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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
No potato yet.

edit on 2022/4/27 by CrazyFox because: uhoh fact chy trendy

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 05:16 PM

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: carewemust
It was stated in conversation, no link.

Since most Americans now wish the Jan 6th effort to keep Joe Biden out of the Oval Office had succeeded, it's easy to believe Wisconsin decertifying his win, were it not for the Wi governor.

It's embarrassing to say, "The state I chose to live in voted for Joe Biden".

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

JUST IN: Congresswoman Maxine Waters says she has tested positive for COVID:"I am grateful to be fully vaccinated and to have received two booster shots."

Is it me or is that completely backwards?

Shouldn’t we be reading something like, family member (or choose any person close to the patient) tested positive, and then the person brags about being vaccinated because therefore she did not get the virus? Isn’t the point of a vaccine that it’s supposed to prevent the person from getting the virus in the first place?!?!?

If someone receives a vaccine and then still contracts the virus allegedly vaccinated against, shouldn’t the conversation then turn to something along the lines of “why the heck did I receive this vaccine if it’s so useless that I just contracted the virus?”

Or is a known name in the media finally admitting that the jab doesn’t work...but while being grateful for it?

Completely twisted quote there showing lack of logic.

I’m a car person and my mind tends to run toward automotive analogies. Isn’t the above quote the same as saying, “I just had the transmission fail on my brand new car. I’m grateful that I purchased a car whose transmissions are stated to be problem-free.”

Doesn’t that sound completely stupid?

Rather than admitting one was duped and taken for a fool, why act clueless with a public quote?

What a strange head-scratcher that is!

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: therainmaker

originally posted by: FlyingFox

JUST IN: Congresswoman Maxine Waters says she has tested positive for COVID:"I am grateful to be fully vaccinated and to have received two booster shots."

Is it me or is that completely backwards?

Shouldn’t we be reading something like, family member (or choose any person close to the patient) tested positive, and then the person brags about being vaccinated because therefore she did not get the virus? Isn’t the point of a vaccine that it’s supposed to prevent the person from getting the virus in the first place?!?!?

If someone receives a vaccine and then still contracts the virus allegedly vaccinated against, shouldn’t the conversation then turn to something along the lines of “why the heck did I receive this vaccine if it’s so useless that I just contracted the virus?”

Or is a known name in the media finally admitting that the jab doesn’t work...but while being grateful for it?

Completely twisted quote there showing lack of logic.

I’m a car person and my mind tends to run toward automotive analogies. Isn’t the above quote the same as saying, “I just had the transmission fail on my brand new car. I’m grateful that I purchased a car whose transmissions are stated to be problem-free.”

Doesn’t that sound completely stupid?

Rather than admitting one was duped and taken for a fool, why act clueless with a public quote?

What a strange head-scratcher that is!

You forgot to add, "the failure could have been worse."

The key thing to note is all the "I Got The Rona" tweets from the Usual Suspects are exactly the same. The admissions are coming from either a vending machine or are by design as a signal.

Haven't checked, but I'd guess there is a 1 to 1 with names in the Qdrops and "I Got The Rona" tweet.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
In a simple code have "rona" but i have been mil trib 4 times thankful for the mil it would have been worse had i not had the mil?

Rember Coast guard petty officer Todd BurgunTodd
I found a seperate reference today fwiwsame area aound same time wonder what happened to the missing 50 year old

Although the case has not been officially closed, the Coast Guard stopped the search for David Johnson of Easton shortly after nightfall on Thursday.

"We just have nothing to go on, we haven't found any trace of him, and there's been no distress call," said Petty Officer Todd Burgun, who is handling the case. "He could be anywhere in the ocean."

weird coincidence

After Captain Fritz signs the complaint charging Oswald with the murder of Kennedy at 11:26 p.m. C.T., Judge David Johnson rules that Oswald "voluntarily and with malice of forethought killed John F. Kennedy by shooting him with a gun."

edit on 2022/4/27 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 08:02 PM
SpaceX was started when Elon Musk & Michael Douglas Griffin, then president of the CIA's venture capital firm In-Q-Tel, traveled to Russia to buy ICBMs and instead founded a company that neatly aligned with the missile defense vision Griffin laid out for the Heritage Foundation 6 years earlier.

Then, in 2006, Griffin himself (now at NASA) awarded SpaceX a $400 million contract before they'd ever even fired a rocket.

How SpaceX became NASA's go-to ride into orbit

It would not surprise me if SpaceX has just been a VC/MIC cover for developing more sophisticated rocket tech for rapid arms delivery...similar to Howard Hughes. Sure they do other stuff, probably 90% of which is defense-related, but that's certainly a major component.

The US military and Elon Musk are planning a 7,500-mph rocket

Mike Griffin former pres of In-Q-Tel also joined Rocket Lab's board of directors a few years ago. They are now preparing to fly a bunch of smallsat missions for the DoD.

Rocket Lab's new hire has roots in the CIA, laser weapons and space militarisation

One of Thiel's firms, Founders Fund, invests in Elon Musk's SpaceX. Much of the public attention around SpaceX has been around commercial space travel. This is mostly a diversion from its real purpose: national security work involving satellites.

SpaceX launches classified satellite for U.S. National Reconnaissance Office (Feb 2, 2022)

Thiel extends into so many areas in circuitous ways. As an example, Thiel appears to have a financial stake in at least two companies with contracts at the National Reconnaissance Office, an IC/DoD project responsible for our satellites.

Lombardi-esque Massive Thiel Network:

This isn't the only Thiel-funded org to work with the NRO. As part of a data processing initiative, Sentient, the NRO contracts with private intel companies to obtain satellite data it couldn't otherwise legally thanks to a loophole in Executive Order 12333. One such company is BlackSky Technology...

The Verge

Last year, Thiel bought a stake in BlackSky as a PIPE investor, through one of his venture firms, Mithril Capital.

BlackSky and Palantir (another Mithril-backed org) announced a partnership at roughly the same time, whereby BlackSky would offer support on Palantir's government contracts.

EXCLUSIVE: BlackSky CEO Talks Palantir Partnership, Real-Time Global Intelligence

Peter Thiel was a notable PIPE investor in BlackSky. BlackSky recently announced a partnership with Palantir to combine high-resolution imagery and deep analytics from global monitoring from space and real-time insights.

How BlackSky Differs: BlackSky is not just a satellite imagery company. "This is about real-time global intelligence," O'Toole said.

The world is going to be filled with sensors both in space and on the ground. The opportunity lies with the ability to bring all of the information onto one platform and make sense of the data through artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities, he told Benzinga.

If BlackSky can provide access to the information on one platform, it will be able to disrupt the highly fragmented customer experience that currently exists, O'Toole said.

Also a great way to privatize government intelligence work, blocking off access to transparency advocates and civil libertarians. Unlike the NRO, Palantir, BlackSky, and SpaceX aren't legally bound to disclose information to the public via open records requests.

The picture is becoming clearer as to the real reason Elon acquired Twitter, ehh??

Here's a funny story about BlackSky when considering Thiel's circuitous connections: Their satellites are being used to do GEOINT espionage on Tesla's Austin plant...

A boom in Earth observation satellites creating new demands for intelligence (April 25, 2022)

DENVER – Elon Musk earlier this month opened a new Tesla assembly plant in Austin, Texas, and predicted it will produce as many as 500,000 vehicles annually by next year.

To keep a closer eye on activities at the plant, investors and financial firms are turning to Earth observation companies like BlackSky that use satellites to monitor locations for customers.

“We have a lot of interest in monitoring the Tesla facility that just launched,” said Amy Minnick, chief commercial officer at BlackSky.

Scott Herman CEO, Cognitive Space, said the new space economy is attracting massive investment, which is benefiting the Earth observation industry. A use case that is now in high demand is known as tipping and cueing. A satellite image might reveal some information but to get more accurate data, “we can tip and cue other satellites.”

In Ukraine, for example, “I take a picture, I instantly see there’s a Russian tank column, now I’m going to cue other satellites in my network” to verify and obtain additional information.

How A 'Deviant' Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining Juggernaut

Yep, the spy satellites are exactly the type of Low-Earth Orbit satellites Griffin has been pushing for since the '90s. SpaceX is doing this for South Korea now too...

South Korea hires SpaceX to launch five spy satellites by 2025 (April 11, 2022)

A spokeswoman for the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) confirmed the deal April 11, saying the 2023 launch would deliver an 800-kilogram electro-optical infrared satellite to low Earth orbit.

“The deal was made to launch five satellites involved in the ‘425 project,’” DAPA spokeswoman Park Geun-young told SpaceNews, referring to a space-based reconnaissance project the defense ministry launched in 2018 for closer monitoring of North Korea’s military activities.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 08:03 PM
425 Project Goog translated from Korean:🤡

It sees objects up to 5 cm above the ground... Biden watches Putin 'like the palm of the hand'

“It’s exactly what we’ve been predicting.”

“A large-scale Russian military attack is imminent.” “We have no plans to invade Ukraine. Such a claim is a Western fantasy.”

US President Biden's prediction of a Russian invasion of Ukraine earlier this year and Russian President Putin's rebuttal to it. Despite Putin's repeated denials, Biden's predictions turned out to be exactly the same. Russia invaded Ukraine at 5 am on the 24th of last month.

Thiel is also tied directly to Yarvin/Moldbug through the NPCC festival. "Red Scare" was a featured attraction...


He also served on Meta/Facebook's board from 2005 until this year. Thiel also funds conservative campaigns through a 501(c)(4), Per Aspera Policy. A lists of the candidates and super PACs:

Peter Thiel-tied dark money group helping bankroll super PAC spending on 2022 election (Feb 22, 2022)

A “dark money” group tied to billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel steered hundreds of thousands of dollars into a super PAC spending on Ohio’s Senate race in support of “Hillbilly Elegy” author J.D. Vance, who worked at Thiel’s venture capital firm. Vance faces a crowded field of Republican contenders in the Ohio Senate race with a primary scheduled for May 3.

Thiel announced earlier this month that he is stepping down from the board of Meta Platforms Inc. after advising CEO Mark Zuckerberg for nearly two decades. Instead, he will increase his political support of candidates aligned with former President Donald Trump’s agenda in 2022 midterm elections, including Masters and Vance, who have each worked for Thiel’s businesses in various capacities.

edit on 27-4-2022 by XtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
I'm glad you're still functioning at finding gold-nuggets us "normies" can comprehend and appreciate, COM.


posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Biden throwing caution to the wind is planning to attend the White House Correspondent's Dinner on Saturday, the one Fauci is running from, and then on Sunday is planning to speak at the memorial service for Walter Mondale in Minneapolis.

Biden will just stop by the Dinner for a little while. He's not eating. Says he's afraid of Covid, but it may be because one of Putin's favorite ways of getting rid of people is the tried-and-true method of poisoning their food or drink.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

I think the Election Fraud organization Joe Biden bragged about, had enough fake ballots to win, regardless of what Twitter did or did not do during the 2020 election season. The mail-in/drop-box ballot creation and counting was very flexible.

What's needed is some incriminating recordings, texts, e-mails, etc.. The kind of stuff Democrats seem to come up with (out of the blue) to damage Republicans.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Going back to the moon (like we ever did) is cover for a million things it would seem. This ^^^ caught my eye.

Constellation Network

XX_ has this network in a superior position, IIRC, something that connects to everything. I still contend the Reset started Gold>Oil, Crypto Intro'd 1988/Bush, and we're seeing the second revaluation like the 70's now, toward the end. If so, I wonder how many of these hidden networks were constructed under this charade.

For all the endless "weapons" programs with killer this and killer that, every war since 1940 has been fought pretty much the same exact way. One nuke dropped (allegedly) where it didn't matter. So Cancer Cures, Trillions = nothing. Weapons to end all weapons = humvees and tanks + bombs. Internet of things = change password 400x per week, still doesn't work. Billions on Jab = "...thankful to have been vaccinated."

It just seems weird, like 10's of trillions spent the last 100 years on nothing tangible at all.

Anyone want a Class Action Lawsuit over failed promises?

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: Biglywin

Yes Biglywin, I was going to post about this earlier but I slipped into an afternoon slumber FIESTA - quite a propos re Il Donaldo accounts really! (Some of the more esoteric guides have been saying we will tire more often as our DNA is upgrading and that drinking more water helps).

It's getting so complicated to understand which accounts are the real mouthpieces of the key players - and this is particularly visible on Twitter and Telegram!

1) This appears to be a logical move by Deep State/MSM military planners:

Q: White Hat increased control of Media means DS voices are called out and no longer believed. So, how do they maintain control of the programming?

A: If the people no longer believe the DS voices, and increasingly believe the White Hat voices, then the obvious move is to try become the White Hat voices by usurping their social media accounts!

We have seen increasing fake accounts over the last few months but it has ramped up in the approach to the Twitter takeover!

2) Think about the implications of White Hat's application of GAME THEORY here:
Q: How do you turn this to White Hats advantage?
A: You use it to guide the people to avoid trust in BOTH White and Black Hat voice-pieces and you use the phase to make the people learn to:
i) Pick out the facts in any voice-piece,
ii) Do not place trust in any voice except your internal voice,
iii) Build your own appreciation of the facts and decide your own position rather than just trusting someone else's position,
iv) We learn that placing trust in others is a lazy short-cut that increases our risk!!!

Key recent Examples:
Il Donaldo Trumpo: old post by me
Mr Pool: old post by me
POTUS45/Piers Morgan interview shenanigans where Piers twisted the interview published.

3) An interesting twist here is that @catturd2 has throttled his tweets down to commentary on him being sick with DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS for the last 4 or 5 days. This seems to have started shortly after I commented that he was a good point of verification for Il Donaldo Trumpo twitter accounts!

a) I went to the spreadsheet to check when @catturd2 last RETWEETED any Il Donaldo Trumpo account (April 8th),
b) I then downloaded the latest 3000 tweets from @catturd2, which go back to Feb 20th,
c) This is why maintaining the spreadsheet was important:

Over his last several days sick with DIGESTIVE problems, any RETWEETs by @catturd2 of IlDonaldo Trumpo accounts, including @PapiTrumpo, have been DELETED!!!

d) Was this disgruntled twitter employees? Or catturd2 himself? Who knows... but this is a FUTURE proves PAST of #777 ARCHIVE EVERYTHING OFFLINE

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 6d0fd8 No.388588 📁
Feb 15 2018 15:47:34 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 5f2245 No.388528 📁
Feb 15 2018 15:43:21 (EST)
MKUltra was a success and went into implementation.
It is just no longer called MKUltra, that was the development program name.

Why is Big Pharma essential?
Expand your thinking past cures.
Think Google [new Pixel phone].
Think Apple [vs. Samsung].
Why was Blackberry destroyed?
We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH.
THEY are watching.

Timestamp encodes April 25th, day before Elon Musk took over Twitter?

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 09:18 PM

I wonder what gave him that idea?

Yes, focusing a lot on this this week, folks would be wise to use their Freewill to choose a positive process, a smooth process, a transition that benefits all. FWIW, I think we might have moved into that territory, despite the fear addicted losing their minds. Could be wrong, but always best to aim high.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Following up on @catturd2 tweets I found some COMMs in this recent tweet, at 07:14:40 EST which is 1:14 pm UTC (MARKER 11.4):

Almost 40,000 new followers in the past few days.

Nothing to see here.

This was then reinforced by this REPLY to James Woods, at 11:20:14 EST:

Replying to @RealJamesWoods
Same here - suddenly got 40,000 more followers since Musk.

I think @catturd2 is pointing to:
5 posts with 40,000ft
2 posts with 11.4

Taken together these posts include:

#34 EBS
#128 CIA is here... Pray
#144 US risk this week. God & Country
#189 Who performed during her rallies? What jewelry and/or tattoos present? What other events do they attend together? What does HRC represent to them?
(See my earlier post re HRC/brooch at Albright memorial service!)
#228 USA_leadership change SA_leadership change GER_leadership change? PAK_leadership change? 40,000ft. (8, 7, 6, 5......).
#1402 We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago. As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.
#4587 Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: therainmaker

originally posted by: FlyingFox

JUST IN: Congresswoman Maxine Waters says she has tested positive for COVID:"I am grateful to be fully vaccinated and to have received two booster shots."

Is it me or is that completely backwards?

Shouldn’t we be reading something like, family member (or choose any person close to the patient) tested positive, and then the person brags about being vaccinated because therefore she did not get the virus? Isn’t the point of a vaccine that it’s supposed to prevent the person from getting the virus in the first place?!?!?

If someone receives a vaccine and then still contracts the virus allegedly vaccinated against, shouldn’t the conversation then turn to something along the lines of “why the heck did I receive this vaccine if it’s so useless that I just contracted the virus?”

Completely twisted quote there showing lack of logic.

This isn’t the first time. I’ve noticed about half a dozen instances of high-profile people saying almost exactly the same thing:

“I have tested positive…
I am so glad I’ve been fully vaccinated…
I urge everyone to get vaccinated.”

All said with no sense of irony.

It’s like they have been told what to say. Their statement treads a fine line between underlining the failure of the vax and maintaining the bluff that the vax actually does something, at least lessening the severity of illness. Two contrary implications in one message. Is it more mind-muckery, or has their position become so untenable that they can't defend it without looking ridiculous?

One thing is certain. If it becomes conclusively acknowledged that the vaccine does nothing, or is harmful, or even deadly, people will become unglued.

We have endured so much under the banner of the pandemic- masks, home schooling, lockdowns, forced vaccines to keep your job...then jobs lost, lives disrupted, relationships damaged, businesses destroyed, economy tanked…

If it is proven to be all for nothing, or for nefarious reasons, anger won’t begin to describe the reaction.

Likewise with Biden. He has pretty much screwed the US at this point. If, after two years, authorities decide, oh, he wasn't elected after all, people will be pissed. If the Q folks have a strategy in place of allowing damage to be done because "people have to be shown," there could be some major blowback to that plan. My guess is there will never be official admission of these mistakes, there will just be focus on our relief if we can ever escape them.

edit on 4/27/2022 by cimmerius because: clarity

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

It just seems weird, like 10's of trillions spent the last 100 years on nothing tangible at all.

Anyone want a Class Action Lawsuit over failed promises?

That is something that has puzzled me for years. How about just the last 40 years and on 9/10/2001 when Rumsfeld said we lost $2.3 trillion or rather unaccounted for let alone the past 20 years. If that much $$$ had been spent on the surface of the planet I would certainly think we would have seen it. So, building a death star up in space or all went underground (literally), off-world civilization or some such simpler explanation??? Secret finance network? It only existed in digital bits? IDK.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: crankyoldman
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

It just seems weird, like 10's of trillions spent the last 100 years on nothing tangible at all.

Anyone want a Class Action Lawsuit over failed promises?

That is something that has puzzled me for years. How about just the last 40 years and on 9/10/2001 when Rumsfeld said we lost $2.3 trillion or rather unaccounted for let alone the past 20 years. If that much $$$ had been spent on the surface of the planet I would certainly think we would have seen it. So, building a death star up in space or all went underground (literally), off-world civilization or some such simpler explanation??? Secret finance network? It only existed in digital bits? IDK.

To paraphrase, "try not to spend or count the money, as that is impossible, instead try to understand there was never any money to begin with."

We've been in the BorgVerse all along?

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 10:55 PM
4 new Mr Pool posts, starting here

#1 has 2 RED Lights behind 3 fully masked special forces.

#2 has 2 Red armbands on 2 shanghai(?) police. Possibly total 6x Red in picture!

#3 has 1 fully n black/masked/goggled officer (DS? Mil? Police? unknown)

#4 says:

hands up
on black background

Seems to point to CONUS COMMS BLACKOUT? #4414

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 866b8a No.9473673 📁
Jun 4 2020 18:49:59 (EST)
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1

Ps Finally sorted got round being able to upload pictures! Yayyyyy
edit on 27-4-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

(I wonder how many Democrats think this is real?)

Attention Loyal Democrats - Please Emulate & Follow the Party Leader.

Good riddance Twitter

See everyone at MySpace!

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