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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: alphabetaone
a reply to: majesticgent
Well, to be fair it wasn't Putin who actually said it, there are lots of times where people in power in a Governmental position speak against what their leaders wishes or thought processes are.

That's true, but there was a report that the comments of Liz Truss around NATO involvement in this conflict, was enough to convince Putin to order the high alert for the deterrent forces. I think Medvedev's words may have merit. Also based on the fact that Putin decided to go ahead with this "special military operation" in the first place.
edit on 1-3-2022 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 08:31 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: majesticgent

I've read Ukraine's command and control was integrated into NATO
They can issue commands down to the unit

edit on amTuesdayTuesday20800000003am3 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: majesticgent

Yea, im not saying it isn't what he wishes, as noted below what you quoted.

I just have this propensity on waiting until i hear similar comments from the leaders themselves.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
Ukraine says its pilots are in Poland picking up donated MiG-29 fighter jets. Poland isn't commenting.

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Burrell said Sunday that individual EU countries had agreed to donate Soviet-era fighter jets to Ukraine to help it defend itself against Russia's invasion, and Ukraine's parliament said Monday that Bulgaria, Poland, and Slovakia had agreed to give the country more than 70 MiG-29s and Su-25s. A Ukrainian government official told Politico Monday that Ukrainian pilots were already in Poland to start the process of taking control of the 28 MiG-29s they are expecting to be donated. (Joseph Trevithick at The Drive explains why he's skeptical.)

"The potential transfer of older Russian-made planes to be used in combat against Russian forces could be the most significant moment yet in a wave of promised arms transfers over the past 24 hours that includes thousands of anti-armor rockets, machine guns, artillery, and other equipment," Politico reports. But representatives from Poland and Slovakia did not respond to Politico's request for confirmation and Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said Monday he had rejected Ukraine's request for fighter jets.

Other Western countries have promised to send anti-tank weapons and other lethal armaments to Ukraine, including Germany and, it was announced Monday, Finland, Sweden, Australia, and Canada. "President Zelensky said: 'Don't give me a ride, give me ammunition,' and that's exactly what the Australian government has agreed to do," Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Tuesday in announcing that the "overwhelming majority" Australia's $50 million in aid will now "be in the lethal category."

really hoping they can get them operational in time to greet the 40 Mile Convoy

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 08:43 AM
Belarussian units have entered Ukraine,possibly to support the assault on Kyiv:

In a tweet posted on Tuesday morning, the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, confirmed earlier reports that Belarusian troops were on Ukrainian soil.
“Belarusian troops have entered Chernihiv region. The information was confirmed to the public by Vitaliy Kyrylov, spokesman for the North Territorial Defense Forces. More details later,” the tweet said.
According to local reports, a Belarusian column of 33 units had entered the region, located north of Kyiv, with mobile communications cut.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 08:43 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Quite honestly, i think it's more than simply possible...I think the Belarusian personnel are there expressly for that purpose so that Russia can claim they never gave the order to target civilians in Kyiv, to obfuscate responsibility.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: alphabetaone

Looks that way.
Also I was reading on the reddit r/ukraine page last night and people were saying the chechen Kadyrovtsy battalion were dragging men out of houses for "interregation" and also looting and occupying civilian homes-that was in the south of Ukraine.

They have a history of commiting atrocities in the Chechen war(first as Jihadists,then they defected to support Putin) and in Syria.

Putin is throwing all the supposedly deniable assets into Ukraine.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: Xcathdra

Oh well, maybe they can at least make some PR trouble for a while.

I am not an expert in international law nor the ICC. If Ukraine is using them and the ICC opened an investigation then they know something that I dont.

Or maybe just fox being fox.

Doesn't really matter right now, but more PR issues for putin would be great

Pile it all on.

That’s been anticipated too in Ukraine. Not a shocker.

There’s plenty of pictures/videos of Israel.. Syria, Iraq etc etc.

Didn’t change Israel that much that civilians unfortunately get caught in the cross hairs. There was chanting and protests around the globe calling it genocide. (Not steering off or comparing conflicts as they’re completely different situations, it’s about The Ukraine situation if PR work as you mentioned how far can it be used as a defense or tactic)

It’s never good .

Look at the Ukraine live web cams that are mostly quiet. For now.

edit on 1-3-2022 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 09:50 AM


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posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 10:26 AM
So there's this today....and i WANT to applaud these guys, but i honestly can't

Three members of Russia's parliament have criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, The New York Times reported Monday.

The three members — Vyacheslav Markhaev, Oleg Smolin, and Mikhail Matveyev — are all members of the country's Communist Party. They're part of the State Duma, the lower house of the Federal Assembly.

I understand how dangerous it is/was for them to actually do this, but i can't applaud them for it or label them as "heroic". They voted yes to Donetsk and Luhansk becoming independent nations and, frankly, their hands are just as bloody. Russia should not be in Ukraine under any conditions, that should not be a negotiable bullet point for them.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: da pickles

Just saw this, which confirms my comments earlier about no further advancement by Russia since yesterday...

The Russian advance on Kyiv remains “basically… where it was yesterday” according to a senior defense official.  
The Russians are not only facing “fuel and sustainment” problems, but are showing signs that they are running out of food, the official claimed.  
The official cited a number of possible reasons for the stall, including Ukrainian resistance.
The official also cited the possibility that the Russians were pausing their advance by choice because they could be “regrouping, rethinking, reevaluating.” CNN reported earlier that the US believes Russia is resorting to heavier firepower and more devastating weapons systems

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 10:52 AM
This article-hopefully disinfo as its pretty crazy to put it mildly-outlines some of the theories of a Moscow professor,Valery Solovey who is/has been making some claims that Putin has serious health problems.

He goes on to claim in the link that Putin has now sent his family of to hunker down in a nuke proof "underground city" built by Gazprom close to the border with China.

That I can believe,but then the article talks about Putin and defence minister Sergey Shoigu having a shamanic ritual where they sacrificed a black wolf to improve Putins health.

The professor has recently been arrested and interrogated over his claims about Putins health.

Not sure if there may be a grain of truth in there somewhere,but its worth reading if only as an example of likely crazy misinfo in a time of war:

Putin 'moves family members to Siberian 'underground city' designed to survive a nuclear war', says Russian professor who also claimed Vladimir is suffering from secret illness

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Back a couple of years ago, there were reports circulating which it was claimed Putin had Parkinsons disease. It was quickly shot down by Russian officials. While I don't think he has Parkinsons disease, I do believe he has some sort of terminal illness. Maybe suffering from dementia?

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: WeDemBoyz

I had also heard he had some issues and as a result was prescribed hormone replacement therapy and HGH which is supposedly one reason why his facial features have changed and has been able to keep his muscle mass, stay relatively wrinkle free, etc. Difficult to say and I am sure his medical issues are kept pretty secret.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 11:13 AM
We just had Sky News British give an interview with Russian military analyst Pavel Flugenhowitzer.

Geezer says campaign on day 6. Campaign is 14 days to completion. Campaign is being conducted in 2 parts north and south.

Campaign in south largely totally ignored by western media so far very successful and on track for 14 day completion. Aim to take the whole of theb lack sea coast which is largely Russian populated and make left overs of Ukraine a landlocked state.

Campaign in north treated with obsession by the west and largely going well but not as fast as expected. Initial stage nearly over having reached Kiev and taken taking out important installations, airfields, TV stations. Next stage is for offering Ukraine gov't surrender or total onslaught from the 40 mile convoy which will be in place in 24 hours.

Sky reporting the 40 mile tank column, Pavel stepped in and said "no............... It's a very highly trained convoy of Russian Paratroops"

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Sky reporting the 40 mile tank column, Pavel stepped in and said "no............... It's a very highly trained convoy of Russian Paratroops"

Is this Russia's new weapon? Flying tanks? I suppose he thinks we cant see from the sky too LOL

Traction must be quite an issue amidst the clouds though.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: majesticgent

(post by Soloprotocol removed for political trolling and baiting)

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