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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

My IQ has gone up from 136 to 158 over 4 years as a result of this journey.

Maybe ... or ... remember my post a while back. No one has PMed on it so I assume no one is interested.

IQ tests are not what they once were. You can take a horse to water but ......


I don’t think they’re looking for intelligence within Iq tests but the ability to perceive patterns and abstract concepts in a specific manner and also I don’t know about the rest of people but when I was a child that “IQ” test also came with a psych evaluation with those ink blots amongst other things that I later encountered went I sent myself as a grown up for my own psych evaluation…. And it clicked and dinged on me… why the hell did they give me a psych evaluation at 7 years old under the guise of an IQ test.

Long story short I’ve been looking into what the hello they are searching for in children for many years for my own reasons and I always just get dead ended and frustrated because my memories I have dont line up with the grown ups in my life version of it all and it causes turmoil.

My records from the were also destroyed and I fervently tried to find them many times.

Share what you know with me in a PM. I’d love it. 😁

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 10:12 AM
It’s something to do with the potential to be a medium of some sort. Intuitive empathy and extra sensory perception, all that buzzy wooo.

That was my conclusion.

There’s probably a genetic component to it (eugenics) as well.

If I’m just gonna be completely honest I feel like they want a whole bunch of little minds being used as antennas to channel in information from the unseen side of reality.

Those antennas may be naturally occurring but they want to control them so first they must find them. Right?

May be way off base.

Don’t really care. Lol

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 10:16 AM
link"Novak Djokovic's Father urges people to collectively rise up against world COVID dictatorship in a powerful message to the Morrison Regime in Australia". No doubt Lex Luthor is at large.

Not only have the Maori called out their gov. Others are now 'seeing' it.

The Greater Reset.Org

by Mike -- I don't wish to question your opinions and choices so feel free to ignore this, however, if you have any doubts about what is going on then you may be interested to read this, an article I personally wrote recently...

NEW WORLD ORDER - what's going on

I have written this to clarify my own understanding and to provide others with a simplification of what’s going on, by who and how. Please at least take the time to read this and share. This is not about ‘vax or no vax’, this is about them and us – united we stand.

There is a sinister plan unfolding before our very eyes - to establish a New World Order with a single world government controlled by an unelected group of global elites.

The full text can be viewed at

This is published on my web site and is safe.

One day it will be widely understood that those conspiracy theorists and 'anti-vaxxers' were just friends and family members who cared enough to report the truth.

edit on 8-1-2022 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: imthegoat

I've seen the theory on Telegram re BETTY WHITE= SNOW WHITE. I think it was also covered on one of either X22 or And We Know's daily bitchute updates.

If true then my post on the 5th shows the correlation between SNOW WHITE OFFLINE and CORONA OFFLINE posts, which in turn ties back to the connection made by the Princess Diana telegram account, between Betty White and Queen Elizabeth II.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

...then I suggest you lead us into the topic with more information to allow constructive discussion?

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: SouthernGift
You may be right on target. Ever read "The Institute" by Stephen King?
It's a "story" about how the Government kidnaps psychically gifted kids and takes them to a location where they are trained to become more more psychic. Once this is achieved they are moved to another building where their abilities are used collectively to change events. assassination's, etc.
Creepy book....

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 12:14 PM
I think the point is the amount of time spent processing each question is relevant to scoring on an IQ test. I kind of agree, but the point of the IQ test, in my opinion, is the ability to answer questions that require a specific thinking process to answer. However, sometimes it turns into a learning experience because some of the questions themselves are a trick; once you know the answer, you understand how to answer that specific trick question. Another consideration is the language of the test (another opinion of mine). For example, have a discussion with someone whose native language is something other than English. Typically you can watch them, at various speeds, translating in their mind as the speak with you. That’s because they are still thinking in their native language. That’s why aliens or whatever they are need to know English. Understanding our language is essential to understanding our species, and how we think. What if you could administer an IQ test without the English language? That would change the results for some people.

Different topics; the world is on screech. Since I’ve woken up nobody around me will shut up. Even as I type this. Talking, making loud noises, singing to themselves out loud; if I recorded it and played it for you, you wouldn’t believe it.

I remembered this morning something from a dream a few days ago. A voice asked if I’d heard the music. It took a second and then I realized I had; if you recall from a while back in the thread, I woke up and heard strange music in the middle of the night.

That reminds me…I need to do some more research on another topic later.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: pheonix358

...then I suggest you lead us into the topic with more information to allow constructive discussion?

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
one paper

It's weird. I was once told my IQ is above average but don't let it go to your head because you have the heart of a child, emotionally under developed.

That was 30 years ago.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 12:21 PM
We are getting tattoo and QR Codes. leading to quantum dot tattoosmessaging.

This directs us to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who are up to their necks in this vaccine plandemic.

This was brought up awhile ago re quantum dot tattoos. Any chance we could find that post and link it here?

Pre Plandemic December 18, 2019 Bill Gates ___personally___ approached Kevin McHugh from Rice University along with a team from MIT to create a vaccination bar-code tattoo that would hold an individual's vaccine record under the skin that could be viewed using a cell phone with a special lens.
The target group are children. Gates always coaches his requests through treating the poor in Africa and scientists willingly cooperate. At that time no one would suspect that we would be subjected to an endless round of carousel vaccine injections, adults as well as children.

Jules Wang Twitter that Biden, Harris and AOC follow shows a large QR code being disposed of in a blue dumpster. In fact there are several references to the QR code.
January 6th..."I am a fan of curmudgeon takes usually and a fan of @SpencerBuell@ BostonMagazine, but I couldn't let this go by without exploring my platform for a response."
Response from Spencer in bold [his] "Please, I Am Begging You, No More QR Codes.
I can't take it any more."

Curmudgeon must mean Biden, an old, angry, ill tempered person because why would someone so young write that word. He is describing someone and Biden follows him. If the shoe fits...Just saying.

Jules in the last 48 hours has taken over editing of the Android Police web site. Wandering over there another QR Code image with the words in bold Scan Me.

The perfect control and surveillance device. Vaccine status, just a scan me with the smart phone. Enforcing mandatory vaccinations will be simple and one will never be able to miss one because service will be denied.

Continuing to scroll through his tweets, right from the get-go he displays smart phones emphasizing the camera and lens.

Here we have Jules messaging Bidden and crew signaling that the next thing to unload on us is this way of enforcing vaccine mandates that is if he is successful. Unfortunately the early adapters may willingly volunteer believing that this is a good thing.
Something Wicked This Way Comes. The movie deals with acceptance. We have a choice.>news>quantum-dot-tattoos-hold...>article>invisible...

originally posted by: MetalThunder

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Posting this because of Trudeau's tattoo on arm... double-headed eagle? Phoenix?

ETA - If he chose to expose that arm then there must be something worse on the other arm?

Canada PM Justin Trudeau flashes tattoo while receiving COVID booster

Trudeau’s tattoo — which he described in 2012 as a depiction of “planet Earth inside a Haida raven” — was clearly visible as the PM got jabbed.....

edit on Sat Jan 8 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: attempt to fix BB code

edit on Sat Jan 8 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: attempt to fix BB code

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 12:21 PM

A couple things of note. Gas in CA was never 1.87, 2ish, but never 187 as the taxes here are insane and there is a cartel which has been committed to rigging prices for ages. It isn't 7.77 now either, 5ish. Political Hyperbole aside, the numbers were chosen for a reason, he was very specific.

The odd thing is, when I went to "repost" my connect, but couldn't find it in the library. I was sure I posted it, evidently I did not. So now, a few days later, he hits on the 777, which we know has many DJT connections and themes.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
The Men Who Stare at Goats

It is about an investigation into attempts by the U.S. military to employ psychic powers as a weapon.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: pheonix358


A pertinent aside... after an all-nighter decoding, earlier in the week, I took an online IQ test at 6am...

My IQ has gone up from 136 to 158 over 4 years as a result of this journey.

... my kids didn't seem impressed.

I'm not surprised by this in the slightest, it is just one of the points of this adventure. While many others might not "test" better, their thinking has expanded well beyond where they were, and, I have no doubt, will explode in the next six or so months for those who would like.

P358 is correct, the test has changed from when it was first introduced here in the US. IIRC it was of Russian origin (P358 correct me) and was introduced here for nefarious reasons. I can only speak to my experience, but in retrospect I realized I tanked on these tests by divine order, never below the Mendosa line (look it up), but never above the "pull this kid out and white room him."

We KNOW for a fact that Gmax and the various child trafficking folks seek out certain types of girls and boys, we KNOW the military seek out certain kinds of recruits, we KNOW the law enforcement agencies reject certain "overqualified" candidates. Standardized testing is a thing, we assume we know what folks are looking for by the test, the venue and the stated reason, but we also KNOW 23&me isn't testing to find out if one is related to Pocahontas, but something far more sinister under that guise.

P358, you're an excellent writer, put together a post on your findings.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 12:36 PM
What you lack can be learned; emotional intelligence. Or a reasonable enough facsimile in some cases.

originally posted by: loveguy
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
one paper

It's weird. I was once told my IQ is above average but don't let it go to your head because you have the heart of a child, emotionally under developed.

That was 30 years ago.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: Caled
Caled I woke up in the middle of the night with the words reach out to Caled.
Ku post C before D?

The issue I have is about the SCOTUS and Sonia Sotomayor. I have the impression that you have knowledge about legal matters and you were watching the proceedings.

Yesterday I was reading the Wikipedia about Covid and all I can say is wow. The most important topic that people are reading about and it is so inaccurate and so unbalanced. An example Sweden followed herd immunity and that is why they have the highest death rate in the world.

When I looked at the article what struck me was Ku post about spellings matters and sentence formation matters. Whoever wrote that did not have any paragraphs making it more difficult to read and comprehend. Checking the referenced sources they did not always match up with the referenced material. Very, very poorly done.

To my question...I would imagine that she does not do her own research because she would not have enough time or even be expected to be an expert on all matters. Would she assign the research to a legal assistant who would draft up the main points?

This line of thinking leads me to some disturbing conclusions because anyone in those positions could influence the narrative and as a result shift the Supreme Court decisions and in this case a very, very important decision.

What do you think?

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: Caled
I wrote the first IQ test offered at my school. We were all marched into a large room and given the test with the bubbles to fill in over three days. I looked at it and thought it was so bogus and did not even remotely test IQ.Bored to death I just filled in the bubbles any which way even though we were threatened with - we must do our best or we will not gain entry to the school we wanted.

The result was my IQ was in the lowest range possible. The guidance people were in shock considering I was the top student in my class. It was simply not possible. The FER and what will we do?
Simple solution, they wrote a letter to the schools and told them to disregard the IQ test. I was accepted at all of them.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 01:05 PM
I second that I would like to see a post on the findings.

PM isn’t necessary I used to be afraid of what I shared here and tried to be subtle but I’m done with that I straight up just say what I think. And also the disclaimer that I may be very wrong.

But I think it all boils down to looking for certain traits that are genetic and yeah now that they have 23ndme and other ways of finding genetic markers the damn IQ/gifted searches in schools may be irrelevant or done for other purposes than were originally intended but I feel they were began to figure out things that are now just out there happening.

My experience was in the 90’s and most I find were from earlier so I also think methods of infiltrating the mind could have been evolved into a more humane manner than we hear about in early MK mind experiments ….. and so most people just dismiss sinister or sketchy things as irrelevant ….. but indoctrinating children as young as 7/8 with books and stories and brain teasers about things like suicide pills or a dying earth we must escape from or the grotesque descriptions of people affected by nuclear waste and many other weird traumatizing subjects I remember dealing with in “special” classes might just be purposefully guiding certain people toward something different than the rest of the pack over there in home room making caterpillar alphabets and playing heads down thumbs up.

Also the whole intelligence communities studying people like John of God over in Brazil with his baby farms and faith healing. And Oprah.

🤷🏽‍♀️ Take that and run with it. Get back to me when you find the UFO scene and the aviary.

Edit. Yes gift is a bit scrambled lately. I have decided punctuation and proper spelling is for 3rd density. Jk. But really my energy flow is very off kilter lately ….. I can’t seem to get back in the flow. Maybe that’s cause there is no flow and there’s chaos.

a reply to: crankyoldman

edit on 8-1-2022 by SouthernGift because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Caled

To my question...I would imagine that she does not do her own research because she would not have enough time or even be expected to be an expert on all matters. Would she assign the research to a legal assistant who would draft up the main points?

This line of thinking leads me to some disturbing conclusions because anyone in those positions could influence the narrative and as a result shift the Supreme Court decisions and in this case a very, very important decision.

What do you think?

We've talked about this often. The GateKeepers are more important then the mouthpieces. The staffs often rollover when a newbie arrives, so the new guy is just the mouthpiece for the same nameless goons.

Think about it, who in their right mind would work for Hank Tip Over Johnson but a total low IQ person? Mad Maxine, sure she's getting the best and brightest.

We've kept a keen eye on ChiFi's handler who is ever present when ChiFi is spouting nonsense during hearings, with her rather butch quality. ChiFi reads her vitriol, meaning someone wrote if for her.

GateKeepers are a HUGE key. So Soto watches CNN all day, and her clerks, who were once Glee addicted and darpaprogram raised = disaster.

IIRC, for example, Constitutional "Law" is an ELECTIVE in most Law Schools. So the clerks at the Supreme Court likely never even read the document, let alone understand the portion about Freewill and the INHERENT right to pursue happiness however one defines it..... and not how the government defines happiness. So of course they feed her trash that comes from the Original Narrative, and it works, because Soto is a paranoid child who doesn't want to look bad among the tribe - that's why renOgade's crew chose her = team player.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Sorry to be unknowledgeable, but which film is that please? I honestly don't know! I don't watch that many films, gave up years ago. The only thing I found searching was something to do with The Avengers, and it's clearly not that.

No problem. The film is "The Men Who Stare at Goats" (2009) (IMDB), Hollyweird satire on the First Earth Battalion, Remote Viewing. A character ("General Hopgood") in the film is loosely based on Stubblebine as commander of the "psychic spy unit" who believed he could train himself to walk through walls.

Albert Stubblebine - Parapsychologic research @ INSCOM. The Army intel version of CIA's Stargate project.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: daskakik
Ah! Yes, of course! Thank you.
Thoroughly enjoyed the film


posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Thank you.
Thoroughly enjoyed the film

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