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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:16 PM
I compared my notes and what was in the transcript and there was one deviation and that brings us back to the undersea cables/Tonga.

It may be something, it may be nothing, but the rest of the transcript shows his errors and corrections.
He referred to Fox News and the other media outlets and used the term channel but then corrected himself and said cable. He did this twice. There are two cables cut, one domestic and one international.
"The cables are heading south- they're losing viewership. Put themselves in certain alleys."
The cables are losing viewership because they have been cut.

He does try to frame this around the tv media but that correction channel/cables is not in the transcript. Fortunately I had the speech taped.>2022/10/19>remarks-b...

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: FlyingFox

A betting man would say that the odds are the planscamdemic will 'end' after the midterms - unless it's needed for the 2024 presidential election OR carry the illusion onward to 2030 WEF fantasy.

I am working under the assumption that some form of digital ID and social credit system is a foundational part of the NWO plan. The Covid passport appeared to be a stepping-stone in that direction.

So it would be surprising to see the planscamdemic willingly abandoned. I’m hoping that a new Covid “Superbad” variation doesn’t magically appear.

But perhaps, with a financial system overhaul, a digital wallet will take the place of the Covid passport. It would sound less threatening to some people and could be expanded into an overall digital ID. Throw in a few financial incentives, and people would see some “free money” and jump at it.

Another possibility is that enough health damage has been seeded, with the virus and the vaccine, that as that manifests, daily life could become very difficult. Shortages of food, goods, and workers, with economic collapse and infrastructure failure, could take us to the brink of chaos.

At that point the government could institute some form of digital ID under the excuse of managing the crisis, distributing food and medical service, and allowing financial transactions. If it meant getting food when the shelves are empty, people would either accept it willingly or have no choice.

It would be the ultimate "Problem, reaction, solution" manipulation:

Collapse the economy
People demand food and health care
Government takes over basic services and introduces a Digital ID to manage the crisis and make distributions
edit on 1/20/2022 by cimmerius because: Readability

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:27 PM
After the 'split the baby' Supreme Court ruling about the vaccine mandates that would be the end of the issue. Speaking to a friend in a large company and they have been told they will continue to enforce this on all of their employees.
Since when can companies mandate or enforce medical treatments for their own employees. Isn't this a violation of a human right?
Strength and protection...well you wouldn't believe that my birthdate is all 5's including to the minute.

a reply to: Caled

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

Listening to Biden living in an alternate reality we have no need to fear about any help coming in any form wrt at least to food.
He had the audacity to say the shelves are 85% full and cannot understand the images on tv of empty shelves. Apparently only storms are creating any shortages.
Well we haven't had any storms and shelves are stripped bare. In fact it is getting close to what was happening plandemic launch.
As for over the counter meds good luck on that front too.

I just feel that we have two alternate realities clashing and the trust level of them accomplishing anything at all positive or negative has completely fallen through. In fact it could go exactly the opposite when they say follow me everyone will run for the hills.
Just look at Afghanistan...nope I do not trust them at all.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Wordle. I was testing a suspicion that I had about it. I'm not sure but coincidences I pay attention to. My first try and I thought I wonder if the word is Cranky. I just thought no it couldn't be but it was! Rather unnerving. Your name, so they are paying attention, just saying imho. I guess it is time for the reinforced tin foil hat but still it was creepy and I haven't played it again.

This is the kind of strange effects that happen on the internet that brought me to start chatting in this thread.

Those weird things happened before I ever posted. Just when I was lurking. “It” knew I was reading the thread. “It” started slinging up stuff related to researching anti aging (young blood stuff even more specifically) a few years back when it was being discussed in the thread… on other platforms (not on ATS) and many other varying little nudges that got my attention.

WTF is it people.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: FlyingFox

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Just like a war game where it takes 3:1 ratio of attackers to defenders, one of our guys is worth like ten of theirs.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: SouthernGift
It seems when anyone in our house starts searching or researching topics it suddenly pops up on all our computers but I understand what you are saying.
I did notice that when I was doing some very, very deep medical research on something unrelated to Covid I was given more and more access to specific scientific research. The odd part was that a friend was trying to follow my lead and was unable to access those links at all, even when she knew the exact where to search.

Makes me wonder if they have already deployed AI and that it can detect our patterns and areas of interest and therefore this is directed towards us.
It is all weird isn't it?

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I can't resist some bat heraldry...

edit on 20-1-2022 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:09 PM
When you (me) research AI and algorithms and what it’s supposed to be capable of and what it’s actually doing to feed you ads , it shouldn’t be able to be so creepy.

For instance. I don’t take my phone in the shower, but after a miscarriage once I sat and weeped as my hair was falling out. It was a side effect I am well aware of, no need to Google research or even discuss with another human. But within a day I was being shown ads for things to help with my hair loss.

I was also pregnant once and hadnt even confirmed it yet, but my ads suddenly changed from typical , I know where this is coming from (even if it pisses me off) to, pregnancy and baby stuff that disappeared years ago as my baby aged….. I had a weird feeling. Why am I seeing this.

2-3 days later I had a + pregnancy test.

I have screen shots of so much stuff that I have shown people I know will believe me when I say this was shown to my based off of an emotion…. And not a conversation or search result.

I guess I’m a bit of a lunatic but I guess I just don’t care to hide it… I readily admit that I study the “thing” as much as it clearly is studying me.

I can completely understand, if folks who claim to be targeted individuals / electronically harassed, experience this in the same way I do…. That they would believe there’s a “person” or “entity” behind it.

Something to do with a channel into our emotions being opened up for “it” to consume data from. Emotional data , not just informational.

It’s as if it’s trying to mimic naturally occurring synchronicity and intuition.

It glitches often, which is why I feel it’s in its early stages. Maybe even in it’s testing stages.

I believed because this was happening most obviously to me on ATS and this thread specifically. That this whole movement might’ve been a honey pot experiment on advancing AI while also serving the double purpose of…. Probably numerous other things.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: FlyingFox

A betting man would say that the odds are the planscamdemic will 'end' after the midterms - unless it's needed for the 2024 presidential election OR carry the illusion onward to 2030 WEF fantasy.

I am working under the assumption that some form of digital ID and social credit system is a foundational part of the NWO plan. The Covid passport appeared to be a stepping-stone in that direction.

So it would be surprising to see the planscamdemic willingly abandoned. I’m hoping that a new Covid “Superbad” variation doesn’t magically appear.

IMO, there is no doubt about it considering the WEF transformation map plans and BIS planning for CBDC and social credits in which they are very interested in CCP's model.

They'll abandon or morph the planscamdemic into something else when it no longer serves their purpose.

They will slowly roll out digital ID albatross over this decade of their global revolution as a solution and for awhile it will look nice & comfy until the trapdoor snaps shut, assuming they get what they want. They know how far (psychologically) to push citizens of each country while managing the chaos. They squeeze, release a little bit, squeeze again. They constantly issue contradictory statements. It's all a psyop, managed perception so just be ready for the snake's next constriction.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:19 PM
T1 Cranky is everywhere, you know that by now. There is irony here, I hate word games, my ability to spell is horrible, I spell phonetically, always have.


The disastrous Team Joe presser yesterday reveals something interesting to me. Soulless, clone-bots, droids, m.A.L.I.C.E. aside, those paid penny a post provocateurs are so screwed now.

When DJT was POTUS, all they had to do was spew hate. "Look you're idiots, drumph, you're in a cult, he's going to jail." For them this is easy, the spew hate all day every day, incapable of anything else = why they were hired.

Now, Team Joe is in place, free falling toward in the abyss and they are forced to change. They SHOULD be propping Team Joe up, but they cannot. One there is nothing to prop up, but the violent and belligerent cannot shift, let alone in a way that shows Team Joe in a positive light.

So Team Joe has belligerent, nasty, sick, humorless, perpetual victims as the digital army. It is actually HELPING the Great Awakening by creating the contrast. This is world wide by the way, which makes it even funnier, as DJT, MAGA, Great Awakening isn't regional.

Consider that, who in another country was all about the demagogue and Team renOgade? Anyone anywhere? The brilliance of MAGA and the red hat, a team color/uniform folks from the UK, Brazil, Iceland, Australia and so on could use to represent their connection to the changes.

Team DJT brilliance will be studied for eons. For me... by creating the polarity point of a leader with Positivity only, he forced the minions of Team Joe to do the opposite, giving people the perfect contrast. Comically, the minions cannot even switch polarities at this point, as they were chosen because they cannot switch sides, bots, droids etc. aside.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Source: NSA memo Disclaimer [PDF]

“The test protocol involved training the monkeys to press certain levers in response to signals. If the monkeys pressed the lever correctly, they would receive a reward of food, ‘much as embassy employees might be rewarded with a dry martini at the end of the day,’ wrote the columnist Jack Anderson. Researchers would then measure whether the monkeys performed worse when subjected to the Moscow Signal, compared with when there was no radiation.”

Sharon Weinberger — The Imagineers of War: The Untold Story of DARPA, the Pentagon Agency that Changed the World

“There is no question that penetration of the central nervous system has been achieved, either directly or indirectly into that portion of the brain concerned with the changes in the work functions and the effects observed.”

ARPA Deputy Director — Memorandum (December 20 1966)

Havana Syndrome — Microwave Weapons : Project PANDORA

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Wife just got approved for disability retirement from her annoying state-fed job. It's a game changer for us. I think she's lucky to get out while the gettin' is good. Although not in the very first wave of people taking their early retirement, she is still early in the game, considering her civil servant status. The SECIU is pretty useless, and will turn their backs on members if the cost to their leadership is too high. She's breaking down her from-home work computer right now, it's done.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:13 PM

Shale genocide” has begun in the Ukrainian-occupied parts of the Donbass. If the gas production destroying all life is not stopped, in three decades the Donbass will become an uninhabitable territory.

Exactly ten years ago, representatives of the current, so-called Ukrainian opposition lobbied the cabinet-approved plan for a large-scale competition for hydrocarbons production within the Yuzovsky area. 

The western majors Shell and Chevron were interested in the prospects of gas production, and they eagerly responded to Kiev’s invitation. Under the terms of the contract the companies had the right to extract the Donbass subsoil for 50 years with the right to extend the contract. The “Regionalists” actually sold a huge part of their small motherland to foreign investors, although they were well aware of what they were condemning the Donbass region to – hydraulic fracturing technology causes irreparable ecosystem damage.

The reserved forests of northern Lugansk region, the “Holy Mountains” nature park, sanatoriums and children’s health camps were doomed to close soon. The local authorities, which consisted of “Regions Party” members, supported foreign gas extraction at the Yuzovsky platform without unnecessary questions. On the Ukrainian side, the partner was the state-owned company “Nadra Ukrayiny”. We do not need to remind you who controlled it.

Joe Biden’s corrupt clan is behind Ukraine’s “shale gas revolution

In addition to Shell and Chevron, Burisma Holdings was involved in the project. It was planned to produce shale gas in parts of Donetsk and Kharkov regions using fracking technology – hydraulic fracturing. It looks like this: a deep vertical well is drilled, with many horizontal passages – it reminds the tree trunk with a root system. Water and chemicals are pumped into the borehole under high pressure, and then an underground explosion is carried out. The water prevents the pieces of the blasted rock from settling and the gas is forced out through the surface of the water to the outside. The ecological impact is enormous!

By the way, in 2014 Robert Hunter Biden, Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and, three years later Joseph Cofer Black – ex-CIA Anti-Terrorism Center head, career intelligence officer and vice-chairman of the American PMC Blackwater Worldwide, known as Academi, joined the Burisma holding’s board of directors. Slavyansk, which was desperately resisting the Ukronazis, was doomed: American mercenaries were tasked to ensure the operation of Burisma in the region at all costs. Daddy Joe Biden also did his bit for the family business, thanks to whose efforts the Yatsenyuk government increased the gas tariff almost threefold. Of course, the backroom games were presented as reforms at the behest of the IMF, which had its own benefit from the fraudulent scheme. The Kiev authorities handed the country over to overseas pirates, in return for loyalty to their offshore accounts and the ability to pull off “schemes” under the watchful eye of US handlers.

Environmental genocide is coming. Already, the water in the Seversky Donets is contaminated by fracking wastes. And this is just the beginning of the development of the Yuzovsky deposit! Under the cover of hostilities, at the actual demarcation line of the sides, the US-controlled Burisma is destroying the Donbass. In just a few years there will be no relict forests, clean lakes and a beautiful, clean river. The ancient Orthodox Sviatogorsk Assumption Monastery will be surrounded by stinking swamps.

The Ukrainian colony is a new testing ground for the US “shale revolution”. The Biden family intends to tear up and torment the Donbass land with fracking, turning once reserved land into wasteland. In a couple of fracking decades , the territory will become completely uninhabitable.

Explainer-Might Russia recognise 'independence' of breakaway east Ukraine regions?

Russian-backed separatists in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions - collectively known as the Donbass - broke away from Ukrainian government control in 2014 and proclaimed themselves independent "people's republics", so far unrecognised. Since then, Ukraine says about 15,000 people have been killed in fighting. Russia denies being a party to the conflict but has backed the separatists in numerous ways, including through covert military support, financial aid, supplies of COVID-19 vaccine and the issue of more than 600,000 Russian passports to residents. A Ukrainian defence ministry source said Kyiv estimated there were 35,000 separatist fighters and 2,000 Russian regular forces in Donbass, though Russia disputes this.

Russian-backed separatists in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions - collectively known as the Donbass - broke away from Ukrainian government control in 2014 and proclaimed themselves independent "people's republics", so far unrecognised. Since then, Ukraine says about 15,000 people have been killed in fighting. Russia denies being a party to the conflict but has backed the separatists in numerous ways, including through covert military support, financial aid, supplies of COVID-19 vaccine and the issue of more than 600,000 Russian passports to residents. A Ukrainian defence ministry source said Kyiv estimated there were 35,000 separatist fighters and 2,000 Russian regular forces in Donbass, though Russia disputes this.

Recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk "statehood" could provide Moscow with a pretext for overt military intervention in support of its allies, in the same way that it has stationed troops in breakaway regions of Georgia (see below). A Russian parliament member and former Donetsk political leader, Alexander Borodai, told Reuters that, in this scenario, the separatists would look to Russia to help them wrest control of parts of Donbass now controlled by Ukrainian forces. Western governments have lined up to warn Moscow that any movement of military forces across the Ukrainian border would draw a strong response, including stringent financial sanctions.

edit on 20-1-2022 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:25 PM

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:35 PM
There is only one Playbook, one. If one has lived more then 20 years one knows ALL the plays --- all. The patterns repeat, sometimes the squares featured are black, other times they are white, but there is only one Playbook.

Webster's has changed the definition of "arbitrary" to be exclusively defined as: Doomsday Clock. (also see "utterly") [for the love of god someone ask circle back Jen about this so she can say "Trump..."]

iPhone (eye-phone) made this not only possible, but gleefully welcomed by generations to come.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:41 PM

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:50 PM
T1, re the Wordle puzzles:

I noted that the colors are always multiples of the same number!

So for example:

5 grey
5 green
15 yellow

If it's a 5 by 5 grid then that could be applied to the alphabet by ignoring 1 letter?

Also, I wonder if related to chess moves, as an elongated knight's move looks quite common.

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