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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 05:13 AM

Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work.

Sovereignty belongs to the people, who exercise it in the forms and within the limits of the Constitution.

By violating the Italian Constitution in a few days my government will prevent me from working.
I did the covid, I do the swab every 2 days to prove that I am healthy
and I don't want to give in to vaccine blackmail.
I don't know how I'm going to save my family from disaster


Everyone in this country is ignorant of the law. 'They either vaccinate you or they fire you' is a crime of extortion under Article 629 of the CRIMINAL CODE.

The human body and Personal Health ARE NOT SACRIFIABLE for the Protection of PUBLIC Health.
There is a ruling in this regard: Constitutional Court - Ruling 308/1990: 'The sacrifice of individual health for the benefit of the community is not allowed'.

This means that the individual right to health is always safe, even in the face of the GENERAL collective interest.

Nuremberg 1945:
'The administration of drugs (vaccines are) against the will of the subject is a crime against humanity'.

Oviedo 2000:
'A health treatment (such as a vaccine) can only be practiced if the person concerned has given his free and informed consent'.

Art. 32 of the Constitution, “Nobody can be obliged to a specific medical treatment except by law.
However, the law cannot violate the limits imposed by respect for the human person '.

Court of Rome, section 6 civil, with ordinance n. 45986/2020 R.G. of 16 December 2020 declares:
from 31-01-2020;
- illegitimate method and I merit this state of emergency;
- ALL acts deriving from them are void!

The green PASS in the Official Gazette no.171 of 19 July 2021.
It is represented that the decree law of 18 May 2021 n. 65, establishing among other things the green pass for civil ceremonies, has not been converted into law within the established terms. In these cases the decree law lapses with retroactive effect.

It is known that the law prohibits the renewal of the norms of an unconverted DL.
This, in fact, is explained very clearly by Law 400/88.


The freedom won with the blood of those who preceded us
we threw it away in the blink of an eye

edit on 14-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 05:45 AM
If you still need a booster after 2 doses

and you still need to be tested after 3 doses

and you still have to wear a mask after 3 doses

and you can still get the coronavirus after 3 doses

and you can still be hospitalized with a severe case after 3 doses,

then it's finally time to admit that you just got screwed!

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Thanks to MetalThunder for the steer to check into this Tom Cotton speech re Filibuster rule in the Senate on 12th:

In it Tom Cotton re_reads Chuck Schumer's own speech against changing filibuster rules, from 2005, 17 years ago!

This joins together, at a minimum:

DID KNOWINGLY (Because Schumer deliberately contradicted his previous position)
53-47 (Why was the Senate the target?)
93 (#3525Is the corn ripe for harvesting?)
Republicans needing Filibuster tactic to stop Kamala or HRC becoming POTUS after Biden removal?

I made a PROOF GRAPHIC and the JOINS are more reinforced than I've ever seen:


As I don't understand the full implications of the impact on Biden removal, Impeachment, replacements, or the EO that's been waiting for this moment!

Rel, Not seeing graphic on this end and link to bigger broken .... For all my devices- If others are having issue here it is (after Rel sent me a copy
) if others didn't see it either - EYES ON


Looks like your (Rel) post of this going on thru the year may be on target if anything hinges on Durham ....

Judge sets trial date for Steele source represented by law firm linked to Clinton

......Durham told a federal court in December that he is scrutinizing members of Clinton's 2016 campaign as part of his criminal inquiry into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation. A potential conflict arose because the same law firm could have access to important nonpublic information involving two parties with potentially divergent interests.

Kash Patel, the former chief of staff for acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller and a former top investigator for Republican Rep. Devin Nunes who helped with the Nunes FISA memo, last month told the Washington Examiner, "Now, the Clinton camp is nested in the Danchenko case, and the firm has access to all Durham discovery, including all information related to investigation of Clinton campaign conduct.".......

January 6 committee subpoenas Google, Facebook, Twitter and Reddit in probe of Capitol attack

Totally out of the blue
Ammo supplier blamed in ‘Rust’ shooting incident

As the investigation into the fatal ‘Rust’ shooting incident continues, the armorer, Hannah Gutierrez Reed, has filed a lawsuit against the company that provided ammunition for the set, accusing them of supplying live rounds.

The lawsuit was filed in New Mexico by Reed along with two colleagues, accusing ammo supplier Seth Kenney and his company PDQ Arm & Prop of introducing live rounds to a set where only blanks and dummy rounds were permitted.

.......While the investigation continues, authorities have also issued a warrant for the retrieval of Alec Baldwin’s phone, seeking to examine text messages, videos, images, calls, and any other information that could provide more details on the incident. So far, Baldwin has not surrendered his phone.

Were they not target practicing on the set ? And don't the rounds look remarkably different ? I'd bet if it was you or me we'd already be in chains


edit on 1142022 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 06:57 AM
The vile technique currently used in Italy by the deep state:

'hit one category, one age group at a time,
to delude the others of being spared and prevent them all revolt together '

edit on 14-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:21 AM

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:34 AM

They ended up in a cul de sac.
Unfortunately, this is what happens when the protectors leave the scene and the extras find themselves alone to manage an empire of lies that clashes with reality.
Now they would like to remove asymptomatic positives from the count, hospitalized and deceased not due to Covid.
They should do it because otherwise the numbers will say that the vaccinated are the only ones to make statistics and therefore the vaccines are of no use to a sledgehammer and therefore they should justify (impossible) why so much ferocity in wanting to inoculate them all the same.
But if they remove the numbers, the enchantment emergency disappears making it clear that it was built on nothing and, even in this case, they should justify lockdowns, restrictions and vaccines, as well as the same ferocity as before.
As in a box, wherever they turn, they will find a wall.
They are in total panic

Buy beer and popcorn.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:36 AM
I can feel a vibe, forgive me here, a vibe of hell yes they definitely want population control. Every fiber of my being says they want it soooo badly they will kill their own. They don't care. If you are not on board with their plans, they appreciate it.
They want it so bad that they are deploying "any means necessary" right this minute, IMO.

I know you can feel it too but your post here says otherwise. Do you think they changed their collective minds and are only wanting subjects or would you both consider that they need only so many and the rest are as was repeated to us "useless eaters"..

Useless eaters deserve nothing in their minds and that is easier to not have them to have them in your nation. Maybe reconsider based on this IDK, but definitely understand we are fodder like the Credence song "Fortunate Son" pointed out to us.

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: Caled
I agree. I don't believe depopulation is the prime objective. The prime objective is total control over the destiny of humanity. They are replacing evolution of natural selection with evolution of intelligent design. Not God's intelligent design --the 'intelligent' design of the small percentage of psychopaths who rule the entire planet. I don't think Reiner Fullmeich is aware of the transhumanism agenda. I haven't heard him mention it

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: duncanhidao

originally posted by: duncanhidao

Virginia Giuffre refused the deal

After all the attention pedophilia and human trafficking have received recently, I would hope that only a complete fool would still dismiss the pepperoni-laden conspiracy out-of-hand.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:59 AM

Dr. De Mari: 'The uninoculated have a very strong responsibility, because they are saving others'

Without the control group (the unvaccinated) it will be difficult to prove that all the damage that will occur in the months and years to come was caused by the experimental gene sera.

The unvaccinated, or rather, the Purosangue, will be the ones who will raise those who believed in the narrative of the dangerous virus that has never been isolated.
Not only that, thanks to their very existence, they will be able to demonstrate the responsibilities of Big Pharma, the WHO, Governments and all the corrupt superstructure.
At that point, the injured will be able to open billionaire compensation cases, thus bringing the whole apparatus to its knees.

It is also for this reason that they do not want to leave the Purosangue around: the Fear makes Ninety.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
I just heard on Fox that Biden only has 28% approval rating among Hispanics!

Makes sense. Hispanics are the group that are most directly hurt by illegal immigration. It's their jobs, and houses in their neighborhoods, that illegals are taking.

Also, most hispanics are Catholic, and the Dems' anti-Christian attitude is becoming an increasingly obvious problem for Catholics of all races.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

The thing that disturbs me the most though about what is going on is will people really care? Look how much it is trying to be normalized in social media. Look at the mainstream press talking about the positives of Pedophilia. You even had Joy Behar coming out and saying that she didn't care if there were democrats that were doing this to kids she was a proud democrat.

Maybe if the numbers and scope are to the actual extent I believe they are comes out it gains enough traction. Maybe I am just jaded with how people seem to care about one another nowadays. I mean we have one group of the population wishing harm and even death on another just because they decided not to get a vaccine. Will a huge story of human trafficking be enough to break this mindset?

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Were they not target practicing on the set ?


Crew members reportedly shot at targets with live ammunition hours before Hutchins' death. One used was the gun Baldwin shot that killed Hutchins, according to The Wrap and TMZ.

Also: NY Post

edit on b000000312022-01-14T08:38:58-06:0008America/ChicagoFri, 14 Jan 2022 08:38:58 -0600800000022 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:42 AM
Today's interview of Ricardo Delgado: BckQt_dr6Td8sraGKNa3RBJL0uEOnJPeYg

Let's seriously hope that the truth will emerge and will be spread.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: duncanhidao
The vile technique currently used in Italy by the deep state:

'hit one category, one age group at a time,
to delude the others of being spared and prevent them all revolt together '

This vile technique is being used World wide duncan. They started with the elderly and not only killed off quite a few quickly, but terrified them and those that Love them enough that they willingly took the jab for their “protection” , only to find out that nothing got better and actually got much worse ! Good Luck dealing with any other medical issues in this hysterical environment and if Grandma goes to the hospital, she’ll be isolated from Family and at the mercy of the under staffed jabbed folks, oh boy...ugh

Those that think they were spared by the SCOTUS decision to not allow OSHA to mandate jabs , need to understand the implications of not including medical staff. Now they seem to have tied it into Medicare facilities, but exactly what does that include ? Any hospital that accepts Medicare ? Does this include administration, janitorial, cafeteria staff, laundry, delivery services and on & on ? See the problem here, just another back door disguised as a “win”...

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 09:37 AM
disturbing but not unexpected or new - no wonder there is a Blood Shortage
And during a worldwide Plandemic no doubt !

Is Blood 'In' Right Now?

On Tuesday, the king and queen of the pop-punk revival AKA our contemporary Jack and Sally AKA the dark fairytale princess and weed personified, Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox, got engaged. Finally, a win for weird, hot people! But on Wednesday night, Fox revealed on Instagram that after she said yes, the couple took a far more serious step: They drank each others’ blood. While some fans were reportedly “horrified” by the idea, zoom out and it’s obvious that our sanguine romantics are simply doing what celebrities do best: Staying on trend. Because right now, blood is in, people!.......

edit on 1142022 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: duncanhidao
a reply to: Justoneman

Video in Italian but from 40.20 min we can see the screenshots that certify that Biscardi was a
without a shadow of a doubt

OK so then the other idea would be they smear those that speak truth against a lie. The credibility destroyed is better than murder for ending a truth since no one listens to those they think are liars with no credibility.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 10:10 AM
Security Alert from the US Embassy in Mali:

"The U.S. Embassy in Mali has received information indicating that diplomatic missions and/or international institutions may be targeted by unspecified attacks on January 14, 2022, given ongoing demonstrations in Bamako. There is no further information regarding the timing, target, location, or method of any planned attacks. U.S. citizens are advised to avoid diplomatic missions, international institutions, and demonstrations."

I am still leaning toward this being the "ML" in Ezra's post to "defend ML at all costs." Gold, gold, gold.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Caled

I just saw an article this morning saying that diplomats in Geneva and Paris have been hit with "Havanna Syndrome."

US diplomats in Paris and Geneva suspected to have Havana Syndrome

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Well release them! It has been 4 years since the time stamp of that tweet. What is he waiting for?

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