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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: Malevolous

I tried to reply to your PM twice, but get the message "You may not send messages to anyone but ATS staff." Not sure if this is because I am new or for some other reason.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 01:32 PM
This Twitter account is posting images from Hunter Biden's laptop if you're interested in grabbing screenshots before they get removed..

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 01:45 PM
You're watching a movie...πŸ™ƒ

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: NR03T5rchY

You need to have posted 20 times in order to send a PM

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:05 PM
The twit feed is being sensored due to mature content. I don't have a twit account and it is requiring a log in. Twitt must be on high alert. Other accounts I follow have been suspended. At this rate will they have any real twit accounts or all just bots?
They must be almost at the collapse point. Timber!
a reply to: cherokeetroy

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

LOL. Ya gotta be logged into twit to view. My bet is all FAKE. He started larping right after the guy who originally broke the Labtop story. He is planning (so he claims) to release the emails, pics & vids to "authorities only" this week. Really?! Release the damn kraken now! He was suspended by twit for publishing something from it. Then again he could just be another actor in Wag the Dog. Like the hundreds of comments he's garnered, I'll believe it when I see it. We've all had our chains yanked for far too long.

He's on Gab if you want to scroll through his feed. He was former co-host on War Room Pandemic. So he is or was part of the Bannon network, so that makes me suspicions. πŸ€”

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Thanks. That explains it.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:21 PM
I have no doubt that quantum technology already exists on some level. It could be part of 'hidden technology' like quasicrystals and other alleged 'alien tech' that's utilized in secret programs. As far as the rollout for humanity, it's hard to say whether this tech will be revealed or 'discovered' since we are already entering the quantum era and it's only a matter of time before quantum computers go mainstream. Once that tech is stabilized, it will expand into every sector including health. Quantum being synonymous with subatomic particles, if there are such a thing as medbeds, I'm guessing it somehow works to scan a person's bioelectric field for distortions and then works to clear those distortions. Maybe by using waves to entrain the brain to produce oscellations necessary to rid the body of disease.

The thing about the bioelectric field is that it is directly entangled with consciousness. So depending on the person's consciousness level, it won't be enough to simply clear distortions. If the person is not properly elevated to hold that level of consciousness then the 'healing' will wear off after the person leaves the medbed and they'll be back to square one. Similar to using a mind altering substance to elevate mood or consciousness but as soon as the substance wears off, the user goes back to the baseline they started out from. That's why substances become a crutch. Because people haven't yet learned how to achieve that particular 'vibration' and hold it on their own. If people don't learn how to do this then the medbeds or whatever quantum healing tech will become a crutch. That's a pattern we don't want to fall back into.

If we are going to evolve as a species then our attitudes and beliefs about health and healing will have to evolve with us. We are used to passively handing over our power to authority figures without question. We can see where that's gotten us. It's gotten to the point that when we decide to take that power back, they're not going to give it. We have to fight for it. We want to be careful not to get in this compromising position ever again. Future health and healing will involve full responsibility and participation of the 'patient' in order to work. You won't simply go to the doctor to be diagnosed and prescribed. You are the doctor. People will learn that we have complete control and atonomy over our own bodies. If you want health and healing, you are the one who produces or provides it. Everything else is simply there for support. You are directly responsible for balancing your own system and clearing your own field. There is work involved that entails reprogramming your brain, steering your train of thoughts, stabilizing your emotions... it's going to be a different type of 'medicine' than what we are used to, now. There will be a spiritual aspect including spiritual practices like meditation. This stuff used to be seen as 'woo' but we are advancing into a time where people will understand that what goes on in your mind has a direct correlation to your overall health. Fix your mind then you can fix your body. It's not as easy as popping a pill or taking a vaxx but this medicine is the real deal. The benefits will be long lasting and permanent without the need for a crutch.

The biggest hurdle that I see in this point in time is that people are still too lazy. We're used to having our hands held and led to where they want us to go. Now we're going to lead ourselves. Which means we have to pick ourselves up by our own bootstraps. No more waiting around for a hero or savior to do it for us. Until people really get this concept, we're going to be sitting here in this barren, scorching hot desert for a while...

Just picture yourself wanting that hard muscled or beautiful body. You can go to the gym, you can buy equipment, you can even hire a personal trainer. It doesn't matter what tools you use, the hard work and sweat equity has to come from you. There's no way of getting around it.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
From your post about Hunter Biden I went to see how much wealth Hunter Biden really has. After all his art alone sells for up to $500 thousand and he has a real fondness for expensive cars. Apparently he has a Rolls Royce Ghost so he is enjoying the fruit of his labor.

Looking through the search all but one states he has a net worth of only $1 million. That' s a serious stretch of the imagination.
But this was interesting : A Goog notice "in response to a complaint we received under the U.S. Digitel Millenium Copyright Act, we have removed 1 result from this page.

Ha, ha they missed one. That one states his net worth is $230 million. That is more believable. He really does love his cars. A Ferrari 812, BMW Z3, Mercedes Benz-S- Class along with the Ghost.

Hunter must be running short on funds because he is planning another book deal.

Well that is odd. I just went back to that page to verify the web sites and the notice is gone!>finance>news>how-much-hu...>Net Worth

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:22 PM

Pool mirror Loop

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Are you saying the pictures are fake. Looks like Hunter to me...

edit on 23-3-2022 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: crankyoldman

Indeed. Our technology (that is known by the public) has already wildly exceeded our ability as a species to use it responsibly.


I hate to be crass, but honestly my experience with people in these arenas is eye opening. Detachment is utterly remarkable. Destructive behaviors through drinking, trash food, stress, drugs, meds, and ZERO knowledge of their own anatomy leads to "lemme in that medbed room now I got like 50 things wrong..." It is, will be, meant as an ADDITION to our evolution not a way to patch us up after a 10 bottle wine night or a jump off the roof into a shallow pool.

Worse, the tech only works if the consciousness allows it. You'd be shocked at how many cannot heal because THEY THEMSELVES won't allow it, yet they keep going to the dr/pharma well hoping water will appear one day.

The whole matter is complicated to say the least. I posted the image of the bitcoin energy usage, which, reflects your statement and the medbed issue. Destroying the planet's eco system for a math equation proof is the height of stupidity, but perfectly reflects the lack of seeing things as all connected.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
From your post about Hunter Biden I went to see how much wealth Hunter Biden really has. After all his art alone sells for up to $500 thousand and he has a real fondness for expensive cars. Apparently he has a Rolls Royce Ghost so he is enjoying the fruit of his labor.

Looking through the search all but one states he has a net worth of only $1 million. That' s a serious stretch of the imagination.
But this was interesting : A Goog notice "in response to a complaint we received under the U.S. Digitel Millenium Copyright Act, we have removed 1 result from this page.

Ha, ha they missed one. That one states his net worth is $230 million. That is more believable. He really does love his cars. A Ferrari 812, BMW Z3, Mercedes Benz-S- Class along with the Ghost.

Hunter must be running short on funds because he is planning another book deal.

Well that is odd. I just went back to that page to verify the web sites and the notice is gone!>finance>news>how-much-hu...>Net Worth

He's worth nothing. Remember the emails saying he was overdrawn, had to borrow money from "mom mom(?)" or whatever. The problem is folks can only associate a sense of "worth" or "purpose" or "design" if we can boil it down to Fiat Currency numbers. So if Hunter was "broke" we see him as X, but if Hunter is "worth" 100m we see him as Y = Broke Hunter doesn't matter, rich Hunter is selfish/insider/profithound etc.

Remove Fiat from the equation.
What have the Biden's done to humanity?
Who do the Biden's really serve?

We should try to see that without "value" attached. In fairness, the reason we are trained to see value is the Courts, who can only impose value based solutions (scales) to conflicts = "how much was our son's life worth?." I get why people only see "money" as the determining factor, but that isn't the issue at this level, it is the rouse.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman


I swear I keep reading that as methbed.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

I need to patent this immediately

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

What have the Biden's done to humanity?

Cranky, is that a trick question?


posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:52 PM
Some medical synchronicity for today. I wonder if there are any medical Drs. lurking here that could wade in and shed some light on what they see.
Among family and friends the oddest thing has been happening. At first I thought it was unusual when one Dr. left the practice without any notice, but then I assumed he was retiring. He had been particularly obnoxious about jabbing one and all, despite serious allergies. It was so extreme that his office resorted to a harassment campaign calling and texting so I wasn't really sad to see him leave.
However then another person was trying to make an appointment and that Drs. office voice mail was full and no return calls were being made. Turns out this Dr. had just left the practice, no notice or referrals to any of the clients. That is odd because he was only in his 40's. I have no idea what his views about the mandatory jab was.

However this is now becoming a trend. People I encounter are trying to find new Drs and are having to travel quite far. So what happened to their previous Drs? They have been through quite a bit with the plandemic but something is going on.

I just wonder if those that are leaving have become very aware of their role in forcing the experimental jabs on a trusting public. Could be some really awkward times on the horizon. Anyone else seeing this trend? Maybe it is just a local thing, but still...

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 03:03 PM
I met someone last year who claimed to own a small healing machine. Apparently it is slightly bigger than a mobile phone.

They paid about $5000 for it and tried to convince me it had a "quantum" processor.

"Quad-core" I myself. It seemed like she was trying to sell it's virtues while covering up the fact that she was scammed out of all that money.

She told me it can heal all sorts of things and also told me how the makers hold seminars IN THEIR CASTLE.

Don't know if it has connection to the medbeds being discussed but the whole thing smells of scam to me.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Ha, Cranky you always give my brain a good workout. The reason I was puzzling over Hunters' wealth or lack of is that the actions he took were based around this very issue. He committed crimes, conducted business with our enemies, accepted any and all types of $ regardless of source. Hunter valued fiat and that led to his corruption.
Morally he is bankrupt, but with all the $$$ that we know of he has apparently blown through it. But really where is the rest?

Hunter's true value is what he brings to the table. His ties to Joe and the 10% cut. The $ is not really relevant.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 03:21 PM
I don't have personal experience; no change in my doctor of many years. But I have heard a lot of people talking about primary care physicians having no availability and the only option is the emergency room. Actually, my doctor did have to downsize from two locations to one location because all of the other doctors in his practice left and there is nobody to fill the void. He had to take on a physician assistant to help.

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Some medical synchronicity for today. I wonder if there are any medical Drs. lurking here that could wade in and shed some light on what they see.
Among family and friends the oddest thing has been happening. At first I thought it was unusual when one Dr. left the practice without any notice, but then I assumed he was retiring. He had been particularly obnoxious about jabbing one and all, despite serious allergies. It was so extreme that his office resorted to a harassment campaign calling and texting so I wasn't really sad to see him leave.
However then another person was trying to make an appointment and that Drs. office voice mail was full and no return calls were being made. Turns out this Dr. had just left the practice, no notice or referrals to any of the clients. That is odd because he was only in his 40's. I have no idea what his views about the mandatory jab was.

However this is now becoming a trend. People I encounter are trying to find new Drs and are having to travel quite far. So what happened to their previous Drs? They have been through quite a bit with the plandemic but something is going on.

I just wonder if those that are leaving have become very aware of their role in forcing the experimental jabs on a trusting public. Could be some really awkward times on the horizon. Anyone else seeing this trend? Maybe it is just a local thing, but still...

edit on 3/23/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

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