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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:35 PM

The logic.

I ask for a friend ...

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:43 PM
Actual Laugh Track. CLIP

Would have made more sense with a laugh track. CLIP

I know squat about military stuff, but "40 miles of tanks" is like, what, 5k tanks or so in a line? What kind of idiot would do that? Most of Ukraine seems to be operating as normal, is that cause all the tanks are in a row. This is either the worst part of the movie or the best, depending on POV. Time for the Queen to go to take this in a new direction.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
So, is that Joe Biden admitting that Obama is President, or is Jill Biden married to someone else?

Also what the hell is Pelosi talking about.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:53 PM

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:06 PM
Not sure where these are from, a rally in Syria of some sort. Curious.

Someone suggested that maybe the Russian sanctions, official sanctions, might allow for the seizing of the assets of the usual suspects in Ukraine, given Ukraine's dubious existence. Interesting idea. BTW, why hasn't the fawning media interviewed current art mogul Hunter on the goings on in Ukraine and how can lower energy prices???

This is just plain NUTS.
Tom Girardi’s Former Law Firm-Fronted Crime Syndicate Owes Over $500 Million to Creditors

The guilt of disgraced former lawyer, Tom Girardi in corrupting the entire California State Legislature through the crime syndicate he’s once ran in L.A. is once again being proved. Court documents obtained by People Magazine last week show that there are 522 claims that have been filed against his now defunct law firm, Girardi & Keese.

He also bribed Vice President Kamala Harris when she was Attorney General for California.

Someone should ask her about this just to hear the cackle.

Girardi is also facing trouble for his other illegal activities, which include selling impounded jewels, planes and homes with former L.A. Sheriff Leroy Baca, who’s now serving a jail sentence. He also trafficked the outcomes of trials to the highest bidder with lawyers like Gloria Allred.

Allred is a legal gadfly, the mother of.... scumbag attorney Lisa Bloom... funny the PEED doesn't list her father, she's a test tube clone-bot for sure anyway.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Actual Laugh Track. CLIP

Would have made more sense with a laugh track. CLIP

I know squat about military stuff, but "40 miles of tanks" is like, what, 5k tanks or so in a line? What kind of idiot would do that? Most of Ukraine seems to be operating as normal, is that cause all the tanks are in a row. This is either the worst part of the movie or the best, depending on POV. Time for the Queen to go to take this in a new direction.

4 seconds duration

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: crankyoldman
So, is that Joe Biden admitting that Obama is President, or is Jill Biden married to someone else?

Also what the hell is Pelosi talking about.

I think maybe he was trying to refer to KamKam's hubby getting the "Tested positive" treatment, but he's demented. Also, It's Putin's fault. LINK

As for NanChi, see K's post above ^^^.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:20 PM
We are near the end of the Loop
edit on 15-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Shout out to the Lurkers
ITs a heck of a time to be ALIVE
And I wouldn't Trade for their World !

Just venting my good vibes

catch em
Don't let Life bring you down

Back to the MOVIE
Lets Enjoy the SHOW !

Thanks, MetalThunder, this Lurker needed that!

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:36 PM

Monkey Werx US
4 minutes ago
6 each E6 TACAMO ICBM Command aircraft up over the United States and a SEA of air refueler's (fighters).

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

It's interesting how Democrats scolded President Trump for allegedly doing business with America's enemy, Russia. Now we're going to see how Russia is able to hurt so many powerful people in America, because (unlike Trump) they really did engage in large-scale business ventures with/within Russia. (I hope most of them are Democrats.)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

Devout Mormon, Mitt Romney, just voted to keep children as young as 2 years-old wearing masks.


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

dunc, One of the best interpretations I've seen for Done in 30!

Now file this under "Could be something... could be nothing" but let's turn to gematria to further analyse Silence Dogood MBA's post:

DONE IN THIRTY = 161 in Simple gematria
BRAD GARLINGHOUSE = 161 in Simple gematria = CEO of Ripple; central to the new Quantum Financial System
10 DAYS OF DARKNESS = 161 in Simple gematria
PROSPERITY = 161 in Simple gematria
TRUMP TWEET = 161 in Simple gematria = think #55 sent on Good Friday?
RELEASE THE KRACKEN = 161 in Simple gematria

GOOD FRIDAY = 611 in Jewish Gematria = April 15th, when 30 days grace ends
XRP GO GO GO = 611 in Jewish gematria = the crypto GOLD backed currency in QFS
STELLAR LUMEN = 611 in Jewish gematria = the crypto SILVER backed currency in QFS, a.k.a. XLM

EASTER SUNDAY = 1016 in Jewish Gematria = April 17th, resurrection (of financial system)
TEN DAYS OF DARKNESS = 1016 in Jewish Gematria
XLM STELLAR XLM = 1016 in Jewish Gematria
FIFTY DAYS = 1016 in Jewish Gematria = PENTECOST 50 days after Easter Sunday (June 5th in 2022)

...and 11.6 is a key event marker in post #15 of the post map

...and 11.6 = Protection of population during an occupation (in Law of War Manual (financially?)

ETA - Well worth looking for similar gematria patterns for events 11.3, 11.4, methinks!
edit on 15-3-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

If an Armageddon type scenario is being constructed, then it is shaping up more-or-less along the lines of the Book of Revelation. You have the Allies (USA, Britain, Canada, EU, +45). And then you have a "predicted" Axis, i.e., Gog and Magog (Russia & Co.) descending from the north and the armies of the East (China) marching toward the Euphrates. When all looks lost, the Messiah appears in the clouds and Israel is miraculously spared.

The fall of the DS cabal would result in a failure to fulfill the "divine pattern", and probably result in an even more costly free-for-all. If you believe in the Bible, then you believe in the DS. Only the DS is motivated to perpetuate the "winning formula".

If we are going to rid ourselves of the DS, then we need to first rid ourselves of the collective brainwashing. Then, we need to somehow defeat a fully entrenched power. Then, we need to invent and ratify a new form of government. Then, we need to formulate a new belief system that can hold everything together, i.e., the makings of a new DS. Q is rooted in an archaic fundamentalist system and doesn't even make it to first base. Q can't even speak in complete, coherent sentences! So, do we hurl ourselves willy-nilly into another "Killing Field" or do we try to work with what we've already got? I can still barely type, much less fight (lol).

The DS planned the French Revolution and the rise and demise of Napoleon. The DS planned the rise and demise of Kaiser Wilhelm. The DS planned the rise and demise of Hitler. The DS is not likely planning its own demise now. They might be planning the end of everything else. Why is it necessary for the DS to orchestrate the elaborate "fulfillment of biblical prophesy" in order to reboot human civilization? Do they think that God demands it? Do they still think there is a God?

Regardless, the system has always served the DS before. Why risk another approach now? If the DS is overthrown, then wouldn't the entire Biblical framework of civilization be overthrown with it? Actually, I'm open to that, but I've spent my whole life understanding the DS and not working out the thick and thin of an alternative. Nor does this seem to be an objective (much less a priority) of any Political Science program in Academia (lol). As far as I know, the DS hasn't designed its own replacement yet.

Remember the ending of the Book of Revelation. A select few get to walk on streets of gold in the gated community known as "New Jerusalem". Everybody else is free to move about the country. Maybe that means subsistence/survival on a bombed out moonscape. Maybe it means a return to the feudal system. Maybe it means liberation and everyone enjoying the fruit of their own vine (ala Noah). Maybe I'm too old to learn new tricks. Good luck peeps!

"Power to the Protons. Free the Electrons. Walk away from your atomic bombs."
edit on 15-3-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

It gets really interesting ...

edit on 15-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

If you believe in the Bible, then you believe in the DS.

So many assertions from you telling me what I have to believe.

Time and time again.



posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: pheonix358

I'm not telling you what to believe. It's an op-ed. It's not directed at you personally, but sounds like it is hitting home. I am questioning commonly held beliefs. If that's the work of the devil, then you might want to question your notion of God.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

It's not directed at you personally, but sounds like it is hitting home.

Best LOL of the week award to you.


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:27 PM

Mexico finds 17 bodies buried in backyards (Mar. 14, 2022)

Mexico has more than 98,356 disappeared, according to government data. Most are thought to have been killed by drug cartels, their bodies dumped into shallow graves, burned or dissolved.

The government has struggled to identify even the bodies that have been found. Some 52,000 await identification.

Reminds me of the movie Sicario.

Mexico discovers 11 'badly decomposed' bodies in burial pits near US border (Mar. 14, 2022)

Ukrainian refugees arriving at the US-Mexico border raise questions for Biden (Mar. 14, 2022) - It's of course Trump's fault.

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