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My Personal Experence with the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine / GET VACCINATED!

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posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

If an unvaccinated person told someone not to get ‘vaccinated’ I would come out against that as well. Those that are meant to take this will do so and vice versa. Those that understand what is going on know this and those that are behind the pushing of this know this. The OP was always going to take this and so were you. Just like the majority that have not yet will not. Those that don’t want this feel it in their soul to stay away. This isn’t a health situation.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

have you ever seen a person with polio? no? because of vaccines

illnesses that killed tons of kids less than 100 years ago making a resurgence, you can thank anti vaxxers for letting a deadly pathogen get a foot hold

illnesses that were a thing of the past are now killing KIDS because their ignorant parents think a shot is worst than the risk of SID's or Polio or Meisels or whooping cough....does that sound like progress to you?

maybe all you people who have ZERO knowledge other than what you read online let alone not being a doctor giving medical advice, like not getting vaccinated, are irresponsible at best and should be held responsible when their kid dies from something 100% preventable.

we don't want your unvaxxed kids in our kids school, I mean all the anti vaxers know so much so teach them at home and keep your long forgotten germs to yourself.

if your body is so strong than surely you can take a shot that will do nothing seeing as you have a natural immunity, right??

i took my last shot over 8 months ago and im still fine, never got sick, and certainly am not geneticly modified,
you realize for that to happen the vaccine would have to change ALL you chromosomes ? how on gods earth would that happen
edit on 26-9-2021 by penroc3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

have you ever seen a person with polio? no? because of vaccines

illnesses that killed tons of kids less than 100 years ago making a resurgence, you can thank anti vaxxers for letting a deadly pathogen get a foot hold

illnesses that were a thing of the past are now killing KIDS because their ignorant parents think a shot is worst than the risk of SID's or Polio or Meisels or whooping cough....does that sound like progress to you?

maybe all you people who have ZERO knowledge other than what you read online let alone not being a doctor giving medical advice, like not getting vaccinated, are irresponsible at best and should be held responsible when their kid dies from something 100% preventable.

we don't want your unvaxxed kids in our kids school, I mean all the anti vaxers know so much so teach them at home and keep your long forgotten germs to yourself.

if your body is so strong than surely you can take a shot that will do nothing seeing as you have a natural immunity, right??

i took my last shot over 8 months ago and im still fine, never got sick, and certainly am not geneticly modified,
you realize for that to happen the vaccine would have to change ALL you chromosomes ? how on gods earth would that happen

What does Polio have to do with today? You should be asking: “Have you seen any vaccinated people end up dead or in the hospital or sick with Covid?” The answer is Yes. Also, “Do vaccinated people spread the disease?” The answer is Yes that is why you still are recommended to wear masks.

You’re making it seem like if everyone just gets vaccinated Covid won’t be a problem anymore even though this is purely nonsense. You guys are holding to this narrative that you want to be true. That you guys are these warriors for normality and for society when you’re just gullible cowards.

(post by Wide-Eyes removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: Waterglass

Dude I have the antibodies so does 90% of American without the vaccine.. I will not get that shot and pay a yearly subscription for the rest of my life to pfizer and moderna to keep living.

Anyone pushing this needs to have their head examined.. beating people, torturing people for a vaccine documentation is not for their health it is 100% about control.

For over a year healthcare workers worked the front line and didn't die. I will take my chances. You want proof go talk to people at a morgue death rates were average until vaccine rollouts.
100% spot on!

The OP sounds like a paid government shill tbh.

edit on 26-9-2021 by ancientlight because: (no reason given)

(post by Wide-Eyes removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 06:55 PM
These constant violations are becoming tedious.

We get preached to and then get censored for disagreeing with the blatant stupidity.

Please don't destroy our community with idiocracy.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: Waterglass
Best chance for survival?? That's cute, considering the survival rate is already over 99% as it is.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: penroc3

LOL....when's the last time anyone got a polio vaccine? often do you have to get a Covid vaccine?

Bourla says at least once a year.

I dont really care what you want as far as my kids go.....keep yours at home if you don't like it. If they're vaxxed it shouldn't matter....that or it doesn't work.

Folks like you are how the Nazis got rid of the Jews.

The only reason for any resurgence of anything in the US is immigrants.....maybe fix that part and you won't have any issues.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: BlackArrow

Dude I have the antibodies so does 90% of American without the vaccine.

No you don't, unless you already had Covid-19. Sorry but you cant bullsheep me.

But as a PS, fine live your fantasy.

The elusive covid 19 isa corona virus. Unless you're never had the flu ora cold, your body has their ticket ready.
As for your brother with all his titles, he must also be a seer or a medium, the best one ever if he can predict what this injection that doesn't seem to be a vaksine at all will do in the future.
Because nobody can know. If your brother does, he should call the cdc and offer his gift for humanity.

That said, more and morevad stuffcomes to light and autumn hasn't even really started.
A doctor in Wales has found an abnormal increase of cancers in unlikely patients of his. All vxxed.

The explanation is something I've suspected since the start of the vkxines. And its simple. Your immune system was so amazing before the jab, it was not only fighting off covid but all kinds of pathogens. Hundreds a day, including cancers.

Now that most of your soldiers (t-cells) are reprogrammed to only look out for one enemy, they are of course not interested in other pathogens much any longer.

So open borders for every old invader.
Add to that the bad outcome of the animal tests, whi all died after weeks being ok, but couldn't cope with a natural version of the viruses.
Add to that the fact that this novel medication does not stay in the injection site but hasbeen found in the cells of every organ, including the brain, where it sets up factory and produces even more specialised t-cells for an as of yet unknown time span, you are now a certified labrat.

Man, we can all take our tinfoil hats off, but you cannot get that potentially deadly crap out of your body. Sigh.

Each to their own I guess.

I like it! It makes SOOOOO MUCH SENSE. The vaccines don't actually cause the cancers and SOME of the other illness, they just prevent the body from fighting and resisting some of the bad stuff - for the most part. But I do believe the vaccine also directly causes some bad things to happen to some people.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

every one is the US is treated for it when they are a baby, look at you childhood vaccine records.

it also depends on how old you are.

do you think not taking vaccines is a step foward ? is dying of a preventable illness a step foward?

no one at this point and time is putting a gun to your head to get it.

and i am will to bet that most US member were vaccinated as children, so thats okay, but this one isnt?

who are any of us to make that call?

walking around unvaxed is not only dangerous to you but others,


someone who got covid because they didnt get vaxed walk by a immunocompromised child who cant get ANY vaccines and that kid dies of covid, who is at falt? you are the kid? and why is it okay to put others in danger over nothing.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
a reply to: penroc3

LOL....when's the last time anyone got a polio vaccine? often do you have to get a Covid vaccine?

Bourla says at least once a year.

I dont really care what you want as far as my kids go.....keep yours at home if you don't like it. If they're vaxxed it shouldn't matter....that or it doesn't work.

Folks like you are how the Nazis got rid of the Jews.

The only reason for any resurgence of anything in the US is immigrants.....maybe fix that part and you won't have any issues.

well seeing as I'm Jewish and 2 my grandparents were in concentration camps and my grandma still has a tattoo on her arm.

so no, people like me didn't do anything like the Nazi's

every medication has side effects in a large enough population. of course some people are going to have serious side effects but that is like anything in life. You wouldn't stop driving or flying in an aircraft because of the POSSABLE danger of dying right?

do you know how many people die because of aspirin or caffeine?


how many people die in car accidents? still going to get in that car or bus tomorrow.

come dude you should know better than this.

you have more of a chance dying like that than of any vaccine related side effects

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: Vasa Croe,


someone who got covid because they didnt get vaxed walk by a immunocompromised child who cant get ANY vaccines and that kid dies of covid, who is at falt? you are the kid? and why is it okay to put others in danger over nothing.

Who is at fault? The people who designed this virus and released it either by accident or purposefully.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

but that already happened and we cant go back in time so the only thing we can do now is to protect all the people we can.

what motive would the pharma companies have in killings their market? they depend on people living along time.

A child who has no choice to not get the shot gets sick from someone who CHOOSES not to get the shot and the kid gets sick from YOU, that blood is on not only your hands but the people you get this frankly BS so called info from

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: Middleoftheroad

Sounds like the vaccine experience is far worse than the actual virus

Tell that to the dead and hospitalized.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

but that already happened and we cant go back in time so the only thing we can do now is to protect all the people we can.

what motive would the pharma companies have in killings their market? they depend on people living along time.

A child who has no choice to not get the shot gets sick from someone who CHOOSES not to get the shot and the kid gets sick from YOU, that blood is on not only your hands but the people you get this frankly BS so called info from

You are on here purely to prop up your own belief system about what is going on. Anytime you post that encourages a normalized and ‘sane’ version of what is going on, it is to make you feel intelligent and right. There is no convincing someone that is willfully trying to fool themselves. You are now making it seem like people unvaccinated people are a danger to children because they can contract and spread the virus. News Flash: you can too. I know that is inconvenient so you continue to ignore it. Don’t worry, you have a lot of company.

You know that something feels off deep down. But you’re also the one that willfully trusted psychopaths. You will support more draconian measures against unvaccinated people along with others who are still trying to push their disproven narrative. Except this time, you have a ticking time bomb inside you. That’s the difference this time. The potential oppressors aren’t going to be able to oppress this time around.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: SirHardHarry
a reply to: Middleoftheroad

Sounds like the vaccine experience is far worse than the actual virus

Tell that to the dead and hospitalized.

Yeah, it's a pretty nasty virus, made by the government in a lab. Covid is the only respiratory virus that infects both the upper respiratory tract and the lower respiratory tract. No other respiratory virus can do this.
edit on 26-9-2021 by ihavethepower because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: Vasa Croe

every one is the US is treated for it when they are a baby, look at you childhood vaccine records.

it also depends on how old you are.

do you think not taking vaccines is a step foward ? is dying of a preventable illness a step foward?

no one at this point and time is putting a gun to your head to get it.

and i am will to bet that most US member were vaccinated as children, so thats okay, but this one isnt?

who are any of us to make that call?

walking around unvaxed is not only dangerous to you but others,


someone who got covid because they didnt get vaxed walk by a immunocompromised child who cant get ANY vaccines and that kid dies of covid, who is at falt? you are the kid? and why is it okay to put others in danger over nothing.

Yep...single vaccine at childhood. I get flu shots every year...same with my kids.

Your example is stupid because the vaxxed pass covid as well.

Walking around unvaxxed is just as safe for others as vaxxed. I had real symptoms and didn't die. My oldest kid had covid....lost taste and smell for a bit....didn't die.

I'm not going to live my life scared of stupid stuff. If you are, then stay at home.

I can guarantee you nobody will be putting a gun to my head and make me take it.

Go Nazis!

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: penroc3

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
a reply to: penroc3

LOL....when's the last time anyone got a polio vaccine? often do you have to get a Covid vaccine?

Bourla says at least once a year.

I dont really care what you want as far as my kids go.....keep yours at home if you don't like it. If they're vaxxed it shouldn't matter....that or it doesn't work.

Folks like you are how the Nazis got rid of the Jews.

The only reason for any resurgence of anything in the US is immigrants.....maybe fix that part and you won't have any issues.

well seeing as I'm Jewish and 2 my grandparents were in concentration camps and my grandma still has a tattoo on her arm.

so no, people like me didn't do anything like the Nazi's

every medication has side effects in a large enough population. of course some people are going to have serious side effects but that is like anything in life. You wouldn't stop driving or flying in an aircraft because of the POSSABLE danger of dying right?

do you know how many people die because of aspirin or caffeine?


how many people die in car accidents? still going to get in that car or bus tomorrow.

come dude you should know better than this.

you have more of a chance dying like that than of any vaccine related side effects

Yes....I know a LOT more people have died of everything you mentioned than have died from Covid.

Neat history lesson.

And yes....people like you are exactly the reason the Jewish people were not safe from the Nazis.

You shun unvaxxed and are talking about putting guns to people's heads and killing children. You may as well have written the propaganda of the time.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

but that already happened and we cant go back in time so the only thing we can do now is to protect all the people we can.

what motive would the pharma companies have in killings their market? they depend on people living along time.

A child who has no choice to not get the shot gets sick from someone who CHOOSES not to get the shot and the kid gets sick from YOU, that blood is on not only your hands but the people you get this frankly BS so called info from

What is this nonsense about kids? Kids don't get sick when they get covid. Yeah they get sick from RSV, rhinovirus, influenza, hell, even adenovirus. Covid does not make kids sick. This is proven in scientific studies.
edit on 26-9-2021 by ihavethepower because: (no reason given)

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