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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 07:43 PM
Has anyone considered if it's possible to be hiding modified "EXIF" data in the (original) Mr Pool images?

I know there are ways to add/change the data, but can EXIF data be gained from where they are posted?

Jus finkin..

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

I can ask questions nobody wants to answer , such as why don't the European elite open their estates, castles, mansions to the war refugees ? Got crickets ..... Isn't the funding of crimes against humanity part of your retirement fund ? Complicity ... Got dogs barking in the distance....

And now this one
The whole thing about this Digital ID is people are willing to not only depend on devices but pay for the ability lol

When will the world smash their phones ? Boiling frog indeed
I expect no answers as the sleep walking continues
Or is IT something else ?

Your biggest vulnerability
1 soul to another


edit on 3142022 by MetalThunder because: TIME is what you make of IT

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 07:57 PM
Rather funny. I'd offer an alternative to her problem. She was an idiot from the get go, she' on her 3rd or 4th version of the baseline, and none of the released Clone_bots have had anytime to adapt, they are just shoved out into the world. They had nothing to work with at the start, now they cannot even adapt. I expect one to have a total meltdown soon.

In the end, from my POV, we are seeing no upper level leadership. The minions have no capacity to adapt, clones or other, and are selected because of that trait. Now without leadership, they are a total mess, which is mostly funny.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 08:08 PM
BOOM! Deep State no more!

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 08:17 PM
Yesterday was the Bio-terror anniversary of The Dugway Sheep Incident. This was the inspiration for Stephen King's "The Stand" along with the Patty Hearst kidnapping.

This incident formed the basis for the 1972 film "Rage" directed by and starring George C. Scott.

Also, gets reused as the basis for the cover story for the military coverup in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Here we have a casual mention of eugenic warfare in the Plan for a New American Century (PNAC) paper "Rebuilding America's Defenses" published in 2000.

Similarities between the suspicious origin of the Corona virus and CCHF outbreak in Afghanistan/Pakistan in 2001? Could it have been the US deep state?

Evidence suggests the outbreak of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever emanates from within Afghanistan, raising fears of an epidemic if millions of refugees flee across the frontier into Pakistan.

CCHF has similar effects to the ebola virus. Both viruses damage arteries, veins and other blood vessels and lead to the eventual collapse of major organs.

The virus is widely distributed in the blood of sheep, cattle and other mammals across eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. It can be passed to man by a species of tick, Hyalomma marginatum, common in the same areas.

Ebola-style killer virus sweeps Afghan border

Genetic engineering of Avian flu viruses to infect mammals and spread through respiration may have been a precursor to the Covid-19 virus.

Dave McGowan first speculated about the US use of BW with CCHF in Pakistan in his essay “Biowarfare: Made in America?” (Oct 6, 2001)

It is interesting then to note that there is an unusual twist to this situation that the American press, and most of the European press, have almost completely ignored. As the News Telegraph reported: “The largest outbreak in history of a highly contagious disease that causes patients to bleed to death from every orifice was confirmed yesterday on Pakistan’s frontier with Afghanistan. At least 75 people have caught the disease so far and eight have died. An isolation ward screened off by barbed wire has been set up in the Pakistani city of Quetta …

The location and the rather curious timing of this outbreak, the largest in history, raise serious questions about its origin. As Dr. Taj Mohammad of the Fatima Jinnah Chest and General Hospital in Quetta told a reporter: “It’s unheard of – very unusual. There’s a real risk of an epidemic among Afghan refugees.”

Is it any wonder that the destruction of the Soviet Union served as the perfect conditions for these ghouls to run covert tests of biological weapons, with the ability to use cities, regions or even entire broken states as test and control cases since they can no longer easily do it on US soil.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 08:35 PM
I repeat for the umpteenth time:

Anyone who has at least 2 functioning neurons should have understood that the Great Reset is TRUE and started, even if 3 years late on the schedule, with the release of the "alleged" Covid (Certificate of Vaccination ID).

First hypothesis:
The creators of the Great Reset have no opponents.
Everything happens on schedule and Q is just a prepared or random distraction that doesn't interfere with the progress of the plan.

Second Hypothesis:
Opponents of the Great Reset do exist.
They have prepared a plan themselves and the Q team is part of it.


There can be no other hypotheses. it's clear?

Divine aliens who come to save us and other similar follies have no place IN THE LIGHT OF FACTS.

At this point the choices are 2:
If you believe the first hypothesis there is nothing you can do.
They screwed you
You can do only one thing: OBEY!
And then give up.

If you believe the second hypothesis there is one thing you can decide to do: FIGHT!
Join the fight.
Do you think you can't do anything from your desk?

What I just don't understand
is that who fights
the people who have decided to fight instead of giving up ...

Which wouldn't make complete sense unless you're part of the first team.

Or whoever does it hasn't really understood anything about what is REALLY happening in the world. (remember the 2 neurons?)

And who still hasn't understood
he will never understand it.

edit on 14-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

Divine aliens..."Angels"


posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Glad to see im not the only one expecting a certain thing to happen shortly.

This vaccine is certainly turning out to be something else as the data comes in.
More people are getting it now around here now that the attentions off mainstream - then in comes the letters this week for the childen (absolutely everyone is putting it in the kids because its not on TV anymore about Covid so it must be safe).

Maybe it's just me but this situation is absolutely reeking of something...

Sorry I meant to say... where was I?

edit on 14-3-2022 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 08:55 PM
I think this is interesting, not sure where it goes, but it is something seems to be arriving.

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank


From the PEED, mostly because the graphic was easy to copy.

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank that aims to improve economic and social outcomes in Asia.[4] The bank currently has 105 members, including 16 prospective members from around the world.[1] The bank started operation after the agreement entered into force on 25 December 2015, after ratifications were received from 10 member states holding a total number of 50% of the initial subscriptions of the Authorized Capital Stock.[5]

The United Nations has addressed the launch of AIIB as having potential for "scaling up financing for sustainable development"[6] and to improve the global economic governance.[7] The starting capital of the bank was US$100 billion, equivalent to 2⁄3 of the capital of the Asian Development Bank and about half that of the World Bank.[8]

The bank was proposed by China in 2013[9] and the initiative was launched at a ceremony in Beijing in October 2014.[10] It received the highest credit ratings from the three biggest rating agencies in the world, and is seen as a potential rival to the World Bank and IMF.[11][12]

Now here is why it might be interesting.

These are the member banks.

Now, this is Q's list of Roths banks, the red boxes are those not on the above list, including the US. Please note the first drop is in fact a 31 mirror 13 and of course and 11-11.

Q 133, 134, 135

At the very least, it demonstrates the Roths pewblick grip is not as it once was, never mind BRICS, and of course whatever the emerging Crypto/Hybrid elements includes or excludes.

I assume this won't be lost on anyone.

Future topic.
Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb).
Think AIDS.
Future topic.


And before anyone says "lodidodiodo how come your god Q didn't stop this?" Consider the population demanded what they got. They ignored rational thinking, they ignored Anons, they watched teeeveee and demanded what they got. Aaaand, shortly, the refrain will be "nobody forced you to take the jab or believe The Rona was real" aaaaand, that is correct. No one did, people just did, largely because the are dealing with Fear, well, not dealing with it. Hell, CDC ghoul walensky just said "CNN told me about the efficacy of the jabs".

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:01 PM
China Orders 51 Million Into Lockdown As COVID Numbers Spike!!

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: duncanhidao
I repeat for the umpteenth time:

Anyone who has at least 2 functioning neurons should have understood that the Great Reset is TRUE and started, even if 3 years late on the schedule, with the release of the "alleged" Covid (Certificate of Vaccination ID).

First hypothesis:
The creators of the Great Reset have no opponents.
Everything happens on schedule and Q is just a prepared or random distraction that doesn't interfere with the progress of the plan.

Second Hypothesis:
Opponents of the Great Reset do exist.
They have prepared a plan themselves and the Q team is part of it.


There can be no other hypotheses. it's clear?

Divine aliens who come to save us and other similar follies have no place IN THE LIGHT OF FACTS.

At this point the choices are 2:
If you believe the first hypothesis there is nothing you can do.
They screwed you
You can do only one thing: OBEY!
And then give up.

If you believe the second hypothesis there is one thing you can decide to do: FIGHT!
Join the fight.
Do you think you can't do anything from your desk?

What I just don't understand
is that who fights
the people who have decided to fight instead of giving up ...

Which wouldn't make complete sense unless you're part of the first team.

Or whoever does it hasn't really understood anything about what is REALLY happening in the world. (remember the 2 neurons?)

And who still hasn't understood
he will never understand it.

Who, besides the professional paid penny a post provocateurs? Those invested in keeping this game going, which, sadly is a losing cause. At some level many of them know they are headed for what we call "regenesis" which, is a kind way of saying, back to the beginning they are fated. As such, none of this means anything to them at all, they are quite literally not in the boat.

I do agree, it is a remarkable thing to see folks think that somehow the Earth ship does not include them, or somehow they are above it all. Oddly those invested in some BS secret society group or another think this, but comically they are WAY WAY worse of then they can possibly imagine - way worse, as they will soon wish for regensis.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:28 PM

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:32 PM
Trust the Plan. Full control. Q



Iran next [].
RT days after.
RT Kenya.
No coincidences.

Extreme efforts to kill login devices.
Extreme efforts to censor.
Extreme efforts.
Dead cat bounce.
Enjoy the show.
Bring the rain!

March madness.
Public will know soon.

Dark to LIGHT.

These people are sick & evil.
It is not a coincidence.
It never is.

/CM/ stay alert

Powerful statement of UNITY.

Busy saving humanity.

[Marker 1 Complete]

The real 'fun' starts soon.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Adding reference regards to AIIB, Henry Kissinger & China's new Silk Road. Interesting how all Five Eye countries are members, except the USA is not.

You made that forgotten Q drop much more interesting to say the least.👀🤔

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:47 PM

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: Metadouble
a reply to: duncanhidao

Divine aliens..."Angels"


Except in the Bible Angels look like this:

I wonder if an army of Angels came down to Earth, how many people would mistake them as Demons?

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:52 PM
Q) The Storm Rider

World war ESCALATION being aggressively pushed by Biden and NATO because tyrants need a food scarcity crisis to reach global depopulation milestones

Biden and NATO don’t want peace in Ukraine. They need a world war in order to pick up their depopulation agenda that didn’t achieve the extermination milestones they had hoped to achieve with covid vaccines.

The covid plandemic was launched in order to achieve two key things: 1) Rapid expansion of authoritarianism by terrorizing the population with covid fear, and 2) Global depopulation / extermination through covid vaccines which are actually gene-altering infertility jabs and “clot shots.” These jabs also alter human DNA and result in gradual cancer deaths over a decade. (You will see huge spikes in cancer deaths for 2021 and 2022 once the numbers are officially reported.)

Financial analyst Edward Dowd, who works with statisticians that are analyzing CDC data, has concluded there are so far 1.1 million excess deaths in the United States since the vaccine push began.

Even 1-2 billion deaths from the vaccine isn’t enough for the satanic globalists

Unfortunately for the globalists, the vaccine extermination agenda failed to achieve their depopulation milestones. Although 1-2 billion people will likely die from mRNA vaccines over the next decade (from heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, etc.), this is nowhere near the 7+ billion deaths that the depopulation globalists are trying to achieve.

In order to achieve the much larger die-off they desire, globalists need to decimate the global supply chain that provides food and energy to the world. These are also interrelated since energy (in the form of natural gas) creates nitrogen-based fertilizer that’s used to produce food. In addition, energy is a critical farm input in the form of diesel fuel that powers tractors and transportation trucks.

Prepare for food inflation, food riots, scarcity and food rationing
This is exactly why Biden and NATO are deliberately escalating this conflict. They need the excuse of “war with Russia” in order to dismantle the global supply chain of fertilizer and fossil fuels that feeds the world. As mass starvation becomes a reality, it will all be blamed on Putin.

During this engineered escalation, we can all expect to witness the following horrifying effects and events:

In essence, food inflation and scarcity are going to lead to rising social unrest which will be expressed in riots, thefts and violence. This will be exploited by authoritarian regimes to unleash food rationing control systems and outlaw home gardening, seed saving and private food sales. Every crisis, of course, will be blamed on Putin, who is the new scapegoat for everything. (Russia is the new Covid.)

Many of use WARNED against these moments COMING....

Keep stocking up

edit on 14-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

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