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UKRAINE/RUSSIA WAR - looks like it’s started

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+10 more 
posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:23 PM
Tonight looks like the night

Seeing columns of tanks & amour pouring towards the boarder from

1) Crimea
2) Belgrod - Kharkiv
3) north of Kiev on the boarder with Belarus

Cyber & EW attacks happening in Donetsk, New data wiper malware being used in attacks spreading in Ukraine

Ukraine state of emergency declared nationwide active 00:00

NOTAMS issued by Kiev & Russia — whole of eastern Ukraine, Kharkiv, Dnipro,
NEW— Zaprorizhya International airport closed per a NOTAM

Russian forces moved into DNR & LNR held regions

3x Global Hawks active over Ukraine 2x RC-135 RAF & USAF

80% of Russian forces forward deployed witching 3km - 30km of boarder

04:00 Ukraine time is the expected time of invasion

Ukrainian navy active high alert Odessa

Will keep updating
edit on 23-2-2022 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-2-2022 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

+9 more 
posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:26 PM
Bidens response, raise the price of gas and Big Macs. But they aren’t wearing their masks.
edit on 23-2-2022 by Randomname2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Hmm, perhaps.. where do you get the information ?

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:32 PM
Biden called it an invasion yesterday.
The Kremlin has promised a 'painful response' to Biden's sanctions.

It's official from the White House: Russia has invaded Ukraine. Russia deployed troops to two regions in Eastern Ukraine, calling it a "peacekeeping force" after declaring their independence. Meanwhile, U.S. deputy national security adviser Jon Finer said, "I am calling it an invasion." President Biden has just announced severe sanctions on Russia. 3103098.html

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: TritonTaranis
Tonight looks like the night

tanks & amour pouring towards the boarder from

From Russia With LOVE.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: Spacespider
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Hmm, perhaps.. where do you get the information ?

Highly Trusted OSINT channels

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: Randomname2
Bidens response, raise the price of gas and Big Macs. But they aren’t wearing their masks.

Does he think another war after a plunder in Afghanistan would help his popularity?

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:41 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


+6 more 
posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:43 PM
Someone should tell them were going through a pandemic, fighting systematic racism and climate change.....

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis


Do you have a source?

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:45 PM

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posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:47 PM

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posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
Someone should tell them were going through a pandemic, fighting systematic racism and climate change.....

Well, they will never invade Germany, for example, because they do not wear masks and do not show their inoculation papers at the border. Confronted with those demands, they will most probably fall off their tanks laughing ... and, voila, invasion doomed!

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: carport

Papas pleze.

Doh, invasion thwarted.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: JinMI

So was I! Who knew?

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:54 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:56 PM

2 Russian Air Force Il-76s possibly heading to Dyagilevo Air Base in Ryazan. This base is where it is suspected that several convoys and trains of VDV BMD-2s with parachutes mounted went over the past few days.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Here we go, then.....

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: TritonTaranis
Tonight looks like the night

tanks & amour pouring towards the boarder from

From Russia With LOVE.

Just remember to order the White wine with fish, or you'll give yourself away, old boy!

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 06:00 PM
Biden has been trying to provoke the "sleeping bear"
Putin knows that Joe is an addle-brained , senile old man .
This is a test to see " What would Biden do?" .

"A strange game . The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess ?"

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