and the other 80% will be Covert
The current tunnel systems in NY city is now being EXPOSED to large groups that are directly connected to Epstein> HRC> Bill GATES trains<
/) It will all connect<

NYC's elite are in a tizzy after Justice Department 'inadvertently' publishes list of 121 'clients' - including lawyers, businessmen, and socialites - who solicited Sarah Lawrence 'sex cult victim' who was forced into prostitution

The US Attorney's Office on Tuesday accidentally published a list of alleged clients of the student prostitute in the Sarah Lawrence 'sex cult' case acquired a copy of the list of 121 names which was taken down nearly as fast as it was put up
The list, which was entered into evidence in the trial under seal, includes lawyers and businessmen and socialites throughout the Tri-state area
Alleged clients include a Metropolitan Transit Authority executive, an account executive at Amazon, and a former New York State Supreme Court judge
The Justice Department later sent out an email admitting the file was shared in error, adding: 'Please do not reproduce, share, or use this exhibit in any way'
Alleged cult victim Claudia Drury, 31, took the stand Friday and Monday to tell jurors how she was forced into prostitution by accused leader Larry Ray, 62
Ray is charged with sex trafficking, extortion, money laundering, violent crime in aid of racketeering, racketeering conspiracy and forced labor
The ex-convict is accused of running a sex cult out of his daughter Talia's dorm at Sarah Lawrence College

New York's business elite was left shaking in its boots Tuesday after a list of alleged clients of the student prostitute in the Sarah Lawrence 'sex cult' case was inadvertently published online.

The list, which was entered into evidence under seal in the ongoing trial of accused cult leader Larry Ray, includes lawyers and businessmen and socialites throughout the Tri-state area.
The list is out.... And WILL LEAK

> The richest art dealers in NY will connect to the Italian ELITES>
Gates sits in the middle of under ground tunnel train SYSTEM connected to the highest entities in the government in NY transport system
Months ago I told you MiL. Operations were taking place in NY tunnels ..> floodings >> BOOM'S>>> that reached from NY to Philadelphia to DC underground Tunnels <
Lots of indictments> hidden courts.>trials>>>>and MILITARY TRIBUNALS taken place



CABLES: NY head of the transportation system is in the LIST and is connected to DOJ heads<

The list was LEAKED purposely..
> White Hats ] INFILTRATION [
edit on 23-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: cpnorrisjr3

I just keep waiting to request, as to not inundate Dashen. But heck, that ain't happening, toss SourGrapes onto your list. 😉

I should have privately PM'd Dash. Well accept we wouldn't know how so many people feel about that as we do now. Thanks Guys for making me add the next line here in our song

84 bottles of Beer on the wall *84 bottles of beer
take one down
pass it around
*83 bottles of Hopium beer on the wall!

(* = I lost count and am too busy to go find the number but this might be it?)

What does this mean this song? It means he have a lot of hope in our tank that is what it means.

I am thankful for you guys wanting to be here to share and to pass along the solid data!

Blessings to you all!

edit on 23-3-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: duncanhidao

Investigators Retrieve Kid Pornography Hunter Tried To Erase On Laptop!

And :

Attention! very strong images

Attention! very strong images


As I said before everything collapsed very strong images are about to become public domain that the anons have known for more than a year.

How should we behave from now on ???

Just wanted to share with you and everyone else. Sharing these images/articles on Google Chat with my family yesterday earned me a Google account suspension this morning. There was no reason for suspension provided but it's the only thing I can think of. I'm trying to appeal it now, but I'm hoping this thing doesn't become a mess and escalate. By appealing, I've "given permission for Google to review all data on my account" .... Well, that's hilarious, don't they already do that?? Anyway, lesson learned, avoid anything and everything Google like the plague.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: Malevolous

Ole gog

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 08:46 AM
‘Today I will marry the love of my life’: Julian Assange’s fiancée
Stella Moris

Today is my wedding day. I will marry the love of my life. My husband to be is the father of our two sons, he is a wonderful man, intelligent and funny, he has a deep-seated sense of right and wrong and he is known the world over for his work as a courageous publisher. At lunchtime today, I will go through the gates at the most oppressive high security prison in the country and be married to a political prisoner, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 09:14 AM

"If you continue we will reveal everything": what do the Russians know about the Pandemic in Italy in 2020?

The Russians are threatening to make public the report they concluded in 2020 on how Italy was dealing with the pandemic in the province of Bergamo. A direct threat against the Conte II government, in office at the time, and which would probably highlight the clamorous errors of Conte and Speranza. We recall that, at the outbreak of the Covid emergency in Lombardy, Russia sent a mission of 104 people, including soldiers, 28 doctors, 4 nurses and two civilians, but above all with Natalia Y. Pshenichnaya and Aleksandr V. Semenov, two of the leading Russian epidemiologists. On 22 March of that year, 9 planes were loaded with materials and medical workers. At the end of the mission, this team prepared an extremely harsh report on Italy's unpreparedness, on the superficiality of the measures taken by the government and on how sensational mistakes had been made in the management of the pandemic.

Now Moscow threatens Italy even more severely, stating that very serious information can be disclosed. Which? Medical records with patient health data, or commercial agreements for drugs and equipment or the agreement that would have endorsed the creation of Sputnik, the Russian anti-Covid vaccine? What secrets does the Russian government know about our Covid? Is all this connected to the attack on Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini by Alexei Vladimorovic Paramonov who threatened "irreversible consequences" if our country were to join the new sanctions plan against Moscow? We remember that Paramonov knows everything, because he organized the Russian Federation mission in Italy

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

My guess is that much of the science academia regards Quantum healing as pseudoscience (Quantum mysticism, Quantum woo) and today the term "Quantum" when attached to whatever is often used for marketing/branding.

The original proponent is Deepak Chopra who coined the term "Quantum Healing" when he published the first edition of his book with that title in 1989.

The Work of Andrew Weil and Deepak Chopra-Two Holistic Health/New Age Gurus: A Critique of the Holistic Health/New Age Movements

This column will change your life: pseudoscience

Quantum healing has a number of vocal followers, but the scientific community widely regards it as nonsensical.

You would think with "Quantum" prepended they would have $millions in funding it, but yet their website is Wordpress. No money for a professional academia type webmaster??

Course, in the academia world especially in alternative medicine if you go against the established narrative you are often shilled & carpet bombed by those who stand alot to lose, such as grants to big pharma profits. Once empirical proof is offered an academia bomb goes off.

On the flip-side you have someone like Alice Bailey's Esoteric healing which is taken very seriously by many in the elite academia realm.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: Malevolous
I used to work for Google. YMMV, but I have zero trust for anything Google and personally don't use any Google product including search and maps.

Even ignoring nefarious agendas and political bias, the lack of respect that company shows for customers, customer data, and privacy is appalling!

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 10:39 AM
LOL Biden off for Europe and oil up $6 🤓

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: NR03T5rchY


posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 11:22 AM

The "announcements" are all the same, all including "3's"

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: hangedman13
Should we also look at the fact two female Democrat operatives announced testing positive for covid? On one hand with Hilary we have a "watch the wives" moment, but what about Psaki? Something is being telegraphed in my opinion, but what it is escapes me.

Hunter Biden is about to get indicted...and everyone connected is running to seek cover through sympathy.

I am very concerned about Biden going to Brussels.
Bad feeling.

I hear it. The best way to make the Hunter problem go away would be to get rid of Joe Biden. Then nobody will care about his crackhead son, and he can get Epsteined.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: pteridine

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
For those interested in more information on Quantum Healing and the Med Beds, this video is of a meeting call for some of the first-adopters (patients):

Vimeo video: This is the first Question and Answer with the Early Adopters, introducing the Quantum Healing System.

It's pretty SLOW GOING for the first 15 to 20 minutes but then goes on to cover Questions and Answers from the patients who will be first-adopters in the first 2 weeks of April!!!

Examples of areas of detail given:

1) Replacing a glass eye with a real one in 20 minutes,

2) Diabetes I or II both healed within a few minutes,

3) Depression,

4) What happens to metal pins, stents, pace makers currently in place?

5) Skull and brain damage,

6) Tattoo removal or retention,

7) Skin, muscles, tendons etc. will return to perfect health of a 30 yr old,

8) The schedule for each patient: 1 day questionnaires, and "pre-op" preparation, 1 day operation happens but very few will last more than an hour, 3 day assessment of results and videoing of how content individuals are.

9) Ability to heal effects of the vaccine.

Personally, this seems VERY genuine to me as real preparation for initial patients to go through healing in the med beds.

ETA - If anyone has the ability to create an MP4 copy of this vimeo video then I would be grateful for a copy.

I'm going to hard pass on that one my friend.

Very bad spokesperson, we're talking VERY serious tech here with the prospect of doing serious damage, these are the not serious spokespeople.

Is it real? Mostly. It isn't terrestrial in nature, by definition. For non terrestrial tech to be let out into the pewblick it has to fit very strict requirements, these folks are not going to get into the lobby of the secret base, let alone the meetings. Not a true healer among them, let alone one who is articulate enough to sales pitch Paypal monthly memberships.

BTW, I can tell you from personal experience, that would be a total effing nightmare, everytime X sneezed they'd be at the door with "oh, I don't feel well, can I get on the medbed, I think I have cancer." Trust me on that.

"Eye shot out with a BB gun when he was a kid" should be the first clue. That's a childhood fear mongering myth and sure seems to be brought to life to access create a bond in those of a certain age.

I like Whip, but like so many their desire exceeds their actual understanding of human nature. Billions took the jab out of panic and fear, what's it going to look like when there are 56 medbeds in the entire world? I'd not count on it, for now, and look to the myriad of things that work exceedingly well.

Fun fact. Most people whose vibration is in fact high enough for a medbed to be effective would struggle with it working initially. For those with low vibrations, or those who totally overestimate theirs, it would not help them, as they cannot match the healing levels needed. It won't be like StarTrek at all, the medbed doesn't do things "to" or "for" people, but with.

It seems like the annoying team leader is winging it on occasion when answering the more annoying questioners. She reminds me of those corporate trainers who come in and try to indoctrinate people in the social virtue du jour. She has the same obnoxious gush and projects the same sense that she crammed for the final but doesn't really know the subject matter. The part about metal pins being transformed into bone rather than being encapsulated requires transmutation of elements. Stainless steel going to calcium phosphate by RF doesn't seem reasonable from the standpoint of binding energy differences of nuclei.
When this concept first came up, it was said that all would be treated without cost. Who is making money on this and is that just to cover the costs of group administration? How were the early patients enlisted? Why wouldn't they take those folks in dire straits first?

I don't know how this got attached to Q, and I really don't know where the "demand" came from. It is the same as demanding "flying cars." The bizarre outrage over not having something people have zero experience with and no understanding of how it would would suggests counter psyop. They do exist, not here, and they are complicated and rely on thing like what people think they rely on. The problem is folks have to do the math using their limited POV.

So one thing that is missing of course is soul trajectory. This is a planet of the lame, the infermed, the weak, the sickly. Does it suck, hell yes, is it probably wrong, yes, but... commitments were made based on it existing. That's super esoteric, so we'll leave that and move to a more practical POV.

What is being talked about is more or less a very advanced system of the Rife Clark formulas, which exist now. Get a spooky2 home unit for under 1k and it will address a lot of stuff. The medbed would take into account ancestral lineage, soul trajectory and so on, so not to interfere with one's path.

True story, important because it illustrates many things in the macro.

A friend of mine developed a very cool system of vibrational imbalance measuring. Pretty much the Rife list, but expanded. He was able to test a person for like 3000 imbalances in a half an hour -at the time I think it's 10k now. This was back 30 years ago. It was cool, one could see what was present, where it came from and whether it was acute, chronic or hereditary which may or may not manifest.

Keep in mind, ridding oneself of hereditary imbalances that may not even manifest was really uncomfortable.

So a woman comes to see him who is having trouble walking. He finds like 20 imbalances and the marker for polio. He says this is what is going on. She says "I can't have polio, you're a quack." She leaves and reports him to various boards and what not - he was a chiropractor. He loses his license and it costs him 50k, about 200k now to sort it out. She comes back several months later and says "my doctor says I have polio can you help me?" He says "that will cost you 50k to sort it." She says "I don't have that kind of money" and he said "well enjoy your walker."

That's going to be the medbed issue.

Then it gets worse. He used to see people but was forced to develop a way to asses them remotely because the greed and need problem. Then it gets worse, it was later forced to use go betweens to stand between him and the people because the need and greed. Then it gets even worse, he finally just made it so no one ever got to see or speak to him because of the need and greed and the go betweens just became soulless bots.

We're not ready for anything of this ilk on mass. People are so detached from themselves that even the though that vibrational transformation occurs as opposed to cut, slice, dice and jab they can't behave. The first medbed outfit would be sued out of business by the first pharma shill fake patient to lie about not being healed as they were promised. Oh, and don't get me started on the proliferation of fake medbeds that will show up in shopping malls three weeks later with nothing but wires and lights, but nice a 10k fee billed right to your retirement account. We're not ready. No where close.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 01:04 PM
I'd like a PM from Dashen also...😬 the other pseudonym I use on other sites is Onamotapoeia 😉

During the "break" I figured I'd go through my bookmarks after finishing my letter unsent to the USMC... I might send it via twitter picture meme if my feelings don't change by way of actionable insistence (real-world results) in the "quantum" world.

Anybody seen this? 👇here

Thanks for the video mentioned earlier Rel 👍

edit on (3/23/2222 by loveguy because:

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Indeed. Our technology (that is known by the public) has already wildly exceeded our ability as a species to use it responsibly.


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