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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

This would cause battle lines to be drawn and from all appearances, the world was about to fight it out. At that point, the military would take over and set everything straight.

Well said!

That is also how you would likely end a confusion attack, usually falling like a thunder bolt!


edit on 20/1/2022 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 05:29 AM
The Last Days Of The COVIDian Cult

I don’t know what is going to happen. I’m not an oracle. I’m just a satirist. But we are getting dangerously close to the point where GloboCap will need to go full-blown fascist if they want to finish what they started. If that happens, things are going to get very ugly. I know, things are already ugly, but I’m talking a whole different kind of ugly. Think Jonestown, or Hitler’s final days in the bunker, or the last few months of the Manson Family.

That is what happens to totalitarian movements and death cults once the spell is broken and their official narratives fall apart.
When they go down, they try to take the whole world with them.
I don’t know about you, but I’m hoping we can avoid that. From what I have heard and read, it isn’t much fun.

edit on 20-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 05:40 AM
In Italy, with the obligation to vaccinate, the government has decided to declare war on the generation of the 60s.


edit on 20-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 06:43 AM
Does it remind you of something that happened recently?

12 days expire today:

edit on 20-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 07:56 AM
Rel this is some of your "value added" that I sure appreciate.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Wow, synchronicity again EtMN,... ma was relating about a Rothschild telling her the history of Reuters at some social do.
"Started by Paul Reuters in his 20s then kept in the family when his son took over..."

Anywho... after reading your post, I checked out the Wiki.

It reads to me like Paul Reuters started as a lackey of the Rothschilds; running their communications, which needed to be faster than anyone else's if they were to "control both sides of all wars". This initially started with carrier pigeons. Then they set him up as a company when they saw the need for more fine-tuned control as everyone started getting faster communication through the telegraph? He HAD to build it into the most trusted communications company or the Rothschilds would lose their communications advantage?

The son's "suicide" in 1915 (2nd year of WW I) looksvery dubious to me as it allowed a George Roderick Jones to take over the company (for the Rothschilds?).

Interestingly, George Roderick Jones was the great grandfather of ex-UK PM David Cameron's wife, Samantha Cameron, via Viscountess Astor!

In 1920, Jones married the author Enid Bagnold, and they had four children.[1] Their only daughter, Laurian, was born in 1921,[9] and was married first, from 1952 to 1955, to Rowland Winn,[10] and second to Anne-Pierre d’Harcourt, the son of Robert d'Harcourt.[8] A son, Timothy Angus Jones, was born in 1924[11] and later married Patricia David Pandora Clifford, daughter of Sir Bede Clifford,[12] becoming the father of Annabel Astor, who is the mother of Samantha Cameron.

Now consider how Jones took over Reuters 4 years after the sinking of the Titanic and death of John Jacob Astor IV, then 2 generations later one of his grandchildren becomes Viscountess Astor??

A worthy dig for someone better at genealogy and social history than me.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Interesting question from my perspective, ML.

On the one hand, in a trusting world - yes, of course I'd give blood again!

On the other hand though:
We know these satanists drink the blood of their victims not just for the adrenochrome but because they think they gain some of the victims soul energy from it... I would like some clarity on that before "diluting" my soul energy!

I often wonder if anyone's paying attention to what they do in churches. Drinking the red koolaid (blood) and eating the flesh (bread). In catholic churches, they tell people during catechism the wafer is literally the eating of jesus.

There's a lot more info regarding how everything is connected which may well cause world wide heart attacks when they find out who is really being worshipped.


2,000 year old gold coated jewish Torah decorated with satanic symbolism.

Here is why they do it.

"Do this in remembrance of me"

I was taught that this partaking of the holy sacrament was for us to physically do something that would acknowledge that God the Father gave his only son as an actual sacrifice for my sins so that I could trust in him and not perish in the afterlife.

The blood of the innocent baby lamb for eon's was used in sacrificial offerings to God according to his wishes. During the Passover the Israelites put that over their doorway and their families were spared the death that Egyptian families suffered. This symbolic gesture is used now because it was meant to be a symbol for God's own sacrificial lamb to us. I can understand the confusion that follows. People were cut of in the after life by failing to follow the laws from God was the situation. So God had already prepared a path for Adam's descendants to come back willingly and used the Passover symbolism that saved the 12 Tribes of Israel on that day of death of the 1st born of Egypt.

Over time there were issues between the Tribes and we can recall Samaritan's were shunned by the tribe of Judah. The Tribe of Judah being given Jerusalem. The namesake Tribe of Israel was given Samaria and so on with the other tribes around the Dead Sea. Not for the Levites running the Temples of worship. Eventually there was an eventual split of the tribes that followed Moses Law given to him by God. Then, they were further ravaged by the Romans seeking the Israelite Jihadist pissed that Nero but statues to the Roman god's in Solomon's Temple. Many were scattered to the four corners of the Earth.

edit on 20-1-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 08:29 AM
The Tribe known as the Viking Rus were centralized in the Ukraine. The Rus sians are certainly a Ukrainian state of the old Russia. I think I understand why many want to be annexed back in to mother Russia now that the Commies are out of power. They have been knowing for while that the US Dems have been compromising their politicians for decades. In my mind Ukraine is Russian for "American Politicians Cash Cow" right now. We need to let the Europeans handle it.

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Guyfriday

What are we missing about Ukraine? Russia could just shut off gas lines from going through there, food production can be done in shipping containers year-round, and its wintertime so starting a war with Russia is certain failure for any forces going in. So, what's so important about Ukraine?

Without getting into possible personal motivations of Putin, for the Russian state, a lot of it is geopolitics. The northeast of Ukraine is just too close to Moscow and the terrain between the two is not particularly difficult for military forces to cross. That may be why, in the eyes of the Russian state, economic sanctions aren't seen as a solution.

This situation has driven policy of Muscovy for centuries.


posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: duncanhidao

Thanks for the reminder on Mr Pool's "12D" 12 days running out today.

After a 3% rise yesterday, Silver continues to rise today - so I'm thinking today may be the day the COMEX589 rule kicks in?

Alternatively, we have regulation of cryptocurrencies being debated in congress today.

Could be both!

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 10:02 AM
More Fauci emails come out from FOIA requests...

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Time for a new Rand Paul grilling of Fauci.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 10:49 AM

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I also just saw a bit of info on NIH in Texas with gain of function testing using Ebola! Again testing on Animals.
WTF? These people are sick

It sure feels like the pressure is rising faster and faster

Praying for all

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 11:35 AM
Wordle. I was testing a suspicion that I had about it. I'm not sure but coincidences I pay attention to. My first try and I thought I wonder if the word is Cranky. I just thought no it couldn't be but it was! Rather unnerving. Your name, so they are paying attention, just saying imho. I guess it is time for the reinforced tin foil hat but still it was creepy and I haven't played it again.

Anyway the reason that I was looking into this was because I strongly suspected that it is another form of covert communication. Key word of the day is a code. Makes me wonder who is selecting the word.

Wandering through the Twitverse I have been seeing different people displaying different Wordle puzzles but not the solution. Some have even mentioned that they were working on the wrong day Wordle so the word of that day is not necessarily connected to that specific day. It means something to them.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Anyone else find it odd that "wordle" is perpetually trending on the twit?

Also Trending Twit

Said it here in 2018. NK/SK unified, it will be rolled out slowly. Why? People, evidently, can deal with an Olympic Athlete saying he's a woman and not miss a beat, even cast a vote for him/her/them/they as governor. But somehow NK must be a perpetual enemy or folks loose their minds. 60 years of relentless programming is hard to break it seems.

In fairness. In a polarity reality, stability requires the "enemy" exist to create contrast, so, strangely, declaring world wide peace would throw things into total chaos. Posted here REALLY early was a paper written in the 60's (Rand corp maybe?) saying that exact thing but without an understanding of the polarity problem. We want peace, but without the enemy to define it we cannot pursue it, as such, we cannot get it. Loop.

It really helps to see the polarity reality system at work and break the limitations it creates. There is really no need to "live" by it, observe it-yes, live within for now-yes, but by it- no. Frankly, using it to one's advantage is a good idea.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: FlyingFox

Time for a new Rand Paul grilling of Fauci.

I've got to say, Rand Paul has become one of my heroes. He's not afraid to call BS on the official narrative, and as a doctor he's got the knowledge to go toe-to-toe with Fauci. He was grilling Fauci about gain-of-function research when not one American in a thousand could have told you what that even meant.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:02 PM
Through the word salad.
I listened to the prepared Q&A from Biden yesterday and the more he talked the more he veered off course. I took notes and then went and read through the transcript. The insecurities...the blatant corruption and the direct communication to Putin about what would be acceptable wrt Ukraine.
"Did you ever think that a man out of office could intimidate an entire party? Where they are unwilling to take any vote contrary to what he thinks should be taken for fear of being defeated in a primary?"

Biden identified 5 republican senators "who told me that they agree with whatever I'm talking about them to do."
The reporter asks who are the 5.
Sure. No. [laughs] Are you kidding me? I maintain confidentiality".

He spoke about an EO on voting rights but then adds this...
"We have significantly beefed up a number of ENFORCERS in the Justice Department."

And about the fair and free elections in 2022...
"Oh, yeah, I think it easily could be -illegitimate. Imagine if-imagine if, in fact, Trump had succeeded in convincing Pence to not count votes. Projection?

He was asked about his campaign promise about $10 thousand reduction for student loans. Crickets.>2022/01/19>remarks-b...

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:15 PM
Interestingly enough, I was just thinking about the number 5 and what the relevance might be. Take a look at this:

"Sotheby's unveils 555.55-carat black diamond thought to come from outer space

Sotheby's expects the diamond to be sold for at least 5 million British pounds

"The shape of the diamond is based on the Middle-Eastern palm symbol of the Khamsa, which stands for strength and it stands for protection," she said. Khamsa in Arabic means five.

"So there's a nice theme of the number five running throughout the diamond," she added.

Stevens also said the black diamond is likely from outer space."

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Biden identified 5 republican senators "who told me that they agree with whatever I'm talking about them to do."
The reporter asks who are the 5.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravlenie (GRU), or Main Intelligence Directorate. I'm Batman...

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