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Are People with Plastic Surgery Tattoos Damaged Goods?

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posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:29 PM
Bible quotes make my pentagram itchy like church.

a reply to: chr0naut

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:32 PM
A friend of mine, actually had "your name" tattoo'd on his hairy ass

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Some causes of mental illness arise from perceived body imperfections. I remember reading somewhere that those who get cosmetic surgery have more mental health problems than others and their mental health often further deteriorates after surgery.

As for tattoos, I think there are plenty of people who get them because of low self-esteem. Some may have a love of art, want to express a unique identity or show support for a cause. Others get them to commemorate an event or to remember a loved one who has passed away. Others get them to depict their military, police, or other service. There are also those who get them to signify their membership within a group or organization. Some people even get them to cover up a skin imperfection.

Personally, I wouldn't date a woman knowing they had cosmetic surgery for any reason other than as a result of physical illness or a disfiguring accident. Tatoos on the other hand would depend on how tastefully the tattoo is. Although, I'm not particularly attracted to women who have their bodies covered in tattoos, and typically those women would probably be unattractive to me sans tattoos.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Bible quotes make my pentagram itchy like church.

a reply to: chr0naut

Psychosomatic much?

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: igloo

I love your post, and I also love that you didn’t automatically get defensive and instead explained your own experience.
I like that you acknowledge that although your tattoos aren’t the highest caliber that isn’t what is important to you and how you’ve evolved. That is very interesting and I think points to your personal growth.

I had a lot of insecurities as a child too. I grew up in a time when it wasn’t cool to be an Asian or an Asian girl. We did not have BTS or Crazy rich Asians or any Asian role models. I stood out in the worst possible way. I also developed VERY late. In Middle school I was asked by a teacher if I had gotten lost and went to the wrong school, OUCH, I was in 8th grade! I hated my small non bridge Asian nose… I could not wait to graduate high school and the first thing I was going to do was get a new nose. Yes I wanted a thin straight….bigger nose!! Years went fast, I was 18, and had filled in quite a bit. I realized all these celebrities were getting MY nose! Yes, they all wanted a small slightly upturned nose and I never questioned my nose again. That was an important lesson for me. Time rewards or punishes all.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I’ve seen some tattoos that are breathtaking.

Then have a tee shirt made!

I have seen and read that both practices are often emotionally addictive, why would that be?

Even those who will have a needle stuck in their face with a poison in it because some off hate for natural smile lines
seem addicted same as those who want to puff up their lips to fit the new puckered lip (style). Followers are IMO not strong people.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:37 PM
My tattoo is the best, I got this in 4 inch letters across my back


Everyone loves it, I just can't figure out why they laugh when they see it, probably because it's so awesome

edit on 9-12-2021 by panoz77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I grew up in a time when it wasn’t cool to be an Asian or an Asian girl.

You should have learned Kung Fu like that funny guy who made movies, then you might have been cooler.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: chr0naut
Yeah I knew it would get over your head.

Worked as intended.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Today I would not repeat that, but back then it helped me. I discovered fast though, that it does not save me from looks because what I did not had in mind, that people would stare at the tattoo(s) then. But it's still I prettier look than crumbly, wrinkly hill like scars.

Clearly there are circumstances that are different, but even you said you would not do it again.

The People that matter love you, it has nothing to do with our hair or skin. We should be aware that looking for the kind that accept by outside are not ever going to really love anyone. A scar on a loved one is loved, when the person is gone it is remembered with nostalgia. Flaws are what make us truly lovable to those who truly love.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

You should have learned Kung Fu like that funny guy who made movies, then you might have been cooler.

I didn’t know Kung Fu, but I did know how to fight, and I got into a lot of fights.
My poor parents, my mom was the OG. I had to come home with my head in shame and tell her “I got in a fight again”. Without even looking at me, she would ask “Did you win”. I kid you not, one time I got in a fight and my sister didn’t help me and my mom spanked her! LOL

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

SOME definitely do have deeper meaning (I'd like to see someone pony up the stones and tell me there's no worth to my stillbirth memorial tat.

Beyond my understanding, your love and loss are inside and personally, why does it help to display it anymore than parading through life telling everyone you meet and crying all of the time? It holds back healing, true healing I have lost many people so I know what that means.
When I see these things they make ME feel bad, why is that a good thing?

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I kid you not, one time I got in a fight and my sister didn’t help me and my mom spanked her! LOL

Tiger Crane or Eagle Claw spanking? Should have snatched her eye out.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:55 PM
Nothing wrong with a few tasteful tattoos.

My wife has a fairly large back tattoo she got in college. She regrets it, but I still like it. Fortunately, she can hide it pretty easily, even when wearing a back less dress (it is kind of off to side and small of her back... cat woman silhouette).

IMHO, women who get a lot of plastic surgery have some serious self-esteem issues. I just don't get the butt implants, the oversized grapefruit breast implants, and the fish lips. I don't know any man that really finds this attractive on women they take seriously. It is ok for the strip club or just some tramp you are trying to bang... certainly not women who are wife material.

I don't get the face and neck tattoos. Just tell me you are loser without telling me....

A lot of the people have some serious deep mental issues.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
I've noticed that those who judge others simply on appearance seem to have a tendency to focus on others as a way of avoiding facing their own faults.
There are more important things going on in the world to be concerned with than how others adorn their body.
I have wondered what age and sagging skin will effect tattoos; that's why mine are strategically placed and easily hidden from shallow people who worry my about others' faults than their own.

I don't judge them, but I often first feel like someone needs a good wash, that is because often it looks like just dirt.

They may be judged however maybe by the reasons they do these things. Why do so many display dead humans (skulls) and demonic or sexual images I wonder.

People worshiped their false Gods in this way, I think they still do.

Deuteronomy 12:4“Do not worship the LORD your God in the way these pagan peoples worship their gods.

The Hebrew Bible forbade tattooing. Per Leviticus 19:28, “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves.”

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: ConcernedCanadian
a reply to: JAGStorm

There is a segment of the population who don't fart at the dinner table and who frown down at those who brand themselves like cattle. Tats aren't welcome in better homes and offices.

Then those kinds of judgemental places are not for me
when it comes to tattoo's, not sure why you identify farting at the dinner table with a tattoo..thats just weird.

I never once imagined those places would be to your liking but if you show up with the roadmap of hell tatted across the the back of your neck than you better know your way to the kitchen cuz you won't be permitted to serve looking like that lol

There is a very real bias against tats. I'm more recent years.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 03:19 PM
I’m covered with tattoos and have a fair few piercings, as far as i’m concerned only I am sane, everyone else is crazy. Do with that information what you will.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: JAGStorm

Tattoos are passe. They used to be about individuality or rebellion, or even tribalism. Now ... they're strictly meh.

I get a chuckle every time I see some doughy twentysomething nerd with full sleeve tats. There's a surprisingly large number of them around here.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy
It's because the people I loved the most all died. When I address this now it's only to show you my reasoning, not for pitty.

The scars are from an accident where my father, mother and brother died, I only survived because I was smashed through the half open rear window and woke up about two weeks after the fact. I was 14 back then. The only relatives left were my aunty and my uncle. They adopted me as fast as they could. There, their only daughter made my life hell from then on. She could not stand it that I was there and got attention too.

Let's spare all the drama coming from that but add the other things I wrote. Back then it really helped me. Not only did I get it covered, I told you about the torture it was for me, pain wise. That pain was almost like meditation. I know the tattoo was just a vehicle for me to cope with the fact that in a time where your own body changes constantly, mine was broken.

Imagine how it feels for a 14 year old girl to loose her family, her surrounding, friends and school. New school, same old "sister" torturing you mentally. Freak, Frankenstein, Scarface (although my face is fine) and many more words that hint on my scars, humble walk now only when the weather changes and how I should just die. And when I defended myself verbally, they laughed because I lisp.

Today I see it differently with my body. Scars or not, tattoo or not, I feel beautiful and I love my awkward body. Back then, as a teen in the midst of hormonal change and so on, it was horror. Was just too young to be able to cope with in a better way.

Also the scars reminded me constantly about what happened Getting them covered did help me focusing on other things. Today when I say something and I see a curious look because of my lisping, I just try to ignore it. I don't blame the other one for the reaction as it is, I tell myself that, an unconscious reaction.

Yes I agree, flaws are what make us loveable for those who truly love. Now, I have a date soon, first one in years. There's still this little insecurity but it isn't because of acceptance of the situation from my side. Love also grows, yes?

I would also not mind, for example I would understand it if someone does not like the touch, well even be disgusted. I could not blame the one as disgust is coming from internal, it's not something we decide. It would not hurt me but I would be sad (not self pitty) if it would be a factor. It's only the 1st date though and we like us, but he never saw me outside my work dungarees.

So I say nothing about it and if that moment ever comes it's discovered, I just roll with what happens. It's not like I could do otherwhise.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: chr0naut
Yeah I knew it would get over your head.

Worked as intended.

It didn't go over my head. Your intention, suggesting that I was being hypocritical, is ad-hominem, off topic, and didn't work as you might have intended.

edit on 9/12/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

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