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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Sep, 28 2021 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Hey Rel,
Just something I want to toss out here in reference to your dig post was this one part of the dig that struck me.

m) 9/11 ET ALL]] ][QQ>>>>112263 Should be Et AL => means E.T. ALLIANCE? QQ>>>>112263 is referring to an 8chan post? It's not a Q post so must be an anon post.

Could 112263 actually be a date? If so, it was a pretty big day:

Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas.

posted on Sep, 28 2021 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I've seen others do this to bypass twitter censors.


Based on some of the patterns and the acceleration of the 'Committee of Dems' I can envision elections going away.

Q4476: (partial)
Global economic depression?
Huge rise in unemployment?
“Germans began to lose faith in democracy and looked to extreme parties on the both the Left (the communists) and the Right (the Nazis) for quick and simple solutions.”
“When people are unemployed, hungry and desperate, as millions were in Germany between 1930 and 1933, they often turn to extreme political parties offering simple solutions to their problems. Between 1930 and 1933 support for the extreme right-wing Nazis and the extreme left-wing communists soared.”

And thus in 1933 the 'Enabling Act' was passed giving Hitler full dictorial powers including overriding the Weimar Constitution.

At the time when Hitler joined the party, there were no membership numbers or cards. It was in January 1920 when a numeration was issued for the first time and listed in alphabetical order Hitler received the number 555. In reality, he had been the 55th member, but the counting started at the number 501 in order to make the party appear larger.
German Workers' Party

Like in the past as is now, a small group of people wielding a authoritarian hammer to obtain absolute power & control. The illusion of democracy and Oligarchs love democracy.

In the early 20th century Robert Michels developed the theory that democracies, like all large organizations, have a tendency to turn into oligarchies. In his "Iron law of oligarchy" he suggests that the necessary division of labor in large organizations leads to the establishment of a ruling class mostly concerned with protecting their own power.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 12:13 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: onehuman

Nice spot Yig!
Indeed an important date... and fits in with the line about Oliver Stone because of his JFK movie?

I'm reaching the point where there's so much info coming in that I can't see the woods for the trees.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 12:58 AM

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 01:58 AM
As we drift to the now time measure , away from times of taxes = calends ( the system will fail-fall imo ) the calender used prior to julian was a 360 day calender with five days of fear or hiding or some such, first thing invaders do is change time n calender after the wise ones n books are done with, iirc the vaticant knew their time was out of order as such and used the slaved mayans stone calenders to remeasure for their new gregorian calendar, got the head world maths guy, German i think and he headed a big group to bring things back to blah blah normal. now going back to go forward as such, the five days mirrored would give 10 days = last five days and first five days new year, but further back the measure was always points, seasons, equ and sols, 13 moons etc cte , doot day was recalibrated as a festival day-s = extra time over years, leap year-day.

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Interesting find on the timing of the change from the Julian to Gregorian calendar from, highlighted by Whiplash347

The Julian calendar—the prevalent calendar in the Christian world for the first millennium CE and part of the second millennium—was an improvement over the Roman republican calendar that it replaced, but it was 11 minutes and 14 seconds longer than the tropical year (the time it takes the Sun to return to the same position, as seen from Earth). The result was that the calendar drifted about one day for every 314 years.


In its session of 1562–63, the Council of Trent passed a decree calling for the pope to fix the problem by implementing a reformed calendar. But it took another two decades to find a suitable fix and put it into place. After years of consultation and research, Pope Gregory XIII signed a papal bull in February 1582 promulgating the reformed calendar that came to be known as the Gregorian calendar. ...

The most surreal part of implementing the new calendar came in October 1582, when 10 days were dropped from the calendar to bring the vernal equinox from March 11 back to March 21. The church had chosen October to avoid skipping any major Christian festivals. So, in countries that adopted the new calendar, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4, 1582, was directly followed by October 15. France made the transition separately in December.

1) 314 years matches the 3:14 time on the watch in #2647


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No.60382 📁
Dec 9 2017 13:45:57 (EST)
Be the autists we know you are.
It's about the BREAK.

Godspeed, Patriots.

If we were to go back to the Julian calendar on October 4th, next Monday, then we would remain on Oct 4th for TEN DAYS (BREAK?) when the Gregorian calendar 15th would become the Julian 5th?

2) Council of Trent 1563... does #1563 reference it? Yes!

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 99d774 No.1816809 📁
Jun 19 2018 14:48:56 (EST)
Text A
Text B
Text C

Text B missing and takes (4) attempts to recover due to 'glitch'.
Text B supplied in IG report.
How can you obtain Text A & C but somehow the most incriminating (Text B) is lost due to a glitch (recovered later only after classified intel methods applied).
This is the level of corruption we are dealing with.
The American people are NOT STUPID.

Take the 5 lines starting text and add the gematria:
A+B+C+B+B = 1+2+3+3+2 = 10 = days change in calendar!

The timestamp also includes 11 (5+6) and 14.

3) The Julian calendar was 11 mins 14 seconds too long to match the tropical year - which is driven by earth's orbit around the sun... Let's see if #1114 relates to this?

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 0cd760 No.974537 📁
Apr 9 2018 19:33:59 (EST)

Anonymous ID: fda204 No.974444 📁
Apr 9 2018 19:26:49 (EST)

The connection is simply chlorine…not false flag.

Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference.
>[future proves past]
Some drops are just simply communication to the anons.

What needs to be understood to appreciate whats going here is the fact the Q is basically creating a circular flow diagram that can be referenced and cross-checked with news releases. Q can’t just disclose specifics about a situation or operation without violating security protocol. Instead they drop questions and statements that lead to answers that can be understood once the subject becomes public. This provides the validation necessary for the public to believe The Great Awakening is legit. Disinformation and misdirection with Q is real. In other words Q is pointing over there but really the focus is here and only until you publicly get the news can you go back and understand. (Think SA drops) All of this is accomplished without giving up specific details about the operation. It’s quite genius.


posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

I know. Die hard NASA fans won't take this well. The world is a massive movie set, crazy stuff...

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

That's some "Paradigm City" level of talking there Schwarzwald. Next you're going to say that 40 years ago, the world as we know it, was reset and nobody was allowed to remember.

I will say this, about the movie set issues; it has become clear that even though we are not living in a real movie set, it does appear that a sub-set of humanity is doing all of their public moves on a poorly produced television studio set. Some real cable access studio crap going on. I'm just wait around for a 1970's Dr Who, or should I say DR W.H.O. alien of the week, invasion to get reported on.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 03:20 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Oh... I thought Q invented that phrase. Thanks for the education!

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Why have a meeting with that many evil people gathered in a single place, now that we're in the age of flawless cruise-missile targeting? (No more need for helicopter gunship attacks, as seen in one of the Godfather movies.)

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 05:09 AM
That date and those numbers are the same, obviously. I am starting to know that that was the day Valkyrie America had to began forming to gain back our country from Tyrants. The gauntlet was Dealey Plaza, Dallas TX November 22, 1963.

originally posted by: onehuman
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Hey Rel,
Just something I want to toss out here in reference to your dig post was this one part of the dig that struck me.

m) 9/11 ET ALL]] ][QQ>>>>112263 Should be Et AL => means E.T. ALLIANCE? QQ>>>>112263 is referring to an 8chan post? It's not a Q post so must be an anon post.

Could 112263 actually be a date? If so, it was a pretty big day:

Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I want to redefine the words Left wing and Right wing to their true meaning in American terms to be specific.
Because, I have to pause when I hear Right wing associated with Big governments and the NAZI's. Right wing would be no government intervention at all. Even to the point of Anarchy.
New way to explain this to our friends and neighbors:
Left wing are control freaks. Therefore, Nazi's are leftists, they want total control

Right wing are anti control freaks. Therefore, freedom lovers who have limited reasons for any laws are right wing. They want to be left the hell alone.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

I know. Die hard NASA fans won't take this well. The world is a massive movie set, crazy stuff...

I haven't seen a reason to believe yet in that particular theory, and you know I'm an open minded person if you read my replies. The one connection I will see to this whole thing is the use of the word Firmament. That was described to me by biblical scholars as a time when the Earth was so warm the rain had not fallen yet. When the atmosphere reached cooling to the magic point the water cycle changed. Sherlock Holmes would have to admit if NASA is right then we are not a Flat Earth, but we can no longer trust a damn thing we have been shown by our media. Not sure we could trust much of it ever.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

None of anything is "real" only in perception.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 05:54 AM
Filled with Gematria decodes.
"Hypnosis Drives the Events and this Illusory 3D Plane!"

“Watch The Water” … “Watch The Water” … “Watch The Water”

“Watch The Water” … the writer of this blog created the following chart in 2013 … 8 years ago (as seen on page 72). The chart shows the Red Sea and the Suez Canal rotated 180 degrees. The Suez Canal rotated chart is then overlaid on the 11 Western States. The Red Sea is situated over the Pacific Ocean and continues from the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State where Mount Olympus, “the home of Zues”, is located. The Red Sea then changes direction slightly, and the SUEZ CANAL then enters Northern California and continues right over the Central Valley in Southern California.

Today is December 27, 2020.

The structure was spotted towering over the city by residents walking at Corona Heights Park early on Friday. Unlike its metal cousins, which have popped up in various parts of the world this year, this latest monolith in SF appears to have been made out of large gingerbread slabs.
… and whereabouts in San Francisco?
CORONA HEIGHTS PARK … really makes one wonder sometimes!
We have a fraudulent USA election, along with a fraudulent CORONA VIRUS, … and now a Gingerbread Monolith appears in CORONA HEIGHTS PARK at the very spot where the Golden Gate opens up to allow the Flood of Noah (NOAA) access to Solomon’s Temple … the temple which is symbolically located all across the 11 Western States. (See page 115)

What was discovered is now available on these pages. Nothing is for sale. Everything is free. There is no group to join. Sanity, awareness, and most importantly answers are available if you take the time to read.

The governments of the world and the royal elite are not here to take care of you. They are here to kill you. They are not unwittingly trying to kill you. They are deliberately trying to kill you. They are deliberately trying to kill you, but for a reason that eludes even them. Within in the trance state, what seems good and right, and what is justified as sound reasoning and socially acceptable, is absolute insanity when held up to the standard of awareness and wisdom. This site shows how this deliberate, elusive, and unwitting state of confusion drives the elite of the world to serve a master they know little of.

It's all in your head

It's all Subliminal

Parents threaten Judges with lawsuits

edit on 29-9-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: Justoneman

None of anything is "real" only in perception.

So There is NO Spoon

What a Way to start a morning !

Talking about perception - and Actors
regarding ODIN and THOR - another option

IARPA - Be The Future - Office of the Director of National Intelligence

....The goal of the Odin program is to develop biometric presentation attack detection technologies to ensure biometric security systems can detect when someone is attempting to disguise their biometric identity....

In order to test Odin’s ability to detect presentation attack approaches, a red team approach may be used to evaluate the performance of Odin technology. This will be facilitated by two components of Odin. Thor will develop presentation attack detection technology, and Loki will exercise Thor technology. As security vulnerabilities in government systems may be classified, Loki will be issued as a classified broad agency announcement.

edit on 9292021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Haha indeed there's not.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: onehuman

Nice spot Yig!
Indeed an important date... and fits in with the line about Oliver Stone because of his JFK movie?

9/11 ET ALL]] ][QQ>>>>112263

The abbreviation et al. is short for the Latin phrase et alia, meaning "and others." et al.

911 is something EVERYONE would love to have finally settled once and for all. WE know TREASON SEDITION happened. Many of us believe our own government was behind it which gives us Tyranny, hence TYRANNICAL and we were Lock down in a mental sense, (fear created to cause a reaction) reactions being changes made with more spying on us, longer lines at airports, etc. Hence TYRANNICAL "LOCKDOWNS because they weren't really needed. They were only used to advance a government agenda that otherwise we as a people wouldn't have put up with without the occurrence of something as horrific as 911 was.

QQ has pointed to Kennedy how often? Another occurrence many would love solved and again we know our government was behind it.
I'm going to assume now that the ET ALL (911 and "others") probably does mean others like Boston Bombing, Oklahoma bombing, maybe The Columbine High School massacre, Sandy Hook, and "others" that got the full countries attention. Even Princess Diana. Not only did all of these get the peoples attention, they also caused change in our daily lives as we knew it. Changes in laws pretty much every time. Each time giving up a wee bit more of our Freedoms. All in the name of making us "Safer."

All have another common them. Every dig we did into them we always seemed to find a government finger in the pie at some point. They were always blown off by others as just crazy ranting by those silly conspriacy people. Yet more and more we are seeing that is true everyday. Or I should say others are beginning to see it.

One other thing to consider is how many of these government people were in office when all of these occurred and are STILL in office, leaders of these office now and making changes?

There is our TREASON SEDITION TYRANNICAL (tyranny) and now look where we are, over the top "LOCKDOWNS"

Have you noticed that nowadays when something is going to happen one of our first go to thoughts is to expect a False Flag to go with it? That's pretty sad we are so numb to the actual horror of them, yet expect them anyway.

One quick question as I cant seem to recall, do the number of these ">>>>" used in a drop make a difference?
edit on 9/29/21 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 07:04 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: PillarOfFire

That's some "Paradigm City" level of talking there Schwarzwald. Next you're going to say that 40 years ago, the world as we know it, was reset and nobody was allowed to remember.

I will say this, about the movie set issues; it has become clear that even though we are not living in a real movie set, it does appear that a sub-set of humanity is doing all of their public moves on a poorly produced television studio set. Some real cable access studio crap going on. I'm just wait around for a 1970's Dr Who, or should I say DR W.H.O. alien of the week, invasion to get reported on.

Baby steps required for those who need it. Waking up is like going from Glory to Glory. Once the crutch is no longer needed, it is discarded.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 08:19 AM
If anyone here has access to today's McAfee Telegram dump and would care to share their findings with the group it would be much appreciated. T.

And, fake White House again:

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