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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:25 AM
These Supreme Freedom Fighters killed a Russian General and are driving his tank.

Having a good time too!:

REAL Men. No feelz woke bullsh'it.

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: all2human
Russian troops capture Europe’s largest power plant:
The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine said the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, near the town of Energodar, is occupied by Russian military troops.

Probably holding it hostage until Ukraine releases it's 100,000 russian POWs in waiting.

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: Riouz5
a reply to: JinMI

Not really no

Donbass regions have over 2 million Russian Citizens there

Who have been persecuted for 8 year ,or the so called Minsk Agreement

Iam Curious which Western nation would let that Happen to their citizens

Stay Safe


Na, cant move the goalpost here bud. Upon invasion you lose the morality argument.

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:39 AM
* - Ukrainian military regained Vorzel

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: JinMI

No goalposts here

Hence the military operation

Stay safe


posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Bet there are some Ukrainian Daniel Boones there just itching to test their judgment of range and the wind (or, maybe that should be written as Kentuckrainian Windage )

edit on 4-3-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

My brother read a few things indicating some of the cream at the top of Russia may possibly have started moving their families etc out of the country (to Georgia and the like), if thats true then something might be brewing internally... we can only hope.

Well... there are rumors that Kremlin is planning to institute martial law in Russia over the weekend

The Guardian

Kremlin denies planning to institute martial law in Russia
Thousands of Russians flee country as rumours spread government is preparing clampdown
The borders could close as soon as this weekend after an extraordinary session of the Federation Council, Russia’s upper house of parliament, scheduled for Friday.

I mean, Kremlin denies it. But they denied planning an invasion too. So...

Abandon the ship, much?

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: Connector

…a former KGB officer who remains culturally and psychologically tied to a Soviet Union that no longer exists.

Dead on IMO.


posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:49 AM

originally posted by: Riouz5
a reply to: JinMI

No goalposts here

Hence the military operation

Stay safe



Of a aovereign nation.

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 02:41 AM
* - Consequences of attack in Mariupol
(Telegram / Safe - )

* - Remains of school number 25 in Zhytomyr that was destroyed in an airstrike this morning (twitter video / Safe - Twitter video)

* - Flightradar - Callsign CL60 - business jet running the border of poland, slovakia and romania.
* - Flightradar - Callsign SU7030 /AFL7030 Aeroflot - From Moscow - no destination listed - currently in Polish airspace after detouring through Belorus airspace. Original flight path looked like it was near Latvian airspace. Makes turn south in Poland, flying west of Warsaw. Flight path takes it close to LAGR130 (air refueling tanker) and close to a C17 Globemaster III (no longer trackable). Continues south passing west of Krakow.
Enters Slovakian airspace still heading south.
Enters Hungarian airspace still heading south.
Lands at Budapest Hungary.

edit on 4-3-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 04:16 AM
* - Destroyed Russian column near Dobre, Mykolaiv region

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Twat should probably have stayed home and ploughed the Mrs as opposed to the Ukraine.

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 04:38 AM
* - IAEA- the projectile that hit Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant came from Russian forces

* - Zelensky this morning says today will be a test to see whether people can flee Ukraine safely: "Yesterday, during talks [with Russia] in Belarus we agreed to create humanitarian corridors in places, where people suffer the most. Today we will see if the agreement works

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: wordforword
Abandon the ship, much?

Who knows... just have to wait and see what eventuates.

I just hope when its all coming to an end, we dont get a Nero Decree from Putin like Hitler did, since im sure if Putin goes down at any point its his own people he might decide to hit hardest.

Also, hopefully we dont go to hard on Russia either if we get into a positive outcome... if once Putins gone, everyone should work heavily on getting the Ukraine AND Russia back on its feet asap.

But thats nothing but all thought experiments.

originally posted by: Xcathdra
* - Ukrainian military regained Vorzel

Small victories.
edit on 4-3-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

Dont be so sure as to a positive outcome given what Putin has perpitrated.

If i was Ukrainian, and lost friends family, sons and daughters, to the these Russian invaders, i would not stop until the Kremlin was a pile of burning rubble.

I don't say that so as to inflame the situation, but its human nature to seek revenge and hunt down the animals that hurt you.

Part and parcel of the Human condition really.

Russia needs to surrender and beg for mercy, which a lot of people simply wont be willing to give, least a repeat performance materialises another few decades down the line.

And that's not apt to happen any time soon given the Man in charge.
edit on 4-3-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: BigfootNZ

Dont be so sure as to a positive outcome given what Putin has perpitrated.

If i was Ukrainian, and lost friends family, sons and daughters, to the these Russian invaders, i would not stop until the Kremlin was a pile of burning rubble.

I don't say that so as to inflame the situation, but its human nature to seek revenge and hunt down the animals that hurt you.

Part and parcel of the Human condition really.

Russia needs to surrender and beg for mercy, which a lot of people simply wont be willing to give, least a repeat performance materialises another few decades down the line.

And that's not apt to happen any time soon given the Man in charge.

I can agree with all that, unfortunately.

I tend to try and think as pragmatic as possible (which is naive of me), talked to my brother and it seems on the forums he uses (has quite a few military history buffs) that the idea of helping Russia after all this might be a really bad idea given the history in the country in situations like this, I just dont like the thought of another Germany after WW1... but it might be better to simply leave Russia to fix itself after its all over.

But ill say here what i told him, none of us here have any say in any of it when/if it happens so we can just hope cool heads prevail and (as you say) history isnt set to repeat again in a couple of decades.
edit on 4-3-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 05:17 AM
link 1Geg2Q_x3SC7tJIy88

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: da pickles 1Geg2Q_x3SC7tJIy88

He should return the favor to Putin.

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 05:44 AM
* - Russian forces pour into the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant area

* - The occupiers turned off the Vodafone and Kyivstar mobile networks in the Kherson region

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