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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:09 PM
He calls himself kim possible alias Kim Goguen ...
I've been following her for a long time but she hasn't convinced me yet.

What do you think?

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:10 PM

originally posted by: MindBodySpiritComplex
a reply to: GAPeach3


MindBodySpiritCoimplex, PM for you. Thanks, again and again. lol

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: duncanhidao

JFK jr is alive ?

Keystone South Dakota
Flashback 2020

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: tallcool1

originally posted by: GAPeach3

originally posted by: MindBodySpiritComplex
a reply to: GAPeach3

Sorry, code's the law...

How do I get there, please? Still can't find it. Sorry to be a bother.

Sorry - not trying to answer for MBSC, but that info is to the left of every single post you make... right under your username. You can see the stats for everyone under their usernames on the left side of every post..
Edited to add: Looks like you got a PM from MBSC - sorry for butting in!

Also - great to be back to ATS! Thanks again Dashen for the alternative site. It helped get through those couple days of darkness.

TC1, it was all my fault, I'm usually on my tablet when reading through these threads and I forgot the info does not show up on my tablet or phone. Opened up my laptop and all is well now. I always appreciate any help I can get. I'm so happy ATS is back. It was a rough, nail biting weekend.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: duncanhidao

They are headed to their bunkers deep underground. They will re-emerge once the radio active dust setttles and implement the foundations of the new world order Biden just mentioned.


posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:38 PM
The secret is that their control through these…things…is a double-edged sword. Knowing they are controlling you with money and identities that are fake gives you power. But once you know, they don’t dare take it away or let you walk away from it. Because then you will truly be free. Sure, a person here or a person there is no threat. But completely free people in large numbers would be an overwhelming threat. A threat that would need to be dealt with.

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
They want us to feel like our government issued identities and finances are direct extensions of who we are. If they can make you believe that there is no separation between you and your ID/money then when they take over total control of your access and usage of your ID/money, that means they have total control over you.

We are not our identities. Identifiers are symbolic aspects of their game of control.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Excellent value add angelchemuel! also allows me to segway into some anecdotal gossip and a sort of a prediction!

I'm at Ma's tonight and she lives within a few miles of Little Rissington airbase, which I've posted on before in the thread - it had an underground military hospital in the 70s, which locals knew was also a Continuity of Government shelter for 4000 people - most from GCHQ i'd guess.

I digress.... anywho, I was in the garden smoking when a military transporter plane flew over at a low height, few thousand feet. It's props had a deep humm. I assume it was a C130 or similar. I could see the wingtip green lights the size of apples.

Reporting it to Ma she confirmed that they're very rare on that flight path and only previous instances have been 2 days before Gulf Wars 1 and 2. The planes all flew over en route to land at RAF Fairford.

So keep an eye out for UK or US Military engagement kicking off somewhere on Friday?
edit on 22-3-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Bull crap it is, poor Obama had a scratchy throat. A friggen SCRATCHY THROAT.

It seemed weird that Psucki had to tell everyone that she'll no longer be going on the Presidents Euro Trip. Seems like she's letting someone on the other side of things know that Biden will be a good target sitting there by himself.

As for Hillary getting exposed, how? I mean who's going to want to get close enough to her to even give it to her?

Where's that chart of what sayings mean when claiming to have been exposed, treated, or dead from the Covid?

originally posted by: duncanhidao

Oh so that's why everyone's coming down with it. It's tready like being gay in the 90s.
edit on 22-3-2022 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:47 PM
Russian assets worth more than $17 billion around the world.

Russian Asset Tracker

Russia, Ukraine w/Joe & Hunter's fingerprints, China, all the Five Eye countries, all entangled state corruption.

- Another FBI coverup scandal.

Joe Biden: "I'm not sure you should assume I'm not corrupt, but I thank you for that. The system does produce corruption — I think implicit in the system is corruption. In fact, whether or not you can run for public office — and it costs a great deal of money to run."

I'm just waiting for it all to go...

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:49 PM
So, the wife of Ukrainian MP caught smuggling suitcases of cash out of the Country seems to fit another “watch the wives “ incident.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

"Well deserved night cap, angelchemuel!"... he says as he gazes at an unopened bottle of Limoncello... "I may join you!".

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:57 PM
Where were we?

The key that opens all doors.
The 'Start'.

PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
These people are sick!
Nothing can stop what is coming.

The calm before the storm?
What happens when a blockade (threat) is dismantled & removed?
“You’ll find out.”
Children used as shields (manufactured crimes of perjury)?


All of us have been antsy for the hammer to drop… but we will remember this time… the time before we knew the next BIG scene… this is historic.

Democracy matters.
The WILL of the PEOPLE.
UNITED not divided.

Their only defense is to play ‘dumb’ (shocked & surprised) to avoid ‘collusion’ claims.
Nobody walks away from this.

You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned and coordinated propaganda event in modern day history.
‘Projection’ 101

Clock activated.

Zelen = GREEN = 5

a reply to: duncanhidao

edit on 22-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Preston is interesting

President George W. Bush buys 8,501-square-foot house in Dallas' Preston Hollow neighborhood

GW also enjoys playing here. Preston Trails CC. How about an exclusive club where you can play golf naked. Maybe some tunnels under that place.

There are a few immutable rules you have to know about the Preston Trail Golf Club in Dallas. First and foremost, women are not allowed. As a general rule, in fact, they aren’t even supposed to enter the parking lot. Second, at the very least a towel must be worn around one’s waist in the dining room.

edit on 22-3-2022 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: Caled
It's imperative, now more than ever, for people to practice detachment and train themselves to find emotional stability regardless of what's given or taken away. You have to be ok with or without it. We are in the midst of the biggest psyop that this world has ever seen. They are watching us very closely to determine our weaknesses to use them against us. Who knows, maybe ATS was a test run so they can psychologically analyze the public reaction to losing social media. They know whatever they get us hooked on, they can use as leverage. If people can't handle losing a website for a few days, how do they expect to handle losing the entire internet or money, food or utilities...get mentally prepared to cope with loss or expect a pretty rough ride.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:09 PM
I guess ATS resurrected? lol.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan
The end # of minutes it was out of Commission is 19.

edit on 2022/3/22 by CrazyFox because: Vid dif

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Glad you're still here as well as everyone else after the dark weekend. I will celebrate this
coming weekend!
I learned of Lemoncello from Angel's Birthday! I made some for me birthday on Sat 19 March.
Peels been soaking in 75% Pure Grain for 3+ wks now. Unfortunately I didn't have time to finish
yet...thanks for the reminder, I will finish it tomorrow & put it in the freezer.


posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:35 PM
For those interested in more information on Quantum Healing and the Med Beds, this video is of a meeting call for some of the first-adopters (patients):

Vimeo video: This is the first Question and Answer with the Early Adopters, introducing the Quantum Healing System.

It's pretty SLOW GOING for the first 15 to 20 minutes but then goes on to cover Questions and Answers from the patients who will be first-adopters in the first 2 weeks of April!!!

Examples of areas of detail given:

1) Replacing a glass eye with a real one in 20 minutes,

2) Diabetes I or II both healed within a few minutes,

3) Depression,

4) What happens to metal pins, stents, pace makers currently in place?

5) Skull and brain damage,

6) Tattoo removal or retention,

7) Skin, muscles, tendons etc. will return to perfect health of a 30 yr old,

8) The schedule for each patient: 1 day questionnaires, and "pre-op" preparation, 1 day operation happens but very few will last more than an hour, 3 day assessment of results and videoing of how content individuals are.

9) Ability to heal effects of the vaccine.

Personally, this seems VERY genuine to me as real preparation for initial patients to go through healing in the med beds.

ETA - If anyone has the ability to create an MP4 copy of this vimeo video then I would be grateful for a copy.
edit on 22-3-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

link is broken?

edit :

is ok now

edit 2 :

it is better to download it

Looking for your link I found this:

edit on 22-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: Ektar

I believe we may be creating a new subgroup of LimoncellAnons!

Enjoy Ektar and belated Happy Birthday!

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