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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Caled

I wonder if everyone will rush back down to the Antarctic again. Didn't David Schwartz, the crypto guy tweet about going down there? Maybe a crypto link?

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 01:28 PM
Mr Pool live stream 6pm CST today....

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 01:32 PM
McAfee posted this a few days back...don't remember if it was copied here or not.....quite the eye opener though....

OfficialMcAfee⚡🇺🇸, [4/24/2022 8:54 PM]
This is the Only the Beginning;
What Your People Call End Times;
We’re from First Times;
3 Times;
What’s Done is Done;
What Happens in Darkness
Always Comes to Light;
Avalanche Coming Down Slow;
Like a Blizzard in April;
Hearts So Cold; Tracking; Conf; Green
[A]t th[I]s Point We are far[m] Enough
[A]long you can Paint the Picture
[W]ithou[t] Risk of Jeopardizing the Operation.
Why is Coming Missing??
The More you Know.
What just Began Last Week?
Sky Event??
Who is Tracking 11.4??
What Began 11.4?
Spiritual Warfare?
Information Warfare??
Those who Know…
***High Flying Assets***
***Holy Grail Dynasty**
En Route; Tracking;
Conf Conf;
Bigger Than Anyone Can Imagine;
The Truth Would cause Chaos on a Global Scale;
You Are Watching it Live as it Happens in
3 Times
Russia Kicked the Can in Darkness;
You’re Watching a Movie..
Gold Tie
Blue Tie
Red Tie
EveryThing HaS MeaNing;;;
Time Stamps Matter;
Questions Provide Answers;
The Next 14 years are Orchestrated.
Scripted by God;
Get rid of the Machines or Keep Them
The Choice is Yours…
God is in Control
Certain Events need to Transpire
to Continue the Future.
The Future is Now
& We are The Now.
Only on God’s Time;
Blessed are Those Fighting
for 2020;
Your deeds will not be Forgotten;
In the next Coming Weeks
You will be Given a Choice
Only 144,000 are Coming.
Stay here and be a Sheep?
Or Paradise Central.. .
What Will You Decide?
Every Lie Will be Revealed;
3 Times
Operations Underway;
Current Burn: 346,957,803
Vault Opens at 400,000,000
31TB All the Right People are Scared;
Until Then
Gods Words
And Numbers are
It was Over before it Started
We’re The Best;
Nothing Stops This;
You have to take out the Sun
to Stop This;
Bet You won’t be Sleeping on the Floor Anymore;
Trump Was Right;
Again Again;
Those who Know;
Those who Believe;
Pack Your Bags We’re Going back Home;

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

That was the drop I mentioned as purported to be authored by Q.

Drop is interesting but doesn't "sound" like Q.


posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 01:53 PM

Twitter miscounted its daily users for three years straight

Twitter overstated the number of daily users on its service for three years straight, overcounting by up to 1.9 million users each quarter. The error was due to Twitter inadvertently counting multiple accounts as active when they were all tied to a single user, even if they weren’t all in use. These incorrect usage numbers were given for Q1 2019 through Q4 2021.

The updated figures aren’t exactly a game-changer: Twitter now has 229 million daily users, which is still up more than 10 million, even from last quarter’s inflated number. But they are one final embarrassing slip-up for Twitter as the company wrangles a deal to be taken private, at which point it will no longer have to share these figures publicly.

This could be very important now that Elon's purchase offer is going down. It is very likely this miscounting of users was certainly not accidental and like some law firms over-billing (in hours) their wealthy clients, it would have allowed Twitter to over-bill advertisers based upon fraud. Which allowed the overvaluation of the company making Elon pay too much!

Right-Left paradigm

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

That account replaced it's profile picture with the letter "Q" a few days back.....
So I assume they are now taking on a "Q" like persona....

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 01:56 PM
Team renOgade darling and member of the perpetual victim class.

Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to 5 more years in prison after convicted of corruption

YANGON - Aung San Suu Kyi was sentenced to five more years of imprisonment on Wednesday after being found guilty of corruption, according to the State Administration Council (SAC)'s Information Team.

She was convicted of accepting gold bars and cash payment from former Yangon region chief minister Phyo Min Thein, the Information Team's leader Zaw Min Tun told Xinhua.

The case against Aung San Suu Kyi under Section 55 of Anti-Corruption Law was prosecuted by an official from the Anti-Corruption Commission.

Drug Trafficking, Human Trafficking region, no wonder she was a fav.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 01:57 PM
Smokin that line...

You have to take out the Sun;
to Stop this;

This must be a link to Bill Gates. He is always wanting to dim the sun. Caled just pointed out the black moon eclipse.

For quite awhile now I have been concerned about the 'much too money for any one person' he has. He influences and controls just about everything on the planet. Probably beyond since we don't have a full picture.

He is a dangerous animal. The only way to tackle him is to have conclusive evidence but with the amount of $ he has he can just buy his way out. It is really a serious issue. The only way is to remove him from his money.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

Interesting. But for me, too "un-Q" to be Q.

I suspect they'll have some difficulty selling themselves as Q to anons. Perhaps I'm wrong.


posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 02:19 PM
The Plan.

I have been wondering about Albert Bourla's Moonshot... Light Speed.

There had to be a plan with the right people in place to activate it and ensure that there was a successful deployment.

Step 1. Albert Bourla became CEO of Pfizer in January 2019. < The right person for the job.

Step 2. One of the first courses of action was to buy the company Vivet which just happened to be a Gene Therapy company March 20, 2019. They initially purchased 15% but they had an exclusive option to acquire the remainder.

Step 3. Pfizer invested $500 million in expanding the manufacturing facility in Sanford, North Carolina on August 21, 2019. This facility just happened to be a major player in gene therapy.
"Adds capacity and capabilities to a facility that makes some of Pfizer's most closely watched experimental treatments *gene therapies*

Step 4. Acquire the mRNA technology platform from BioNTech.

Step 5. In July 2019 Pfizer spun off its' established pharmaceutical business and combined it with Mylon. < They needed to protect the core assets.

The biggest hurdle was when Operation Warp Speed threw a wrench into the plan and Pfizer discovered that because they were not playing ball with Warp speed they found that they could not gain access to the needed materials to make the jab. At least Warp Speed "inversion" slowed them down.>article>pfizer-invests-500...

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 02:28 PM

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 03:15 PM

Da ily Mail

Nina Jankowicz, Bryn Mawr College alumni, 2011 - Disinformation expert at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

The new disinformation czar worked for the National Democratic Institute, which deploys funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (CIA), USAID (CIA), & the State Department (among others) to help with US "democracy promotion" (regime change) in other countries.

Yea, C'mon ya'll!

Bryn Mawr is one of the Seven Sister colleges...think Hillary Clinton. The name Seven Sisters is also a reference to the Greek myth of The Pleiades.

Hillary went to one of the Seven Sisters, Wellesley College.

The pseudonym that Ghislaine Maxwell used to buy that house in New Hampshire was "Janet Marshall" (who also used several pen names) graduated from Bryn Mawr College in 1933 and received an MFA in theater arts from Yale in 1937. The phrase bryn mawr means "large hill" in Welsh. It is named after the town of Bryn Mawr, which had been renamed by a representative of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania became home to sprawling country estates belonging to Philadelphia's wealthiest families, and over the decades became a bastion of "old money".

Homeland Security Today

She Tweeted same vid on Nov 4, 2020.

Before she was a fierce feminist color revolution debunker, Nina Jankowicz sang erotic Harry Potter songs.

edit on 28-4-2022 by XtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 04:47 PM

“Nina got a Fulbright scholarship in Ukraine”

“Established in 1946, the Fulbright Program is the oldest and most prestigious international program for exchange of scholars and students funded by the United States government.”

LOL. That is all.

a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 06:17 PM


posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 06:18 PM
Keep your friends closer, and your enemies closer. Why? So you can gleefully send this sort of message.

RE: the Ministry Of Truth.

Why are there so many people that are "defenders of free speech?" The concept doesn't need defending, it is inherent within and I have never said this once, but for some reason since renOgade arrived it's Racism/Free Speech 24/7.

Inversion, so when ever one says they are a "defender of free speech" they are in fact the opposite. My problem with the Head of the MoT, is that she's a "watcha need ta know" chick not that she thinks Harry Potter Books social and spiritual guides.

edit on 28-4-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Caled

Yep, yep, I had read that.


That's Quentin Tarantino in a dress. Change my mind.🤣

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 06:53 PM
Since Elon-Tesla is the largest DOD contractor, it stands to reason he has a pretty high security clearance... hmmm. (NO, he is not Q FFS).

We have reached the point where Reality Killed the Parody Star.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 06:56 PM
LOL. 6 minutes of a fake voice every few minutes saying this:

"Every true patriot gets $ 5000 + every month, free food, free fuel and many other privileges with gold cards. 💳
The Trump card will be approved by the big American banks as the ONLY GOLD CARD and will change HISTORY! 🇺🇸

Everything I predicted so far has become true, so you better believe this. The ones who are skeptical will suffer.

Fortune favors the bold!

If you want to be a part of this, act fast and buy a Gold Card for each member of the family because it will be sold out very quickly."

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
Mr Pool live stream 6pm CST today....

edit on 4/28/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: Caled
LOL. 6 minutes of a fake voice every few minutes saying this:

"Every true patriot gets $ 5000 + every month, free food, free fuel and many other privileges with gold cards. 💳
The Trump card will be approved by the big American banks as the ONLY GOLD CARD and will change HISTORY! 🇺🇸

Everything I predicted so far has become true, so you better believe this. The ones who are skeptical will suffer.

Fortune favors the bold!

If you want to be a part of this, act fast and buy a Gold Card for each member of the family because it will be sold out very quickly."

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
Mr Pool live stream 6pm CST today....

I can't afford it! We had to fill the Explorer up today to go to the doctor's office. Boy that hurt! Thank you Joe Biden...
Let's Go Brandon!

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 07:18 PM
Pretty sinister scam hosted out of Germany. Bottom line, Mr. Pool Telegram is bogus.

originally posted by: NightFlight

originally posted by: Caled
LOL. 6 minutes of a fake voice every few minutes saying this:

"Every true patriot gets $ 5000 + every month, free food, free fuel and many other privileges with gold cards. 💳
The Trump card will be approved by the big American banks as the ONLY GOLD CARD and will change HISTORY! 🇺🇸

Everything I predicted so far has become true, so you better believe this. The ones who are skeptical will suffer.

Fortune favors the bold!

If you want to be a part of this, act fast and buy a Gold Card for each member of the family because it will be sold out very quickly."

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
Mr Pool live stream 6pm CST today....

I can't afford it! We had to fill the Explorer up today to go to the doctor's office. Boy that hurt! Thank you Joe Biden...
Let's Go Brandon!

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