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Are People with Plastic Surgery Tattoos Damaged Goods?

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posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Belief in religion in the US has been steadily declining, so I doubt the skull tattoos have anything to do with them being devil worshipers. Churches have been changing to rules to attract those tithing worshipers, also. In my younger days, a women wouldn't be welcomed in a church if she was wearing a pants suit. Heck, my mother was asked never to darken the doors of our local church since she was a divorcee and had no intention of reconciling. (1957) Spouting religion out one side of their mouth, while judging others out the other side.
After years of shunning the tattooed, the LGBT's, the pierced- they're welcome now. All that's needed is a token for the collection plate.

I see people that look like they don't have a hairdresser, smell as if they don't bathe often or don't seem to realize their clothes stopped fitting them 20+ pounds ago, yet seem perfectly happy with their self image. They're not

People choose what they allow to bother them in this life. I often wonder why people obsess over what they perceive as others' shortcomings instead of focusing on themselves.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 08:44 PM
I'm still trying to figure out why it is anyone's business if a person chooses to have a tattoo?
The plastic surgery thing to me is so far out of the realm of anyone else needing to know why.

Having either does not make someone weaker or stronger then someone that chooses not to , it just makes them different.

Yes in the current world there are vain people that like to get the most of anything they can and you know what, that is their choice and they are responsible for the whatever ripple effect those choices create in their life.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Belief in religion in the US has been steadily declining, so I doubt the skull tattoos have anything to do with them being devil worshipers. Churches have been changing to rules to attract those tithing worshipers, also. In my younger days, a women wouldn't be welcomed in a church if she was wearing a pants suit. Heck, my mother was asked never to darken the doors of our local church since she was a divorcee and had no intention of reconciling. (1957) Spouting religion out one side of their mouth, while judging others out the other side.
After years of shunning the tattooed, the LGBT's, the pierced- they're welcome now. All that's needed is a token for the collection plate.

I see people that look like they don't have a hairdresser, smell as if they don't bathe often or don't seem to realize their clothes stopped fitting them 20+ pounds ago, yet seem perfectly happy with their self image. They're not

People choose what they allow to bother them in this life. I often wonder why people obsess over what they perceive as others' shortcomings instead of focusing on themselves.

yeah i just heard there is a problem in Saudi Arabia with people giving their camels botox and plastic surgery and stuff for camel beauty pageants.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 03:28 AM
stingos brings no relief...

a reply to: chr0naut

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 04:53 AM

originally posted by: opethPA
I'm still trying to figure out why it is anyone's business if a person chooses to have a tattoo?

Your tattoo are a statement. Some people may not like what they are saying, or may not understand their meaning.

For example if you had a regiment tattoo, and you were to walk into a store owned by a muslim, they might find the tattoo offensive. Because of that regiment's history in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Or your tattoo might have an association with gang culture, which might put others in fear of you.

This makes it other people's business.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I am not surprised to read something like that from you.

Who would have guessed you support discrimination because of skin color. Listen little dictator, what others wear or in what shape or form they bring ink under the skin, is none of your business.

Symbols are exchangeable throughout history. Hitler used the swastika for his purposes, for example. Not everyone wearing one is a NAZI.

You can judge in your head all day long, because thoughts are free but it's not your business and never will, how others have to look or treat their skin and body. I know it's one of the unhealthy power fantasies many of your type have. To assert control over others and force their mindset on them.

Mind rape with a smile.
edit on 10.12.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I am not surprised to read something like that from you.

Who would have guessed you support discrimination because of skin color. Listen little dictator, what others wear or in what shape or form they bring ink under the skin, is none of your business.

Symbols are exchangeable throughout history. Hitler used the swastika for his purposes, for example. Not everyone wearing one is a NAZI.

You can judge in your head all day long, because thoughts are free but it's not your business and never will, how others have to look or treat their skin and body. I know it's one of the unhealthy power fantasies many of your type have. To assert control over others and force their mindset on them.

Mind rape with a smile.

Typical Liberal. I try to explain a broad social view and you take this as being my personal prejudice and call me a naaaziii.

Well snowflake, you can't make a provocative statement and then get upset if people don't react the way that you want.

If you walk into a trump rally with a BLM tattoo on your forehead , don't come crying to me if they jostle you and call you names.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Typical Liberal.

lol what?

and call me a naaaziii.

Histrionic man, quote where I did this or eat crow. This is all you can muster up? Calling me a snowflake and some nonsensical stuff about BLM races and tattoos.

If you walk into a trump rally with a BLM tattoo on your forehead , don't come crying to me if they jostle you and call you names.

Like I thought. You're deriving your justification by what others do. "If they can do that I am now allowed to advocate it to". Just like rioters jumping the bandwagon when it's ongoing. "Because others do it, I have a right to it to now, it's okay because others do it"

But I am waiting on the part where I called you a NAZI, Mr. Histrionic.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 07:35 AM
If it not one's very own body it is nt one's very own business what another one not self does with it. Thinking of any life as "goods" is slavery or simply stock to be sold off.

There is a tradition that will not eat any fruit at all ever unless it is marked or damaged.

There is no tradition that says keep your body free from any such marks etc. tattoos used to be a mark of slavery... claiming one's body as their own by putting a mark on it? Wise.

Others not liking that mark or any adornment? To hell with them... there's an old slave song "look away" if it is everywhere you look? Maybe you're living or looking in the wrong place.

When people try to make laws codes etc that have absolutely no experience with whatever the topic is? Is an ignorant mass that needs to learn silence on such a topic. Or they betray them-selves as fools.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

"Are People with Plastic Surgery Tattoos Damaged Goods?"


And anyone who chooses to subscribe to such an infantile ideology is probably a little damaged inside themselves.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: JAGStorm

"Are People with Plastic Surgery Tattoos Damaged Goods?"


And anyone who chooses to subscribe to such an infantile ideology is probably a little damaged inside themselves.

Firstly, damaged good was just something I used as a catchy headline. The real question is does body disfigurement equal some form of mental disorder?
Secondly, it’s not so much an opinion but based on science.
Don’t believe me, look it up, do people that have non medically necessary plastic surgery have mental disorders?
Do people that have tattoos have mental disorders?

You might be surprised at what you find. I guess the other question is, do they have more of a mental disorder than anyone else in society?

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: opethPA
I'm still trying to figure out why it is anyone's business if a person chooses to have a tattoo?
The plastic surgery thing to me is so far out of the realm of anyone else needing to know why.

Having either does not make someone weaker or stronger then someone that chooses not to , it just makes them different.

Yes in the current world there are vain people that like to get the most of anything they can and you know what, that is their choice and they are responsible for the whatever ripple effect those choices create in their life.

On an individual level, no it is not our business. As a society these topics should be discussed especially with the current level of mental health issues we face. Do we talk about anorexia? Do we talk about body dysmorphia? Maybe some forms of plastic surgery and tattoos belong in that category, maybe they don’t. Looks like it’s really being studied now. That’s a good thing. I read one article that talked about prisoners and the amount of tattoo, are criminals more likely to have tattoos?
edit on 10-12-2021 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 08:35 AM
There’s two very different types of plastic surgery practices a lot of people don’t know about reconstructive plastic surgery like limb salvation, burn treatment, and cancer survivors often get referred to plastic surgeons. The surgeons who do these surgeries are typically doing charity work/teaching residents.

Cosmetic tattoos are often used when a woman has to have her breast removed and they tattoo on the nipple that is commonly part of the soft tissue loss.
That kind of plastic surgery can actually help ones mental health and healing.

When one chooses to have a truly elective surgery there are so many things that can wrong and sorry not sorry but if they have aesthetic plastic surgery and something goes wrong they should have to pay out of their own pocket for their treatments/antibiotics not having their health insurance cover it like they do since they knowingly put themselves in that situation.

There has to be a degree of mental illness there as it goes against our basic survival instincts, and if a person doesn’t want to date someone with a mental illness it is their prerogative.
It would be so awkward and stressful for a plastic surgeon to date someone obsessed with plastic surgery.
They’d constantly be trying to please them not knowing if that person is with them for that reason alone.
That would be like a pharmacist dating a drug addict.

I’ve dealt with a lot of plastic surgeons while trying to save my leg and have had many life saving surgeries due to a jacked spinal cord and fatty tumor on it. (Don’t pity me I am insanely lucky and my amputation gave me the ability to do things I couldn’t do in the past like run, ride a bike so on.) most people in my situation are paralyzed from the waist down so yeah very very lucky.
I don’t understand why anyone would happily put themselves at risk like that over an over again.
The pain, the drugs, the risk they’re putting their bodies through so much.
Plastic surgeons used to have guidelines where they’d only do plastic surgery if the person had a physical deformity and they would classify it by comparing it to data that shows what the “normal” persons physical traits/ratio/proportions are like if an upper lip is under a certain size it is seen as a deformity but now people are using plastic surgery like it’s a PC creation menu in GTA or hell Skyrim for these cat lookin folks. They’re now asking to be deformed.
Like the Bogdanoff brothers, and Micheal Jackson’s surgeons should be locked up.

No one can look at them and say “oh yeah perfect image of mental wellness and secure self image they must be so happy!” Said no one, ever.
At the end of the day it is their choice and “right” to get the procedures done just as it is everyone else’s right to choose if they want to deal with a person like that and if they want them in their lives or not.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: TrunksTree

A very thoughtful post!

Welcome to ATS

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 08:39 AM
At minimum they are going to have self esteem issues, and most likely a shallow personality. Now if it's like removing a giant mole from your lip etc I can understand. But otherwise just accept who you are.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

There is something called "Body Dysmorphic Disorder" which constitutes a mental illness.

Difference between having tattoos and they muppets that try and turn themselves into cats and the like. LoL

Then there are those that choose the likes of self harm which would also tick the mental health issue box.

I suppose we are all damaged goods to one degree or another as the life leaves scars, some that can be seen and others of a phycological nature.
edit on 10-12-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: TrunksTree

It would be so awkward and stressful for a plastic surgeon to date someone obsessed with plastic surgery. They’d constantly be trying to please them not knowing if that person is with them for that reason alone. That would be like a pharmacist dating a drug addict.

Same probably goes for their group of friends.
So true!! I have a friend that is a cannabis farmer - I don’t do it, we are great friends.
I have a friend that is licensed Botox administrator- I don’t do it, we are great friends.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I understand the dynamics, it's the same everywhere in any job. My landlords insisted on me servicing their BMW, the things you hardly can say no to and made 10000% sure that everything was perfect. In that time I could have serviced two cars with the same perfect results.

And yes I checked, the turn signals work

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
So true!! I have a friend that is a cannabis farmer - I don’t do it, we are great friends.

Sounds like you have Tegridy.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: JAGStorm

I understand the dynamics, it's the same everywhere in any job. My landlords insisted on me servicing their BMW, the things you hardly can say no to and made 10000% sure that everything was perfect. In that time I could have serviced two cars with the same perfect results.

And yes I checked, the turn signals work

I'm an avid gardener, and have won some awards too. I've had people want me to do their yards, and I have to politely tell them they can't afford me. Heck, I can barely afford me, it takes a toll on your body! lol

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