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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 11:36 AM
Something interesting on Truckistan vs. BLM. BLM, which seems defunct now entirely.

The "protest" events of yore were all, to an event, staged as energy sucking events. Call the class of parasitical entity that feeds off of others what you want, but events like the Astroworld concert, BLM Riots, even the Extinction protests, are all feeding grounds through the negatively oriented polarity expression.

The Controller class is super fine with this. The BLM protests were about destruction, huge feeding events, which were fueled by fear, rage, anger, hate, self loathing etc. And we see how the Controller system supports that in the eneMedia mind control centers and, oddly, even through Gofundme it seems.

So Truckistan is the polarity opposite. Folks coming together, no violence, and simply creating Unity where there was none prior. The ultimate goal.

This makes the parasites totally effing NUTS. There is no feeding to be had from folks in Unity.

THIS is the problem, because if there is no feeding at a large gathering it triggers serious panic in the parasite class. So they transmit rage to their minions (press, politicos, police), who are supposed to try and turn the event(s) into rage events for feeding.

The collapse we are seeing is sooooo much more than it appears on the surface, which is in part why it all looks so completely bonkers.

Since we live in a polarity construct, the perpetrators must run to the victim polarity right away, which we see Justin Castro doing - he's in fear for his life so he must hide = victim (yes he's as stooge) and the Controller must frame the Truckers and Supporters (human beings) as terrorists, which, is the polarity opposite of BLM, where terrorist must be framed as peaceful protestors.

The polarity game is like watching two people play Tick Tack Toe. Pointless at this point because it shows the playbook in all its glory for what it is. Back and forth enough and hopefully the mind control shakes off.

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 12:01 PM
Umm someone should be talking about this

Massive Invasion Of U.S.: Exclusive Footage Of Military Invasion On Southern Border

Tuesday on the Stew Peters Show investigative reporter Ben Bergquam commented on exclusive footage, showing the rogue Mexican cartels parading military equipment and armed uniformed personnel along the lawless U.S. border.

“What’s happening now is really the utmost tyranny,” DeAnna told Stew. “It’s reminiscent of the Bible that says that you are not able to buy or sell things unless you have the mark of the beast, now, not to get all conspiracy theory on you – but conspiracy theories, at this point, are like spoiler alerts.”

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Demonstrations/Protests are Against the Law in Canada? I didn't know that! What a horrible place.

Pretty much anything can be against the law if the people who enforce the law choose to say it is so.

Disturbing the peace
Noise violations
Endangering public safety
Impeding traffic
Health violations
Violating civil rights

There are loads of laws, in most countries, that are very much subject to interpretation and selective application. By design. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” is a way to criminalize whatever the authorities wish to target or repress.

We have just seen with the Go-Fund-Me service that it works for some groups but not for others. One of the things I’ve learned from this thread is that almost everything is selective that way. Things work the way people in power want them to work, subject to any change in their interests. From the meaning of words to the interpretation of laws, nothing exists as a fixed entity applied equally at all times. Every single thing has become a flexible tool for those in control to use as they choose to exert influence and manipulation.

Mind control exists on a granular level. The idea of “the narrative” applies to everything. To a larger degree than we realize, what a person thinks is real is a subjective determination. When we talk about the narrative, we are talking about people trying to impose their version of reality on us.

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 12:57 PM


The unique work was developed to draw publicity to the artist's owncryptocoin, known a 'Castello Coin.'

Gold $1788
4,500 hours to create it

Q "Gold"


From 5 years ago. China, Russia Strengthen Ties- Replace USD With Gold-backed Trade Std

From Dec 2020

The kiln was heated up high enough to melt gold bars at 1,100 degrees Celsius for it to be recast.

Globa l gold demand expected reach pre-pandemic levels this year, says report

Worth pondering. If the Dem-BidenFlation money printing insanity of the last two years was truly as bad is it seems, then why hasn't the price of gold (inflation = more money to get the same) gone up at the same time? Silver? Everything else costs more, except gold?

In fact, oddly, strangely, the only thing kind of reflecting this inflation strangeness would be BTC from 9k 1-2020 to 41k now. So why isn't gold more "expensive" now that the "dollar" is worth less?

edit on 5-2-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 01:05 PM
Trump Impeachment...
Hunter Biden, Xiden's achilles heel strikes again. This e-mail, which is evidence that should have been provided for President Trump's defense, was not produced during the impeachment process although it was circulating freely around congress back waters. This represents a violation of the Brady Rule that all evidence must be turned over to the defense.

Under a FOIA lawsuit filed by Before It's News an e-mail from George Kent from the Ukraine Embassy concerning Hunter Biden was not given to them.
100% violation of the law.
The e-mail was hidden, the existence denied and acting in bad faith - all in the effort to Impeach President Trump.

The e-mail Hunter connection:
"someone in Washington needed to engage with VP Biden quietly and say that his son Hunter'spresence on the Burisma Board under cut the anti corruption message VP and we are advancing in Ukraine b/c Ukraines heard 1 message from us and saw another set of behaviors , with the family association with a known corrupt figure whose company was known for not playing by the rules in the oil/gas sector."

George Kent and Ambassador to Kiev Marie Yovanovitch were impeachment witnesses and they were involved with the writing and sending of this e-mail and one of the recipients was Jorgan K. Andrew, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

The public had a right to know as well as President Trump and many people knew this existed.

NY times is now involved and suing the State Department.>2022/01/31>nyt-sues-state-dept-f...>russia-and-ukraine-scandals

ku post...Is it time we learn Russian now???

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes
Sorry don't know much about the noosphere other than the way others have described it.

One of my favorite authors is Robert Monroe and the thing about the noosphere that stands out to me, which he describes as a layer of unorganized thoughts surrounding the earth, is that during out of body experiences he just travels through it. He makes it seem like there is nothing special about it, at least in regards to his learning experience.

He even says in one of his books that he was able to visit a potential future earth, 3500 AD IIRC, where this layer no longer exists and the students of the earth school only need a single life to graduate.

The above to be taken with as much salt as you deem necessary.

As far as Q at the movies, I think people are editing and compiling the scenes to their liking.

Take "Watch the water" for example, now any time something happens involving water "Q called it", thereby reinforcing the hope that Q is/was actually who they said they were and that the plan is on track.

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Thank you for that important information. All the more reason why attorney general Garland and John Durham should be investigating the Biden crime family, criminally, and in earnest.

If the new Congress can't make any headway with forcing the doj to do what it's supposed to be doing, instead of burying its head in the sand, we're going to need a lot of people power to turn things around.

Do you think Americans are up to it?

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

Yes you are correct. But if Joe Biden were to say protesting in Washington DC is illegal now, Washington DC would cease to exist physically a year.

If Canadians accept the prime Minister saying protesting is illegal now, they might as well just line up to be branded as slaves, and accept whatever the government does to them.

edit on 2/5/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Demonstrations/Protests are Against the Law in Canada? I didn't know that! What a horrible place.

I have a feeling this is going to backfire on them immensely.. they have no idea

When the Nazi's come for them will be when the backfire happens for Trudeau and his lackeys. They are toast. There must be 15 million Canadians participating in the streets and highways of the whole nation.

And this is at the most bitter cold time of year. Those on the fence will start to come out in spring and we're almost there.

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
I think and hope you are right about this backfiring. They just don't quite get it yet, but I believe they will very soon.

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
I hope I'm right, too. What I want more than anything is to watch the world unite...prove to them and to ourselves that they might need us to survive but we sure as hell don't need them

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 02:52 PM

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: apydomis
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
This hits pretty close to home for me. I have family in Hamilton MT. Anyway, I am not a very scientific person, and I don't have a lot of time to put this information together. But I would like to know what you are saying here with this info... I would love to know actually, and would be willing to be called stupid for your opinion.
Just a guess, but the two doctors pictured are in on the scam?

Ha, that's when you realize the world is not so large or secluded afterall.

No, no, not saying it's all a total scam (on the $$$ making side, yes), but more of an interesting pattern of coincidences (to me at least) that keep piling up with all these bio doctors from both the NIH/NIAID and from the military side, predominantly DARPA and all those low profile R&D companies (some are temporary fronts for alphabet agencies) that you never hear about. Until one goes looking; mainly when one suddenly pops up unexpectedly in a news article. My post was more about food for thought.

Doctors/scientists that nobody ever heard of in the general public until this 'pandemic' thing came along and we're supposed to trust these so-called 'experts' being ushered into the spotlight with the media jackals to neocon goons propping them up to god-like status as though they were writing hagiographies on St. Fauci. Meanwhile, they carpet bomb anyone, including well respected scientists if they speak out against the narrative. Dr. Malone is a strange one as he is not at the very top nor bottom, but in between and works more so (funded) for the military agenda, namely DARPA. I believe Dr. Malone is at heart one of the good guys, but is being sandwiched from both those above him as well as collegues in his science circles. Mostly greed, ego and wanting a legacy to be remembered.

Sure, part scam on the surface, but I think has much deeper agenda concerning global policy changes in creating a new world, a whole new system from the top down and bottom upward. Contrary to popular belief the bottom feeders are just as corrupt as the top (in different ways of course) and it's systemic like agent orange cancer. The only way to clean it out is it must all be smashed down to its foundations and start new. Really tough challenge that is not going to happen anytime soon.

In the public eye, mainstream propaganda, some of these scientists come across as mortal enemies to each other and rest assured there is deep rivalry and competition among them in their respective fields, but are they really enemies to each other? Then again they do eat their own when considering what happened to Bruce Edwards Ivins.

Amazing how fast some of them are able to publish a book, especially one over a 1000 pages in seemingly record time. Not taking either side (good or bad) as I just don't know, but damn curious. I'm sure some of these scientists are hard working loyal people fully believing they are doing the right thing for the betterment of humanity. I was the same when I was working for big corp tech. In order to get promoted to upper mgmt level status I was repeatedly told I had to improve my skills on influencing & steering people to see it my way, no matter if my way was wrong. I'm an engineer, not a philosophizing sociologist! That didn't sit well with me so after a few more years I left.

I also think (just a pet theory) that "9/11" was supposed to be a Bio-warfare attack, but instead got the contingency plan of Twin Towers + mysterious building 7 to wipe out all the records. There is evidence (science & gov't meeting minutes & planning documentation) to support such a theory. So, 20 years later big deep state military industrial pharma mafia + all the other associates as part of their plan got their opportunity to execute a globalist revolution on humanity, steering by WEF/Davos club and guided by some high Order of bankers & philanthropists. The vaccine/nano/transhumanism gold rush is now upon us along with the deep state movers & shakers to springboard off of it in the name of national security to encompass/enslave us all under some form of fantasy technocratic surveillance & control. Something along those lines with the big 'philanthropy Foundations' financing it all because money really does not mean much to them anymore when the end goal is more enriching than money itself. We're all being gradually commoditized into the digital transhumanism age in many, many forms...covertly, clandestinely, and in your face obvious.

Obviously, I do not have all the answers nor the right ones, (nobody does), but mere speculation based on my own POV which changes frequently as it seems to me 'time' is speeding up or I'm getting older, wiser, crazier. Follow the science, follow the doctors and reach your own conclusions.

Aside: Since you live in Montana have you ever run into David Pallides?
(Don't need to answer here)

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
That is what I would like to see as well. United we stand, divided we fall!
I haven't had a lot of time lately to contribute or to dig so I want to thank you for all the digging and contributing that you do in this thread! Unfortunately, the next few months are my busy season at work, and it is very difficult for me to keep up with what's really going on so I do and will sincerely appreciate the info that you share.

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I’ve heard some things on Telegram about Mexico and the visible presence of military in various Mexican cities. I heard one report that US, Chinese, and Russian troops are working together to destroy the cartels as one of the last major things needed to happen before Gesara/Nesara is made public.

I have not ever been to Mexico so I don’t know what is normal but i have seen many photos posted stating that what they are seeing is not normal. It is interesting if things are happening down there. It could potentially put Xiden in a rough place

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

Eh? What's the Sainted Jacinda up to ?


Personally = sad and xciting, gut wrentching and mind holydaying, laughable and how many piss stops in this lovely long movie will there be type like till thread 42 lol.

Macro = Mandern is being seen for the great actor it was until too many people sense seen felt 1 plus one is 11 or 2 n not fear, so in NZ for me it is like a wee side movie or ontray, a nice entree, yes.

Now in the middle of personnel and macro, well, kept feeding the ducks n pigs n happy gold fish, we have silver belly eels in the lake where i live and flounders healthy looking, feel we at that stage of making sure ones seat is nice n relaxing.

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
Thank you I appreciate that. Hopefully we don't have much longer to go...

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 05:14 PM
edit on 5-2-2022 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 05:24 PM

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 05:27 PM

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