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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:45 AM

JUST IN - Saudi Arabia considers accepting Yuan instead of Dollars for Chinese oil sales, the WSJ reports.

edit on 15-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: duncanhidao

JUST IN - Saudi Arabia considers accepting Yuan instead of Dollars for Chinese oil sales, the WSJ reports.

It is habbening frenz, we are finally approaching the precipice.

Infinitely blessings to all as we weather the storm!

edit on America/ChicagoTuesdayAmerica/Chicago03America/Chicago331amTuesday9 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

edit on America/ChicagoTuesdayAmerica/Chicago03America/Chicago331amTuesday9 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:57 AM
Happy Ides of March chaps.... things seem to be speeding up.
I remember just before Iraq II, I was doing a meditation. In my meditation I was told to Beware the Ides of March. For some reason I thought the Ides was the 17th. Anyhow, what transpired was this.... on the 15th (Ides) Bush, Blair and some Spanish guy met on some Spanish Island. It was from there, on the 15th they gave Saddam 48 hours or it would be the famous 'shock and awe'. And so it transpired. Shock and awe started on the 17th.
edit on am310America/ChicagoTuesday2022-03-15T10:00:55-05:0010America/Chicago03000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Shock & Awe is the usual state in pubs in Cheltenham, and at the race course, on St Paddy's Day, 17th?

Here's hoping we get some significant movement!
edit on 15-3-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: duncanhidao

JUST IN - Saudi Arabia considers accepting Yuan instead of Dollars for Chinese oil sales, the WSJ reports.

Laughing here.... Saudi are basically telling Boris Johnson.... don't bother coming here


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
So I hear. I try to stay well clear of Cheltenham during Gold Cup week as I still call it.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:04 AM

Russia imposes sanctions on Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, and other US officials, in addition to Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken!

Like the 13 families.
Declaration of war ...

it just happened!

Saudi Arabia :

Russia imposes sanctions on :

edit on 15-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: duncanhidao
About Saudi dumping dollar for yuan seems to have been mooted in 2017. Are we sure latest announcement is true?
This from 2017....
Nothing recent showing up in my searches.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:23 AM
While we are distracted by the biggest show on Earth...

Targets may be closer than they appear.
Hunters become the HUNTED.

Seems the State Department has agreed to give the NYT Hunter Biden's e-mails ahead of the FOIA lawsuit on March 17th.
I don't know how Joe Biden walks away from all of this. Looking at just the tip of the iceberg-
In a pay to play scheme Former FBI Director Louis Freeh gave $100 thousand to Biden's grandchildren's [Beau] trust and in turn was hired via his consulting firm to "assist" Hunter on special projects.

And it gets worse. He requests and is given Joe's [Dad] private contact information. Direct evidence implicating Joe and Hunter in illegal activity. Louis Freeh's client is all we have to look at to know what type of company Joe has been playing in the sandbox with.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: duncanhidao

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:47 AM

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:49 AM
CWM had become somewhat "jaded" in recent months. But now I'm feeling somewhat excited, for no clear reason. Perhaps a sense that things are finally coming to a conclusion...for good or bad. March madness is mental, lol.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:50 AM

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: carewemust


edit on 15-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

Oh yea, forgot you did say earlier, the royalist DS. So would you say they are deeply intertwined if not have the upper hand of influence in the American DS? As an example of old money families would be the Mellon banking/intel family with close ties to QE2.

Here's some info/links and AFAIK, it was Prof Peter Dale Scott back in ~1969 who coined the terms "Deep State, Deep Politics, & Deep Events" to help describe a hidden governance structure that has been controlling public policy behind the scenes in American politics. He describes the Deep State as a “deep political system which habitually resorts to decision-making and enforcement procedures outside as well as inside those publicly sanctioned by law.”

Scott’s work on COG and the Deep State is the gold standard (or so I've read) in independent research for understanding the problem of covert power. His books spanning five decades cover in depth deep events like the JFK Assassination, Watergate, Iran Contra, 9/11 and the seizure of emergency powers by dangerous elements in the national security state. He's in his 90s and still occassionally talks about it.

The short version, he describes the COG = suspension of Gov't which is focused on three items:
1. Military like gov't
2. Suspension of the Constitution / Habeas Corpus
3. Control of Information...thou shall never speak of COG.

"We live under a Constitution that's living under something else: Continuity of Government!"

Deep Events:
The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11

Peter Dale Scott letter to Congress on COG

For a wealth of free Peter Dale Scott Articles, Audio and Video interviews see his website Q page.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

The Ides of March is famously the day of Julius Caesar's fake assassination. So, if something big happens today it is probably just as fake. Caesar stepped aside in Rome so the larger plan of converting Rome to an Empire could proceed. Caesar simply moved the focus of his personal involvement in that global Empire to the East, i.e., Parthia (Iraq/Iran), Arabia and even China, and under Eastern aliases.
edit on 15-3-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 11:45 AM
So, if I got this right, Chinese Yuan will be acceptable for oil purchases? Doesn't that mean that the Yuan is now confirmed as another Petro-dollar? And then there's that MR Pool post with the Chinese characters on it has a golden background.

Does this basically mean that even the Yuan will be forced into switching to the gold standard?

Will the Durp State get handy-capped by revoking their fake petro-credit scam?

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

Especially if you don't really want to.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: CharlesNPope
Are you attempting to re-write history?
Any links I could peruse please?

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 11:54 AM
I'll second that emotion care!!

...and not a moment too soon, my energy levels were down to trickle but they've now got a jump start, especially after watching this from ALCHEMISTS GREAT AWAKENING on telegram (video in post link):

BBC's political editor (equivalent to an anchor pretty much), Laura Keunssberg tried to pick holes in a Chinese foreign ministry statement on the veracity of the BBC - in return she got ripped to shreds in Kayleigh McEnany style, as the spokesman had set her up and had facts to prove that they are correct.

a) BBC World Service is NOT subject to OFCOM regulation!

b) Showing that to be true, the chinese effectively showed that Laura was being "economical with the truth" about regulation!!

It must be on youtube also somewhere but I don't have time to find it... ma is waiting for her veg and gardening supplies.
edit on 15-3-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-3-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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