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UKRAINE/RUSSIA WAR - looks like it’s started

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posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 04:06 AM
I am seeing various news media on youtube with headlines like" Ukranian volunteers deafeat russian advances"

I am just wondering since when did any civlians recruits beat a trained military unit
there is just no way in hell a bunch of civilians with zero training could beat a trained military unit

they lack cohesion , team work, training , marksmanship , and general combat experience

is it just all propaganda anyway

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

how is it ridiculous

the west wants to make some cash and selling arms to help the effort in Ukraine is a great way to do that.
they just want to do it before it returns to peace and diplomacy

it already happening

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

how is it ridiculous

the west wants to make some cash and selling arms to help the effort in Ukraine is a great way to do that.
they just want to do it before it returns to peace and diplomacy

it already happening

You REALLY don't understand anything at all about the absolutely massive difference between russia and the west economically.

What the west is GIVING Ukraine (Not selling ANYTHING) is barely a rounding error for us.

Not enough to motivate anyone here to do anything.

We could EASILY have sold 1000x what we are GIVING to Ukraine by just removing purchase restrictions from our allies.

Nobody on our side needed a war to sell weapons.

This is beyond absurd.

Gaining the ability for the west to sell additional arms has NOTHING AT ALL to do with putin is doing in Ukraine or our response.

the west *might* be responsible in some unknown ways, but arm sales IS NOT the reason you are looking for.

We could already easily sell everything we are able to produce.

Ukraine didn't change that in any significant way.

We could arm Ukraine all the way up to NATO standards, and it STILL wouldn't mean anything economically significant for us.

edit on 28-2-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: McGinty

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

yeh thats true

but nothing generates sales as good as a war, peace time not so much

I was watching some news channel on youtube there and the poor woman said what I agree with

that they the people are the majority and they want peace , so why is that a handful of politicians can take us to war
or sell weapons etc , when the majority of us dont want any of those things.
We dont want to arm the planet and we dont want perpetual war , yet the minority in power get to determine the fate of others overseas in our names. Democracy is a lie

Anyway I agree with your reply

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but less than a third of the world's states have not joined the ban on Russian airlines flying over their territory. these are mainly Western countries and states dependent on them.
everyone with an independent position does not support this temporary measure.
yes - this is a temporary measure.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

yeh thats true

but nothing generates sales as good as a war, peace time not so much

I was watching some news channel on youtube there and the poor woman said what I agree with

that they the people are the majority and they want peace , so why is that a handful of politicians can take us to war
or sell weapons etc , when the majority of us dont want any of those things.
We dont want to arm the planet and we dont want perpetual war , yet the minority in power get to determine the fate of others overseas in our names. Democracy is a lie

Anyway I agree with your reply

I previously subtly suggested folks here watch replenishment orders specifically for investment opportunities.

Some defense contractors may see slight bumps from replenishing things that were used or lost, but this really isn't large enough to be significant.

A simple democrat party regulatory decision could easily result in 10,000x that in sales to customers that are BEGGING for our products.

Ukraine doesn't change that

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: BZiker
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but less than a third of the world's states have not joined the ban on Russian airlines flying over their territory. these are mainly Western countries and states dependent on them.
everyone with an independent position does not support this temporary measure.
yes - this is a temporary measure.

Fiji doesn't see the need yet.

Hope the island doesn't capsize under the weight of all those russians.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

if the Russian army is losing, then you don't need to ask the Russians to protest.
our army will be humiliated and thrown back. but this is an "if".

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: BZiker
a reply to: IAMTAT
And at the moment there is not a single proof that Putin can actually be rich.

Based on this, few people in Russia believe that Putin is rich. And of those who still believe - most believe that this is an acceptable bonus for the fact that Putin pulled the country out of clinical death

Thank you, again.

Are you then saying that Putin does NOT own 3 luxury yachts...including the $100M 'Graceful', which was moved to Kaliningrad from Hamburg just before the Ukraine invasion?

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I have something to add about this. It's a little personal, but revealing.
I have a childhood friend. He serves in the airborne troops of Russia. Unfortunately, after school, our paths diverged. And today in social networks our mutual friends send a photo of the deceased Russian military. I immediately recognized the face of my childhood friend. He had an open passport on his stomach. His passport.
Someone from a mutual acquaintance showed this photo to his parents and it shocked them.
But after a while I wondered why our officers needed passports on a combat mission. A Google search confirmed my doubts. The Russian army prohibits the carrying of such documents in the combat zone.
I decided to call my friend's parents to somehow support these elderly people.
I was extremely surprised, but it turned out that he had already contacted his parents by phone. He is alive and well, and is now at one of the Ukrainian air bases captured by the Russian army in the vicinity of Kiev.
It was a great relief for me. And I think if such a fair and responsible person remains in the ranks, then the residents of Ukraine are in less danger.

But after all this experience, I have a question. How is this possible? I spent two hours today to clarify this issue for myself. I found several expert reviews of such fakes. They claimed that deepfake and Photoshop were used. They also mentioned that there is a special unit in the Ukrainian army. Their task is psychological operations. The same fake news, disinformation, demoralization of the enemy and the population. By analogy with the Kremlin bots, these are Ukrainian bots.

The full name of this center sounds like the "Center for information and Psychological Operations". The founders of the organization were representatives of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine. A complete copy of the American CYBERCOM.
It is noteworthy that I found the charter of this organization in Russian. Some points surprised me. Here is a translation of one of them - "the staff of the center should not limit themselves to any moral and moral principles, limiting their willingness to use absolutely any methods."

I share all this so that the readers of the forum understand that Ukraine is not inferior to Russia in psychological operations, and given my personal experience today, I am ready to believe that it is superior somewhere.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
I am seeing various news media on youtube with headlines like" Ukranian volunteers deafeat russian advances"

I am just wondering since when did any civlians recruits beat a trained military unit
there is just no way in hell a bunch of civilians with zero training could beat a trained military unit

The American Revolution with a bunch of citizen soldiers kicked England's ass back in 1783. Look it up....

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: BZiker
a reply to: sapien82

I have something to add about this. It's a little personal, but revealing.
I have a childhood friend. He serves in the airborne troops of Russia. Unfortunately, after school, our paths diverged. And today in social networks our mutual friends send a photo of the deceased Russian military. I immediately recognized the face of my childhood friend. He had an open passport on his stomach. His passport.
Someone from a mutual acquaintance showed this photo to his parents and it shocked them.
But after a while I wondered why our officers needed passports on a combat mission. A Google search confirmed my doubts. The Russian army prohibits the carrying of such documents in the combat zone.
I decided to call my friend's parents to somehow support these elderly people.
I was extremely surprised, but it turned out that he had already contacted his parents by phone. He is alive and well, and is now at one of the Ukrainian air bases captured by the Russian army in the vicinity of Kiev.
It was a great relief for me. And I think if such a fair and responsible person remains in the ranks, then the residents of Ukraine are in less danger.

But after all this experience, I have a question. How is this possible? I spent two hours today to clarify this issue for myself. I found several expert reviews of such fakes. They claimed that deepfake and Photoshop were used. They also mentioned that there is a special unit in the Ukrainian army. Their task is psychological operations. The same fake news, disinformation, demoralization of the enemy and the population. By analogy with the Kremlin bots, these are Ukrainian bots.

The full name of this center sounds like the "Center for information and Psychological Operations". The founders of the organization were representatives of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine. A complete copy of the American CYBERCOM.
It is noteworthy that I found the charter of this organization in Russian. Some points surprised me. Here is a translation of one of them - "the staff of the center should not limit themselves to any moral and moral principles, limiting their willingness to use absolutely any methods."

I share all this so that the readers of the forum understand that Ukraine is not inferior to Russia in psychological operations, and given my personal experience today, I am ready to believe that it is superior somewhere.

Most desperate you've ever been Apartment 29.

Even funnier than democrats snooping in Trump's toilets.

You win.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: BZiker
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

if the Russian army is losing, then you don't need to ask the Russians to protest.
our army will be humiliated and thrown back. but this is an "if".

great russian army is still 1000x more powerful than Ukraine.

Ukraine still has no chance of 'winning'.

Never did.

But Ukraine *might* be able to convince the better parts of Russia to take Russian Soldiers back to Russian soil.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

And of course you have proof ?
Because I found a list of 36 countries where our airlines do not fly. On the website of these airlines. You can check it yourself.

Or do you like your illusions and I shouldn't destroy them?

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Some reports now have Russian troops stealing cars in Ukraine so they can drive home.

That'll be like the Dutch were with German tourists after the war. So many bicycles had been stolen by the Germans, the standard Dutch quip to Germans was, "where's my bike?"


posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: BZiker
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

And of course you have proof ?
Because I found a list of 36 countries where our airlines do not fly. On the website of these airlines. You can check it yourself.

Or do you like your illusions and I shouldn't destroy them?

Hope you don't capsize any Apartment 29, what with the quadzillions of rubles you'll be escaping russia with.

Enjoy your upcoming bread lines.

We'll certainly enjoy it from here.

Over steak & lobster.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 11:55 AM
And at the same time, if the United States stops buying Russian oil, first, refineries in the United States will stop (about 20%), and secondly, the price of oil will exceed $ 120-140. What will happen to inflation in the US should be explained, or will you guess for yourself?

Then Europe. Let's say Russian gas, oil and coal are not supplied to Europe. The embargo. China will buy all this, it has been wanting this for a long time. But what will happen to the European economy? She will simply be gone.

I am a trader. I understand exactly this sector.

And what about sanctions?
36 countries have closed their skies to Russian airlines. Russia has done the same for the airlines of these countries.
European leasing companies have begun to recall their aircraft from Russia. Leasing companies from Asia are already taking their place. And the Russian government has added funding to Russian aircraft manufacturers for the development of new aircraft. In addition, the contracts of Russian suppliers of titanium and aluminum for European aircraft manufacturers will not be extended. China is ready to buy it all. But Boeing does not do stupid things to Europeans and everything is fine with it.
The main index of the Russian stock exchange fell by 33% last week under the threat of sanctions. Today it has grown by 25.7%.
The ruble exchange rate fell from 75 to 100 rubles for 1 dollar. Today he went to 90 rubles per dollar.
At the same time, non-residents of Russia have almost completely left the Russian stock market, and there is simply no one else to buy dollars in large quantities. The central bank sells dollars and buys gold, oil and gas companies sell dollars and buy rubles to expand their investments in Russia. Other export companies do the same. Also, due to the threat of sanctions, funds from offshore and aggressive Western countries began to be returned to Russia - today, according to experts, about $ 400 billion has been returned. And they also buy the ruble and the fallen shares of Russian companies. Many Russian stocks have risen by 15-30% today.

At the household level, my coffee supplier warned that the price of coffee would rise. But they do it every time the exchange rate changes. This is a large online store that supplies coffee throughout Russia.
Prices for consumer electronics increased by 20%. But judging by the fact that the value of the dollar is steadily falling for a month.

Above all. The Russian government was ready for all these sanctions.

I can answer in more detail on the situation in Russia if you are interested. Ask questions.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Some reports now have Russian troops stealing cars in Ukraine so they can drive home.

That'll be like the Dutch were with German tourists after the war. So many bicycles had been stolen by the Germans, the standard Dutch quip to Germans was, "where's my bike?"


I saw the first 'report' over 24 hours ago.

Still can't convince myself to believe it.

But Same Source said AN-225 had been intentionally destroyed by russians within an hour of when we now know for a fact that it actually happened.

Before anyone had even leaked any kind of 'rumor' about the Beast.

I'm honestly afraid, very afraid, to believe MANY of his other 'reports', and have mostly avoided even referring to them here.

Afraid for Russians.

Not Ukrainians.

edit on 28-2-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: BZiker

The entire planet just stood up and said "Trade This."

We simply don't care about anything you can do to us economically.

Bring it if you can.

We're ready.

edit on 28-2-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

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