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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
I'm guatemalan, so DJT isn't and never was my president.

Not fearing the NWO either.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Adding on...

Who said that?
David Krech, a pioneering experimental psychologist at Berkeley had said that at a Senate sub-committee hearing in 1968 that such an ability could come within five to 10 years.🤔


Based on their experimenting with anti-psychotic drugs and mefloquine at Guantanamo, I'm not convinced they've ever stopped looking for new wonder drugs. Just like the covert importation of Nazi scientists that kept the programs going.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
Just wanted to express my thoughts on negative emotion. Many of us are taught that negative emotions are "bad" and when we feel them it somehow makes us bad. That belief starts a repetitive cycle of even more negative emotion because now you're adding guilt, shame and fear to the mix. Negative emotions aren't bad. They are part of our internal guidance/intuition.

Nice post regarding negative emotions.

I think the goal is to look within and attempt to align ourselves with what is healthy, natural, and righteous. Manage your energy with care and let that energy pass through without being retained.

A wise man is angry when it is appropriate and not angry when it is inappropriate. That is a lot harder than it sounds.

Those who wish to transgress tell us that anger is wrong, and we should always be meek, tolerant and forgiving. After all, Pedophilia, for example, is just an alternate orientation, and who are we to judge. They tell us not to be angry AT THEM, because they wish to continue doing as they please.

On the other hand, when someone is doing something THEY don’t like, they are all about inciting anger and condemnation. We call it cancel culture, but it is really just weaponized judgment. No tolerance or forgiveness then. They will comb through media archives, going back years, if necessary, to find some non-politically-correct incident involving their victim and use it to destroy that person.

It’s really just another example of mind control. The rules apply one way for us and a different way for them. Both ways in their interest. (Like flipping a coin: Heads, I win; tails, you lose). That’s why I say you have to look within and stay true. Don’t let someone else tell you how you are supposed to feel, or not feel. But do always ask YOURSELF if your emotions are honest and righteous.
edit on 2/6/2022 by cimmerius because: Tweak

edit on 2/6/2022 by cimmerius because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I put PBS on my Scheißliste when they turned from reporting to propagandizing after the 2016 elections. I had not expected them to be so fickle but, on reflection, the corrupt system is where they received their funding, and the survival instinct is strong. These last 5+ years on ATS have been more educational than PBS ever was.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 02:02 PM

London Bridge is down': the secret plan for the days after the Queen’s death

Queen is preparing for 'dark day' and 'tidying up' affairs - Royal expert points to signs

Dark Days

The Queen is preparing for the "dark day" as she marks the 70th anniversary of her reign. Robert Hardman, a Daily Mail columnist, told Sky News that Her Majesty was preparing for the day when she will no longer be around. In a message marking her Platinum Jubilee, the Queen said it was her "sincere wish" that Camilla is known as Queen Consort when Charles becomes King.

Funniest part...

"I remain eternally grateful for, and humbled by, the loyalty and affection that you continue to give me.

"And when, in the fullness of time, my son Charles becomes king, I know you will give him and his wife Camilla the same support that you have given me.

"support to..." HER/THEM? We all just exist to serve the Royal Family, "give" them support, love, money, energy, the same Royal Family that includes scumbag Randy Andy friends with GMax and JE, and his ex wife who took money from JE. Mmmkay.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: pteridine
a reply to: crankyoldman

I put PBS on my Scheißliste when they turned from reporting to propagandizing after the 2016 elections. I had not expected them to be so fickle but, on reflection, the corrupt system is where they received their funding, and the survival instinct is strong. These last 5+ years on ATS have been more educational than PBS ever was.

You know the weird thing about that is NPR, the only thing I "consumed" at one point through the local CC radio station here, is that the patterning is remarkable. It is hypnotic, pun intended, they even have their own "microphone sound" which pretty much leads to mindless listening. Same voices, same segment patterning, same stories etc every day, year in and year out.

A few years back I was at a friends who used to do stuff with his local PBS affiliate and he put on the station. It was a time warp, absolutely frightening to me.

Of note that clip includes pathetic, now disgraced NWO shill Charlie Rose looking 10 years hung over. I vaguely remember seeing a clip of him interviewing one or both of the Google beards, they had no idea how anything they did worked and neither did he. Too funny.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 02:18 PM

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: pteridine
a reply to: Justoneman

Likely, your prof may have been a "memory" teacher rather than a "mechanism" teacher. Mechanism is the way to go.

Analytical chem treated me well. Work with a local company over summers paid tuition. Perkin-Elmer 303 AA with N2O for refractory metals. Lots of IR and some XRD. Titrations and photometrics along with COD was also in my workday.

Memory teacher, yep. I recall getting whacked as totally missing the Grenard Reagent if you missed one of the 11 steps. No partial credit and that makes for bad grades. I was asked in Graduate school about research in Organic and I chose PChem instead. I do live for math challenges that Organic didn't get into at all.

It is easy to fail anyone on any test. Flunking the entire class or everyone getting an A (Harvard) is easy in any subject. It is much more difficult to separate abilities and subject knowledge. (The Dutch word for Chemistry is Scheikunde; the skill or art of separation.) By teaching 'Mechanism,' it is easier to assign points for partial credit. In the case of Grignard reagents, the student may use a Mg Grignard rather than the more selective Cd Grignard. The student understands the concept but has not got it quite right. This deserves a partial credit in my opinion.
A standard chemistry joke was that the PChem folks spent their lives plotting log of something vs. 1/T. I actually did that but never admitted it to the fraternity of fellow poet chemists because it required determining the slope which was outside of the no-math organikers.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 02:41 PM
I noticed NPR behaving poorly while listening to them when I was going to work as expendable/essential, Never letting an opposing viewpoint complete their thought.

a reply to: crankyoldman

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 02:51 PM
Catching up so apologies if this has been posted...

Sokrates XVII on telegram may have found out who "P" is in the post map:


Now if only we could prove that Soros had a Wallenberg SS commanding officer during WWII???
edit on 6-2-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 03:03 PM
From Klaus Schwab's book, "COVID-19: The Great Reset" pg 62:

From Klaus Schwab's book, "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" pg 24:

Page 28: 4IR Tipping Points of paradigm shift to hit mainstream society:

His book references this report:
Deep Shift: Technology Tipping Points and Societal Impact (Sept 2015)

From the report, Six Megatrends to occur by 2025:

1) People and the Internet - implants & wearable devices (Internet of Bodies technologies that falls under the broader IoT umbrella)

2) Computing, communications and storage everywhere (ubiquitous computing power, aka Cloud in space; as above so below)

3) The Internet of Things (IOT) - smaller, cheaper, smarter sensors > mass global surveillance.

4) Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data

5) The sharing economy and distributed trust (the Blockchain technologies)

6) The digitization of matter - Physical objects are “printed” from raw materials via additive, or 3D, printing, a process that transforms industrial manufacturing, allows for printing products at home.

Tipping Points (shifts) expected in 2018 to latest in 2027 (from the Deep Shift report):

11 of the 21 transition points had a high expectation (over 80%) of occurring by these dates:

See the report for the finer details. The flip-side of the "Nothing can stop what is coming" phrase.🙄🙃

The World Is A Stage & World Leaders Are The the eyes of Klaus Schwab...

Davos 2019 clip

Page 31 from the 4IR book:

Oh yea, we knew this has been coming...

Hence, all this new health technology for increased slave production, you will own nothing and be happy working your ass off till age 90 type of nonsense.

I've told my kids from several years back that you MUST have plans & contingency plans to fully retire by age 42, AND be fully self-sustaining or suffer dire consequences. Much more in his book that is sure to inflict anger, fear, melancholy, anxiety, humor, joy, and disgust. You can find PDF's of both books with simple search.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 03:16 PM
Just some local news ... That is actually international news

Ontario International Crossings UPDATE
...gotta love them
Police close Hwy. 402 as anti-restrictions convoy arrives in Sarnia area

Radio told Canadian bound travellers to go to Ambassador Bridge [Detroit] due to demonstrations here in the Sarina side of border .... reporting from Port Huron Blue Water Area
Go Canada !
Also reminds me of discussions earlier bottlenecking traffic [ing]

edit on 262022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: pteridine

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: pteridine
a reply to: Justoneman

Likely, your prof may have been a "memory" teacher rather than a "mechanism" teacher. Mechanism is the way to go.

Analytical chem treated me well. Work with a local company over summers paid tuition. Perkin-Elmer 303 AA with N2O for refractory metals. Lots of IR and some XRD. Titrations and photometrics along with COD was also in my workday.

Memory teacher, yep. I recall getting whacked as totally missing the Grenard Reagent if you missed one of the 11 steps. No partial credit and that makes for bad grades. I was asked in Graduate school about research in Organic and I chose PChem instead. I do live for math challenges that Organic didn't get into at all.

It is easy to fail anyone on any test. Flunking the entire class or everyone getting an A (Harvard) is easy in any subject. It is much more difficult to separate abilities and subject knowledge. (The Dutch word for Chemistry is Scheikunde; the skill or art of separation.) By teaching 'Mechanism,' it is easier to assign points for partial credit. In the case of Grignard reagents, the student may use a Mg Grignard rather than the more selective Cd Grignard. The student understands the concept but has not got it quite right. This deserves a partial credit in my opinion.
A standard chemistry joke was that the PChem folks spent their lives plotting log of something vs. 1/T. I actually did that but never admitted it to the fraternity of fellow poet chemists because it required determining the slope which was outside of the no-math organikers.

I literally have to have those slopes and intercepts to make the proper calculations for metals like Lead analysis, or for calibrating a monitor. That is one of those details that is important to obtaining the correct answer for the unknown amount of targeted molecules. I do think Organic could be like poetry.

The key takeaway from our discussion here for others is the molecules can be manipulated if there is enough reason to do so, and plenty of money. The fact cannot be avoided when considering what other humans might try to do to gain a leg up on the world or worse. WuHan has raised a conundrum for Science.

edit on 6-2-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Now that you mention it

Vice President Kamala Harris was greeted Monday by protesters in Guatemala telling her “Trump won” and “go home” —

United States of America
For good (rarely) or bad (majority) the USA Inc has affected not just south and central America but the workd.

edit on 2/6/2022 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I find this quite interesting from The Guardian Article. MY BOLD AND UNDERLINED EMPHASIS, and don't forget, the article was from 2017

Geidt will contact the prime minister. The last time a British monarch died, 65 years ago, the demise of George VI was conveyed in a code word, “Hyde Park Corner”, to Buckingham Palace, to prevent switchboard operators from finding out. For Elizabeth II, the plan for what happens next is known as “London Bridge.” The prime minister will be woken, if she is not already awake, and civil servants will say “London Bridge is down” on secure lines. From the Foreign Office’s Global Response Centre, at an undisclosed location in the capital, the news will go out to the 15 governments outside the UK where the Queen is also the head of state, and the 36 other nations of the Commonwealth for whom she has served as a symbolic figurehead – a face familiar in dreams and the untidy drawings of a billion schoolchildren – since the dawn of the atomic age.

Script already written for a female Prime Minister when the Queen dies?

Interesting tha article was updated earlier but not since.
edit on 6/2/2022 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 04:11 PM
That was written when the Prime Minister was a woman, Theresa May (Pm 2016-2019).

originally posted by: nerbot
a reply to: crankyoldman

I find this quite interesting from The Guardian Article. MY BOLD AND UNDERLINED EMPHASIS, and don't forget, the article was from 2017

Geidt will contact the prime minister. The last time a British monarch died, 65 years ago, the demise of George VI was conveyed in a code word, “Hyde Park Corner”, to Buckingham Palace, to prevent switchboard operators from finding out. For Elizabeth II, the plan for what happens next is known as “London Bridge.” The prime minister will be woken, if she is not already awake, and civil servants will say “London Bridge is down” on secure lines. From the Foreign Office’s Global Response Centre, at an undisclosed location in the capital, the news will go out to the 15 governments outside the UK where the Queen is also the head of state, and the 36 other nations of the Commonwealth for whom she has served as a symbolic figurehead – a face familiar in dreams and the untidy drawings of a billion schoolchildren – since the dawn of the atomic age.

Script already written for a female Prime Minister when the Queen dies?

Interesting tha article was updated earlier but not since.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: i8miceb4

I get similar gut feelings with some of my family members and over time Ive learnt to trust them implicitly too.

An example is that I always know when my mother is about to call or text, and when she's waiting for me to get in contact.

It's just made me think of a possible communication link through DNA:

a) We've seen the videos and posts on self building nano-aerials in the mRNA jabs,

b) What if we already have "tuned in" aerials and "vibrational frequency" transmitters within our DNA that give us this form of communication with those of our family members with the closest DNA alignments?

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 04:42 PM
This reaction is so perfect, considering the things MARC SHORT was suspected of doing/enabling during his time as Mike Pence's Chief of Staff.

According to Short, President Trump was getting advice from "Snake Oil Salesmen" between election day (11.3.2020) and January 6, 2021.


Additional crabs are crawling into the traps/nets without realizing it.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

The Gotham city alert isn't hard to explain ...

"Missouri State Highway Patrol sends emergency alert involving Gotham City, Joker’s car in testing mishap"

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
That was written when the Prime Minister was a woman, Theresa May (Pm 2016-2019).

I forgot about that one.

Must have been the lack of femininity and lumpy bits.

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