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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 08:51 AM
Slate writer submitted draft of 2016 story on Trump to Clinton-backed Fusion GPS for edits: Email

A writer for Slate submitted the draft of a story in 2016 about Donald Trump and Russia to members of Fusion GPS, the research firm hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign to investigate her Republican rival, asking them for edits, according to a publicly filed exhibit in the U.S. case against Democratic attorney Michael Sussmann.

Franklin Foer sent the story, labeled "Manchuriancandidate.foer" in an attachment, to Fusion's Peter Fritsch and Jake Berkowitz, according to one of the emails that was inadvertently publicly filed by Special Counsel John Durham as an exhibit to a motion this week. The exhibit containing some of the Fusion GPS emails to reporters was unredacted for a time before being sealed again by Tuesday, according to the Washington Examiner.

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: crankyoldman
It also matches with: Donald Trump Is A Proven Human Trafficker.

I don't believe that.

Gematria is crap.

I don't get why anyone uses it unless it is to cherry pick some matches to feed their preconceived biases.

Well in some way you did the same. You cherry-picked a match to feed your preconceived bias that Gematria is crap.

I’m no Gematria expert, but I know the elites love this sh^t. Numbers and symbols are their language. Think of spelling as in witchcraft.

I do think what we see in the various matches are just exoteric shields to protect a deeper esoteric knowledge.

So for me i’m just trying my best to sort through it all, but in many ways you’re right, it can be used very easily to just pull from it what you want it to say. And perhaps that’s the point, To keep us all preoccupied looking for hidden truths.

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 09:46 AM
Reply to cranky post here

cranky, I think I got what you were after, having woken refreshed!

Plenty of value adds found! I think it may be related to the 17 second "Earth Bell ring"!


Despite the constant negative press covfefe

ORIGINAL May 31 2017 00:06:25,
DELETED May 31 2017 09:43:??, assume ?? is < 25
DELTA = 9 hrs 36 mins or 576 mins, or 34,620 secs (approx. as no known secs for deletion time).

Despite the constant negative press covfefe = 439, 2634, 2777 (Simple, English, Jewish)

c) Re_read as:
Despite the SOUND constant (wavelength of A=440Hz replaced 439Hz at start of WWII), REDUCE using COVFEFE!

d) Compare tweet DELETED time of 9:43 to old standard pitch for A = 439 = CHANGED.

History of Pitch

In 1939, an international conference recommended that the A above middle C be tuned to 440 Hz. This standard was taken up by the International Organization for Standardization in 1955 (and was reaffirmed by them in 1975) as ISO 16. The difference between this and the diapason normal is due to confusion over which temperature the French standard should be measured at. The initial standard was A = 439 Hz but this was superseded by A = 440 Hz after complaints that 439 Hz was difficult to reproduce in a laboratory owing to 439 being a prime number.

e) The ringing of the earth like a bell, at 17 second intervals, was on November 11th, 2018 just before 9:30 UT (Nat. Geographic)

f) This ring fulfilled #1234

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 30e575 No.1133942 📁
Apr 21 2018 14:44:08 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 03b5fb No.1133925 📁
Apr 21 2018 14:43:12 (EST)
THANKQ - we are an existential threat to the establishment.



g) Date Difference between 1st tweet and earth bell ring = 17 months, 11 days.

2) The second tweet was at May 31 2017 06:09:22

"Who can figure out the true meaning of ""covfefe"" ??? Enjoy!"

a) ??? was the predecessor to Il Donaldo Trumpo's !!! tweets?

Who can figure out the true meaning of ""covfefe"" ??? Enjoy! = 429, 2574, 3120 (Simple, English, Jewish)

Equivalents: (bear in mind this was 150 days, or 3609 hours before KU's 1st post!)
Nanotechnology in the covid 19 swabs test,
The most powerful people in the world,
The lion of Judah loosens the seven seals and opens the book,
Koi fish of the living waters in heaven (recall DJT feeding Koi in Asia)
King David plays the secret cord and destroys the fallen angels,
Black witches kill and eat human babies to worship baal,
Discovered by Aleister Crowley,
January three nineteen fortyfive (date US flag was raised on IWO JIMA!)

3) Compare gematria scores between 1st and second tweets:
From 1b: 439, 2634, 2777
From 2b: 429, 2574, 3120
DELTAs=: -10, -60, +343

b) 439 is a PRIME NUMBER, 439 Hz Heals your Crown chakra:

c) 429 is NOT a PRIME NUMBER but look at it's FACTORS:
1, 3, 11, 13, 33, 39, 143, 429

edit on 29-4-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 10:22 AM
I stumbled across this through the most unlikely of ways.

"My cousin at the pentagon just sent me this, martial law is coming yall"

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

Excellent add, thanks cranky!

Being a Limey, I have no understanding of US tax and forms.

If you lived here it would likely be the same because they want it that way IMO.

It is very hard to read for an educated man, and much less for people who don't like math at all. Most need a pro to help them, honestly. I have done mine with an electronic filing software and had major problems when the software failed to inform me that an issue out of my control occurred and the IRS had not received the form from the online program I used.

I use a pro now. I should never have that problem again, but I do pay more to get it done than I was before.

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Speaking of pitch
C before D has a interesting history in the formation of our music theory.


By the early 1700s, one can still see a kind of dual recognition of D Dorian and C major both as central primary scales for the new lists of keys. Dorian and Aeolian/natural minor continued to be alternative key signatures for "minor" scales in general well into the 18th century, though eventually our "natural minor" won out and D as central note faded completely from communal memory.

Maybe a Numbering system

Nevertheless, Zarlino revised his most popular treatise to include this new numbering starting on C, and it became the most widely disseminated discussion of modes throughout the seventeenth century. Zarlino was also perhaps the first theorist to suggest a kind of major/minor polarization of modes based on the quality of the third above the final, and his rationales in tuning and the connection to the hexachord for privileging what ultimately would be called a "C major scale" lived on, even if his numbering system wasn't always used.

C major scale CDEFGA or 345671
D minor(Since C is before D) scale DEFGAB or 456712

Maybe a code to decipher those long images file labels

Or if combine this numbering system idea with Covfefe
IF C=1 and D=2....


1 13 20 4 3 4 3 = 48

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 11:27 AM
Pfizer is up to something.

They closed on the purchase of Arena on March 15, 2022. They paid $100 a share, a whopping 100% increase over the normal share price of around $50. < This is not normal, except for Musk. Lol.

This revolves around new therapeutics to treat immuno-inflammatory diseases and the drug under development Etrasimod.

Seems we have a link between the jabs adverse effects and an upcoming treatment plan for something that Pfizer caused. It is always about the $$$. Also Arena has multiple cardiovascular properties.

Looking at the financials Arena prior to the announcement of the Pfizer purchase traded in the range of $40-$60.
December 13, 2021 the stock went from a low of $89.05 to close at $90.08.
The Senior Financial Analysts at Barclay's Global Healthcare Conference had some questions...

-"take on more risk than maybe we have seen in the past from companies entering BD in I&I"
"-What got you so excited?" Pfizer gets all the data from Israel so they know that there is a big incoming new market.
"Are we in an environment where there is a dearth of options" and just anything that crosses the line is good. Etrasimod is not FDA approved but Pfizer is confident that there will be no hurdles. They should know since they are in charge.

*Pfizer wants to act before the data comes in. "We want to act quickly because the clock is ticking for launch of Etrasimod. Every month we waited gave us less time to prepare the market"Upcoming launch.

From a commercial standpoint "There is a great need for patients out there."

Arena has candidates in cardiology, dermatology and gastroentology and are in development for a wide range of immuno-inflammatory diseases. At least this time it will not be a jab.

Gematria...Orwells 1984, Government by intimidation, Congestive Heart Failure, The Presidential election, WORLD TRADE CENTER TWIN TOWERS, The Fountain Pen The Hague.>4495729-pfizers-pfe-... Pfizer's [PFE] Management Presents at Barclay's Global...>quote>ARENA>history

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Observationalist

I'll bear in mind the use of your scale key on KU post image filenames!

Re C before D being wrong because originally D before C musically:

I wonder if the choice of Washington D.C. was a reference to that?

E.g. Washing TONE D > C

edit on 29-4-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 11:55 AM
New Mr Pool video tweet at 28/04/2022 21:53:04... seems to imply movement of old crypto assets into new stablecoins?

Video uses GREEN/RED for movement then consolidation and ends up with screen divided diagonally into black and white!

Could also refer to rolling up of awoken into coherent force?

Timestamp also points to #953

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.458 📁
Mar 17 2018 14:03:41 (EST)
How bad is the corruption?
FBI (past/present)
+29 (16)
DOJ (past/present)
STATE (past/present)
Removal is the least of their problems.
Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political SLANT
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
Election theft.
Last hope.
Congressional focus.
They think you are STUPID.
They think you will follow the STARS.
They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.

Also #2153 = FISAGATE poster

Friday night = beer night... on mobile for 6 or 7 hours.
edit on 29-4-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Oh also 439 alph num is DCI

DC inversion ? C before D

Washington DC Reset

439+934 = 1373

I know, too much... I got to get my calculator app removed from my phone 😂

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 12:10 PM
McAfee on Telegram....

When I Pass Through the Sun
Remember My Heart is as Light as a Feather;
April Showers til Your Flowers
Bloom in June;
Saving the Best for Last;
The End is Right Around the Corner;
EL Papi is Back;
Define Stage Set; VVORLDVVIDE;
Making America Great
3 Times;
We Never Left;
A Week to Remember;
Blackout Necessary; Down She Goes;
Israel Next;
Define Israel;
3 Diamonds in One;
Mark My Words: Promises Fulfilled;
Hi Jack, Remember Me?
Where’s Snowden??
Treason Doesn’t Play Well in the End;
Where’s Hunter?
He Who ConQuers Death
Shall have Everlasting Life;
Where’s Jared??
Think Knees & Elbows Blown Out;
Life Alert; Help He Can’t Get Up;
He Kisses the Floor in the Name of God Now;
That Holy Spirit Doesn’t # Around;
In Effect;
MOAB En Route: Tracking;
They Wrote out the Mother but
Kept the Father;
10 Days;
Remember What We Said Last Week;
Last Trump’et There is NO Going Back;
Do You Hear That???
sssshhhhhh Just Chill Life is Good;
God is Here…
Night and Day We Pray;
All Eyez on the Son and Moon;
The End Won’t be for EVERYONE;
Difficult Times; Difficult Truths;
May the Forth be with Us
America United Again Again;
Forever; Eternity;
As Darkness Falls;
Every Lie Will Be Revealed;
Looking for the TRUTH??
Look into a Mirror and Buckle the # Up;
Tied the Hands @2.5
H[QWL]ING; In the End We Regret NOTHING;
Hello George.
Iron Eagle.
Wizards & Warlocks.
White Rabbit.
Lord Sativa 420.
Alice & Wonderland.

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: Caled
I stumbled across this through the most unlikely of ways.

"My cousin at the pentagon just sent me this, martial law is coming yall"

My cousin at the whitehouse said no that martial law isn't coming.

Why the Fk would they want to Fk up the good thing they have going? Right now the deepstate is in complete control and their agendas are moving forward, so why would they want to break machiavellian tactics and do something as stupid as enforcing martial law?

Besides the Qsters the majority outside are taking their 18th vaccine and willing to fight for the Ukraine without even having any clarification or knowing the actual truth of what is going on. We have proven we are easy to herd. There is no need for ML.

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: crankyoldman
It also matches with: Donald Trump Is A Proven Human Trafficker.

I don't believe that.

Gematria is crap.

I don't get why anyone uses it unless it is to cherry pick some matches to feed their preconceived biases.

This may not be a popular opinion.

I think Gematria , as it is being haphazardly applied, is at risk of illustrating a popular adage:

“When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

When new technology or methods are created, or old ones come into awareness, there is a tendency for novices to over apply them without discrimination.

Whether it is Gematria, or photo enhancement software, digital cameras, Google Earth, or whatever, one has to be aware of the functionality and limitations of the method to use it without false assumptions or inaccuracies. The more useful it is, the more likely that it may be embraced without full understanding.

I think Gematria was created long, long ago to be applied to ancient languages like Hebrew, where occultists chose important specific names and phrases very carefully to encode hidden meanings using Gematria so as to be truly understood only by others familiar with the technique.

You can use the method with anything. Put something in and turn the crank; something will come out. But it probably doesn’t work very well with random words or bathroom graffiti.

A hammer works great to pound a nail; not so great to tighten a screw.

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 01:07 PM

President Trump is turning the tables on his political opponents by calling for the immediate release of all text messages sent to and from the chief of staff to Barack Obama during “their attempt to overturn the 2016 Presidential election.”

In an official statement made through his Save America PAC on Friday, the 45th president said Obama and his cohorts “did everything they could to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, and stop the ‘Will of the People’ with their Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, Mueller Scam, and more.”

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 01:19 PM
“They’re dealing with him incorrectly, I think what they’re saying – it’s almost like they’re speaking with fear,” Mr Trump said.

“Our leaders are not smart."

“If they’re not smart, you’re going to end up in a nuclear war – this is just the beginning.”

“We have one weapon alone that would destroy everything.”
― Donald J. Trump

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

Was the notion of McAfee as Q ever fully discussed?

Some of the drops look like the images were snapped off a cell camera, inadvertently and intentionally.


edit on 29-4-2022 by FlyingFox because: UNLEASH THE QUACKEN!

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: daskakik
You doubt the mathgodspeak?
CannoT Understand Language?
Ever go to Church
Listen to the numbers chat on tg sometime (or most chats on tg)
Notice any similarities?

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist
Well in some way you did the same.

That was the point, you get a huge list of phrases to choose from to bolster your argument regardless of topic or which side you are arguing.

I’m no Gematria expert, but I know the elites love this sh^t.

I don't think you know any of the elites but people here also seem to love it.

edit on 29-4-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: Caled
I stumbled across this through the most unlikely of ways.

"My cousin at the pentagon just sent me this, martial law is coming yall"

I think his cousin is probably working at McDonalds if he takes shots of greenery instead of military vehicles.

I think they need a gardener with a strimmer first.

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius
You can use the method with anything. Put something in and turn the crank; something will come out. But it probably doesn’t work very well with random words or bathroom graffiti.

That is the problem, it works with them as well.

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